New Theme: Bueno

Bueno is a stylish and fun theme featuring a custom header, custom background, and multiple fresh color schemes.

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Bueno’s rainbow of alternate color schemes, default dotted background pattern, and fun chunky typefaces make this a great theme for any type of blog. The optional custom header and custom background features will help you customize this design and really make it your own.

And Bueno has lots of other nice little touches—things like featured images, custom widgets, custom page templates, and drop-down menus.

Bueno is available today from your dashboard in Appearance→Themes and, for self-hosted users, from WooThemes.

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  1. dhimasln

    Very nice theme. 🙂


  2. sammydaviesjr

    Nothing special for the UK elections today … oh no wait, it has multiple colour schemes. Change your colour scheme to match your party!


  3. dizivesarki

    Ooooh, very good.


  4. Dave Bonta

    Very cool. I was just admiring this theme the other day, and thinking that, design-wise, it’s one of Woo Themes’ best offerings, even though it’s free.


  5. Pingback: New Theme: Bueno @ Nebraska Libraries on the Web
  6. planejaner

    Hey—that’s a good-looking theme. Again … I will try it out, and say “thanks! looks wonderful”—so much fun to have all these new themes rolling out … keep up the good work!


  7. Shaikul Akbar N

    Not good. Why are the WordPress themes so similar to one another? People can’t think different?


    • Ian Stewart

      Sorry this theme didn’t make the cut for you, Shaikul, but we’re continuing to launch more and more themes and I hope we can find the perfect theme for you. If you have any ideas for more unique themes you’d like to see on we’d love to hear from you in our ideas forum.


  8. Lee

    I might like this one…


  9. slowvelder

    I really like this one!


  10. dhenztm

    I love it! 😀


  11. Robin Reagler

    I love these! Thanks!


  12. StarSpry

    Very cool!


  13. galvanizingtruth

    Nice. I like it.


  14. Joseph

    Can you upload your own background image and choose a solid background color without the dot pattern?


  15. Lois Kackley

    This is one that makes me think about changing the theme on my blog! Love it!


  16. memsaab

    You guys are really rocking 🙂 Wah!


  17. phatpast

    Nice theme, I like it.


  18. onwardawkward

    I love this one 🙂 Might have to try it out!


  19. allthingsace

    This is awesome! If I didn’t just change my theme to another awesome one this would be the one!


  20. onwardawkward

    Nevermind – the pictures are a bit small … any theme that’s great for large photos? I’m using neutra right now and I love the line spacing and focus on photos, just not too fond of the color scheme and lack of header … tips?

    Oh, and thanks for keeping them coming!


  21. designandfurniture

    Awesome, will try it on my blog


  22. mythyun chulie

    I like it. Thanks for sharing. ^^


  23. Bee


    Thank you. This is a beauty 🙂

    You guys are doing awesome with all these new themes.


  24. technogran

    How do you get the Custom Page Templates? This theme would be great if I could just make the writing area wider and alter the font used in the header. Sigh.


    • Ian Stewart

      The Custom Page Templates are available from the Attributes module when creating or editing a Page. And if you’re comfortable editing CSS, you can alter the header fonts using our Custom CSS upgrade. I hope that helps, Technogram.


  25. Kaitlin

    I love this one too. I love so many of the themes that it just makes me want to create more blogs!


  26. Vasu

    I really like this theme, and have applied this to my blog already! I am having fun playing around with the settings … thanks for this lovely theme.


  27. greenbaggins

    Ian, would it be possible for you guys to make numbered comments available on all themes? I understand the supposed conflict with threaded comments, but you can make it an either/or. I am severely limited theme-wise by the fact that I cannot use 99% of the themes, since I MUST have numbered comments, but I don’t use threaded comments. Thanks for all your hard work.


  28. JawGeX

    Wow, amazing!


  29. nancysmoments

    This is … muy bueno!!! Love it. Thanks so much once again for letting us go “shopping” amongst all the new themes. This one is very cool!


  30. rav

    Not bad! 🙂


  31. timethief

    Hats off to you and your Theme Team, for are providing these beautiful new themes to us bloggers. You are expanding choices and that means greater satisfaction as more and more of us can locate a theme that best frames our content, and then customize it to suit. The features unique to each one demonstrate the creativity and diversity of the designers in the open source community, and we finally see the possibility of a level playing field between bloggers and bloggers when it comes to theme selection.

    Thanks so much for meeting and exceeding our expectations. And, thumbs up for including the Featured Image section in the support documentation.


  32. Dan North

    It’s a beauty! Each time a new theme comes out, I waiver in my fidelity to my current theme of choice. I’m a sucker for custom headers, though, so this one might not be perfect for me…


    • Ian Stewart

      Ah! But Bueno does use the custom header option! The default setting is to have no header image, though. You can change that by uploading a new image on the Header page under the Appearance menu.


  33. TheresaZphotography

    This theme is so cute, I love it! I just applied it to the blog I have up. I love all of the options.

    Thank you, Theme Team!


  34. insighttoanindividual

    Love it. I’ve already changed!


  35. cOokie

    Wooow … so cool.


  36. M Shodiq Mustika

    WooThemes is my favorite. Thank you. I hope there will be more WooThemes in


  37. yoriyuliandra

    Amazing. This one looks special. 🙂


  38. Breland Kent

    Really nice!


  39. red ribbon typewriter

    This looks pretty darn cool. Thanks!


  40. jaycruz

    Stop adding so many cool themes. I’m always changing them. 🙂


  41. MirlZ

    This is really, really, really, very nice … with so many different color schemes too!

    Thanks a lot!! Thumbs up!!!


  42. Amit Singh

    Nice theme. But the content column is too narrow for me.


  43. BibbyEllen

    It’s perfect!


  44. nexi

    This is a stunning range of intelligent themes. Credits to all involved. Just off to try the new kid on the block.


  45. vickyvicks0

    This one is nice but I’m more into white and gray. Very simple, no background, and minimal (since I post A LOT of pictures) but with the right composition for a blog.


  46. max macapagal

    Nice! a lot of new ones lately. Keep up the good work! Thanks.


  47. seaportsoapopera

    COOL! I love this one!!! Now I have too many themes I would like to try out.


  48. giagina

    I like it. But I’m lazy. I need to find the perfect day for change.
    😉 Is there the Bippity Boppity Boo change option?


  49. Rick Daddario

    Aloha Theme Teamers. I have to say I keep looking as your new themes unroll. There are some great features in each. I’m still on Twenty Ten although tempted to try others and will keep looking as you roll them out. As a newbie to WP I continue to be impressed with your effort, spirit, attitude, and philosophy. Heck, I haven’t even had time to tweak Twenty Ten in ways I’d like to try. Bwahahaha—fine tweaking on! Thank you, Aloha.


  50. Ryan Rantz

    This is a really good new template. It has a lot of the characteristics I’ve been looking for.


  51. datchickneeks

    Another great theme.

    I love the style of it and the fact that it allows custom headers.


  52. starlaschat

    Muy Bueno new theme! I like that it has several featured posts on the side. I also like the lighter back ground. I know black is popular but find it hard to read without my glasses. Fearless fly. I’m helpless without my glasses,


  53. giagina

    Good! I will click on the magic wand … oops … on the previewer!


  54. Tito Salgado

    Awesome Theme! hope you guys can make some dark themes.


  55. Dr Janardhana V Hebbar MD(Ayu)

    Guys.. there are few bloggers like me who use words more than images. Please consider.


  56. Serg

    Never seen a decent theme since I’ve been registered here. Will you guys ever make something worthy of attention?


  57. devilevilgod

    It seems interesting.


  58. kendylau

    Handsome looking! I’m giving it a try to see it it works for me or not!:) Booyaaaa


  59. Maria

    NICE!!! Couldn’t be any better! Just the theme I’ve wanted on WordPress for sooo long. Thanks! 🙂


  60. Jeremy

    Responding to Shaikul Akbar N:

    It doesn’t matter how nifty the blog theme is, if you’ve got no content. 🙂

    I’ve found that you can do a lot just with a few HTML widgets. Also, people should check out their theme options under Appearance in the control panel. Finally, if you’re willing to pay for your blog, tweaking the CSS can really help your blog’s appearance.


  61. Anne Lessing

    Congrats on yet another theme. This one is adorable! I may consider using it.

    Yay for the theme team! 🙂


  62. L'enfant Terrible

    I absolutely LOVE IT!!! And it’s all mine now!! 🙂


  63. victoriachames

    What I really need is a simple, plain, modest, GALLERY for fine art prints. IS THERE a theme that has that, and is customizable so I can leave out most of the “really cool” gobbledegook?


  64. dbbradle

    Oh wow. Installing right away.


  65. thetwilightsagaweb

    I think its a nice theme, Congrats!


  66. ny112209

    Woah. I love this theme. Changing NOW.


  67. jayantraj7

    This theme is AWESOME. Keep up the good work of givin’ new themes … but also give some new widgets … it will help more than a theme.


  68. Neeraj Bhushan

    The efforts at WordPress to give more and more options are well appreciated. You guys are giving so so many options and all for free. The present theme is also good, more so for a blog having multiple contributors. The only irritant is the background.


  69. myasue

    Perfect! I’ll use it this whole summer!!!!


  70. Sandra Lee

    I love this one, I love this one, I love this one … except for “Chunky.” Seriously, this is so close to my perfect theme except for “Chunky” which is gross in my world. The titles in my nav bar won’t fit on one line because…it’s too chunky. Oh well, I am still going to play with it just in case I can eventually adapt to chunky. I hope it has an archive template … that’s so useful and important.

    Here’s a suggestion. The wonderful WordPress team is coming out with so many cool new themes with more customization options. How about some options for Font customization. Even if we can’t have a whole font palette, how about two? One serif, one non serif for example.

    Gosh if there were only a way to go No chunky, I would be a happy monkey.

    Thanks again theme team, you are awesome.


  71. jeyaphoto

    I want a new photo theme!


  72. juliainleuven

    I love it, changed my blog over right away! I would like to see a few more themes that are wider than 600 pixels, though. 1024 is the default screen size now, right?


  73. juliainleuven

    Also, can you only have five featured posts?


  74. anne-marie

    Please, please, please do something similar with THREE columns! Thanks.


  75. designhouse9

    Nice combination of bold elements and clean lines. Looks good.


  76. Mary

    Thanks, I really like this one!!


  77. Thema Felix

    Beyond fabulous! Can’t wait to try it out.


  78. єтα¢14

    Love it. I’ve been waiting for some playful and fun themes for ages.


  79. MoSop

    OK – I am trying this one out. I think overall it is very nice. I LOVE all of the many of the features and options.

    1. I agree with Sandra Lee – the chunky type is simply TOO chunky. Because my blog title is longer than one word, all page links have been stacked on the side, which isn’t a problem as long as I could adjust the font size so they are not quite so “in your face” and conflicting with my title

    [… what’s up with the little RSS page link not aligning? This disturbs my Feng Shui..].

    2. I second Sandra Lee on giving us font options! Please! Please! Please!
    Even if it is only for the Heading, Blog Title and Page Titles, that would be a great improvement. If you want to keep to the same font, then give us an option to choose font size of blog title, and perhaps “Standard”, “Bold” & “Italic”?

    3. I love the “featured posts” widget, but is there a way to pick and choose our OWN collection, instead of based upon the tags?

    Thanks again – keep up the great work

    Keep up of all the great theme options coming.


  80. Lagunatic

    It’s like KinderBueno! Colourful, sweet, and full of surprises!


  81. jvanderstam

    Interesting. I like the idea of chunky type faces and adjustible colours.


  82. Raian the Fallen

    This one’s pretty sweet. Love how it’s easily customizable.


  83. pranabchatterjee

    Alright, not in the same league as Vigilance or Inuit types, but obviously better than the last one… Looking ahead for more.


  84. mrasherkade

    If I didn’t already change my background, theme, and spend a zillion hours getting the Structured Theme the way I wanted (I even have a talking coffin…so weird, I know), I would go for this.

    I like these themes that have custom backgrounds and headers. Good job. My header has a hand reaching out… so attention-grabbing (no pun intended…haha).

    I can’t wait until we have widgets updates…I still want a clock so bad I can’t stand it. I have begged and begged, but ya’ll said no.

    I guess my international audience will have to guess what time I’m in!!!! 😦


  85. 수미

    Definitely love at first sight! Thanks to the team for the lovely themes, keep them coming!


  86. Ruxx

    Very nice theme! Is it possible to have a version of this theme with flexible-width?


  87. art predator

    THIS is my new theme for my newest blog! Whoo hoo! Love this one! Thanks WordPress!


  88. Wez

    I like. I’m keen to see more themes which like Motion and Titan allow both pages and categories in menus (ideally with dropdown on both).
    Thanks for your work.


  89. Nikki

    This theme is great, I’m currently using it! 🙂
    It’s a lot of fun to play around with the backgrounds for this… Some good options, and it’s really simple, which I like! But it doesn’t look TOO simple. It’s got some character… I love the lettering, and hahaha as the “Sandra Lee” mentions the “chunky” letters, I was about to say how much I love it!
    To each their own. 😉


  90. Spadow

    Is there any way to get rid of the colored outline when you upload images? I would switch to the Bueno theme if there was an option to turn the outline off. It’s ugly in my opinion.


  91. Sunyi Nyufi

    Great theme, started using it right away. 🙂


  92. Laura C

    I like this! Must change my theme to this soon.


  93. Sara

    I love this theme. It’s not the theme for me, but I still love the look! It sends off a very good feeling and I love the color options.


  94. Z

    I really appreciate the frequent releases of new themes. They are all really cool and refreshing but i do noticed something though… they are all fixed-width since as far back as I can remember. Will there be flexible width coming along the way? I’m asking this because I like posting huge photos (at least 720 pixels wide) on my blog and fixed width are usually too narrow and cuts off which is a bummer because I really want to use most of the ones that were released recently). Anyway, looking forward to more!


  95. g s collector

    Fresh & versatile. Another fine addition… good work.


  96. TaleTellerin

    Nice one but I’ll stick with mine. 🙂 Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for all the new themes. Even though not everybody will find everything equally beautiful – everybody having the same taste would be creepy anyway – it’s awesome to have more and more to choose from. Yay.


  97. Kathleen Dixon Donnelly

    Nice, but, sorry. I really need 3 columns. Can’t you offer some more of those?


  98. Aiman Amani

    I don’t know… it looks a bit too common.


  99. B.Joe

    Bueno is one of the better themes in the recent weeks but too much space wasted on the side bar – both in width and height, making the main content area to be more “restricted”. Images that is more than 450 pixel is cropped. Can the sizes (between sidebar and main content) be adjusted accordingly – at least to allow images with 500 pixels? After all, what is more important to the readers is the main content, not the side bar. Thanks


  100. xCae

    Stylish theme, I like it.


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