New Theme: Enterprise

Meet our newest super-clean theme, Enterprise—perfect for bloggers wanting a more corporate look for their blog.

The Enterprise Theme

The Enterprise Theme

One of my favorite Enterprise features is the prominent two-level navigation with drop-down menus and, in the second level, up to 10 of your most-used categories.

Enterprise Menu

The two-level Enterprise menu

And for enterprising folks that want the extra room, this theme includes 3 bonus widget areas in the footer.

Enterprise's footer widgets

Enterprise's footer widgets

Topping things off, Enterprise also features Custom Header and Background options that let you really make this theme your own.

Enterprise is available today in your dashboard in Appearance → Themes and will soon be available, from Enterprise designers StudioPress, in the WordPress Themes Directory, for self-hosted users.

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  1. HRMexplorer

    Looks pretty good. Keep the imagination running!!


  2. Omar Modesto

    Any faster and you’ll be giving us a new theme every minute. Thanks!


  3. ឡង់ឌី

    Thanks. It’s a great theme.


  4. 便当小兔儿

    Tidy and clean. Will definitely try!


  5. M Shodiq Mustika

    Great. Awesome. This is not traditional weblog anymore. It is perfect for business websites running on the WP weblog platform.


  6. உதய தாரகை

    Looks good! Keep on posting rocking themes. You guys rock! Thank you.


  7. dru

    I got super excited because I thought this was going to be a Star Trek-y type theme.

    I applaud what y’all are doing and I really like the extra areas for widgets in the footer.


  8. ishabelle

    Very nice! I like the drop down feature.


  9. Reggie

    It’s a nice professional look, but I still prefer my Mistylook theme. 🙂

    I don’t much like widgets in the footer area in this theme – I prefer them on the right hand margin (or even the left), so that they become visible when you scroll down as you read. I also real like Mistylook’s custom header (the Custom header here looks narrower?), and the neatness of the fonts.

    By the way, having so much space for WIDGETS is just awesome – I’m using them to create Tables of Contents of posts I’ve written on particular topics, interspersed with photos.

    The only feature I still WISH it had was a *customisable background* – like this theme apparently has. Any chance of adding that functionality?


  10. phatpast

    Looks nice. The two-level navigation with drop-down menus are excellent. Good work.


  11. Sandra Lee

    I was afraid of this – another new wonderful theme!!!! My husband thinks I need to join a WordPress Theme Addicts support group. 🙂 Fortunately, it looks like this one doesn’t have featured posts, which counts it out for me, but I will play with it to see what I discover. I like the wider writing area and the appropriate size header (not chunky or huge), which are missing from my current Bueno favorite. The custom header and background options are really terrific. They really help give sites their own unique and fun look. Thanks again, Theme Team.


  12. whittmadden

    That looks pretty cool! I like the two-levels feature.


  13. Rogue|Hero

    This theme looks like it’ll work for me. It has some similarities to iNove, which I currently use. Nevertheless, keep those themes coming.

    Thanks very much, Theme Team!


  14. ignorante

    I like fluid themes, but most of them are not and the newer ones are all fixed-width ones. I know the fluid ones are harder to implement, but maybe 1 out of 5 you add could be fluid. Unless they are not correctly tagged in the theme chooser.


  15. Troo

    Ohhh, I like this one! Going to have to try it out!


  16. Hetal

    I checked the original theme on StudioPress website and I must say this is an excellent mod for… Super!!!!


  17. El Salón de mi casa

    Almost perfect! But please, don’t count sub-categories for the 10-categories limit on the header!


  18. jamesfinnie

    I like it. Nice and Slick. I like the fact that all the menus are on one nice simple bar, i might use it myself.


  19. Kimberly

    Love all the new rollouts – you guys are rocking!


  20. Breland Kent (Wild Focus)

    Wow! I like it! Great job 🙂


  21. Emmanuel Ibok

    WordPress…The best!!!


  22. mrasherkade

    I like the more “stand out” menu. It would be easier for my folks to read than these tiny letters in the side menu. However, I have done so much work on my Structured theme, I am hesitant to change. Having more room for widgets doesn’t seem necessary if you don’t like the ones currently available. I wish we had more/better/creative widgets!


  23. Sara

    This is great for blogs that need a clean, sleek theme. I love the drop-down menus and custom header.


  24. lottiepants

    Oh, I thought it was going to be a Star Trek theme. 😦


  25. xCae

    Nice. I love it. Keep them coming 😀


  26. Wez

    Great work! I really like the possibilities with this theme. Thanks.


  27. eoinpurcell

    This is a really nice theme and the subtle features are easily the best parts! Well done!


  28. nancysmoments

    There’s more often than not, a surprise waiting for us with new themes. I love that you guys don’t take breaks! 🙂 Pat yourself on the back. Thanks!


  29. g00ba

    Death to corporate America, I mean…nice theme.


  30. Guy

    The reason I like it is also sort of my problem with it: Too close to iNove 😉

    Background image though detracts from the clean and organized look, and people should put some effort to make good use of the first menu level. Which is not a bad thing.


  31. Anthony Watts

    Just like the big mistake with the Twenty Ten theme, this theme is missing a “Home” button.

    That’s really important when you have nested menus and pages, people don’t always know they can click on the blog name to get home, as it is not intuitive.

    The developers added a Home button to Twenty Ten after boatloads of people complained, hope you’ll do that here.

    Otherwise, nice job.


  32. peggyhogan

    Looks interesting but I have to say I also prefer Misty Look. I haven’t had time to try any new themes but it’s nice that you keep coming up with options.


  33. abstractcreative

    Why are they so boring? Come on, a little more imagination please!


  34. dreamsburnred

    Love it and using it :).


  35. fullphaser

    This is not a Galaxy Class starship


  36. DOPE

    New themes are always great. Can we possibly get a upgrade on the ability to place a facebook fan page widget with the like button?


  37. shamballa9944

    This is nice! I do like the drop down menus, with child pages possible. While I don’t need them now it’s cool they are around. I wonder though, are there plans to make these kinds of features optional on some of the existing templates?


  38. trinabaker

    I am loving all the new themes! Currently using 2010 and it’s great. I would like a template designed especially for photography oriented content. Custom header, wider format for larger photos, choice of black, white or gray backgrounds. Just my two cents. Thanks for all the new themes 🙂


  39. cOokie

    So interesting! i like it 😉 Great job, man.


  40. Jack P. Roberts

    Nice, professional theme – well done. I converted my blog to this theme.


  41. manavkataria

    Brilliant theme! Very neat & clean.


  42. maritimefly

    I love it. I have activated it. I hope you get it for so I can import over. Hopefully will work with 2.9.2
    I know there are lots of themes but this has more of what I like then the rest. They are not all the same. So thank you for continuing to edit and tailor the themes.


  43. kendylau

    Simple but stunning! I’ll give it a try to see if it fits my style or not! I’m just interested in the background changing option! And again:) Thanks for those themes that have been released recently! You guys rock!


  44. deathgleaner

    Tried it, still like the Titan theme better.


  45. B.Joe

    Finally a theme that I been looking for…but anyway to customise the 2nd layer under the menu?


  46. Trevor Huxham

    I’m really impressed with the quantity *and* the quality of the recent bombardment of themes, as promised a few weeks ago. Although I’m happy with my current theme, the caliber of work produced makes me feel great about the whole WordPress platform as a whole.

    And I agree with M Shodiq Mistika mentioned above that this would be a great theme for using the WordPress software like a traditional website. The menu and category links even disguise the fact that it’s a blog theme. Great work!


  47. George Kazazis

    Many features, but is so boring… like iNove. Maybe I’ll try someday. Thanks a lot anyway.


  48. jeyaphoto

    Sad that this theme doesn’t have any custom background. I can’t see any personality in it or that I change into my style. So I think this theme is kind of boring. But still wordpress is the best, i adore that you give us users so many themes in so short times!.. I’m waiting for “my” theme to coming soon 🙂


  49. guard13007

    Can you turn off the bar of categories? I have too many for it to look any good. Also, I don’t need more room for Widgets…


  50. jessiepeace

    Interesting. It’s amazing.


  51. neil

    Wow, very clean theme. Nice!


  52. Flynn

    Great! I’m trying this one for now. It’s clean-looking, too.


  53. jcrue

    Where’s the holodeck button?


  54. Mary

    This is a great one, more my style. 🙂



    I like it! I am going to try it.


  56. Anne Lessing

    I’m with dru and lottiepants…I went nuts as the page loaded thinking this was Star Trek…and no Spock in sight. So cruel! 😥

    Wonderfully clean, though. Not good for me, but businesses will love it!


  57. ♓♥Cooky Moηzтa♥♓

    Looks to plain… Nahh, it looks cool 😀


  58. Charles Ling

    I really love this theme. Keep up the good work. 🙂


  59. keikomushi

    Thank-you again, WordPress theme team for another great theme. Although it doesn’t fit on any of my current blog projects, it is most definitely nice to look at, and I hope to create something worthy of it soon.


  60. Patrick Nix

    Love the theme. Already in use! How can I control what is on the 2nd level navigation? It seems random…


  61. trollboy

    Needs more Star Trek! Actually it’s very nice. I may have to switch again…


  62. pranabchatterjee

    Oh yeah. The theme team does it again. Good one, but I think I’m going to stick to Inuit Types till another better one comes along.


  63. Pingback: Pardon my mess… « Murren pursues the dream
  64. Little Professor

    I’ve always been picky with my blog themes. There are very few themes I like, but this one rocks! I prefer “Motion” though. You should make more themes like that.


  65. WonderGoon

    I like it, but I just switched over to the Twenty Ten theme and I am going to stick with that for awhile yet. Keep up the good work, though, and thanks for all your hard work.


  66. mizzezmellymel

    This is nice…maybe I’ll try it out!


  67. .a

    Clean and minimalist; I like it. I too like the ‘Featured Posts’ widget and I hope that you’ll incorporate it for all, if not more themes.


  68. Neeraj Bhushan

    It’s the coolest one.


  69. admin #2

    I could give it a try….. 😉


  70. neurotype

    You mean this has nothing to do wtih Star Trek?!

    Last year, I would not have been able to make this joke. I’ve come so far…or regressed so much. 😀

    Anyway, cool theme; custom backgrounds always make me happy.


  71. Adrian Morales

    Keep the good job and don´t stop surprising us… Thank you!


  72. Maximilian Forte

    I also like the new themes, that is, the fact that many more are coming out. Until recently, one of the biggest shortcomings of using WordPress was the limited choice in themes (some of them shockingly ugly, others designed to appeal only to a very narrow base of users), and their restricted malleability.

    I also strongly agree with the need to have more flexible-width themes. On the larger screens and higher resolutions becoming more common, some of the current fixed-width themes risk becoming as anachronistically narrow as some of the old Blogger themes, which look like they were meant to be read on a mobile phone. Flexible makes sense.

    Finally, try to provide some magazine themes. If I sound a little demanding, it is in part due to the fact that I do not use entirely for free, but pay for additional services, and would like to see more.


  73. Birdwhisperer

    It’s nice, and the drop-down menus are nice, but aren’t there already tons of ‘clean’, minimalist, black and white themes? Can we have some color and patterns? Something pretty, fun, or otherwise interesting would be nice. But it’s still great that WordPress is creating so many new themes! WP rocks!


  74. Neo

    Truly corporate style! It looks promising! I am going to try it and post my review, then!


  75. ក្មេងកាមទេព

    That’s cool, but no header photo!!!


  76. ardiantoarsadi

    Theme Team, I need a math blog theme, please.


  77. Raditya Wirayoga

    Nice theme, guys!


  78. Maruwiah

    Interesting, but can you make a theme like ‘Connections’ or ‘Fauna’ but more wider on the screen, or three columns? Thanks.


  79. VAJRA, South America

    Thank you for this new theme. Beautiful and modern design.


  80. agito

    Great, team! I’ll try this one.. 😆


  81. plitsbubuy

    Nice. I’ll try it. 🙂


  82. Aiman Amani

    Ooooh… nice. This one looks really professional. I love the new drop down menus and child pages which exists in most of the new themes.

    I’m also happy to hear that you guys would be adding enhancements to older themes -including Misty Look- (which is mine 😀 ). Thanks


  83. Big Roy

    Perfect for corporate websites. Keep it up! 🙂


  84. Masemoisalle Pak

    Looks great!


  85. PA

    Good work!


  86. beryle

    I am so spoilt for choice I can’t seem to get started on my blog:-)


  87. onebigadventure

    Looks brilliant. Great for business or more corporate blogs. The drop down menus are great too!


  88. ahmadalikarim

    ♥Nice♥ theme :mrgreen: I think I can use this theme 🙄


  89. Maxtus

    Very interesting !! please expand the width size for large picture …. It will be very easy to manage content and picture with wide area.

    Right now using “Hemingway” with wide area content.



  90. core master

    Good job, i am using it


  91. Dev

    Pretty neat and sweet.


  92. Jessebird

    I like it – I like most of the new ones…
    I will try this one, because it has a nice look for the “blockquote”-feature. If you – like I do – write about books and use a lot of quotes, it’s nice to have a theme that sets them apart from the rest of the text without reformatting. My current theme is Bueno which sadly does exactly that – it puts blockquotes to italic – not good if you have to use italic in the quote…

    Anyway, this here looks useful. One suggestion: when introducing a theme with custom header, maybe you could mention the dimensions of it? So I could start working on the header before switching to the new theme…

    Keep up the good work!

    @fullphaser: Just what I thougt when checking this out!


  93. busta

    Looking good, mate. Brilliant work. Absolutely stunning.


  94. deepbellylaugh

    It has quite a straight-laced personality so would be great for businesses, which I am gladly not! But I’m loving that extra widget space seems to be the norm these days. Thanks heaps.


  95. My favorite paintings

    Very nice! I changed!


  96. karin

    Thanks, but I am very happy with the new ‘Structure’ Theme!!
    You guys work very hard lately 😉


  97. Deni Andriana

    Good job. I like this theme.


  98. amartist

    Not happy that all the themes you’re producing these days are so clean. Please put together something with a bit more character, as opposed to these sterile creations.


  99. shenanigans

    This is exactly what I’m after.. how very convenient. Two thumbs up.


  100. phoxis

    Now i have three perfect themes in The Journalistv1.9, Twenty Ten , and the third Enterprise !


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