New Theme: Greyzed

Today’s new theme is dirty and grungy-looking—but that’s just what makes it so good! Let’s take a look at Greyzed.

The Greyzed Theme

While Greyzed might look rough it’s been carefully designed and it isn’t short on features. Starting at the top, it has a really sharp drop-down menu ready for our new menus feature. Visit Appearance → Menus and you can order the links here any way you like.

Customizable Drop Down Menus

The distinctive Greyzed design elements are repeated throughout your blog and finish off nicely at the bottom of each page with an optional extra-large widgetized footer in the same tough style. Visit Appearance → Widgets and add any Widget to Footer Left, Footer Middle, or Footer Right, to create your own unique footer.

Footer Widgets in Greyzed

Greyzed is available today in your dashboard under Appearance → Themes and, for users, in the themes directory.

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  1. Jerry Jacques

    I’m not convinced that I should change to this, but it is great! Different from what we have been getting lately.


  2. لؤي

    Really cool! Thanks people 😀


  3. Milo

    Nice one. Very Banksy-like and alternative!


  4. Brian Currin

    Really, really cool … I like it very much … grey, black and red is great for punk rock band blogs for example … gotta find a way use this one as soon as possible.


  5. أحمد

    Very nice.

    I’d love it if it’s more colorful..

    Thanks Ian.

    Keep adding beautiful themes




  6. Guy

    I have some friends that would definitely like this theme. If I had anything grundgy or cool, I’d have used it, but I’m way too reserved in my writing 😉


  7. devilevilgod

    wow it looks insane. but not what i’m looking for.
    will you try some portfolio themes? some like the ones from “Themeforest” would be cool.
    I know, asking too much!


  8. David W. Boles

    Wow! That’s crazy good fun! I’m not wild about the footer widgets, but the color and tone and feel and taste of the overall theme are exciting!


  9. Niji-chan

    Wow. This one is pretty interesting. Take things to a whole new level. I like it! Make some more of this kind and everyone will be craving more more!! XD


  10. Andrea

    This does look sensational … but please … can we have some girly themes!? There are very few available … and … I am beginning to think that there are only males on the design team!


  11. Ruthie

    It seems to fit for boys only. I also would like to have some flowers or colors or… Please!!!


  12. stevedel

    really what I have been looking for!


  13. deadpoet88

    Wow, this is simply amazing! And very unique too! Great to see this one, keep them coming!

    I don’t agree that it’s too boyish, I would love to find use for this one and I’m a girl. 😀 Maybe on one of my other blogs.

    Though I honestly feel there should be more black themes, there are hardly any good ones right now.


  14. Ruthie

    Thank you, guys!


  15. C. L. Carver

    I saw this as a Blogger theme, and CSS was available for WordPress. But I didn’t want to buy it, and the CSS upgrade. I love this theme though. Keep it up, WP.


  16. PienaZupa

    OMG this is going to be SO overused 😐


  17. Jean-Luc Crucifix

    This theme is not the traditional one, I like it. As there are few colours, it is fine to put emphasis on pictures, Great. I’ll try it.


  18. Putri Chairina

    Great color!
    Ian, can’t wait to see another one. More colorful, I hope.


  19. Jan Turner

    I love this! Greyzed is the first new theme which has piqued my interest enough to actually think seriously about changing over. And you have to know, I love my own theme – – am comfortable with it and am not looking to make a change. But. . . .I’m going to think some more. Thanks to you all. Jan


  20. citydaters

    That a very cool style


  21. Musicofourheart

    I think it would be cool if I could preview new themes from the announcement page here vs. having to navigate in the Dashboard to view a theme.


  22. nickie wang

    nice theme here, will try it soon! =)


  23. Stephen Watkins

    I’m thinking Zombie Apocalypse, here. Very atmospheric, in that regard. If I do anything related to the inevitable zombie apocalpyse, I shall remember this theme.


  24. VatuBarok

    That is one NEAT theme! I`d totally go for this one if the post-background came in black! ❤

    Hey, why are Black-LetterHead, Hemingway and Sunburn the only themes with really black backgrounds?
    I think a twin Greyzed would do great with a background going from grey borders, subtly into a black space with grey/white text! (Sort of like the banner/title does, only inverted… and more square.)


  25. James a.k.a. The Gunter

    Cool look very underground excellent for my blog


  26. Claudia

    I like it; it’s a little different than the kind that you usually have. Thanks so much!


  27. technogran1

    I could hug and kiss you lot! How did you know this was one of my all time favourite themes on Blogger? Only problem was, I couldn’t get Windows Live Writer to sync with it, so I am going to try it out now, and if it sync’s okay with your wordpress version, I will be switching to it straight away! I love this grunge look, its fantastic!


  28. Ivar

    It fits perfectly with my band’s website! Thanks!


  29. das Auge

    I activated this theme immediately. It’s wonderful.


  30. kodegeek

    Awesome, love this. Let me try 😉


  31. Alex Wyler



  32. hal786

    OH MY! This is the kind of theme I have been waiting for!!! Thank you SO much!!


  33. Sara

    This theme is very unique. I’m certain this is not the theme for me but I hope other bloggers enjoy it!
    Thanks! :mrgreen:


  34. Ryl

    Wow, nice job! Having done a lot of graphic design and layout for print over the years, I gotta say this one looks great!


  35. Anne Lessing

    I’m a girl and I adore this theme! First thing I thought when I saw it was “Call of Duty Nazi Zombies!” Fantastic job, guys. I’ll have to look into switching to this, but I’ll have to be in the right mood…I’m way too fond of my typewriter-keys header.

    Thanks so much. You guys rock.


  36. yoriyuliandra

    Woww…. this one is special. It’s just different 🙂


  37. frommysideofthemoon

    Looove this! Been looking for something a lil’ more me. Off to try it out asap!


  38. onebigadventure

    Nice theme! Thanks! 🙂


  39. dhenztm

    Wow! Wow! Wow! I really love this one! I think I have my next site template 😀


  40. sasha

    Triple great! Thanx sooooooooooo much.


  41. nancysmoments

    I love this grubby looking theme! A little in your face it is – kind of back alley and that is awesome. Thanks!


  42. Pied

    I’m still tweaking my Enterprise ,,, which I love because of the gray. Now here comes another gray theme. What a feast. I’ll have to check out the features on this one, but at first glance, I love it!


  43. therainhouse

    Super grunge! Thanks…


  44. sathitharan

    It is exactly my type, black, used worn out look. Red drop down menus like a shock.

    I am using it already, yay!


  45. Kürşat Burak Çağıl

    Excellent theme. But pls add Twitter and Facebook contact buttons. If u make it it will be perfect for me. Thanks


  46. melaroza

    I love it! Thanks!


  47. phatpast

    That’s a great looking theme. I love the colors and the menus. Job well done.


  48. starlaschat

    I just can’t help myself, Ive got to take this theme out for a spin! I think I need a 12 step program for theme changing. I was just loving the Twenty Ten now I’m off exploring a new Theme. Thank You WordPress!


  49. Tinted

    Looks good gonna give it a run.


  50. mrasherkade

    It has a “Jesse James” feel to it…. 😀


  51. digginthewoodlands

    I love it!! It’s not a fit for what I do, but it is very edgy and youthful. Great Job!


  52. Birdwhisperer

    Wow, this is awesome! It definitely wouldn’t fit for my blog, but nonetheless is very cool.


  53. Pulkit Kaushik

    Amazing theme for a Photo blog! Caught my eye instantly. But for a reading blog like mine, it won’t work 🙂


  54. Colleen Young

    This is brilliant – I think my students (mostly girls!) will like this one!


  55. Kavita

    This is fantastic! I’ve been contemplating over the “Mr. Right” in themes for the past few days now… This one might fit the bill… Trying it right away ! Thanks !! I hope the customization ability is to my liking as well 🙂


  56. kfbunny

    I love it. It’s not right for my audience, but I love it!


  57. g00ba

    Umm…wow. This may be the perfect fit for me. I’m gonna try messing with this.


  58. M Shodiq Mustika

    I like its design except the font of headings.


  59. Amit Singh

    What happened to the cherry tree? 🙂
    Great theme guys. Keep up the good work!


  60. Gari

    Love it—agree that it could do with a Twitter button somewhere (maybe with the RSS). That said, I use the Twitter Widget and would rather it was able to be displayed more prominently rather than the footer.


  61. Olivia

    Very different and unique..
    rugged, tough and really steely..
    Nice theme yet again


  62. nikkele

    I won’t be switching just yet but I must admit this puts a good spin on grunge! Nice.


  63. trinabaker

    Way cool! Not sure if I can use it but might have to find a way 🙂


  64. Marty

    Just what I have been waiting for.. Thanks a lot!!


  65. Mary

    Really cool and sharp!


  66. vish3116

    Oh! I have been getting so many themes but none convinced me to change my theme from ChaoticSoul. This one simply rocks! Gives a retro kinda feel and good lucid reading guaranteed…the bubble for comment sections is too good. I have applied it. Thanks a ton.


  67. LS

    Wow! This one’s awesome! Thanks!!! 🙂


  68. JawGeX

    WOW! I’m definitely using this!


  69. musictastic

    This is great! It’s the kind of the theme I’ve been waiting for: a lot more young, and media themed! Good job!


  70. Sandra Lee

    Different and edgy, some people will go wild for this one! It’s not for me, but I see others having fun with it.


  71. Pingback: Rich Tasks & Cool Themes « Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0
  72. Jane

    I love Greyzed! I am using it now. You guys really rock!


  73. Myrtle

    I like its rugged appeal, awesome! Thanks!


  74. trevelle

    The best of all themes!!!


  75. gonzo

    Nice change from the norm! 😉 Catering for all.


  76. Photo' yo

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh god i really love it and i just add it it’s totally nice cool fabulous and perfect in few words it’s the them that i need thank you soooooo much 😀


  77. drew

    Beautiful design, though I wish people would start making more designs where users can upload their own graphic headers!


  78. sylviahubbard1

    This is awesome. I’m loving that footer there!! More, more, more, more, more!


  79. helar

    Love this! Exactly what I was looking for… Switched immediately!


  80. Eric

    I’ll definitely be considering this theme for my blog 🙂 Very nice work.


  81. Michael Mingo

    Really like this one – after trying several of the recent additions this one seems to be to my liking more and I have updated it.

    Love the font style and the overall look of it – great addition.


  82. Little Professor

    This theme looks pretty nice! I love the rocky look of the background, but I don’t think I’ll change to it. It doesn’t look like it’d go well with science and gaming posts.


  83. Chris

    This is one bad-ass theme. Again, if I could customize the header — or at least change the color of the header title — it would be perfect… but other than that… everything is awesome. 🙂


  84. marakyo

    Nice looking 🙂


  85. Tito Salgado

    Awesome theme! are you guys going to make some darker themes soon?


  86. GeekPornGirl

    What would be really cool would be if a template like Greyed could take a custom header and somehow make it translucent so the design texture came through the background!


  87. Rivertrekker

    I love all the new themes! Thank you!


  88. abdee84

    wonderful 🙂


  89. {JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After

    This theme instantly made me think of my husband’s blog. He’d love this.


  90. The PMP Guru

    I am up for this kind of theme but since my blog is for professional use, I can’t use it. This theme is different though WP guys always come up with something big. I like it, The best thing is that the theme occupy my 15 inch Laptop screen which is what I like the most.

    WP Rocks !!!


  91. insighttoanindividual

    Wow, love it! So much better than the plain ones and it’s really quirky.


  92. art predator

    nice! makes me want to start another blog! My college students will love it!


  93. litrati

    Whoa. That’s sick.


  94. Wez

    “Today’s new theme…”
    It’s getting towards daily theme release. I like this look, keep up the good work. Thanks


  95. hullcha

    This is neat! I am a photographer and I have been searching for a free theme that displays my work nicely but also gives a nice fresh look to it and I haven’t found a theme yet. I like the style of this but it is a bit more masculine that I would like. Any chance you could do something like this but with a bit more feminine edge?


  96. bestblogsites

    Spooky, if you ask me.


  97. ApocalypseGrrl

    Yes! I love grungy themes! It’d be great to see another grunge theme with different color options or a customizable header. Keep the awesome themes rolling in!


  98. Ryan/Aless

    Very cool! Let’s make more like this!


  99. leocheungblog

    I really think it is a very cool theme. This theme is suitable for sports blogs especially some fighting sports. Honestly, I will not use this theme because it is not my cup of tea.


  100. ...

    This one is stylish. And I don’t find it too masculine either. Sadly, it’s not fitting with my blog (folktales) at all but this theme is still very awesome. Love the colors and the grittiness.


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