200,000,000 Posts… and Counting

This month we passed an impressive milestone: 200,000,000 posts have been published on WordPress.com.

Does this number surprise us? Not at all. Because we’ve long known that you — our users — have an infinite amount of things to share with the world.  From posts about your struggles with life and death, your favorite hobbies or your simple yet touching thoughts of the day, you are who we have to thank for helping us become the success we are today.

Onward and upward. And if you’re curious to know more about our stats, you’ll probably enjoy this page. Happy blogging!

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  1. David W. Boles

    200,000,000 is a lot of posts — how many words is that? I don’t see that stat on the stats page.


  2. Veronica Twizzler

    Congrats!!! That’s more than I expected.


  3. Mahfooz Hasan

    You’re welcome and thank you for providing us a platform to write our posts. Many of us have improved our writing skills and thinking processes while writing and reading through many of the blogs. A great achievement, and thank you to everyone. 🙂


  4. Drahpish

    :O thats a lot


  5. Andrew

    It’s good to feel apart of something so big!


  6. Reggie

    That is fantastic! And it doesn’t surprise me in the least. I love WordPress!

    You are always ready to fix problems when they arise, and before things really get a chance to break down and spiral out of control. It’s very comforting to know that one’s creative writings are safe.

    And you keep coming up with unusual themes and interesting widgets, so it’s no wonder that you have so many adoring fans and loyal supporters!


  7. elenaramirez

    I think you folks are successful, for many reasons. For one thing, you folks are always so kind, so informative, and so available to help. And where else, and really, where else can anyone find a place like this to write, and share their thoughts? The resources you folks offer, in theme templates, to keeping track of ones writings, to all the hundreds of resourceful tools, is beyond me. But, I so appreciate you, and your “brain child.” Mr. Matt….It makes me ever so grateful that I stumbled here. I love you folks, and pray God bless you all. Elena Ramirez


  8. sfcmac

    WordPress is a great place to start a blog. It’s pretty easy to use and provides a great forum for information, opinion, and commentary.


  9. shoutabyss

    Was I the 200,000,000th poster? And if so, what did I win? 🙂

    I’m thrilled to be a part of the WordPress community!


  10. Travis Lambert

    I don’t think Aldous Huxley would be surprised either (Cf. http://bit.ly/6c2aT).


  11. christiangrblr

    congrats!! hope there would be many more!!!



  12. Jay Montano

    Woohoo! Congrats wordpress.

    we’re 1000 of that 200 mil ^_^


  13. zdstampcoin

    Wonderful to hear! I love my personal WordPress blog a lot!!!


  14. Chris DS

    OMG! That’s amazing! Well you do have many users so it isn’t unbeliveable!


  15. Sandra Lee

    Simply incredible! WordPress.com is the best! I appreciate the links to explore further.


  16. Christopher

    Congratulations! Wow, that truly is a incredible figure! Personally, I’ve been loving my experience on WP so far – THANKS!!!


  17. baresz

    Congrats… for us! 😀


  18. fred6368

    Hi Joy,
    that is amazing, and I’ve only done about 100 of them!
    Thanks for all the work you guys do in making this such a stable and fun platform. Don’t I owe you something?

    BTW After the USA’s amazing comeback you might enjoy my World Cup of Music updated daily with music from every nation, on WordPress.


  19. Lord Vader

    Including my 200 posts 🙂


  20. starlaschat

    WOW! Thanks Joy. 200,000,000 posts that is a lot. I think I’ve written a couple of those posts. That really is amazing,” Onward and upward” still blogging after all these years. Thank You WordPress.


  21. somethingsthat

    How exciting. Congratulations!
    Do you know which post was the actual 200,000,000th one?


  22. Debbie

    Cool !
    Thank you for providing a way for so many people to share things with the world.
    WordPress is great. 🙂


  23. HaRaKaT

    I Love WordPress ..Congratulation


  24. eveningstar1

    Is that your real name? Just curious.


  25. J

    It’s worth remembering that it is thanks to you guys and your hard that blogging on wordpress is such a great experience!
    Thank you


  26. Jeremy



  27. Olivia

    This is just awesome..
    I know I am also counted..
    WP rocks..


  28. Kinna

    Oh, WordPress. Congrats and thanks for linking to my post even though it is a rather sad day for me.


  29. larussophobe

    Congratulations to all of us! Couldn’t wordpress provide a ranking for each of the 11 million blogs it hosts regarding visitation and comment traffic? This would be highly useful to bloggers in guaging the peformance of their blogs. Something like what Technorati and Alexa do?

    Also, when are you going to give all blogs the facility to post icons like for Digg so that each post can easily be favorited and publicized by readers? Doing so might well drive the number of posts and the traffic even higher!


  30. Quinn C.

    Congrats, WordPress!!


  31. Steven Coyne

    It’s great to know that WordPress is doing well. I’m glad to be a part of it and look forward to helping you toward ONE BILLION!!!


  32. Mary

    Wow, that’s a massive number, but I’m not suprised! 😀


  33. philipscottwikel

    Wow. It’s good that people are sharing this much but, how crazy is it that we’re all competing for the attention of readers?


  34. mtbandi

    hey thats amazing.. what was the exact 200.000.000th posting??


  35. undeleted



  36. saamadams

    WP has changed my life! The amount of pure freedom I now have is absolutely priceless! WP deserves the Nobel Peace Prize!


  37. DZONE

    20 from me.. lol 🙂


  38. garlicfriesandbaseball

    Well I found you by accident and it’s turned out to be a blessing! Thanks for being here!


  39. Pulkit Kaushik

    62 out of them are mine : P

    BTW which post was the 200,000,000th post?


  40. Emmanuel Ibok

    Even though I own a meagre amount in that figure, I am proud to have helped you guys achieve that stats. I love WordPress and consider it the best. Keep on keeping on. Cheers!!!


  41. kiranmendekar

    I don’t even know how to count that number, My mom use to say anything you can’t count child is infinite which has no boundaries , 85 Posts are also Mine, I am glad to be a part of this BLOG – O – EVOLUTION ……


  42. mcreate

    That’s incredible!


  43. Amy

    Phenomenon! What a powerful way to let peoople to connect with people.


  44. Sara

    I’ve been using WordPress since 2007 or 2008 (hard to remember) and I never thought it would become this popular. It’s great to know that all WP bloggers worked together towards this goal… without even knowing it! 😆 Hopefully, we’ll reach 300,000,000 in the future?

    By the way, the blogger with the “200,000,000 post” should get a shout-out. I’m really curious to find out who did it. I’m imagining that it’s a post on sports. :mrgreen:


  45. hold card

    That is truly unbelievable! Bravo to all the writers. Yes, curious what the 200,000,000 post was..? It is great to be apart of creativity. Cheers!


  46. ClapSo

    Only 200,000,000 posts? What a bunch of slackers we are! Come on, lets get cracking on the next 100,000,000!

    Nice job everyone heheheheheh

    The scientifically impossible I do right away
    The spiritually miraculous takes a bit longer


  47. Emily Gooch

    Wow! That’s a lot of words. I love WordPress… it’s helping me to make my dream a reality.


  48. mypreretirementmusings

    A red-letter day and all because of you and us! A social networking space for humans to share those little bits of time we have available with all the other events tugging at our lives. Congrats WP – glad to be of some service. Will there be an award given? Seems like there should be.


  49. bleacox

    I am very happy with wordpress as a blogging site. Previously I was using blogspot, but I love the templates and look of wordpress, and the wordpress community is great!


  50. shamballa9944

    Congratulations! Very impressive stats…especially compared to my measly 2,000 visits. LOL


  51. kristenhazelkannon

    oh wow thats pretty EPIC


  52. A x e l - F

    Total epicness. I feel happy to be apart of those statistics. 🙂


  53. guard13007

    Whoot! 140 of those are mine!


  54. nancysmoments

    That’s amazing and WordPress speaks for itself…..loudly in a terrific way! Congrats to the entire WordPress community a.k.a. – family.


  55. Steves

    Congratulations WP and WP community 🙂
    Let’s keep it going, heh.

    Portugal is 3rd on the list and Spain in 2nd taking over 15%, that’s quite impressive considering portugal is pretty small compared to other countries, heh


  56. archaeme

    Congrats to reaching a great successful milestone.


  57. Junior Chef Project

    Oh my goodness! This is great! WordPress is an awesome blog place. Good job to all of us!!!


  58. Omar Gheriani

    That’s fantastic, awesome and great. Carry on forward for free words in a new world.


  59. hakre

    Menus and Images are not counted, right?


  60. krumbzz

    Woaah! That’s a lotta zeroes!


  61. Anne Lessing

    Yay WordPress! I’m proud to be a part of this! WordPress is wholeheartedly amazing.

    Here’s to hitting 1,000,000,000…


  62. windyscotty

    It’s like that song, “500 Miles” because it never ends. Can you hear the incessant chatter of keys hammering out the next post heading for one billion?


  63. tboca

    Love Word Press and they’ve certainly helped me with my blogs. I feel a part of the Word Press Nation. Thanks!


  64. carsonmatthews

    Word Up WordPress!! That’s awesome and I agree with Pulkit you should make a big deal about the 200,000,000th post…give them some love on their site or something. Congratulations.


  65. Little Professor

    You should give a prize to the poster of the 200,000,000th post. Who was the 200,000,000th poster anyway?


  66. Gally

    Thanks, WordPress, for the resources you provide for my blog. I have a nice setup going and it’s becoming more popular every day!


  67. manofbliss

    That’s all?


  68. mrasherkade

    Thats a lot of BS flying around the Internet!


  69. Nasifriet

    200 million! I’m impressed. I’m glad to be part of this wonderful family and if you asked me, YES, I have definitely impacted some people reading my posts on my blog. Thanks to you, guys. I’ll keep on blogging!!! Yeah!!! Cheers !!


  70. Silverhammer

    That is an impressive number. It’s so impressive that I don’t even know how to say it. I’d like to see it written in longhand. I’d also like to receive that much in a weekly paycheck.


    Radio Howick 88.1 FM


  71. absolutegrace

    Wow!! I would never have started blogging without WordPress. Thank YOU!!!


  72. fhl09

    WOW Congratulations WordPress,

    Personally I am happy to be 300+ of those 200,000,000 & I will carry on supporting & using WordPress for http://www.absolutelyandroid.com for a long time see you at 500,000,000 guys.

    Keep up the great work & thanks for making running & managing my website so easy.


  73. Huy J

    I must say I love WordPress.

    The site is convenient, easy to use, and always improving


  74. Daddy

    I’m glad to see the verbiage was corrected from the e-mail I received:
    “200,000,000 Million Posts… and Counting”

    Because I think that would be 200 trillion.


  75. Pam Phillips

    Wow! We have been busy. Congratulations to all!


  76. RandomizeME

    I guess people have a LOT of things to blog about 🙂


  77. thornyrosette

    Feels good to know I’m a part of that!


  78. Richard Rj. Liew

    Yay to all WordPress bloggers =)


  79. muslimahpr

    WONDERFUL, LETS MAKE IT 400,000,000.


  80. Arsad Rahim Ali

    Ok, Indonesian people Say “hebat” thank you


  81. Yramjin

    Congrats!!!! 🙂 I am proud,too like emmanuel here, to have helped you achieve that stats (even though i’m still a newbie) and sooo much proud to be one of the members…i love posting here in wordpress than in my other blogsite account..
    one, wordpress does not count my views on my blog….!!!!
    two, the referrers and clicks…!!!
    three, i love your featured themes here…!!!!
    Congrats guys…:)


  82. Rita Merlow

    Joyful! Joyful! We Adore Thee! ~

    tra la la la! — singing your praises!

    WordPress provides a great platform for orators like Thomas Jefferson and others would they still be here. Keep up the good works!


  83. Bellie Jayaprakash

    Congratulations on crossing the mark of 200,000,000 posts. Is it possible to consider to share ‘ a very tiny portion of your profit’ proportionately,with those blogs that have got more than 100,000 visitors (since you do not permit any ads)?. Am I sounding too greedy?? But 100,000 hits for my blog http://badaga.in , focused on a very small community in Southern India, is an achievement I feel. Thanks for the platform to perform.


  84. citysoliloquy

    So great to be part of something so big and to contribute : )


  85. shadowcaster29

    I’ve just begun. So my contribution is very small right now. But as long as I can write a little every day, it shall grow. I’m currently writing a Sci-Fi Mystery; Shadowcasters – The Abductors. I welcome feedback, and input, but don’t ask me where I’m going with this story. You’ll just have to keep checking back to see. It’s got a Huge Twist.


  86. Hana

    200 of those posts are mine! Im so proud to be part of your system.


  87. anahappysword

    Omg!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s rlly a lot of posts……… 😀


  88. taiwanpop

    That is really nice.. WordPress is the best!


  89. elmer

    Enough to fill the entire landmass of the Philippines!


  90. Harshad Joshi

    Congratulations. You guys have done a great job. Good Luck for the future.


  91. Rizal

    that is a great achievement. let’s make it more fabulous by making lots of great content!


  92. Lundy Wong

    That’s a lot of posting! Who won the prize as the 200,000,000th poster? 🙂


  93. phio_chan

    amazing stats. congrats to wordpress and thanks for giving us this nice service all this time. I didn’t regret my decision to make a blog here after all. keep up the good work! yay~ ^___^


  94. pureenergy312

    Looking forward to the 1 BILLION MARK



  95. Exodus

    even though i know WP is well loved (i am one of those), i still couldn’t help myself say “W..O..A..W…” when i saw the magical number…
    i :heart: WP! rock on, guys and gals! (:


  96. shine05

    It is amazing! Congrats! I love WordPress!


  97. Rashid Faridi

    There will be one more zero soon.


  98. Ben's Ourworld Gem Codes!

    BTW 41 posts done by me


  99. vish3116

    Thank You WORDPRESS! You are a “Phenomenon”. The only disappointment was that I have to web-host my blog or have a domain n then I would be able to install WP client. Installing client gives me a feature to install widgets/plugins as “Share/FB-Like/Tweets”. I now have to register myself onto NetworkedBlogs to have the same feature.

    I wish there was an option as in case of Blogspot where they could have FB-Like buttons configured on their blog posts without web-hosting or buying a domain. An FB-Like ensures more traffics and ur blog posts getting popular and reaching far and wide.

    My only disappointment – Please provide me a facility for integrating FB-Like button on the web access.


  100. andy

    *high 5* anyone?


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