Publicize: Facebook — Images

Back in February, we launched Publicize: Facebook as a way to connect your account to your Facebook profile.

In March, VideoPress added support for Facebook so that when using Publicize, your videos would get added to your Facebook update as well.

Until now, we’ve neglected your images.

Facebook update with image from's Publicize feature

Starting today, however, we’ll cherish your images as much as we already do your text and video; when sending a Facebook Profile update, will include any image you upload to the post. Image support was the #1 most requested feature for Publicize: Facebook, and we’re happy we finally got around to it 🙂

(Before you ask, the #2 most requested feature is the ability to update Facebook Pages as well as Profiles, so it’s already on our list.)

Since we started, you’ve sent out nearly 1.3 million Facebook updates from Keep them going!

NB: Only the first five images uploaded to a post and included directly, in a gallery, or in a slideshow will be sent to Facebook.

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  • July 16, 2010


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  1. Dan

    Virtual high five! Love it.


  2. Jerry Jacques

    This is great news! I have relented from automatic facebook publishing because of the fact that there was no photo involved. Thanks for this!


  3. christiangrblr

    awesome, i think I might try this soon 🙂


  4. David Guzman

    Can’t wait to use this new feature!! 🙂


  5. Al K Hall

    Awesome! Thanks for keeping up with my jonesin’!


  6. Mahfooz Hasan

    Finally, I’ve been waiting for that a long time. Thank you, love it.


  7. cepet

    Great news, indeed! This is definitely a good thing.


  8. alwayswellwithin

    Thanks very much for this improved version for publicizing via Facebook. Am very grateful for all that the WordPress team offers. How you are all taking some time off for summer fun, too.


  9. Junkie1

    Yay!! This rules!


  10. Gally

    WordPress is way better than Facebook; I don’t know why anyone still uses FB, as if tiny status updates and profiles filled with the names of your favorite bands and products could show who you are. WordPress is an outlet for creativity, to say something more intimate and meaningful than 450 words, and has better resources without giving up your privacy to companies. Just my opinion, though.


  11. Eric

    Thanks! This is a great add 🙂


  12. axewielderx

    Ya, the last post I did that had pics, one of them showed up and it had me wondering. Thx!


  13. featheredfiends

    Hmmm. Not useful to me.


  14. shamusoconner

    I just noticed that today on Facebook… Thank you! I have been waiting for this.


  15. pixilated2

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Now I don’t have to cut and paste the web address to get the images to follow! This is great!


  16. Ian Rees

    As we say in Wales – bendegedig!


  17. Gilbert Satchell

    Gally (up above) has it right…I use F/B space as an ad to get people here because WordPress is Home.


  18. photogenicfelines

    This is absolutely awesome because I run a photoblog about shelter cats, and without images, the Facebook link was not very effective. Thank you for making this easier for us photobloggers!


  19. gbvaz

    Great news!! Thanks!


  20. photogenicfelines

    Just a question… If you have 5 or 6 images in your post, how does it choose? Can you pick which one it chooses?


    • mdawaffe

      You cannot choose; it’s all automated. It takes the first image from your post and shows it next to the update in your Facebook profile. You can see up to a total of five images on the Facebook update, though, by clicking a “see more” link in the update. So it takes the first image and up to the next four for a total of five.


  21. shamballa9944

    Hmmmmm, thinking, thinking …about the possibilities! I may have to actually try this one out soon!


  22. Susann

    Saw it earlier today on my FB. Great job! =D Thanks!


  23. ebag99

    Nice addition.


  24. lucapost



  25. Pedí3Deseos

    This is great news!! Thanks!!


  26. Laura Jane

    OH!!! This is fantastic! It always looks a little bare when it posts to facebook!
    But wait, can you elect NOT to post a picture to facebook with the blog entry?


    • mdawaffe

      Nope. Your pretty pictures will automatically show up on Facebook.

      Remember, though, this is only for images you upload to your post, not images you embed from other URLs.


  27. teasme

    Awesome! I look forward to the facebook page update too. Right now my blog is all about my tea business not me personally. Go the Page!


  28. Delinda Dyrssen

    Gally.. I agree Facebook isn’t the place to blog.. but its still a great place to get the word out about your blog! Thats pretty much what I use it for.


  29. Susan Wright-Boucher

    Thanks — what will you come up with next?!


  30. craftystaci

    Thanks for this! My only problem with it might be it’s choice of photo. I post a lot of tutorials, and a step out of order might look a little strange. I’ll definitely give it a try though.


  31. craftystaci

    Ok, duh. I just read the article again and it says the first 5 photos, which is completely within my control. All I have to do is show the finished item in the first photo. Thanks!


  32. npthompson

    Now if only WordPress would actively promote the photo blogs that are on WP. Why is it that writers, no matter how bad or boring they are, are always featured in Freshly Pressed and never once does WP exhibit the same courtesy to photographers???


    • Joy Victory

      Hi there! Actually, we feature photo-based posts on Freshly Pressed every day — just look right now to see what I mean!

      To make sure you’re content is included for contention, add the “photography” tag to your posts.


  33. David W. Boles

    It’s great you’re able to work with Facebook to improve the experience. I know they change things around a lot on their end and it takes a dedicated effort on your side to help make sure things don’t break.


  34. gonzo

    At last! 😉 Thank you.


  35. giuliadventures

    Brilliant! 🙂


  36. sarah walston



  37. ardiantoarsadi

    WordPress is awesome.


  38. Chris



  39. Sara

    Finally! :mrgreen: Thank you, WordPress!


  40. Lewnna

    I don’t know about this. Facebook is more of a personal spot for me, and so is WordPress, but they’re still two different things. I use them for different purposes, so, this, this is weird, to me.


  41. O. Braga

    Thank You!


  42. smallestforest

    You are so awesome, and every time you make a change it just cements my loyalty to WordPress that much more. Thanks!


  43. Pingback: WordPress Upgrades Publicize To Facebook App (Makes It Relevant Again) « Read NEWS
  44. urbancamping

    Well golly gosh and gee guys-I sure didn’t know about this fantastically fun little hook-up here. FaceBook is not so intimidating to me as is launching myself into the blogging world by the seat of my pants. FaceBook I (pretty much) understand. Thank you from a “senior” who’s just “found her bliss”; right here, right now, in real time, with the internet.

    Kudos peoples of WordPress!

    A Newbie


  45. AJ

    Wow! This gives self-promotion in Facebook a shot-in-the-arm! Love it! 🙂


  46. Pingback: Publicize: Facebook — Images (via News) « randomTIDBITSofthought
  47. lestat546

    Thank you, so much 😉


  48. mrasherkade

    YEA. More people to be shocked by sick freaks like me! 🙂


  49. GretchensPianos

    Fantastic! Thank you!


  50. barrycyrus

    Love ette! 🙂


  51. Rookie Photographer

    That’s cool. Much needed feature.


  52. akinyemi2010

    This is just great. Thanks.


  53. babyadore

    That is awesome! 😀


  54. JehLay

    May the blessings always be!


  55. Rohit

    I have been using this feature for the last 3 weeks or so……via the sharer.php functionality in Facebook. Good to know all this will be automatically done now. Good going !


  56. Olivia

    I saw that happening. I pressed my posts yesterday and day before, and this time, they were also alongwith the images of my post. May I say I absolutely love it??


  57. Pingback: Publicize: Facebook — Images (via News) «
  58. Pearlie

    Thanks! Wonderful feature.


  59. sociosound

    Wow I didnt even know we had the facebook feature – how cool!! 🙂


  60. 那尼。Nalie

    Thanks! That’s a good news~


  61. kendylau

    Great news! Great feature! Can’t ask for anything more! Thanks!


  62. zemaniac

    I agree with Gally! I deleted my FB account as i started my wp blog…


  63. Naomi

    Thanks a ton, this is brilliant! I’ve been using Networked blogs to include images, but this is much slicker.


  64. JsQuare

    I think this is great!


  65. nqthai

    Great feature! I just update! Thank you very much!


  66. Yasir Imran

    That is off course a great news. WordPress features are lovable. thanks


  67. platelicking

    Thank you so much, yeay ….. you guys are the best! muah … 🙂


  68. ted

    Agree with Gally to an extent… however, they serve two different purposes… fb gave me a start to trying some writing and then I moved on to WordPress to really do it right… now, in addition to me posting photos and making snarky comments on people’s pages, facebook promotes my ‘TedBook’ blog.


  69. blastedgoat

    I won’t use this because I don’t link any of my accounts. My family discovered Facebook but they have not yet discovered WordPress! It’s not that big of a deal, I’m just a private person. A million strangers could read my most personal stories or opinions but, I just don’t feel like I’m good enough to please the people around me. I need to find weird people on the internet, people who actually read the news once in a while or can articulate a valid argument without turning it into a war ::sigh:: around here… there’s not many people like that, or at least I can’t find them!


  70. Louy

    Perfect! thanks people 🙂 you ROCK 😉


  71. popgownia

    Finally! Thanks for that! I’ve seen other blogsites using that function and I knew you would do the same one day! Thanks again!


  72. smoothjazzdaily

    Thanks for that feature. Greatly appreciated!


  73. Pingback: WordPress Is Facebook Image Friendly « Explore WordPress
  74. cosmopolith

    Love it! great job!


  75. art predator

    Maybe I’ll try this again now that it shows photos.


  76. stickinsect

    Great idea. People are more likely to visit your blog if there is a photo to click on!


  77. leocheungblog

    Adding facebook and WordPress together is more convenience for me. Great work.


  78. Ameshin Yossarian

    Yay! I can’t wait for these features for facebook pages! Thank you! 🙂


  79. Peter Parkour

    Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet or not, but I think there needs to be more control on what is shared and not. For instance, if I’m trying to lure readers from FaceBook with promise of pics on my blog, them already being able to see the pics does me no good. See what I mean? An across the board share policy it a bit tough to swallow. I only want to share some, not all.


  80. Netty Gritty

    Cool! A picture says a thousand words!


  81. victoriabondmakeupartist

    Great my work is visual and I use WP and FB for that so a great add!


  82. Standing in the light field

    Another win for WordPress me thinks 😀


  83. dreamingarts

    Great news! Although I appreciated the automatic Facbook updating, as an artist, my Dream Blog is rich with images and certainly lost something when the images were omitted. Thank you, WordPress Team! Victoria Rabinowe. Artist • Teacher • Author • Dreamer.


  84. gadgetronica

    Thank you for making this a priority! Having our before-after furniture & crafting projects in thumbnail form will surely entice more people to visit our budding blog.


  85. thebankruptdad

    That’s awesome, I guess now I need to make a Facebook Account. I’m not a fan of Facebook cause my Ex-Wife is on it constantly.


  86. mosaicmoods

    I really, really wanted that. Thank you!!!!


  87. A. Woz

    Huge service, my pics go with the post and they are the branding of my blog. thx!


  88. candyfunsmith

    Sounds great, I am looking forward to using this new feature!


  89. Denise

    Thanks for this feature – and looking forward to your adding the “Update Facebook Page” option as well.



  90. karenstuebing

    I didn’t know about this. I’ve been using Networked Blogs to do this and I don’t like using third party apps on Facebook. I’ll have to give this a try.


  91. Stop Being a Loser

    This is SO helpful, thanks!


  92. AutoAnything

    Awesome update, once we get the Pages update, then we’ll be all set. 🙂

    Keep up the great work WP team!


  93. muccamargo

    Nice feature! Thanks!


  94. turbotad

    This is great! On the same topic, is there any way to add Facebook “Like” buttons to blogs? I know there are tons of ways on self-host blogs, but on blogs, there doesn’t seem to be a way.


  95. Abby Caldwell Photography

    I was excited to have the image show up on my Facebook page. HOWEVER, people are being directed to the image itself (and it is huge so they can download it) rather than the blog which is a HUGE disappointment. I have been trying to figure out how to not have this happen, but haven’t done so. Any suggestions?


  96. Troo

    At last! Thank you 🙂


  97. ivankay

    GREAT NEWS!! Thank you WP team for such wonderful updates!


  98. Di@

    Great! I love it!


  99. noelet

    Hi there, regarding the “see more” option to display the 5 pictures?

    Can they be configured to automatically spread the 5 pics at posting? rather than clicking it as an option.

    As it makes the post a more interesting preview if you see a bunch of pictures rather than just 1.



  100. Vic Louis

    Nice! I haven’t used any images in my posts yet, but this might give me a reason to start doing it.


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