Like a Post? Well Then, “Like” It!

Starting today you’ll notice a new feature at the bottom of all blog posts. We’ve enabled a “Like” button, which, when clicked, shows a Gravatar image for all the bloggers who like a post.

When you “like” a post two core things happen. First, the blog post’s author sees your “like” and can click-through to your Gravatar profile. Second, clicking “like” saves the post in your homepage dashboard (in the “Posts I Like” section), so you can share it with others, or just keep it around for future reference. If you’re interested in keeping track of how many likes your own blog posts are receiving, there’s a new “like count” column on the “Posts > Edit Post” screen. This will show you the total like count on each of your posts, right next to the total comment count.

We’re hoping this will be an awesome new way to discover other interesting bloggers, and start new conversations with people who — literally! — like you. If you haven’t updated your Gravatar profile yet, now would be a great time to upload a picture, a link to your blog, and any other details. Editing your profile is easy, just remember that all of your profile information is public.

If you’d prefer not to display likes on any of your blog posts we’ve provided an option to turn them off under “Appearance > Extras.” You can still enable or disable likes selectively on individual posts through the “Show likes on this post” checkbox when editing or writing a new post.

To help you get fully up to speed, check out the new support document on the likes system.

To turn off the Like button you will now need to go into Settings > Sharing. You can read more about this move here.

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  1. phylor

    great idea! I was thinking of putting up a new gravatar: thanks for the suggestion of doing it now. Looking forward even more to enjoying the bloggers I like: I now hit the like button, and let them know!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mike

    Nice one guys! Keep it up

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Jafar Al-Hassan

    Good Idea. Makes it easier to inform a blogger that you like their post without having to write a comment.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. dhimasln

    really nice 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. fotdmike

    Super. Once again you guys have come up trumps. All we need now is a row of “share this” buttons on each post for other social networking sites (hint hint).

    Liked by 2 people

  6. ian

    Very cool!

    But why only allow readers to Like once in the specific post? In other words, why only here…

    …and not here:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. freemasonry

    wow! really cool…I just clicked the like button for this article…^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Eric

    Great add! WordPress is more like Facebook now…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. gs collector

    This will be fun and a great way to kill time…thanks!


  10. ian

    @Andy P. Cool. I appreciate the insight.


  11. Sara @ Tedious Life

    Thanks for including an option to turn it off. I don’t think it really works on my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Claudia Owen

    Great idea, unfortunately for me the Like button displays over the heading of the post not at the bottom of the page! How can I fix that?


    • Andy P

      Please send a quick message to the support team and we’ll get this fixed up for you. Make sure you let them know the blog in question.


  13. Sandra Lee

    I “like” the way that is always adding new features and new themes. Bravo! I look forward to the discussion around this like button. I’m curious what people will say. As one person mentioned above, it’s a shortcut instead of leaving a comment. Comments are so central to the heart and soul of a blog, I hope this doesn’t take away from comments.


  14. gbvaz

    wow!! that’s really cool!


  15. carsonmatthews

    very cool and like fotdmike said, a share this bar would be super cool…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. court

    Liking a post is a nice addition to comments. It would be nice, though, if it clicks through to their blog rather than their gravatar profile.


    • Andy P

      We did consider this, but the Gravatar profile will provide extra information on the individual blogger. It’s really very easy to add your blog to your profile so hopefully we’ll see more people doing this.


  17. Yuan

    haha, ,, i was thinking how to give like button on my blog, but give it to us. . Thank you


  18. Andrew



  19. dreamsburnred

    Wonderful idea! It’s a social feedback tool in ways :).


  20. anniesabarte

    Great idea, it’s about time… when are we going to be able to do an easy feed.


  21. craftystaci

    This will be useful…Like!


  22. ismailimail

    This is nice, but it seems it is only available for those who are logged in to This could create confusion to some because if a logged-in user Likes a post than the gravatar shows up under the post, but the non-logged-in user would not see an option to either like the post or not and the gravatar would be confusing to understand. Is there a way to resolve this conflict for those who are not logged in? Ideally, for the non-logged-in users, the liked posts should not show the gravatar of those who have liked it.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. obsysteme

    i’m all for it!


  24. Rookie Photographer

    cool idea


  25. shamballa9944

    I LIKE IT!!!!


  26. K. Gregorovius

    Thanks for including an option to turn it off.


  27. Pingback: Like A Post? Well, then, Like It! | Radical Frontiers
  28. Guillermo Bautista

    This is awesome. Thank you WordPress!


  29. Crispin

    Love the idea


  30. mrasherkade

    Okay, two concerns:
    1) what if you aren’t “liked” much? I better ask for my doctor for more meds…dang it!
    2) I guess this increases the feedback, but now instead of “quality” feedback, all we are going to get from readers is a picture icon, or know who the weirdos are that liked you’re off-colored post….hmmm…can anyone be anonymous? It almost feels like AA…”Hi, My name is ‘Like’. I like only certain types of posts and want to leave my digital imprint everywhere on WordPress….”
    I can see how advertising marketers could gain useful info from the target audience that “likes” certain posts…


  31. sbafarms

    is this available for wp mu installations on a our own domain?


  32. Mary

    Cool idea!


  33. planejaner

    Me likey like the “like”.


  34. Rahul

    At first I felt this was Facebook like button. Hope you guys are working on that as well.


  35. hideaheart

    I like the ‘LIKE’ button…now if you could create a ‘FOLLOW’ button, I’ll be ENRAPTURED!


  36. rejistania

    Can we also get a ‘freaking hate’ button? 😉


  37. David W. Boles

    These features are remarkable, Andy P! Thank you for giving us the ability to use these new enhancements or not.


  38. rouju

    Where’s the like button in this post? I dig it totally. Simple but effective dude.


  39. wikornrat

    Thank you verymuch.


  40. wholesalekoreanfashion

    It will be very nice!


  41. Peter Parkour

    I like it. No, really, I do. :mrgreen:


  42. cherielee

    Thank you WordPress for this awesome “Like” function!! 🙂 Like what hideaheart has mentioned, if you can create a “Follow” button it will be GREAT!!!!!!!!!


  43. Vaneeesa Blaylock

    This is really great! It’s amazing how many peeps will message me that they “liked” my post, but they won’t leave a comment. Some kind of strange negative inertia I guess. It should be easier to just “like” the post so perhaps this will result in a lot more feedback and interaction!

    So bravo!

    Oh… but… I’m with ismailmail, WHY only logged in “bloggers?” Actual non-blogging-human-beings read blogs too! Isn’t there some way for them to “like” your work? It seems useless if only the “elite” of this internal community can participate and the rest of the world is voiceless. Yes, of course they *could* make an account… but in a world with too much choice and too little time, making something “hard” or “too many steps” is the same as prohibiting it. I love “liking” because it sounds a lot easier than commenting (which of course is very easy… but… negative inertia…) BUT… if they have to sign up to like… then it’s even harder than commenting and I don’t see what we’ve gained.

    So sad face!

    Overall: Happy Face / Sad Face… Comedy & Tragedy… mixed review…

    Liked by 2 people

  44. peggyhogan

    Looks great. It’ll be fun to see how many likes I get.


  45. Gally Lines ~

    I guess this might be handy since not everyone comments, so instead they can “like” it. But I don’t like this “let’s all look like Facebook” approach websites are taking.


  46. Brad Merrill

    Very cool. Any plans for social media buttons (like Tweetmeme and Facebook’s Like button) anytime soon? It seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult to port those plugins over to the platform. That’d be awesome.


  47. lestat546

    Thank you WordPress for this awesome “Like” function!! 🙂


  48. nancysmoments

    I love your fun, new ideas and I will definitely use this …..if I can see it. I don’t see the “like button” on any blog, lest my own. I really want it – I swear. Cross my heart. 🙂 ( Yes, I’ve already checked and it’s enabled in my appearance extras. )


  49. rosedale Gardens

    Sounds great. Mary


  50. mobilerepairman

    You guys @ wordpress never cease to amaze me, keep up the great work.


  51. Barbara



  52. Laura Jane

    Yay! I’ve already “Like”d a few things already. That is neat.


  53. draabe

    I’ve actually been waiting for this – great!


  54. Kẹo

    NIce feature guys 🙂 Thank you so much! I “like” it!


  55. messagesfromouterspace

    This is a great way to find more people to connect with. Good article explaining it too.


  56. carumen

    …just what I was thinking the other day! I love it, thank you WordPress!


  57. oRiDo™

    i like it…

    but can I put it on the top of my post?
    it only show when you are in posting page..
    can it show in HOME page (with multiple posting page) ?


  58. James a.k.a. The Gunter

    its just awsome


  59. sid

    the tutorial page about like clarified my doubts …

    thank u 🙂


  60. ismailimail

    This is only for logged in users at the moment, we might expand it in the future to allow non-logged in users to like posts.

    Hi, thanks for the reply; however, I am indicating a conflict which becomes apparent between logged in users and the non-logged in users. Majority of blog visitors are non-logged in users so when they see a gravatar under the post, they might be curious to know where is it coming from. It would be helpful if there could be a way to notify the non-logged in users what those gravatars are for. Or until you allow non-logged in users to like posts, you may wish to consider hiding the gravatars from their view?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Andy P

      It does still say that “X number of bloggers liked this post” so it should be fairly clear what the images mean. The only thing that is different is the button is gone.


  61. dileepchettan



  62. Drahpish

    excellent! 😀


  63. urdead2me

    any way i can get the like button to appear at the top of the posts rather than all the way at the bottom?


  64. Novroz

    Wow…WP is getting more and more like Tumblr 😦


  65. dhenztm

    Well, this is something I really LIKE! 😀


  66. Swathi Pradeep

    Supercool!! Pls roll out a followers widget like blogger for other bloggers to follow our blogs 🙂


  67. stylebymeli

    Wow, this is awesome! I “Like” it already and pressed the button to prove it! 🙂


  68. Sajib

    Isn’t it an old feature? Previously the like button used to be at the top admin bar. Now it’s below each post. That’s it.


  69. Shirley

    I like it. Clicked the star at the top of this page, too. 🙂


  70. jose antonio perez stuart



  71. nancysmoments

    Thank you Andy P. I see it now. My mistake. Oh boy…it must be an age thing. Thanks for all you do!


  72. cOokie

    wow!! that’s really cooooooool! 😀 😀


  73. Liss

    This is excellent!!! Your the best!! :o))


  74. leahkaminsky

    Awesome! Personally, I think a giant thumbs up photo for both WordPress and Facebook is in order.


  75. essexgirl1

    Hi good one, tho took me a little while to find the button, maybe it could be a bit bigger? for us non techie type’s and us learners on the blog scene,or could it be my ageing eye sight??
    keep it up Jacqui


  76. Miss Mali

    I am the reason there should not be a like button……i over use it 🙂 LIKE LIKE LIKE EVERYTHING!!! ++++


  77. Matthew Guay

    Now we just need an integration plugin for sites that will let us add reblog and like to our sites too…


  78. Exodus

    what a great idea! i do like it! 😀


  79. Gurindam Jiwa

    This is great. But is there a way to unlike something that we accidentally like?


  80. Olivia

    I like it
    Good to have added this at the bottom of the page, because one can only “like” it after having read it… not many crawl back to the top to like it….


  81. Rokugatsu

    Quite useless if you ask me…


  82. useibert

    Would be nice to have this on the Start page, too.


  83. Super Phuong

    I like the “LIKE” 😀


  84. Th0r4z1n3

    Kinda makes the little “thumbs up/thumbs down” thing a little redundant, but I like this better; you can see who actually likes what you are posting. =D


  85. gusrohman

    woh is this the real it is very goods


  86. nd4s4ch

    kumaha nyieunna?? Teu apal sayyah…


  87. agito

    i’ll miss a simple comments “i like this” again.. 😆


  88. Brian Currin

    Wonderful … thank you


  89. taytom

    I really like the “Like”.. but I’m with ismailmail and Vaneeesa Blaylock and hope, that you’ll allow the rest of the and non-blogging world at all to “Like” posts…

    Liked by 2 people

  90. Kevin Marks

    If this supported output too it would be quite lovely.


  91. chikakaluozeh

    A good idea in deed.Wordpress, is still tops…but can we have this on the start page as well?


  92. A R Shams

    I like such dynamic creative ideas on anything going on already splendid.


  93. Cyndy Otty

    I actually very much like this! I think it makes the “like” feature more obvious to others and the ability to see exactly whom has “liked” a post is quite nice. Especially since it utilizes the new Gravatar profiles.


  94. Gurindam Jiwa

    Thank you, Andy. I must have missed that.


  95. Mahfooz Hasan

    Love the idea, keep up the good work.


  96. Mesh187

    i agree with useibert.
    however, i can’t seem to find the like button my blogs.


  97. writeonanne

    GREAT idea. I really like this. And I like Matthew Guay’s idea of being able to reblog… I know we’re never happy are we? But thanks for this and keep up the good work 🙂


  98. Blondet Patrice

    Another great addition to


  99. Anterl

    Interesting feature! Kudos to you

    hopefully I get some LIKES on my page soon 😉


  100. Ali Reza

    I think … What a about the rating? Why don’t just combine between rating and Gravatar? So we don’t have the “thumbs-up” and “like button” at the same time. I think combining between rating dan Gravatar is better, when we click “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” the Gravatar is shown.

    Liked by 1 person

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