Putting a Spin on Twenty Ten’s Header Image

Earlier this year, we unveiled the new Twenty Ten default theme. Every blog using the theme was automatically set with the header image shown below.

But, because there are actually seven other equally lovely header images in Twenty Ten, we have now randomized the default header image for each blog. If you use Twenty Ten, you may see a brand-new image starting today.

If you have uploaded a custom header or selected one of the built-in choices, don’t worry: your blog won’t be affected. And, if you want to switch back to the image above, you can go to Appearance->Header in your Dashboard to make the change.

For more information on all of the theme’s images, read The Headers of Twenty Ten.

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  1. David W. Boles

    That’s a slick idea, Nick! Will those header images rotate with each page load? Or they are only randomized once?

    Might we one day be able to upload our own multiple header images and have them rotate with page loads using the Twenty Ten theme?


  2. MualMaul

    nice one. but I not using that theme. personalized is more attractive. great job WP!


  3. ichthus007

    Thank you…this explained my confusion.


  4. phylor

    Helpful information. When I used twenty-ten, I used a customized header, but I think I’ll check out what other images are available in case I switch back to that theme.


  5. ileaneb

    Cool, that’s a good way of forcing people to look at the other header options available. We don’t want all of the lazy bloggers to have the same header. 🙂


  6. sid

    thank you for the other beautiful headers 🙂


  7. timethief

    The headers are all very attractive and the ability to change them, to upload own custom header image and the random image display is also a great addition.


  8. starlaschat

    Funny, I was just looking at my information about the Twenty Ten theme wondering if there was anything I was missing. I sure have been enjoying this theme, Thanks for the information. I’m glad I can still do my own headers.


  9. Anne Lessing

    That’s a great idea! It’s the little loving details like these that make me love WordPress. 🙂


  10. pelhammeeting

    I appreciate your thinking that some people might like a changed header image. We did not appreciate the changing of the image without being consulted. We were totally satisfied with the way it looked, and hope there will be no further changes made without asking if we would want them.
    We are nonetheless grateful for this blog site, and appreciate most everything else about it. Thank you.


    • Nick

      Sorry about that but it was the best way to make the change without adding extra complexity. It’s very easy to change the header back if you want by going to Appearance->Header.


  11. Mary Fletcher Jones

    I just wanted you all to know that I am really pleased with this template. I’ve tried several different templates for my various blogs, and I think Twenty Ten is my all-time favorite. All those widget areas! And the nav bar with drop-down! And it’s so legible and easy to navigate. Plus I love any template that allows for header image customization. I used it for my aunt’s restaurant here http://thewaterfrontcafe.wordpress.com. She loves her new blog, too.



  12. Blondet Patrice

    I love twenty ten and i made it my default theme but is it possible to change the header at random ?


  13. Eric

    Nice! I always liked that theme. It’s great to spice things up.


  14. Drahpish

    that is so neat 😀


  15. aspicco

    I use a similar simple template with a photo up top. The idea here of having a randomized header every time a visitor arrives is nice… but I change my header every time I make a post.

    Maybe in the future a template can be devised that has a randomized header but using a set of custom uploaded images?


    • Nick

      The header doesn’t change every time a visitor arrives. We’ve only changed the default header per blog so that everyone using Twenty Ten doesn’t get the same image by default.


  16. Birdwhisperer

    That’s a neat idea. I don’t use Twenty Ten, but it’ll be fun to play with, and will give all the brand new blogs something to make them a little more unique.


  17. Maik

    Oh yeah! That make’s your blog looking much more… randomly 😀


  18. goodeggbiblestudy

    What kind of marketing genius at WordPress thought this maneuver up? You have taken a great theme having appropriate symbolism that tied with the purpose of my blog and trashed it.


  19. Don Pezzuto Lighting & Electrical Srvices

    Great news, indeed! This is definitely a good thing….


  20. Sara @ Tedious Life

    Good idea. I was tired of seeing blogs using default header when there are other great headers that look better of their blog. Hopefully, this will help some people look over the headers and find a great one. :mrgreen:


  21. Liras

    It’s a beautiful theme. Thank you.


  22. Canaan Hackler

    Very nice, I like the randomization factor for the headers, what would be cool is if you could upload several images and wordpress would randomize from that list.


  23. JC

    I’ve red the article on MA.TT’s blog and I love the features! Would be handy if (if you wrote with multiple writers, like I do) you could make the image with one mouse click available for all the blogs of the particular writer. But now I fix that manually (lot of work).
    But I love it that the theme is following the identity of the writer in the header image. 🙂


  24. Gally Lines ~ LestISmiteThee.wordpress.com

    A refreshing idea! I would actually like header options to be available for more styles. I use Greyzed and love it because it fits my art and writing, but I just wish I could add a simple header image. Please consider :3


  25. sketchbloom

    Lovely! I like how you always allow us to embrace the change or revert to our familiar setting!


  26. M Shodiq Mustika

    Very nice. 🙂 The randomized default header image ensures Twenty Ten the best theme of wp.com so far. I love it!


  27. vodkabeforenoon

    Awesome. I really liked this layout and am thankful of everything your team has provided.


  28. Yuan

    woww. . .thank you nick, i’ll try soon. ..


  29. Follow 2 Serve

    I love the picture that is shown above and will not change it. It goes perfectly with my blog’s theme.


  30. Writing Scales

    I understand your wanting to “put out” the other lovely header images in Twenty Ten. But I really like the one I selected. I think it depicts really well my journey as a writer. Is there any way that I can by pass the default changes and make sure that it doesn’t change, unless I want it to.


  31. shamballa9944

    Interesting…would love to see all the options. I supposed I’d have to change mine to this theme in order to check it out, huh.?


  32. Loup Kibiloki

    I switched from Vigilance to Twenty Ten some weeks ago. Twenty Ten is certainly one of the few most readable themes available here. It’s a very clever, intelligent, efficient, and at the same time, a very simple design. The work of a very good designer. Thanks for Twenty Ten, and the best to you 🙂



  33. endtimetalk

    I am a lover of picturesque landscape, verdant pastures, cascading waterfalls and the like – the 2010 headers are very impressive.


  34. rosedale Gardens

    I plan to play with this one when I get a chance for my gardening blog. Right now I’m working out in the yard until after dark watering all the flowers I’ve moved to keep from burning up during several weeks of high 90’s to 100+.


  35. dhenztm

    Nice! I sure hope that multiple custom headers will come up soon 🙂


  36. Miss Mali

    I have been playing around…sometime it is soo hard to find the perfect header…i believe in this one:)!


  37. audiovideoadjust

    This really helps because I just got started with WordPress and I hate the red china header ya’ll gave me. I’m gonna try to get my bro to help me change the theme though because he has been with WordPress since November 2009.

    Thanks for this post.


  38. Standing in the light field

    Its good there’s a choice but I always use a personal one as I feel it gives your blog a more personal feel 🙂


  39. BrittanyAmelia

    I would totally use Twenty-Ten if it had 3 columns!


  40. Bridging Centuries

    Imaging my surprise when I visited my site this morning and found a new header! I like it.


  41. Andy

    I tried other themes but the 2010 theme works the best for me! Thanks for the highly configurable theme!


  42. jakesyl

    i love the idea i would do it with more themes!


  43. James Guerrero

    Actually, I like the new fresh appearance.


  44. Czajkowski Dumpel & Associates, Inc.

    I like the idea!


  45. MJae

    A rotator would’ve been nice.


  46. firstfiddle

    Very nice.


  47. businesstrust

    Nice! It’s a beautiful theme.


  48. sunshine

    Thanks for the information 😛


  49. Monica Antohi

    Love this theme. Thanks! I do use my own personalized header, but I love all the options that come with the theme: background changes, widgets in all the side and low bars: AWESOME!


  50. Pingback: I think the creativity at WordPress has dried up! « Web Wanderings
  51. bvgm

    This is a cool innovation.


  52. JawGeX

    Sweet! I used to use it… but now I use Enterprise, but nice!


  53. Mrs. A.

    I love this theme. It’s my very favorite. I use it for both my professional and personal blogs. I use a custom header and will allow my students to submit pictures for the header on our school blog this year – kind of a contest! I’m really excited about it.


  54. barryb64

    As my site uses this them, I love the idea randomizing the headers of the Twenty Ten theme. Sorry to hear that it applies only to the default header. You were generating a nice idea for later.


  55. faithcometh

    Thanks for giving us many options. It’s a great idea and It really breaks the monotony.


  56. rumplestick

    Yo Saint Nick… what a job. After reading some of the comments I crawled back into my cave.


  57. Herbert

    Hello, I noticed that when I made two new blogs! I thought it was always random!


  58. TT Thomas

    Love it! Thanks, Nick. Any new widgets coming for Twenty Ten?


    • Lance Willett

      Thanks, TT. We don’t have new widgets coming for Twenty Ten — but when we release new widgets it’ll be for all themes, and we’ll announce it here.


  59. susank456

    Great idea! Adds variety.


  60. Harry Humor--Dares You to Live Life with a Smile!

    I think the Twenty Ten header has the gentle, subtle touches that make a great picture of Life. The stillness and warmth oozes thru the beautiful landscape. Your default choice this year is a winner!


  61. perang salib

    thank you..


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