New Theme: Coraline

I’m really excited about today’s new theme, Coraline. It’s a familiar-looking theme packed with upgrades that will make your blog more customizable and more fun.

The Coraline Theme

As you might have guessed, this will be a replacement for the Cutline theme, which we’re phasing out. Since Coraline replaces Cutline this means we get to add some exciting new features that I think you’ll love.

Multiple Layouts

One of my favorite new features in the Coraline theme is the multiple layout options. Visit Appearance → Theme Options and you can select from 1 of 5 layouts. Choose from up to two sidebars—on the right or left—and 3-column layouts—including one with sidebars on both sides.

A 3-column layout with sidebars on either side

Up To 7 Widget Areas

If you need a lot of widgets for your site you’ll really like Coraline. We’ve added four widget areas to the footer and—if you’ve selected a layout with two sidebars next to each other on the right or left—a bonus “Feature” widget area that spans two sidebar columns.

The feature widget area

Alternate Color Schemes

Does your blog need a darker look? Coraline also has an alternate dark color scheme selectable from Appearance → Theme Options.

The alternate dark color scheme

Even More Features

Coraline was based on our latest default theme, Twenty Ten. That means you get even more features built-in; A custom background, custom headers that you can change on any post or page with a Featured Image, special styles for Gallery posts and shorter Aside posts, a Visual Editor that mimics the look of the theme, and customizable drop-down menus.

The Coraline theme is available today in Appearance → Themes and will soon be available in the WordPress Themes Directory, for self-hosted users.

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  1. Sasha

    I am switching as soon as I hit “Submit Comment” — thank you!


  2. Milo

    Liking the flexible options it has.


  3. carsonmatthews

    That’s good looking. I like the dark background.


  4. kkhalifax

    Beautiful. So clean and I love the multiple layouts.


  5. Mahfooz Hasan

    Attractive looking, especially the dark theme.


  6. Colleen Young

    You make me want to write even more blogs – so I can use all these lovely themes!


  7. technogran

    I intend to try this new theme out! Hurray, the Theme Team is back!


  8. animalartist

    Fantastic, especially the dark background! I have one blog on Cutline which I’ll change over in the next few days.


  9. Costa

    My main blog used Cutline but the instant I saw this, I upgraded. Very awesome, similar but cleaner/smoother.


  10. raditherapy

    This is awesome!


  11. penelopephoebe

    Looks fabulous!


  12. Steve

    Nice! I already use Cutline, but this really does make it even better!


  13. Jean

    I use Cutline … and I have to say: AMAZING. Switching straight away!


  14. Pulkit Kaushik

    It is good though obviously not better than iNove. I am apparently addicted to iNove! 😛


  15. Salman

    Awesome. Nice theme. Loved the dark alternate color.


  16. cOokie

    Very nice 🙂


  17. sharma24

    Another option – that’s nice!!


  18. whatnomints

    I think I might switch (again) to this one! I spotted it earlier today while browsing themes and wondered if it was a newbie – Thanks WordPress!


  19. Ranziy

    I’m still sticking with Vostok, though.


  20. David W. Boles

    This is slick news, Ian, congrats on making this transition to Coraline!

    I especially like the — “bonus ‘Feature’ widget area that spans two sidebar columns” — Bravo!


  21. greglewicki

    Very nice customization regarding possibility of relocating sidebars. But the font on the tabs is too big – as a consequence my tabs are forming a second line while applying this theme. That is why I will stay with my good old Inove. Maybe the time will come when there will be an optional, VERTICALLY ORDERED dropdown menu available in Be it or not, you are great. Greetings.


  22. Erik

    VERY sharp lookin’ layout. You’re tempting me to take the plunge from Bueno theme. 🙂


  23. Anne Lessing

    This is awesome! I might switch to this when I get tired of Under the Influnce. I love the dark color scheme.


  24. Max Soutter

    Wowza! i’ve resisted every new theme for the last 6 months-alas i do believe ya finally got me!


  25. VioletCrush

    I switched to this theme the moment I saw it a couple of days back. It’s gorgeous and clean. Thanks and please do keep introducing more 3 column layouts.


  26. Mary

    You can do so much with this, thanks!


  27. Adrienne

    I like everything except I am so tired of the blue link color – that stops me from using it. I will stick with Koi, modified with my custom headers and background, for the time being. Otherwise, it is a great replacement for Cutline users – nice.


  28. ileaneb

    Finally, I’ve been waiting for a nice new 3-column layout! Thanks, Theme Team.


  29. rubiescorner

    This one is really neat! I might try this one.


  30. dothedevo

    Wow, this is definitely an improvement on Cutline. I like it. 🙂


  31. Nicky

    I may test it out and see if I like it. I think it looks cool as it is.


  32. The Curmudgeon

    Excellent. Nice improvement on Cutline. It’s better for handling blockquotes — the vertical line that Cutline placed in the left margin is gone. Very clean! And you kept the font with serifs. This is great.


  33. Eric

    I actually saw this theme before there was a blog post on it. I’m very impressed with this new update!


  34. craftystaci

    I’m glad to see more and more options available as you roll out new themes. I hope that continues!


  35. Rokugatsu

    Wow, looks great! Almost as good as Vigilance 😉


  36. christiangrblr

    Sooo gonna use this for my new blog


  37. shivas1regal

    Very well designed. Thanks.


  38. JawGeX

    Beautiful! Definitely going to use it!


  39. Wendy

    This looks excellent. I almost switched to Cutline a couple of weeks ago. Great theme!


  40. Orion

    Looks nice. I’ll check it as soon as I get some free time!


  41. amtc2010

    We can make it black? Yeah! I’m definitely gonna consider this theme for my new blog!


  42. Pearlie

    Love the multiple layout option 🙂


  43. ApocalypseGrrl

    Can’t wait to play around with Coraline’s features!


  44. kendylau

    Very nice looking and flexible options! Thanks!!!


  45. ltbackpackers

    I don’t see one-column which is advertised but I can’t seem to get to it. Might be the solution for my desire to have maximum width images. Put those widgets somewhere else like the caps lock key. 😉


  46. karu02

    Thank you. That is what I want.


  47. lighterbright

    Great theme. Very professional and clean. Thinking of an upgrade.


  48. ehagood

    Can you customize the background color?


  49. houdini

    Liking it. 😉


  50. sylviahubbard1

    I’m definitely naming my next child WORDPRESS HUBBARD!!! I LOVE THIS!!!


  51. woubuc

    Thought it’d have something to do with the movie Coraline … Still a nice theme though. 🙂


  52. Crispin

    I’ve been waiting for weeks for a new theme to be posted and this one sounds very interesting so I’m gonna see how it looks.


  53. Sandra Lee

    The multiple layout option is fantastic. This is an awesome transformation of Cutline. I love Inuit Types theme, but this one will tug at my heart. Great work, Theme Team.


  54. obsysteme

    Nice ! but I am addicted to the “under the influence” theme. LOL


  55. Photo' yo

    Looooooooooooooooooooooove it. And I like the name too.


  56. Corra McFeydon

    Absolutely beautiful! And it goes with my name, so of course I’m using it. 🙂

    Thanks for the hard work!


  57. Tarah

    Oooh, I’ll try to preview how my site looks with it! I like the font used.


  58. Jennifer

    Really loving the flexibility and options of Coraline. A keeper for sure!


  59. pokekid1

    I love it!


  60. Olivia Tejeda

    I changed my theme already. I loved Cutline, but it was time for a change. This isn’t dramatically different, so my subscribers will still recognize “me,” but it’s updated and cleaner looking. WIth the added column for widgets, I had to re-load my header image so it filled all three columns, but beyond that it was an easy change. Thanks, WordPress!


  61. Slik

    This theme by far is one of my favorite themes thank you. 🙂


  62. The Silent Spectator

    I love it!! You can change the background, the color, the header, everything! You can customize all you want! 😀


  63. Zaeriuraschi (pronounced zay-ree-ooh-ras-chee)

    This theme looks awesome! Unfoirtunately, the computer I’m on doesn’t have JavaScript, so I can’t change my blog’s theme. 😦


  64. flatland57

    It is such a pleasure to try on every new look that you come up with for us. I love it. Thanks again and keep up the great work!


  65. amberautry

    LOVE IT, but I’m going to keep my current theme. I’m just waiting on something purple in the background, LOL. I love purple.


  66. Rogue|Hero

    Welcome back Theme Team!

    I’m sure this theme will be gracefully accepted by Cutline users. I really appreciate the customization that you put on the new themes. Keep them coming, Theme Team!



  67. Tomasz

    Your talent has no borders – very nice 🙂


  68. Sara @ Tedious Life

    It can still look like Cutline or you can make a totally different layout with all the new options. I like it. :mrgreen:


  69. nancysmoments

    I love it. I activated this new theme pronto but the custom headers I tried didn’t look right and I am still trying to figure out why…..however, the coraline theme is really a good looker. Thanks for a Monday surprise!


  70. Nancy Shoemaker

    Relatively painless update — love the new menu system! The default line height in the tag cloud seems too big, though.


  71. wecanchangetheworld

    Well, after switching, I just had to have a Coraline themed header as well. Thanks to WP and Neil Gaiman both


  72. byczek

    A little notice to Cutline users would have been nice before you went ahead and changed my theme behind my back. An email or something. Sorry if I sound frustrated but to come and find out the look and feel has changed is a bit surprising.


  73. Jerry Jacques

    This is great!


  74. Ljubomir Gatdula

    This is my new theme. Thanks!


  75. Little Professor

    Wow, nice theme! Why is it called Coraline, by-the-way? Does it have anything to do with the movie or the book? Although I like this theme a lot, I don’t think I’ll replace Motion. Motion is my favorite theme.


    • Ian Stewart

      It’s a friendly play on words. Coraline can mean “like Coral” and Coral is something beautiful that grows on top of what came before it—just what we hope Coraline can be for you.


  76. shawjonathan

    I use Cutline, and seem to have been changed across to Coraline automatically. Not that I mind, as the new features are very welcome.


  77. shamballa9944

    Wow, I really like this! I would consider changing to this theme, but it doesn’t allow for the divided banner that Fjord has, which I get such great feedback on 😦 . Maybe yet another option, down the line????


  78. mrasherkade

    I’ll think about it….worried some things might go crazy like last time…


  79. Barbara Sherry Rose, PhD

    Really Cool and Great Work – THANK YOU !!!


  80. Aiman Amani

    Wow! This looks good but I’m sticking with mine. I love the widget areas though,


  81. Emily Gooch

    Love this theme! I like the flexibility and options. It gives my blog a clean and professional look. Thank you so much!


  82. ardiantoarsadi

    Once again … great!


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  84. Guillermo Bautista

    I love it. There is one suggestion though. Much better if you you make the tag text smaller. It’s eating up all the space. 🙂


  85. uniquebusiness

    I am excited too. I hope this theme has no any problem with page break unlike I am having with other theme.
    Once this cause no problem, I won’t simply make a switch.

    Thank you for the good news!


  86. edertk

    That’s why I’ve chosen WordPress to post my stuff. Great themes. Great features. Great service. All for free. Congratulations and keep on going!


  87. Rookie Photographer

    Cool. I liked it. I would like to try this out on my test blog.


  88. mazen2005

    This means we get to add some exciting new features that I think i love.


  89. dhenztm

    This is a very promising theme, one of my candidates for my next theme change on my blog’s 2nd anniversary this November 😀


  90. UTMB

    It’s great – I’m using it. Just one suggestion: it would be great if you’d use Arial as a default font for posting — for this theme and / or for more themes. Thanks!


  91. Pingback: Coraline: The WordPress Theme « Changing Way
  92. linkerlady

    It’s a great theme!!!!


  93. Darren Lipman

    I’m working on putting together a blog for a student organization I’m a part of and this one looks perfect! Thank you so much for the new theme.


  94. Gally Lines ~

    Nice, crisp theme! I like having room for more widgets.


  95. City Daters

    A nice fresh design.


  96. Peter Hallett

    Covers just about everything I can think of, will give it a go I think! Thanks, WordPress team.


  97. Pingback: New Look | A Little Bit Silly
  98. gracetracer

    A crisp theme with many, many options. My site is new and my theme works well enough, but when I am a bit deeper into this, I can see there are possibilities in Coraline I had not yet even considered. Maybe when it’s time to announce an upgrade in about five months…. Thanks for all you do!


  99. Dalin Seivewright

    Traditional blog themes and Photo-blog themes seem to be incredibly popular – and they look great and everything – but I don’t suppose there is a theme in the works tailored completely towards Programmers who want a less, er, “bloggy” way of talking about projects as well as sharing code? The sourcecode tags works only to a certain extent – it is buggy on occasion, especially when going from Visual to HTML and back, and it would be cool to have other “for programmer” blogging tools and theme. I’m thinking less clutter, clean wide area with some sort of built-in “Insert Source Code” buttons?


  100. Shaikul Akbar N

    Its a good theme but similar to Twenty Ten.. Probably you may get us some thing really different from what is currently available..


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