Introducing Subscriptions

Keep track of posts across multiple blogs with the subscriptions reader.

Do you have trouble keeping track of all the blogs you read each morning? You may use RSS feeds to keep track, but those can be tricky to manage for a non-technical person. You may also open multiple tabs and scan through every blog, but that becomes difficult with a large number of blogs to read. Let’s face it, keeping up to speed with multiple blogs is tougher than it should be.

To solve this, today we’re introducing a new subscriptions feature to Subscriptions are an easy way to track and read posts across multiple blogs, all in once place.

How Subscriptions Work

Let’s say you’re reading a blog on that you really enjoy — so much so you want to be notified when new posts are published so you remember to read them. You can subscribe to this blog really easily by using the “Subscribe” menu in the admin bar. By going up to your admin bar, and clicking “Subscribe to blog”, you’ll be instantly subscribed and all current and future posts will be added to the subscriptions tab on your home screen.

The next time you visit, if new posts have been published on any of these blogs you’ll see a “NEW” notification on your admin bar. This lets you know that there are new posts for you to read. You can now use the “My Subscriptions” menu to quickly access your subscriptions reader and catch up on all the latest posts. You can also head straight to your subscriptions by using the new subscriptions tab on the home screen.

We’ve also brought email and jabber notifications all under one roof, so it’s easy to turn on email notifications of new posts, or get posts sent directly to you via instant messenger. Don’t worry, all of your existing email and jabber subscriptions have been ported through.

Subscriptions are live and ready for you to use. We’ve put together a subscriptions support page that will get you up to speed and show you how to get started.

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

Join 111.1M other subscribers


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  1. g o b e r

    Subscription ? I use Google Reader. Simply add blog’s URL and I’m subscribed.


    • Andy P

      You should use the tools that work for you, if that’s Google Reader then awesome. We’ve designed this as an option for those users who might find handling feeds with Google Reader (or any other reader) difficult.

      Also consider that it’s not just a reader. We’ve added features that help you manage email and instant messenger notifications. The reader is just one of the ways be notified of and read new posts.


  2. Melia Suez

    so what is the difference between the subscriptions and the blog surfer?


  3. veruska

    Excellent! It will save me a lot of time for sure!!! Thank you!


  4. Pingback: Launches Blog Subscriptions
  5. Marie~Jeanne

    You guys are Awesome!! Thank You!


  6. Erik

    Keep the creativity coming! Brilliant idea. This trumps Google reader.


  7. Pulkit Kaushik

    NIce! Will definitely help me and my fellow bloggers! 🙂


  8. Milan

    All those things you push to front page are not very l10n friendly, something is translated, something not. It would be better if you would enable those features on locale front pages and then link to them based on users language (as you do now for other stuff, like link to support).


    • Andy P

      We’re building these features for the English speaking users first to make sure they are tuned and working well. At that point we’ll start translating them fully and moving them to locale front pages.


  9. Adam

    Cool! Any chance of a real “rolling” blog roll in which to showcase the subscriptions on our blogs?


  10. J

    This is excellent! Thanks guys, your hard work and never ending development is the exact reason why wp is second to none!


  11. Timothy Newton

    WordPress, you’ve done it again! This is my favorite feature that you’ve introduced in quite some time. Thank you for always bringing us new and improved ways to exchange our writing with the world!


  12. George Florentin

    is it better than google reader? i don´t think so


  13. captainquaker

    I’ve been using Blog Surfer to accomplish this. Does that mean that feature will soon be disabled?


    • Andy P

      The idea is for the new subscriptions features to replace the surfer, but we haven’t finalized any plans for that yet.


  14. barrycyrus



  15. Jennifer

    Have just transitioned many of my Blog Surfer/Email subscriptions to the new Subscriptions and really thrilled to see more holistic integration of various features available on Thank you, too, for giving me the opportunity to manage my inbox bloat. 🙂


  16. Pingback: Is WordPress Turning Into Tumblr? | The Blog Herald
  17. janerri

    nice work andy p!
    WordPress has a reader.


  18. obsysteme



  19. plrang

    Pretty cool, gonna check it out


  20. plrang

    I like it but it looks too small, would be better more like Freshly Pressed – larger thumbnail and a bit more text not just a single sentence.


  21. Vanilla Moon

    I use netvibes, but great job!


  22. Dhyan

    this is very wonderful and great
    but what have happen to all the blogs i had in my Blogs Surfer???
    will be so great to get back all those places i collected in the last two years….
    thank you


  23. Américo Tavares

    Thanks for this new feature!

    Is there any possibility of subscribing blogs from “Blogspot” or “Sapo” (Portuguese)?


  24. Aditya Mehta

    This is pretty cool. Thanks a lot!


  25. timethief

    Great feature. Too bad the blogs we already have on our Blog Surfer must all be visited in order to subscribe to them though. I was hoping there would be an integration.


  26. cher8

    This is good for a beginner and not specifically a tech person…
    Thanks for the update.


  27. nancysmoments

    Very nice – once again from you guys who are always adding options for us to try. We are better bloggers for it!


  28. mariser

    seems like a neat feature.
    can we subscribe to private blogs?


  29. beyondanomie

    So much better than having separate RSS feeds, blog surfer and email ways of “subscribing”. Now everything’s under one easy roof.

    It was a little bit of a nuisance manually moving everything over from blog surfer, but now it’s done… so much better!


  30. K. Gregorovius

    In order to a good location of , note that in other languages the tabs must be larger than in English. In mine, when be translated, there will be no space for more tabs. Even I’m not sure if this new feature will fit well in navigation bar when it be translated.


  31. shamballa9944

    Sounds a lot easier! I’m wondering if this will also be possible with blogs that are not with wordpress…


  32. art predator

    Love this new feature! Thank you!

    I never took to google readers and there’s so much great content on WordPress–now to figure out how to promote it and encourage my readers to use it too!


  33. Pingback: Keeping up with News & Blogs: Feed readers «
  34. gauchogran

    I would like to know how I can add something to my blog that will allow other people to subscribe to my blog. I do not know how to do this.
    Linda Walmer


  35. Suzanne Hard



  36. dougrogers

    Okay, since Flipboard and Pulse on my iPad, I’ve been *looking!* like, seriously looking for a way to read my blogsurfer blogs. Yes, I can subscribe one at a time to the RSS feed, using up all my scarce Pulse sliders. Using Google Reader is like poking pins in your eyes. I haven’t yet looked at Subscriptions, but *if* you can generate an RSS feed from that custom page…


  37. beyondanomie

    One other thing: is there a way to “expand/collapse” each entry as you read down the list?

    It would save having to either click and then come back, or open each entry in multiple tabs.


  38. gallantecology

    Very promissing, i’ll go check it out!


  39. Wez

    Thanks, anything that makes it easier is better.


  40. deathgleaner

    hmmmm… I thought we already had this!


  41. livingaloha

    This is great! Will there be a way to import from other blog sites?


  42. pukirahe

    Wonderful; all efforts to improve the use of the Internet with less time are worthy of praise.
    Thank you for the continuous improvement of


  43. Eric

    Nice! This will make things a lot cleaner and organized.


  44. Snarky's Machine

    I really like this idea, but I am already set up with blog suffer. I don’t feel like starting over again.


  45. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    This is an absolutely terrific idea! Thanks!


  46. Pingback: Top Posts —
  47. Gabriel...

    Looks great. What are the chances of getting our “Add To Blogroll” and “Random Blog” features back?


  48. adventurewriter

    Handy, this’ll be a most helpful feature when I start reading more blogs.
    Excellent travail WordPress!


  49. RandomizeME

    Can’t the blogs that I have on Readomattic automatically just be on the subscription list? I have tons, and I just don’t want to do the entire list all over again.


  50. Mary

    This is great! 🙂


  51. Samantha




    Awesome!! Thank You!


  53. Pingback: » Der Bullshit des Tages steht in der Ankündigung … Nachtwächter-Blah
  54. lestat546

    Thanks for this new feature!


  55. asunbulli



  56. Tracy Z

    this will make for an interesting tool, but I agree that subscribing in Google Reader is far more common (and perhaps preferred) for the moment.


  57. Josenildo Amorim

    Cool ! I will use it with my blogs


  58. Gally Lines ~

    Sounds great, thanks for keeping WordPress fresh!


  59. Robbo

    could really take off, there are heaps of other ways as well, but thanks to adding it guys…


  60. Pingback: WordPress Rolls Out Subscriptions, a Simplified RSS Feature
  61. viji



  62. Sandra of Enso Monkey

    Very nice. Thank you.


  63. benganrocks


    As you say, RSS isn’t for everyone so more ways to subscribe are always welcome. I prefer RSS with my desktop reader but I am sure many people will make use of this.


  64. D R Hosie

    I would like to see a way to subscribe just to new blog posts, and not to comments – or replies to comments?


  65. Liss

    This we like! Thank you very much :o)


  66. Ljubomir Gatdula



  67. apowell5012

    I love this idea!


  68. dhor

    fantastic post!!!! I’ll check it out….


  69. Alıntıdır

    What’s new beautiful but more should be improved, Admin Panel.

    (Yenilikler güzel ama, Admin paneli daha fazla geliştirilmeli.)


  70. sid

    thank you for reminding of this good feature 🙂


  71. sandiart

    I would like to know how to add something similar to ‘Google Friends’ so that people can become followers to my blog. I am aware that you are not meant to ask here but the support is off till the 19/09 and I want to know now. Thank you


  72. craftystaci

    I never got into Google Reader but I do collect my RSS feeds in Outlook. The only issue I have is that I can’t read them on different computers. This sounds like a promising solution to that problem.


  73. nessafrance

    Looks like a great idea – would really like it if you can find a way of moving blogs on Readomattic over to subscribe without doing it manually. Thanks for continuing to improve WordPress.


  74. Khawla



  75. nur1cent

    Hmm, always though, I had overseen that function somewhere. Its´s good and essential, but should have been implemented long ago.! Just my 1 cent


  76. zakton

    This makes life easier.


  77. Writing Scales


    This is great! As someone new to blogging and not very techy I really appreaciate this. Thanks.

    Enjoy the day.


  78. Sajib

    The biggest improvement for reading convenience in Thanks guys.


  79. Mr S. Pill



  80. Backpacking Ninja

    Im just migrating from Blogger to WordPress. How do I make sure everyone who followed my blog there would be transfered automatically. Also, I will be publishing on my custom domain from the WordPress blog….. any advice?


    • Andy P

      Our support system is currently closed until Monday, but please contact them when they reopen and they’ll be able to help you out.


  81. tripleredx

    wow thanks!


  82. doctorshankar

    This is really nice on the part of You are really offereing excellent services. Thank you, WordPress.


  83. garlicfriesandbaseball

    Great! Anything to help me stay organized. This social media stuff can be overwhelming! Thanks Andy!


  84. K-BON

    Beeloooo!!! =)


  85. Pingback: Terry Heaton’s PoMo Blog » Blog Archive » Death of RSS readers? I don’t think so.
  86. K.C. Brownstone

    Most appreciated. Thank you.


  87. Pingback: Have you put me on your reading list? « Discovering the Life
  88. orientfairyworld

    I like this, thank you.


  89. nazish0151

    This is great, it’ll save me some time and paper (from writing down blog sites I want to remember).


  90. that girl again

    I’m not sure the scariness of RSS is the problem you need to solve here. I had no trouble figuring out Google Reader, but I can’t say I fully understand the distinctions between Blog Surfer,Tag Surfer, Readomattic and Subscriptions. If I’m struggling, then I have to wonder whether your ‘non-techie’ target users are going to fare any better.


  91. ismailimail

    The Admin bar is getting crowded with the features related to bloggers who blog. My blog has external focus, I don’t have much need for features internal to the blogging community. But thanks anyway for introducing new features.


  92. Moco Scribe

    Good move WordPress!


  93. the domestic fringe

    That’s great. I just wish we could also subscribe to blogs on blogspot, typepad, etc.


  94. Gouri

    That’s awesome! Bloggers have one more reason to choose WordPress..


  95. Little Professor

    I usually use FeedBooks to subscribe to blogs because it works well with my Kindle e-reader.


  96. Verbifex

    Request for clarification: Under the old email subscription system, an email subscription to a blog only sends emails of the primary posts, not the comments. To subscribe to comments it is necessary to make a comment to a primary post (or a reply) and check the box for “Notify me of follow-up comments via email.” and this needs to be done again for every primary post in order to get the comments for that primary post. Does the new system work the same way?

    If the answer above is yes, then I have a request for an improvement: Provide an option for an email subscription to a blog to also automatically send emails of all new comments on that blog.

    When I follow a blog, I do not necessarily have a comment or reply to make for every primary post (at least not immediately), but I want to see the comments of others as they appear.


  97. Kilmore Fisz



  98. TOPU

    An excellent this site.


  99. sociosound

    Why not just point people to Google Reader?


  100. johnkennick

    About time..


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