Sexy Stats

You may have noticed a change to your stat charts a couple of weeks ago. We ditched Flash in place of a more robust charting library called Flot. If you didn’t notice, go check it out because you can view all of the new charts with modern browsers including mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. Sooo sexy! Today we updated the charts to use bars instead of points and lines. We’ve also made the stats page super sexy.

Each module can be opened and closed, moved, or hidden completely. If you don’t want to see a module, minimize it with one click or use the Screen Options to keep it out of sight. Customize everything and view stats the way you want to.

As you hover over each bar in the chart it changes color and displays a tooltip, giving you more information about the data. If the chart is showing data by day, Saturdays and Sundays have a light gray background to make it easier to see weekly patterns. Under the chart you’ll notice a new area, called “fortune cookies,” where we’ll highlight key stats.

During the redesign we went with bar charts because the end of one day and the beginning of another shouldn’t be connected. Each day starts at zero and we think bar charts work much better for this type of data. We hope you’ll agree once you get used to the change.

In this first phase of the stats redesign we’ve focused on the main page. This will allow us to collect feedback from you so we can tweak everything as we go. We’ve only mentioned a few of the highlights here, so take your stats for a drive around town to get used to the feel. Let us know what you like and what you might change. As we gather feedback we’ll apply a bit of sexy to the other stat pages.

Sites using our Stats plugin on a self-hosted blog will see an update after we iterate on the new design.

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  1. samedifference1

    I prefer the bar charts to points and lines. Thank you!


  2. sammydaviesjr

    Yes, bars are by far a better option! Thanks guys


  3. stylembe

    I really like the sexy new stats chart. Was just greeted with it this morning. Nice work guys.


  4. John Boxall

    Excellent, much better than the line graphs of old. Thanks!


  5. Sabio Lantz

    Superb — great ideas — I prefer it immensely.


  6. moregeous

    Much funkier stats page for us saddos who are always checking in to see if anyone loves us…..


  7. kjskjp

    Great ! I like this much better ! It is easier to “read” and track.


  8. Dominik

    Looks awesome! Thanks! (I recognized it, when surfing with my iPhone)


  9. tellthetruth1

    Hey Nick! Just peeped at the stats thing after getting your blog alert. I don’t use the thing much to be honest but I do like the little note at the bottom where it’s affirmed our own visits are not logged. Would be nice to see who popped in, perhaps:-)

    Nice touch to stats and makes it easy to read/check. Thanks heaps:-)


  10. Cooking in Mexico

    Cool! I like it! WordPress is great for their constant innovation and updates. I love being a WordPresser!


  11. mikecane

    Ooh! This is very nice. Works just fine in Opera and I love that I can toggle between Today/Yesterday. That bit is brilliant. Thanks!


  12. maukonen

    It looks really nice and I love it!

    Thank you!


  13. memsaab

    LOVE IT!!!! Will be great to be able to see stats from mobile devices too 🙂


  14. Sabio Lantz

    Don’t know if this has been discussed. The most important stat to me is returning visitors — it helps me to see through the fluff. Any chance that could happen? (though I can see that holding the data would be consumptive)


  15. Ryan Rantz

    It’s looks great. I wish my stats page looked like that, view # wise. ; )


  16. Michele

    The bars make much more sense than the lines. Thanks for always improving!


  17. Harper

    I like everything but the bars; I think I preferred the line chart.


  18. Christy aka Mamarazzi

    I have to say, I like it!


  19. shmode

    Oh good, this is much simpler and easy to read.


  20. KPod

    Do. Not. Like.

    Please bring back the line graph – it is much easier to see trends at a glance.


  21. Ruth

    Love it!! Love it!! Most of all I love how easy it is to use WP! Thanks!


  22. r8chel

    I like that I can now see which post was published on a given day when I hover over that day in my stats. Thanks for making these tweaks!


  23. writerchick

    I suppose I’m in the minority but I really don’t like this at all. The page is way too busy and hard to focus on. I understand the desire to improve things but the constant fiddling with things drives me a bit bats. I’d like the option to switch back to the ‘old view’ – like a lot of programs do, like gmail. If you don’t like the new changes you can use the view/mode that you like. If I had this option, I would be happy.


  24. Justin C

    I liked the lines better than the charts, and i liked being able to see yesterday, and today instead of having to click on yesterday, and I liked being able to see my subscribers, instead of having to click on that as well. But it does look cool, just not as user friendly imo.


  25. limoncellodituscany

    Oups! For a second I thought that I have to kiss my computer goodbye! But now I like it. Looks great. Nice job


  26. Daniel

    It was funny, I had the old stats up in my browser.. Refreshed, and presto! New stats! It was overwhelming for a moment, but I really like the new look.


  27. Exodus

    I’ve noticed it and been waiting for this announcement to say “thanks heaps”! i ❤ WP!


  28. Zana

    This is way better than the old design, great job!


  29. Mike

    Very well done – thank you! I love the fact that even though WordPress is the best, you keep getting better!

    As for suggestions, would love to see a count of RSS subscribers to the site. Currently, I only see e-mail subscriptions and RSS comments subscriptions.


  30. AJ

    So sexy indeedy! It’s good that we can see the dates now rather than the week number. Way to go, WP!


  31. Ljubomir Gatdula

    I prefer the line graphs. But I’m all for change too. 🙂


  32. rubiescorner

    Thank you for changing this to a bar graph. I didn’t really like the last change, but didn’t know how to get it changed ! I like a bar graph. It is easy to read at a quick glance, which I make frequently.


  33. Sourav Roy

    Great!! I’m lovin it..


  34. marketlavingtonmuseum

    Please change the stats back to lines and points. So much easier to understand. I can’t easily see daily, weekly or monthly numbers now. Shame!


    • Nick

      The numbers are all still there and you don’t have to turn your head sideways to read them on the xaxis. 🙂


  35. eideard

    AFAIC you can ditch Flash everywhere. I only use browsers which have a plug-in/natively allow me to block Flash.

    The new graphs rock graphically, as well.


  36. newauthoronamazon

    When I signed into WordPress today I was blown away by the new stats. They look awesome. As I am new on WordPress and don’t know anything about driving traffic to my site your new stats chart makes it look as if I had a flood of visitors. Wow you made my day. Thanks for your effort.


  37. Birdwhisperer

    Okay, thank you WordPress for putting so much effort into making an already marvelous free service better and better. I usually don’t complain about the upgrades, and get annoyed at people who do. All the other changes are great, but I don’t really like the bar charts. They’re too… blocky. lol. It’d be nice if we could customize our stat page even more, and pick how to view the stats?

    Anyway, thanks WordPress! You guys are awesome.


  38. Jean

    I LOVE the stats page, and now I love it even more! ^^


  39. archiearchive FCD


    Bars are so clunky! Why change something for the sake of change?



  40. elenaramirez

    I like it, it is pretty, but is there a way, to see how many hits one particular post gets throughout time? I want to know which one of my posts is the most popular? Thanks, keep doing the great work you do for all of us. Really, you folks amaze me….Have a great day. Elena


  41. mjgc2009

    Wow. You guys are just plain awesome. Neat!


  42. anorthcountrybhoy

    I wish you’d give us the option of having a not so sexy new look!


  43. nickie wang

    Yeah, it’s uber sexy!


  44. Bruce_Itchkawitz

    Where’s the “opposite of ‘Like'” button for me to press about these changes? I prefer having all the info on one page to avoid having to click around on tiny boxes any more than needed.


  45. barry

    Switching from line charts to bar charts was a bit unexpected. I’m sure I’ll get used to it! (but an option would be ideal)


  46. AA

    You should add a widget so blog visitors could also see some form of stats daily.


  47. Небојша

    Yes it’s very nice, but there is no average daily visits for each month as before.
    Can you provide this?


    • Nick

      We removed the Summary Tables button by mistake. It has been added to the fortune cookie area below the chart.


  48. sassycondiments

    Oh, sorry to rant again, but you have reduced the font size and many times, when people reach 40 smaller font is hard to read. Therefore, you must be a bunch of young things that don’t know to consider the generations. Cheer up! You will learn – We HOPE!!


  49. mrnormall

    I personally don’t like the new look.
    Can I go back the old stats look, the point and lines view!?


  50. nickie wang

    Just one question though: where can I find the stat summary?


  51. barry

    Another point … it’s just a detail but ideally I’d like to see the “number of visits” labels (1,000, 2,000, etc) on the right axis as well as / instead of on the left – simply because the right axis is adjacent to the latest day/week/month, which is usually the day/week/month of most interest.


  52. Lord Vader

    I’m too sexy for my stat, too sexy for my stat, too sexy by far 🙂


  53. Ochiudo

    Don’t know about this. These are STATS, I want them to be informative, not pretty. If the new design wouldn’t take four times as long to load as the old one, I’d say this was a change for the better… but it does, so I don’t.


  54. Chris

    It might be nice, if it was functional… Half of my bars don’t seem to work (show the post/visit information) when I’m in the Site Stats screen, and the last three days don’t work when I’m on the dashboard… I’m afraid I liked the line graph better thus far… Better luck next time at trying to wow me, WordPress… >.<


    • Nick

      There is a bug with IE 7 we are working on. If you are using IE 7 hovering does not work properly on the right side of the charts. I would suggest upgrading to IE 8 for a much better experience in general. Hopefully we’ll have the bug fixed soon though.


  55. Jayant Raj

    It’s a cool new upgrade .I like it and it’s better than older + Fast loading…
    I just now wish some more upgrades->Stats showing from where people came from, etc.


  56. Rohit

    Love the new stats look ! I always liked the effects of JQuery on sites. The graphs look fantastic & more interactive.
    You people have a swell motto of getting better always 🙂 .


  57. panicmonster

    Love it, but an option would be nice.


  58. Alvord12

    Sexy as Hell! 😉


  59. Kurt R. Radtke

    Definitely nicer to read – thanks for the “upgrade.”


  60. Reinis

    I would like to have an opion to be able to switch back to the old look.


  61. Word Lily

    I think my favorite aspect of this change is the grey backgrounds for weekends — or maybe that a whole month shows at once instead of two weeks or whatever it was before.


  62. sassycondiments

    I keep seeing where people say this is “Sexy”.

    Great, go to a bar for a sexy pick up but does that mean that you want to spend the rest of your life with them?

    I agree with the option of being able to use the old version such as in google.

    I still need a larger font, less busy page!


  63. Sharon

    I agree. It’s nice to see the changes and hopefully in time i will grow to enjoy the bars. 🙂


  64. cebca

    Ooooh, I like bars better than lines too…much sexier.


  65. blogdejavier3e

    I don’t prefer bars. I like more the previous stats.


  66. Vernon~SPQR SF

    Awesome. Thank you for this update.


  67. gilbert neal

    Whatever makes more people come and read my blathering fooferaw, I’m for.


  68. Stephen Watkins

    Frankly… is there any way to change back to the line-graph on an individual basis? I found it easier to grok than the bar charts.


  69. Aheïla

    I guess I’ll get used to it but I really liked the stats page with the average views per day and week, views per month, the calendar of the views each day. Where has it disappeared to? It really helped see in one glance which days of the week are weakest, etc.
    Also, I agree with the comment that returning visitors would be a good improvement. Unique visitors too. Views are nice but it doesn’t allow us to figure out if we have one crazy fan or a legion of loyal readers. 😉


  70. Francesco Russo

    Don’t like the bars


  71. WortKuss Verlag

    Excellent and sexy – thanks!


  72. Sandra Lee

    Love the new look and improved usefulness of the Stats. I’m so impressed with the continuous improvements at Just love you people!


  73. squarecutatul

    In the earlier chart, we could read the values, but that option does not seem to be there in the bar chart. For example, if I want to know how many visits I had last month,how do I read that value in the bar chart ?


  74. andyash

    Censoring comments that express another view on your work is a nice way to promote WordPress, guys!

    Still, this new feature doesn’t work well. Still, it is not that easy and clear. Still, the Stats Tables of averages retrospectively should be back. And by the way, the new stats take the same time lapse to show as the old ones.


  75. Genju

    YES!!! Histograms! LoveLOVELOVElove them!


  76. beyondanomie

    Normally change tends to bug me a little… but these changes are really good.

    I especially like the weekends being highlighted (lowlighted?) in a pale grey, and the days of the week also being added. The way syndicated views are displayed and labelled makes more sense now as well. Overall, good stuff.

    It would be nice to see a “trend line” added to, showing a 10 or 30 days moving average, extrapolated forwards, but I guess that’s just the stats wonk in me! 🙂


  77. goosetea

    Love them sexy stats! Stats are my favorite thing so I will give it a close examination. Thanks!


  78. SveN

    I was very disappointed, I really don’t like it. I really really liked this lines and dots, it was much more fluent, I was addicted to the curves.


  79. Brian

    I love you all, but I don’t like the new new.

    I am not able to see today, yesterday, or the day before’s numbers for the day.


  80. Sunflowerdiva

    I really like this change. It looks more professional, and much cleaner.


  81. thatwoman

    I like it thanks I just wish I could get more information as to where the hits were coming from and how long they stay etc like site meter. But that is just me being picky I love WordPress.


  82. GMR

    I definitely prefer lines over bars. Absolutely. Bars in statistics are ugly and harder to read in certain aspects. In addition bars seem to cut the statistic from one day to the other, there’s no connection. But with points and lines you have this connection. Looks more user friendly imo. And as someone else pointed out you see trends better. Therefore I would prefer an option where you can choose between points/lines, bars and maybe even a third option like cakes or something for displaying it. However I do like the how the other stats are displayed now. More intuitive. But whenever I click in “Top Posts & Pages” on yesterday there are no entries displayed anymore ven when switching back to today. It’s the same with search terms. Only refreshing the stats brings it back. Aaand you still have to translate “Site Stats” to “Blogstatistik” for the German users.^^


  83. plrang

    lol I clicked and thought… something is broken here! :)) Nice


  84. Chad Upton

    I love that the all time views and total daily views are up near the top of the page now.

    Feature request: for today and yesterday, I’d like to see how much traffic came in during which hour… I guess it would be an “Hours” tab like “Days” “Weeks” “Months”. For those of us with really popular blogs and a lot of content, it helps us understand what kind of impact our actions have depending on the time of day we do them.


  85. jstwndrng

    Where did you put the numbers about my subscribers? Everything was all on one page before, I’m not sure I like having to click tabs for everything now, but okay. Just please get me my subscriber stats back please.


  86. Solarris

    I agree with idea to have an option of this kind of site stat. I prefer old one, sorry.


  87. MyLaowai

    Well, when viewed via a decent proxy, as those of us in China and other repressive countries must do, it looks the same: blank.

    On the ‘bright’ side, those of us using fashionable but technologically inferior systems that can’t handle flash can now get the full experience.

    Umm… hoorah?


  88. Mahfooz

    Thats much better, thank you very much 🙂


  89. Birgitta Höglund's Mat

    I really like the new stats, interesting to see the toplist over the year. It’s easier to see for me, which kind of my recipes are the most popular.


  90. PA

    Loved the new one! Although it may take some time to get used to the change!

    Keep up the good work, WP guys!


  91. loosefemme

    ‘Sexy’ overstates the case. It’s boxy now, data in boxes. Boooring.


  92. Juliann Budimir

    I prefer the points and lines. It is much easier to view that way, especially as I consider 1am WordPress time as belonging to the previous day, not the morning. Meaning, if I get many views between midnight and 1am, I consider those belonging to the previous day. The line chart provided a more fluid look at these late-night views. Now, they are isolated into the bar of the following day.

    On a more technical, user-interface point, it seems I only get the yellow mouse-over info for several bars earlier in the month, not more recent bars -despite the fact that I posted an entry last night (before midnight).


  93. NellaLou

    Too much clicking and returning involved with all those tabs. Very time consuming to get the same data that was all on one screen previously. And the View All screen for the longer time periods has been summarized even further which was too short to begin with. Sometimes it’s useful to know which items are having the least views but that is impossible here. If there were some depth to the stats, such as those which sitemeter gives it might be worth all the clicking. The charts do load faster which is one plus.


  94. enosh74

    From a theoretical stand point the bars make a lot of sense, but visually I enjoyed watching the flow from one day to the next. The rest of the redesign I love for as little as I’ve messed with it. Especially the fortune cookie at the top. And the fact that it will work on my iPod touch is a welcome bonus.


  95. Lee

    Lol, Make up your mind people! Is there going to be an even sexier stat in the next few weeks or is this it?


  96. Gerrit Eicker

    Indeed: super sexy. 😉


  97. gregtheoharis

    I guess I’m in the minority here, but I really preferred the line chart. Any chance bloggers can have that as an option?


  98. scotttraveler

    No reason to have to click to view yesterday’s info versus today, they should be listed one above the other like before; the new bars are ok, I suppose, but mine don’t highlight when I hover my pointer over them.


  99. steelbound

    I think the bars do make more sense then points/lines and I’m sure I’ll get used to it shortly. The thing I’d really, really, really like to see is the ability to change how many days/weeks/months are shown in the graph.

    Also if I wanted to nit-pick, I’d say the blue color picked is a bit too light especially when looking at the stat graph for a single post that’s over 2 years old. It’d be nice to have a few different color styles too choose from.


  100. Mike

    I think that many, if not most, of the people who are commenting that they prefer the old line charts to the new bar charts will change their minds given enough time. We get attached to certain graphic depictions, even when something better comes along. Give it time and you will see the wisdom of what WordPress has done – that is, they are absolutely right when they say that bar charts are a more accurate way to depict this kind of data. We have just become accustomed to an inferior representation. With time, we’ll adjust…and appreciate the improvement.


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