Mobilize Your Blog This Holiday Season

With the holidays appearing thick and fast from now until next year, it’s a great time for meeting up with the people who are important to us, giving and receiving gifts, relaxing and indulging ourselves. But while you’re doing that, give a thought to your poor neglected blog this holiday season.

Blog in the snow, all alone

For blogs, this can be the loneliest time of year, the time when our posts grind to a halt and our readers drop off like flies. But don’t shed a tear, there is a solution.

Blog From Your Phone!

Sure, the last thing you want to do is sit behind a computer as turkeys emerge from ovens, gifts are ripped open and grandma busts her moves on the kitchen table. But you don’t have to be tied to the computer to blog —  not only does have the option to phone in a blog post, or email pictures and posts from any device you have on hand, but we also offer easy-to-use apps for several smartphones.

Let’s take a look at each of these options, starting with our super-cool phone apps.

Smart phone collage

WordPress Mobile Apps

If you’re packing a Nokia, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad or Android phone, you can download a free WordPress application to write and edit posts and pages, check stats and even moderate your comments. This gives you a comprehensive way of managing your blog on the move. You can find it on your phone’s app store/market, or find out more at these sites:

Post by Email

Love email and use it all the time — even on your phone? Then you’ll equally adore our Post-by-email feature. While it doesn’t offer as much flexibility as the WordPress mobile app, it’s a swift and handy way to update from anywhere. To enable Post-by-email, you first just need to do a little tweaking from your computer. Simply:

  1. Head to the Dashboard menu and hit the My Blogs option:
    Screenshot: dashboard, my blogs
  2. Enable your blog or blogs for Post-by-email:
    Screenshot: enable post-by-email
  3. Copy-paste (or download the vCard for) the secret email address and send it to your mobile email address for later use:
    Screenshot: Secret email address

Then, Post Via Mobile Email

  1. Now, from your tablet, phone, laptop or other email-enabled thingy, just bash out an email. The email subject line turns into the post’s title.
  2. If your device supports it, attach photo(s) to the email. Single photos appear in-line, more than one turns automagically into a gallery
  3. Address it to the secret email address you found in the My Blogs menu
  4. Hit send – and that’s it, your post is live!

Phone It In

But that’s not enough! What if you want to record audio of your carol singing antics, or the cat landing suddenly on your uncle’s sleeping face? You’ll need Post by Voice. Here’s how to dial in your call:

  1. Head back to the (you guessed it) Dashboard > My Blogs menu:
    Screenshot: dashboard, my blogs
  2. Activate the Post by voice Enable button next to one or more blogs:
    Screenshot: enabling post by voice
  3. Jot down the secret phone number and your own private code (they’ll appear in the same place you pressed Enable)
  4. You’re ready to start posting audio

Dialing in an Audio Call

  1. Call the number you jotted down (smallprint – doing this outside of the U.S. may prove costly, as calls are charged at standard U.S. rates)
  2. Enter your secret code (you wrote that down too, or committed it to memory, remember?)
  3. Record audio of your talking, singing, shrieks of merriment or incidental seasonal sound effects. You have up to an hour to do so.
  4. Hang up. Your audio post will hit your blog almost right away.

Bonus Round: Automatic Posting to Your Favorite Social Networks

Why go to the hassle of sending out multiple updates, when you can do it all at once? Before you take off for the holidays, be sure to set this up — and every time you publish a new blog post with your phone, it will automatically get sent to your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media accounts.

Illustration: 5 status updates from 1 phone


  1. Head back to the Dashboard > My Blogs menu:
    Screenshot: dashboard, my blogs
  2. Next to the blog or blogs you want to activate, under the Publicize column, check the services you want to automatically send updates to:
    Screenshot: activate publicize
  3. You’ll need to authorize the accounts to sync with WordPress:
    Screenshot: Publicize Facebook authorization message
  4. Done! If you want to get into the nitty-gritty, check out our support docs all about Publicize.

So, yep, that means just new post can send five updates out to the world in the space of a second or two. Leaving more time for you to get on with some seasonal chillaxing.

You’re All Set

Hopefully between the apps, post-by-email and the voice-powered blogging feature, we’ve got your mobile needs covered this holiday season. Happy moblogging holidays!

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  • November 19, 2010
  • HowTo


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  1. Mikalee Byerman

    All very helpful for those of us traveling this holiday season … many thanks! 🙂


  2. Daily Dues

    Any snow falling for our blogs? I loved that last year!


  3. btjohns

    can I have that?


  4. lusysunsetgirl

    I like WordPress for Android. I mostly use it to moderate comments and the latest update made it faster for me to do so. Thanks for everything! Keep it up!


  5. Armando Netto

    We all llove WordPress, Thank you!


  6. Eric

    I need my new iPhone 4 quicker than ever!


  7. cOokie

    Perfect ;x


  8. SquarerootZ [TSR Admin]

    Now if there were only a way to post by email and not have it go “live” so I can then use the Android app to tweek it to my liking and then publish…


  9. Mahfooz

    Thanks for the WordPress for Android. Very useful for moderating comments, but still need to use computer for posting.


  10. PrinceConnoisseur

    This is great but the question is, is the falling snow coming back this year?


  11. RandomizeME

    Thanks for the comprehensive take on how to blog virtually anywhere and anytime. 🙂


  12. La SuSea

    Cool idea but i think I’m more excited about the chance of “snow falling for our blogs”


  13. deathgleaner

    As I say to everyone, there’s a million ways to post to WordPress. I LOVE IT!


  14. 1MereMortal

    Good stuff.


  15. Zack

    nice post. I use the wordpres app (for itouch) often. super helpful at times. : ))


  16. devry

    Great information… Thanks 🙂


  17. Pingback: Mobilize Your Blog This Holiday Season (via News) | Dianamich's Blog
  18. Pingback: Mobilize Your Blog This Holiday Season (via News) « Makinezcash's Blog
  19. Mary



  20. newsky11

    I am too!


  21. Sassy Jeweler

    Can’t wait to try this out during the holiday season! Thanks for all of the fun ways to stay blogging while traveling.


  22. Ljubomir Gatdula

    I won’t neglect my blog ’tis season for merrymaking 🙂


  23. madadgar2009

    Great stuff for the holidays.


  24. Neeraj Bhushan

    So u wanna say: ‘Keep Blogging, Always.” Yes we will. Thank you so much.


  25. idiotnesia

    so many improvement Thanks WP


  26. texasmawmaw

    What great ideas!! Blogging by phone, Voice blogging…soooo cool.


  27. bookjunkie

    I adore WordPress..thanks for all the hard work and Happy Holidays 🙂


  28. Pearlie

    Very useful features for the hols! Thank you very much..


  29. Claudio Guiduccio Spega

    It doesn’t work with Nokia N96. Why ?


    • Michael Pick

      Do you mean the WordPress for Nokia application? As you mention, I don’t think N96 is supported in the current version of the app You’d probably get a more in-depth response over at the WordPress for Nokia dev blog in terms of compatibility issues and rationale, as it’s an ongoing open source project


  30. aangron

    this is very useful! thanks so much for this. i have used my iphone a couple of times to post in wordpress and it really is a neat application!


  31. Intelligent Challenge

    Great work


  32. Francis

    Many new good ideas for time of year. I have one question about the post by voice. I would like to know if the recording is posted online right away ot held in draft mode. Simply said, what happen to it once we hang up?


    • Michael Pick

      At the time of writing this, Post by Voice goes directly to a live post, almost instantaneously. We may be adding a draft feature to a future version if the demand is there


  33. marketbagger

    Great additions, these will take the message wider yet.


  34. donnabgoode

    Thank you for a thorough way to stay with blogging.
    It was a little mind boggling – but, gives me some goals
    to aspire to in the months ahead. I really like blogging
    on wordpress – still interested in how to build a readership


  35. adventurewriter

    Great reminder.
    I’ll most likely be submitting some blog posts from my Nintendo DSi!


    • Michael Pick

      Nice! Heard good things about the DSi browser, great to hear it’s WordPressable 🙂


  36. trevortl

    Thank you for setting this up. I will definatly try to use this app over my Christmas holidays.


  37. Samantha



  38. babymiracle2005



  39. rampress

    Rampress is impressed with wordpress.


  40. akinyemi2010

    Thanks very much for your hard work. D.V.,I wish to turn my blog around now, using some of the features.


  41. randomocity32

    So… this post is cool and whatnot, great features… but more importantly… y’all know the telephone in that Bonus Round image is reversed, right? It may not be English, but it’s still read left to right.


  42. Darren Poke

    Very cool. Thanks for all of the updates guys!

    Love your work.


  43. vyphuisdesigns

    good stuff


  44. Adhi Rachdian

    that’s why i chose wordpress to integrate w/ my main blog.
    i can blog anywhere from my phone. Thanks WP…



  45. NoSacredCow

    Very useful, some day I may own a cell phone other than the one my employer supplies.
    My blog and my boss don’t mix.


  46. jamespiggot

    I am using the Android version and it is really great, open source web development platform talking to open source mobile phone operating system.


  47. 2010sdafrika

    Dear WordPress-team and member, when could we use the Facebook boxes (e.g. “like it”) directly on our blogs??? And why it is prohibited to play music on our blogs? Or to run advertise on it? We could achieve so more things together, thanks from Germany!


    • Michael Pick

      For adding Facebook Like (and Share) buttons, check out our support doc on Sharing features. For music, you can add an audio player to your blog – find out more at this support doc page on getting started. You can also use the pretty awesome SoundCloud player on your blog for sharing music. We aren’t able to support every service on the web for the sake of keeping things smooth running and secure for all our users, but we try to do what we can to give you a range of the best services out there to meet your needs. Ads aren’t possible on at the current time, although you can run them against a self-installed version of WordPress if this proves limiting.


  48. GretchensPianos

    So cool! Just enabled Post by Voice, can’t wait 2 use it!
    Thank you. 🙂
    I recently did a travelogue by cellphone, posting to my blog. It was so much fun! And people loved it.


    • Michael Pick

      Great idea for a travelogue – we often capture the sights of the places we visit, but much less often the sounds, which can be just as interesting


  49. ღDreams☆of☆Shadowღ

    Question ->is this for all or for us only ? nice greets from Germany ..


    • Michael Pick

      It’s all available to anyone, anywhere (I’m blogging from Japan), even the phone part, but the latter would probably cost a lot of money to dial in from another country.


  50. shamballa9944

    Wow…it’s like…commercials on word press now! Well…it did make me smile 🙂


  51. cmilette

    what about a webOS app? : (


    • Michael Pick

      I don’t think there’s currently one planned, but hopefully in the future. In the meantime, hope that Post by Email stands in for you as a mobile blogging solution


  52. dulichtructuyen

    It’s amazing!


  53. Robbo

    I blog from everywhere any time, these apps are great, never know when and where another major crime will break…Cheers


  54. Budisastro

    nice info, thanks you


  55. Charlousie

    Sounds interesting!


  56. rising writer

    Thanks for this. I mostly use my Blackberry app to moderate comments and follow stats, but I many consider it while on the road this Holiday season. I didn’t see the snow last year, but would love to try it this year if available.


  57. bgibson135

    How about the post directly from MS Word 2007/+? I have Word setup to post to several of my WP sites. I can even categorize the postings prior to uploading. I can use the image functions of Word to add creative borders, drop shadows and image skew/tilt. *I do note that the images aren’t quite a crystal clear as the originals, but that’s the tradeoff.

    I had a nice little Android app (HIFICORDER) that let me record very good audio, (at one time it would convert into mp3, but now just OGG & WAV) and then add images and even Google Maps location coding via email. Used the post to WP via email and it worked great! For my “audio enabled” site, WP automatically added the javascript audio player which was slick.


    • Michael Pick

      Great to hear there are lots of inventive ways to get audio and images into your posts on the move


  58. Beckey

    Can I ask though, sure now more people will update, but how many people will log in on their special family day, to read someones blog? Just stating a fact here… :S


  59. Miss Mali

    oh this is fancy


  60. joannewater1

    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas to keep my blog abreast of current times: I might become converted to the android yet, as my husband has predicted! I loved your examples – they made me laugh, thinking of family members being included in my blog – much less reading it! And your photos were great punch to the story. I’d love to write a short story of the gent in the phone booth…. next blog! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Keep up the great posts!


  61. enddy10

    Everyone Happy Thanksgiving Day and enjoy it, thanks


  62. craftgenie

    excellent news 🙂 thank you WordPress


  63. hunterp

    Dear Michael,
    If you save as a WAV in HiFiCorder, you can click the file and there is an option to download a 3rd party mp3 converter.


  64. movienthusiast

    This is amazing..


  65. modalistas

    nice post..

    thanks for the update


  66. exult49

    Very helpfull indeed!


  67. squeezedwords

    yall just keep impressing me why dont you


  68. towfiiq

    I need my new iPhone 4 quicker than ever!


  69. Gally Lines ~

    It can be a bit difficult to sneak away from relatives on Thanksgiving to get to a computer, but they can’t take your phone away from you!


  70. beautty4you

    Thanks for the mobile update, now I can drive with the bloging christmas spirit lol.


  71. hendryckz

    good michael.. . . .you diligent man


  72. sandiegohoteldeals

    Great tools! Happy Thanksgiving!


  73. NiHAWmA

    Thanks a Lot.
    May ALL the bloggers have a very merry christmas.
    More power wordpress!


  74. Chris Barnhart

    I echo the desire for a webOS app. There is a third party one that does the basics decently, but I really miss all the functionality I had in the official version on my BlackBerry. Please, please, please consider it 🙂

    Emailing in a post just doesn’t cut it for me (though far better than nothing.)

    But thank you for making mobile blogging possible. Truly a valuable service.


  75. @|3|-||

    posting via e-mail is a very good feature 🙂


  76. kimh039

    Thanks Michael – helpful and timely info – appreciate it.


  77. pltprincess

    I have the WP app on my iPhone but always forget about using it on the go, so thanks for the holiday reminder. =]


  78. quickhakker

    Yes i can post what i got 🙂 hopefuly it wont be anything horrid like that pair of socks i got a few years back


  79. Osprey037

    Great stuff. I might just try this!


  80. blds33k

    10x for the information really helpful!


  81. nnamdi2010

    I like what am seeing.


  82. guard13007

    This post finally convinced me to try the post by voice feature. Also, snowing on the blogs?!! Wha!!? Tell me more!

    What are the chances of this happening? I want this. 😀


  83. jaimeestagner

    Sounds fun! Thanks for working so hard for us!


  84. charlie-j

    i was disappointed to know that (accdg to OVI store) it is not available for Nokia E72… sad…


  85. seaportsoapopera

    Great Job!! Thank you for so many improvement!!


  86. Charity Froggenhall

    I find the iOS apps slow and a little kludgy, and I’d like to make it easier to post HTML in the editor. Any chances of updates here? Thank you!


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks for the feedback. The iOS app is constantly being updated, and is an Open Source project contributed to by a bunch of people — the contributors would likely welcome your ideas for improvements over at the WordPress for iOS forum if you have a sec to share them


  87. Tiara in Transit

    perfect! thanks = )


  88. jtlindsey

    Some great ideas knocking about. Got me looking forward to Christmas dinner now!


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