Make it Snow Around the World

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?
J. B. Priestley

December 1st makes a lot of us think of the holidays. It’s hard not to think about snow even if your climate doesn’t bring it. Once again, we’d like to spread snow around the world through

To make it snow on your site:

  1. Go to your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Extras.
  3. Check the box next to “Show falling snow on this blog.”
  4. Click the Update Extras button.

If you used snow last year it is automatically turned back on. If you want to turn it off, follow the steps above but uncheck the box.

Here’s a latin jazz version of Let it Snow to listen to while activating the feature:

Older computers may run slow or stop responding due to snow. Use the following links if you run into a problem (the options below only affect your user account):

Prevent Snow
Allow Snow

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  1. Anne Lessing

    Woo hoo! The snow returns! I love it. Why don’t we have this all year round? XD


  2. Mahfooz

    Let is snow, let it snow, let is snow 😀


  3. Zelya

    Thank you for snow! I love it!


  4. LadyLindy

    omg this is AMAZINGGGGG


  5. pltprincess

    LOL … my first thought upon seeing the snow on the home page was ‘I want snow on my blog too!’ I should have known you would have thought of that and provided the option for us. You guys seem to think of everything … thanks!


  6. AnotherSociety

    Just done it there. Thanks a million. Goes nice with the theme I’m using. Keep up the good work and have a good Christmas. 🙂


  7. Nickie Wang

    I activated this feature last year and was surprised that it automatically worked this morning.


  8. brenaz

    oooooo I love this! Thanks! 😀


  9. X-Evolutionist

    This is so cool! Thanks!


  10. Pingback: Let it snow – let it snow – let it snow! | X-Evolutionist's Space
  11. beyondanomie

    How fun!

    I don’t think I’ll use it on my blog (well, maybe right around Christmas Day perhaps) as it is a little distracting… but lots of fun nonetheless!

    (the jazz music clip is cheesily good too…)


  12. kunstneren - bente kystad syr

    Thanks – here in Norway it is actually snowing…….. and now also on my blog. 🙂


  13. Mikalee Byerman

    What an incredibly cool effect!

    The perfect way to add even more drama to my drama-filled blog!



  14. aqua141

    Where I live it does not snow, but I love it! 😀


  15. Eric

    Like so much! Too bad there’s no love button 🙂


  16. lusysunsetgirl

    I would freak out if it starts snowing here but I wouldn’t mind having it on my blog. Thanks!


  17. rana okandan

    That’s a lovely idea! Thank you guys.


  18. Christy aka Mamarazzi

    LOVE this!!! I noticed it earlier. It makes me a little more excited for the season. (For now) 🙂



  19. denovo7

    That was super easy….and it looks great! Thanks!


  20. puzzle

    Thank you – so funny! I love it. Of course, it is kitschy, but dosed perfectly 😀


  21. dwarflover63

    I woke up to a lovely sight this morning. SNOW in California! How did you know that was just what I wanted for Christmas this year? Thank you.


  22. agirlandhercarrot

    Love it, totally makes me want to throw up some holiday decor while it’s pouring out and a bit tornado like!


  23. lyndajeffersphotography

    This is sooo cool, it looks like it is snowing in my snowy pic…super cool…thanks!!


  24. Jeroen

    Just in time! It has started to snow here in the Netherlands, too. 🙂


  25. fastandstrong

    Just activated that feature on my blog. Surprisingly, it is snowing today. First snow fall of the year in Cincinnati, OH. What are the chances of that happening?


  26. Ravi

    This is cool! Thanks!


  27. melodie

    This is delightful!


  28. babyadore

    This is great! Super super love it, really suits with my xmas mood for december month period haha! XD


  29. Little Johnny

    You are correct, an older computer really hampers this feature. I had to turn the snowfall off because my Commadore 64 froze when the snow started!!! Urggh. Now I have to put my 5 1/4″ system files floppy disks in and reconfigure…

    Now I have time to sit at the window and watch the REAL snow for the next few hours.


  30. Debi Walter

    I have to tell you – I signed up for the snow last year, and never removed the prompt. What a joy it was as I was posting my 1st Dec. post to have the snow fall unexpectedly on my blog! Thank you!! Living in Florida we don’t ever get to wake up to world that looks completely different. I’m glad my blog can!


  31. hugmamma

    Sounds like fun, as long as it’s “make believe.” Driving in snow is not my favorite thing. Watching it warm and snug indoors with a cup of hot tea, is more to my liking. Being an island girl, I’m all about “roasty, toasty.”…hugmamma.


  32. dreamofdragons

    Thanks, dude! You rock for this feature. I’m going to leave it on! Keep giving us good stuff. I love doing my blog!


  33. jenvirg

    Really neat! Thank you so much.


  34. Bev Struble



  35. ladiesfishing

    Snow scene was saved from last year. Love it…

    We have snow in the north east of england outside and now inside courtesy of WordPress.

    Happy Christmas x


  36. technogran

    My snow switched on automatically today on both of my blogs. Lovely!


  37. Charlousie

    Amazing, that is, what I was looking for! Thank you! But I would still enjoy another christmas theme! 😉


  38. Randy

    Fricking awesome guys… it is snowing now in San Diego at the beach 🙂


  39. Pingback: Our blog is snowed in! « Club Penguin Abominable Times
  40. Stephanie Post

    I just updated my blog with a Christmas theme today so the snow is a PERFECT addiction. I full out squealed when I saw this post. This makes me ridiculously happy!


  41. familyforest

    When I went to my site the other day I was delighted to see the snow falling.
    Here in Hawaii we only see it on top of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.
    And your are right about the magical amazing quality it has when the first snow has fallen!

    Aloha and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you at
    Thanks for all the features you keep creating for all of us.


  42. EdinburghExplored

    Great idea and will nicely with my blog about the snow in Edinburgh, Scotland. Thanks


  43. molly0125

    I wish I could add snow because it is actually snowing outside today for the first time this year. However, I do not see a button for “Extras” under my Appearance settings. I’m using version 3.0.2


  44. hopeeternal

    Loved it last year (and the year before) – so pleased it’s back again!


  45. Otto

    For people who use on their own sites, I recommend this plugin for the same effect:



    Snow… Snow…. and …Snow

    I always wait for this moment.


  47. cl4iret

    Ha ha, I love it. Thank you!


  48. Kay Lynn

    Yay, I love the snow! And while I hate actual snow, I agree with Anne Lessing above – we should definitely have this all year round.


  49. Keith Olbermann Is Evil

    Love this feature!


  50. spiritrider

    This is so cool! Not only has it started snowing outside, but it is now snowing on my blog.

    Thank you.


  51. v.s

    Great Idea 🙂
    I love it !!!


  52. katieshafer

    This is pretty dang sweet. Bring on some decorations, too! I love it. Thank you!


  53. cOokie

    Fan Tas tiiic 😯 i loove it !!


  54. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    I noticed the snow and right away shared the news with my spouse.

    “It’s snowing! It’s snowing! Yay!!!”

    And he was, like, whaaat? Then looked. Oh, wow. That’s neat.

    Thanks sooo much for the little thrills that mean so much!


  55. nessafrance

    Well, thanks, but I think we’ve already had enough snow here in SW France where we don’t normally expect it till January. So I won’t be using this feature, but thanks for thinking about adding a seasonal extra.


  56. Captain Chilli Pepper

    I love this feature!

    I’m always so excited for it every year. I went to activate this feature today, but as I can tell you already activated for me. I was like, “Wow! WordPress must have really known that I like this feature so much that they activated it for me!” But now I learned it was because I had it last year. But still, just by activating it for me really brightened my day! I’m very happy for some reason right now.

    I was just wondering, will WordPress ever have this feature available for different occasions or possibly as an option all the time? Or possibly have other features similar to this? For example, like, ‘falling leaves’, ‘falling mini marshmallows’, ‘raining chocolate’, or ‘raining anything we want?’ By anything we want, I mean that a WordPress user would be allowed to upload a mini image they would like to have falling on their screen. For my case, I think it would be cool if I had raining ‘mini red peppers’ falling on my site all the time!


  57. 2009fire15

    Thank You So Much!! I Love It!!! 🙂


  58. Captain Chilli Pepper

    Aha! Good point! No wonder I’m so happy! Thanks. Does that mean there’s no chance for raining ‘mini red peppers?’


  59. Bojca Januš

    How nice! Such a lovely touch. You made me write on my blog again… Thank you.


  60. kiwigoesbananas

    That’s so cool!


  61. gs collector

    I love putting the chill back on my blog…thanks!


  62. Pied

    I had just posted a picture of the snowy Continental Divide, and overnight it started to snow! I was more than a little surprised to see falling snow in the picture when I logged on. I’d forgotten all about the WP snow. Delighted to see its return!


  63. Ljubomir Gatdula

    Good. Now I can experience snow 😀


  64. Pingback: Christmas Dreams | Tokoloshe
  65. Krisu

    Thank you so much!!!


  66. dmacc502

    This is so great. Thanks, living in the south, I do miss the snow.


  67. Alannah Murphy

    Nice feature, but I’m afraid I cannot make it snow, not even virtually because I’m in London, and even one tiny virtual snowflake will make the city come to a COMPLETE standstill and you’ll hear about us in the news (again)

    (…never mind other countries cope with it)


  68. DiTraveling

    Awwwww…. I love seeing my blog snow. Gives me warm fuzzies (although I guess it’s supposed to have the opposite temperature effect). THANK YOU!


  69. snowdomes

    My blog is about snowdomes/snowglobes, so this is just perfect!!! You sure we can’t have this all year round? I’m willing to bribe you! LOL.


  70. adventurewriter

    This is terrific, cleaner than most of the snow programming I’ve seen, and much easier to initiate!
    Thanks WordPress, & Great Job!


  71. trollboy

    Snow without shoveling = good.


  72. Joleene Naylor

    Very cool! 😀


  73. peixesloucos

    Thanks for this again! my blog was looking for this especially the snow and terrible cold here in Brussels.
    There are snow on the pavements in my blog. 🙂


  74. beaconsheart

    So exciting! Thank you soooo, much.


  75. gail

    Great idea, but would be nice to have something different for the southern hemisphere 😉


  76. thisisalifestory

    I love it! Thank you!


  77. Sarah

    Absolutely brilliant– thank you so much!!! 😀 Happy holidays!


  78. Sunflowerdiva

    OMG I love it! 😀


  79. Chyne

    That’s great. Can we also have the feature to add the jazz music clip as a background music for our blog? 😛


  80. Linda Kruschke

    Now if you could just make it pile up on the bottom of my blog and provide a little guy with a snow shovel to come along and shovel a path. 🙂 Peace and Merry Christmas, Linda


  81. welcome2cluj

    It’s my second year and I still love the idea and of course, the snow. 🙂 thank you! Cheers! 🙂


  82. Donna Peach

    How funny that a little snow in my header should be so much fun. When I saw it the other day, I immediately remembered it from last year and was happy to see it was back. WP really rocks.


  83. mrasherkade

    Ya’ll are too stellar!!!!!!!
    I actually have a snow background on my blog, so this will be PERFECT! I just love this site!!!!


  84. Pingback: Advent 2010 … and thinking towards Christmas « Meanderings through my cookbook
  85. foodtable

    Thank you! This is way cool! Totally love it.


  86. RiikaInfinityy 마왕

    Wow! amazing, this shall be available throughout the years in my opinion, love the effect very much!


  87. aussiefella

    Great snow feeling, which is pretty cool for an Aussie like me as here we get heat, heat, heat, sun, humidity, heat etc for Christmas. Beach, surf, outdoors, shade is Christmas time in Aus.


  88. stickinsect

    What a lovely feature! Such a nice surprise. I now have the perfect backdrop for my Advent calendar post!


  89. The Scottie Chronicles

    Oh Golly. I’d forgotten about this from last year. Glad it’s automatic! LOVE IT, or as we Scotties say, “AarrooooOOOOO!” Like the music, too.


  90. RiikaInfinityy 마왕

    Will it be possible to have it forever, not just during the month of December till January?
    I really love the effect! It is not just Christmas by itself! =P


  91. randais

    The words above by J. B. Priestley are so true. Thanks for the snow. Good idea.


  92. La SuSea

    It’s -4 degrees here, so it fits PERFECT….Love it, Thank you!!!


  93. Tom Baker

    I started thinking about this weeks ago when the weather turned cold. Jingle Bells!


  94. Ar

    There is no snow in Indonesia, but I have snow in my blog!! Great!!!


  95. Whale Maiden

    I LOVE the snowflakes! How perfect for my blogs about Southwest Florida!


  96. Connie T

    I love it. I just made a Christmas Header and put on a red boarder. I wish I could change the inside where you write to a color too.


  97. dfolstad58

    Now if you could show me how to add midi’s or other music then my blog would really start to be cool.


  98. nancysmoments

    You give us the coolest features! Our blogs are winterized! Thank you!


  99. RandomizeME

    Yay, I’ve been waiting for the snow! love it! I just wish we could have firecracker animations for the new year too.


  100. R.A. Stewart

    How nice to open my blogs and see the snow drifting down again. Thanks!


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