Want to blog better in 2011? We’re here to help.

For those of you who want to take your blog to the next level in 2011 (perhaps you’ve stepped up to the Post a Day or Post a Week challenge), we’ve got your back.

From now on, we’ll be offering tips on blogging best practices to help you produce high-quality content, boost your readership, and make the most of all the fabulous WordPress.com features.

Here’s a handful of resources to get you started:

Need an idea?

Check out The Daily Post for a daily dose of writing tips and encouragement, or browse the Freshly Pressed posts or tag pages for inspiration. You can also combat writer’s block by tackling a thought-provoking Plinky prompt.

Keep in mind that the some of the best blogs are focused on one main subject and often target a specific audience. If you feel like you’re losing your focus, think about the reason why you started blogging in the first place, and how you define blogging success. Still feeling lost? Give these brainstorming exercises a shot.

Think you don’t have time to post?

Sure you do — WordPress.com users publish about half a million new posts every day. If so many others can find time, you can, too!

If you’re in a pinch, keep it simple with QuickPress. If you’re on the go, use WordPress.com on your mobile phone or create a post by email. You can even phone in an audio post! Writing posts in advance and setting them to automatically publish in the future is also a great idea for times when you’re going to be busy.

Want more visitors?

As long as you’re enjoying your blog, you’re successful. But if you want to draw a larger audience and interact more with other bloggers, there are plenty of ways to do so. Here’s one suggestion to get you started.

Consider this: You probably search the web for information frequently, and you’re able to find what you need pretty quickly (most of the time), right? That’s because you don’t carefully peruse all the information on a given topic, you rapidly scan page titles and headlines for specific keywords and phrases. Even when you’re leisurely browsing the web with no specific destination in mind, you use page titles to quickly determine whether or not a link is worth clicking.

Your blog post titles show up in a variety of places on the web and in the WordPress.com community. So if you want to boost traffic to your site, take the time to write descriptive, captivating headlines for your posts. For example, a post titled “Summer Vacation 2010” might be descriptive enough for you and your friends, but “Beaches, Bungee Jumping, and Backpacking: My Adventures in Costa Rica” has a much better chance of attracting new visitors.

Check out Are You Writing Rockin’ Blog Post Titles? for tips on how to write better headlines.

Make 2011 your best blogging year ever!

Remember that you’re a part of a huge community of people who are passionate about blogging. We hope you’ll utilize comments and likes to offer feedback, support, and encouragement to one another as you work toward your blogging goals for 2011.

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  1. osothorizon

    I’ve taken on the Post-A-Week challenge! Thanks for the tips!


  2. stickinsect

    Some good ideas here. I can recommend scheduling posts to publish in the future. Just write a few when you feel in the mood so you have a few spare for when you don’t feel in the mood to write.


  3. Word Lily

    Several good reminders here, perfect timing for this weekend’s Bloggiesta!


  4. tash64

    I thank you for interesting news and the help!


  5. lestat546

    Me agrada mucho la idea respecto a estos consejos que están por venir. Espero que sean muy útiles para todos los amigos, saludos!


  6. Magnificent Minimalist

    Oooh! I’m all excited about this series. I’ve been SO LOVING the Post A Day challenge (and I’m still looking for blogging buddies, so hit me up) and I’ll be checking in to see what sorts of inspiration and insight you have to offer. =) Yaaaay!


  7. devry

    Nice tips… 🙂


  8. Eric

    Awesome tips! I think I’ll go change some blog titles now


  9. J Roycroft

    Thanks for the excellent advice


  10. edwardddowlingivattorneyatlaw

    Great advice. I intend to write articles about different topics of law both Criminal and Civil. I just started this year but I intend to do aregular series of articles.


  11. mybusinessaddiction

    I need to get cracking on better blog titles…. Thanks! K


  12. mawajowe

    Hmm… I’ll try it. Thank you for the tips!


  13. Tammy McLeod

    This is great. Thanks for the support.


  14. David (1MereMortal)

    I like the “Are You Writing Rockin’ Blog Post Titles?” tips…good stuff.


  15. thepatriot78

    Very informative. Thanks for thinking of us!


  16. usahostingfactory

    When needing material to write about start looking at the people and things directly around you. You may find that the closest things to your heart are the reasons for the inspiration you started blogging for in the first place. A family is a cause that never ends!


  17. adventurewriter

    I’ve been posting like crazy ever since joining Post-A-Day 2011, and ironically enough, my MOST POPULAR post was where I simply mentioned I’d added the Post-A-Day badge. Who’d know that’d be so popular?

    Ingenious ideas Word Press, you’ve certainly upped my motivation!
    Keep the updates coming, I look forward to them.

    And if anyone else needs topic ideas, I’ll be posting a huge list of ideas sometime this weekend.
    Good luck to all – step up your blog’s pace with one of the challenges! [Post-A-Week / Post-A-Day]
    It’s not a drag, not boring, rather, it constantly keeps you on your toes. It’s great coming up with ideas
    with something motivating you to do so!

    -Adventure Writer


  18. Tudor

    Agree so much. Particulaly on constructing titles. I’d say descriptive titles beat ‘creative’ ones for grabbing traffic.

    Best wishes


  19. arensa

    thanks for info


  20. Mikalee Byerman

    So grateful for this info…you’ve answered many of my questions!



  21. izadoraschultz

    Amei estas informações;
    só que ainda estou aprendendo a blogar
    e gostaria de saber melhor como meu blog pode ser mais visitado
    , ou melhor, mais lido.
    Muito obrigada.


  22. elenaramirez

    As usual, you folks, from wordpress.com out do yourselves!! All advice, and information is greatly appreciated from this grateful blogger, who loves wordpress. God bless you all…..


  23. Susanne

    this really gives me a lot o motivation. I already have several posts in the queue…
    thanks a lot!


  24. Kilmore Fisz



  25. moneymakingjus

    I love it.


  26. techarmor

    Awesome tips thanks for all the help. I can definitely use it.


  27. teacupandcake

    Good idea to schedule posts.


  28. Mark Goodwin

    Excellent Erica,

    Thanks for taking the time to pass on some very inspiring tips and Kicks!

    I am always complaining about ‘Not enough time’. And the title keyword tip is great. I never really know where one should put the keywords. Never quite sure if the best place should be in the body of the post, or elsewhere. So, I am another who is looking forward to the ‘Challenge’. I have half joined in! I’m gonna do the weekly challenge….Well it’s a start!

    Many thanks


  29. stewartbloor

    Good practical advice. Started my blog just yesterday but will keep it going. 🙂


  30. Tyran Grillo

    Encouraging advice! I’ve posted 170,000 words since February of 2010 and am aiming to produce 200,000 more by the end of 2011. I find that, like any muscle, once it gets some exercise the writing bug starts to enjoy the workout. I feel incomplete if I go for one day without posting.

    Love your Hapa site, by the way 🙂


  31. whistlerheather

    Yes it does really come down to a captivating headline…. I used one the other day and it “WORKS”… also I appreciated you saying if it makes you happy or you find joy in blogging…that counts too. Cheers


  32. José Rivas

    Waooo, this is a very helpful news!!


  33. Breland Kent

    Thank you so much for the advice 🙂


  34. Lilly

    Great tips and advice on the blog titles….. will work on that!


  35. Ljubomir Gatdula

    Thanks for the advice.


  36. nickshell1983

    Thank you for this advice post. The thing I learned from it is that I need to go back and rename some of my posts 🙂


  37. mamyw

    I just started mine. But I def do post-a-week!! n good point for blog titles.


  38. djbaroque

    this was a useful read, and one that will no-doubt make me think more about the way I blog. Thankyou for posting this.


  39. shamballa9944

    I think 2011 will make US the best bloggers ever! Interesting times call for interesting posts!!!


  40. blogdudesir

    I like this thank you


  41. Colin Henderson

    I have been blogging for several years now and thank you WP for that. The thing that helped me to find the time, was to blog about the things that I was thinking about anyway. By using blogs to help me focus my thoughts meant that I was able to actually save time by blogging. I would go into meetings and conversations better prepared than I would otherwise be had I not blogged.

    Thats my take on blogging and time management.


  42. Mary

    Like the tips, thanks!


  43. FreedomSurfer1984

    OMG I’m loving your passion about blogging 🙂 Thanks for all these helpful tips.


  44. engrmuh

    “write descriptive, captivating headlines for your posts”

    thanks for a basic but important tip .


  45. frizztext

    thanks for pointing out the
    tag pages – I will use them now for inspiration …


  46. Junaid

    well i have already taken post-a-week challenge for 2 weeks now and i guess i have only missed a week since then.
    i usually face problem with the topic, sometimes my head is full of many topic and sometimes none.
    well this is how it goes, for me hardest part is to decide which audience i am writing for, usually, its to myself … 😀


  47. Linc

    I’ve taken the post a week challenge and am really happy with how I’ve been doing so far. I’ve had my blog since 2006 and have never really been able to keep on track with blogging regularly, thanks for doing this!


  48. Nickie Wang

    Thanks Erica for these wonderful and helpful tips! More power WP team.


  49. doctorwhofan98

    Very good!


  50. Jinan Zeidan

    Thank you!!! Actually I started my blog one year ago only and the ” 2010 in review” that I recieved from wordpress was GREAT!! I’m happy for what I achieved last year and i’m going forward to post more and more this year…. Thank you wordpress 🙂


  51. anitanna

    Thanks for info


  52. nessafrance

    Good advice, thanks. I have to say, though, that these post a day challenges, while encouraging people to write, don’t necessarily result in good writing. I think it’s better to stick by the rule that if you have something to say, say it, otherwise keep quiet.


    • Erica Johnson

      Everyone has different blogging goals. Some publish daily, some write daily but publish weekly, some post a few times a month. We encourage people to customize the challenge to align with their own blogging goals.


  53. longevity0211

    Great advices, thanks!


  54. eof737

    way to go Erica… I ‘m loving this post! 🙂


  55. marjorie m.

    Thanks for remind us such good advices!


  56. bigian

    good advice many thanks


  57. barrycyrus

    great tips! 🙂


  58. arowty



  59. Maximilien

    Thanks a lot for the help 🙂


  60. squeezedwords

    yep … did a post a day since September and i got a word press sounding name now too. now i really feel like part of the wordpress herd


  61. Visual Studio Programmer

    Thanks for the advice. I will give some of these suggestions a try.


  62. lagottocattleya

    Some good advice here! Thanks! I´ve just started a week ago, and I enjoy every second. As I´m a teacher I only get to read what my students write…This is a wonderful opportunity to excel in spreading out my own thoughts and reflections all over the page – and, to blur out my inner poetry… so to speak. Why not put it all together? I think I understand why students prefer blogging to other ways of writing. I´ll have a look at the Challenge!


  63. Annoyed Conservative Christian

    I will definitely try these suggestions, and see if they help.


  64. 5milion

    its great thank you


  65. joshlayson

    I just started my blog yesterday and today is my birthday. Happy blogging!


  66. jessicaaspen

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I’m definitely going to work on those titles. Keep the ideas coming!


  67. Admin

    Thank you for the tips !


  68. mlovergaard

    I have taken on the post a day, and while currently I am writing one each day, in the future I might want to try the “post in the future” option. I like your suggestion of the better titles.


  69. notacrazycatlady

    I’ve just started blogging but using the scheduling option has been awesome! Then I can sleep in but still share my cattoons! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion!


  70. cancer1998

    Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.


  71. brendamarroy

    Thanks for the wonderful suggestions. I’ll be using them


  72. sharonmatthews541

    Thanks, for the encouragement. I have a hard time, trying to decide what to put in my blog, so then I do nothing, and your suggestion to work on the titles, will help.


  73. pltprincess

    Thanks for the advise. I signed up for a post-a-week but sometimes even that feels a bit overwhelming. I think I’ll just focus on your practical advice and perhaps that will make the task seem less daunting. My hats off to those who took on the post-a-day challenging. I’m rooting for you all!


    • Erica Johnson

      If once a week is overwhelming, start with once every two weeks. Whatever works for you — blogging should be something you enjoy, not a chore!


  74. GeekyBlackGirl

    Going to try the Post-A-Week challenge! Thanks for the tips!


  75. metalodyssey

    Any advice to inspire writing is excellent advice! Even though my blog is about music (Rock, Hard Rock & Heavy Metal), I will branch out with ideas other than album reviews. There are interviews, book reviews, concerts and those “everyday” experiences that relate to music that prove to be fun to write. That occasional “list” that relates to Rock ‘N’ Roll is always a fun way to attract new & regular visitors and comments, even though lists sometimes take a bad rap!


  76. rockmad

    I already try to make sure I post once a week . . . wonder if I should push myself to once a day mmmm? Gd tips 🙂


  77. Jingle

    Happy 2011.


  78. amartianslove

    thanks a bunch


  79. nanangrusmana

    Thanks for the advise. 🙂


  80. treenahall

    I just started my blog today and that was some much needed information! Thanks


  81. embroideryandquilting4you

    One of my readers asked if I was going to put up the postaday/week challenge widget. She said it wasn’t too difficult. How do you do it? Thanks.


  82. dariagrzesiek

    My 365 project is on. Today is my 92nd day of my project. Sometimes is hard but I promised myself that I will do this so I will! 🙂
    Now I am happy that I found this site when I can find some many people who do this same.


  83. unknowntheartist

    Having fun with the post titles is great. With film reviews, I name the post a memorable (often comical) line from the film itself.
    I always tend to read others post if the title sounds interesting. Pass if it’s boring.

    Thanks for the extra tips!


  84. chickwitmeds

    Nice. Thanks. 😀


  85. Robert M Palmer

    Good suggestions… thank’s for the tips… sounds like the title post may be an interesting place to start… I’ll try a few to see how it works.
    Keep up the good work!


  86. ultimatejb

    Day one of blogging every day and I have one post and no comments…….this may take a while.


  87. Lamont Bell

    Cool im going to really use your tip on the titles to help drive more traffic to my blog. Great post 🙂


  88. edward124

    good Advice!


  89. Arnie

    I’m a tad new at this blogging bit and these tips are just what I needed to get right on with it.

    Thanks so much.


  90. karolinakeshishyan

    Thank you very much for your advice.


  91. Tsundere Works

    “Make 2011 your best blogging year”

    I sure will. Thanks for the encouragement!


  92. Romel

    very helpful tips, Thanks!


  93. ladiesarticlesusa

    Thank you for your post. it’s good for any blogs in wordpress.


  94. George Max

    Espero poder levar o máximo de informação aos meus leitores!!!! Um abraço a todos os blogeiros de platão. 😀


  95. Gregory Hobbs

    I stepped up to the challenge! Thanks for the tips!


  96. briwinter

    Good article. I have not really got into blogging and I really want to but there are so many blogs out there I sometimes wonder if it is actually worthwhile given the chances of someone coming across my particular blog. Still, there were some good tips and I am going to have a good hard think and see what comes out.


  97. jleecute

    Thank you for your suggestion. It’s very useful.


  98. Sister Lea

    It’s not as easy as it should be to join the Postaday or postaweek. Ideas are not always the problem. So you post that you have joined. Doesn’t the post then get lost to the bottome of the list of posts?


  99. michikinsroxalot

    This was such a helpful article. Thanks!


  100. kekoamac



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