Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy

We’ve made some big user experience improvements to how the traffic building feature called Publicize works.  This feature allows you to connect your WordPress.com blog to your account on social networking services like Twitter and Facebook, broadcasting your posts to your friends automatically for you.

In the past it took a few steps to figure out how to get going. Now it’s just a click away.

Starting today, when you publish a post, you’ll see a mention of the Publicize feature.

If you click Turn on the publicize feature, it will take you to the Sharing Settings page in your Dashboard. Here you can configure any of the Publicize services you like.

Pick one or more of the services you want to turn on. It’s required that you already have an account with each service you want to use, as you’ll be sent to the service and asked to log in to connect your WordPress.com blog.

Then, as seen above on the Edit Post page, WordPress.com will let you choose which services you want to send your post to. You can also customize the message you send along with the URL.

It’s now easier than ever to grow traffic to your blog.  If you have more questions, you can read more about how Publicize works here. Happy publicizing!

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  1. Max Strauss

    I use it on my site! THANK YOU so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the domestic fringe

    This is a really nice feature! Thanks.


  3. Linc



  4. Pingback: “Publicize” Feature Makes Promotion Easier « The Metablog Blog
  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy — Blog — WordPress.com -- Topsy.com
  6. rismaka

    Wew, that’s a good idea


  7. fabulouslyfabulous

    This is a great feature! I enjoy using it to share my posts on Facebook and Twitter to let fellow homemakers and aspiring bakers know about my latest adventures and the advice I pick up along with it in my blogs! The more integrated the social networking worlds and the blogging worlds become the greater the audience the words we post will reach! Good work WordPress 🙂


  8. lincaiwan

    thanks a lot


  9. sara

    I absolutely love this but didn’t realize I could customize my message for Twitter! Going to enable the Twitter function again and makes it so easy now to let people know I’ve posted. 🙂 Thanks WordPress!


  10. John Antonios

    i love the customizable message part – this is a great idea!
    Since we’re in the spirit of sharing, does the customization of the message also include the small share buttons at the bottom of each post. ie when someone would like to tweet my post after reading it, will it offer the already customizable message?
    thanks in advance guys for all your great work


  11. Pingback: WordPress.com Adds Sharing Support via Publicize
  12. Amy in the Apple

    Convenient! Just to confirm, does this mean that, for example, if you choose to publicize a post on facebook, a message would be sent to each of your friends (which wouldn’t necessarily be ideal!), or would it just be publicized with a status update? Thanks!



    Everybody should use this features. 🙂


  14. stickinsect

    I use the Facebook publicise feature all the time. I didn’t know there was an MSN feature too. Does that work like the others?


  15. adventurewriter

    I noticed publicize recently and found some use for it. It’s very convenient, and a most helpful feature!


  16. arm

    I’ve used this, though it is not clear that a Twitter link will be generated after the message. Anyway, the Twitter one works – I’m considering spamming my friends on Facebook, though I hate publicizing my own stuff.


  17. okelle

    When exactly will this take effect? And is there a way to turn it on for posts I’ve already published?


    • Scott Berkun

      Took effect this morning – Sorry, but it will only work for new posts you publish.


  18. duniaazka

    That’s a very helpfull step, thanks WP team!


  19. Mahfooz

    Love the Custom Message feature 😀


  20. Pingback: Publicize from WordPress.com « RackNine
  21. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy (via WordPress.com News) « Tech News
  22. quirkybooks

    I really appreciate any help you can give us to get more traffic to our sites. After all, that is what blogging is all about. The “how Publicize works here” link is good because it is in depth for each service we can connect our blog to, giving us the confidence to take our blogs to the next level.


  23. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy | Travel News
  24. ian in hamburg

    Superb idea – thanks, wp.com!


  25. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy (via WordPress.com News) | Mixed For All
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  28. Blumenberg

    Looks like a neat feature — but is there maybe an equivalent plugin for the self hosted WordPress(.org) version?


  29. Mikalee Byerman

    Looking forward to trying it out! Thank you.



  30. gnny

    Good am Sir:

    Is it possible to post on different services ? I want to publish my post to yahoo ; twitter ; face book and buzz.


  31. learnlanguagesschool

    Thanks very much, you are cool helping others to be seen!r


  32. chiappanuvoli

    I was waiting it! Thank you, great!


  33. Jesus Maria Alvarez

    Can we publish to a FB page? I was told months ago that this was in the works.


  34. Automated Rig Technologies Ltd

    Looks like a great plugin, does anyone know if the wordpress.org setup has a plugin very similar? They all seem to be specific to one social media outlet.


  35. Abdurrazaq



  36. Akerly Real Estate

    With regards to Facebook, is it possible to post to my fan page I have setup for my business rather than my personal Facebook page? Some applications I’m using give the option during the approval process, but I didn’t see that when I just tried the new publicize feature.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. youcanbebetter

    I just tried to add a post and the publicize feature did not come up. Please resond byemail jschmieding@msn.com


    • Scott Berkun

      You can manually go to Settings.Sharing in your Dashboard to turn publicize on.


  38. tutorialsbysandy

    Great feature 😀


  39. Timothy D. Naegele

    Any chance of making this feature available when we publish new comments (e.g., beneath the articles that we post at our blogs)?


    • Scott Berkun

      Given how many comments some blogs get, this would probably annoy more people than not.


  40. David (1MereMortal)

    Great features…currently using them.


  41. Judith

    Re publicizing on Facebook – I have a personal account there and also a page for my business. One of my blogs is tied to my business activities and I’d like to publicise new blog entries on the business page, not my personal account. Facebook has an intricate process for doing this, which results in posts being imported as notes, usually two or three days after I publish the post! I’d prefer to just publicize the URL and have this happen in a timely way. Not sure if there is anything wordpress.com can do to facilitate this, except perhaps to nudge Facebook to allow pages to have their own identity for interaction with other social networks.


    • Scott Berkun

      We’ve been thinking about enabling Publicize for Facebook pages. Many folks have requested it and it is on our list, but can’t promise when we’ll get to it.


  42. Dr Jalal Saleh

    Great idea. Cheers!


  43. Bruce Stambaugh

    Thanks. This will save me from having to link to my blog from Facebook. I like it.


  44. jamescanney
  45. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy — Blog — WordPress.com | WordPressPlanet.com
  46. J Roycroft

    I’ll use whatever works- Thanks


  47. CraftyStaci

    My wish is that I could have it post only to my Crafty Staci Facebook page, but not my personal wall. Thanks for a step in a good direction, though!


  48. shamballa9944

    Cool feature!


  49. tdub68

    well glad it’s easier. but I already do all thay to publicize. I’ve done all the blog setup routines for yahoo and google. I use keywords. i manually tweet updates and thank users for their comment via FB and Twitter. I do a variety of writing, humor, pix, and polls.

    what other tips do you have to help increase blog traffic?


  50. rodi

    will it allow me to choose which posts I want to share? (not necessarily every post I write)


  51. About Houston

    This is really cool and I can’t wait to use it, but am not seeing it in my Edit Post screen as explained. Do I need to go somewhere else to turn it on?


  52. About Houston

    never mind…I think you answered it above…only works on new posts as of today. Thanks!


  53. John Boxall

    Once again WordPress.com is super awesome. A very high proportion of my posts are on the first page of Google search results when searching for topics they cover. Thanks guys!


  54. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy | GamePunter.com
  55. indoballinfo

    Nice .. i like it !


  56. Mons. Fogliazza

    Grazie a WORD PRESS che mi consente di portare il messaggio di speranza che viene dal Vangelo di Gesù Cristo.

    Grazie !

    mons. Virginio Fogliazza
    archimandrita d’Antiochia


  57. Poetry Angel



  58. eof737

    I love this feature and have used it forever; I believe since WordPress first offered it… It totally Rocks!
    Silly me, I had assumed everyone used the feature. Must add this to my post on PostADay lessons and update.
    Have a great weekend all! 🙂
    Mirth and Motivation


  59. lindaonwheels

    Thank you! Now I have one less thing to do to get my Blog “out there”!


  60. vincegiorno

    This feature is awesome. Looking forward to using it on my next post. Will save a lot of time.


  61. Miz D

    Very cool. Saves a little time. And makes me write sexier headlines. I’ll be tracking my success with this, which can only be a plus. Thank you!


  62. Pingback: New post Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy « Adsense Marketing
  63. Eric

    A lot more accessible and easier to manage. Thanks!


  64. Carlo Briones

    Thank you! Sharing posts to my friends made easy with this feature!


  65. Cyrille

    What about the WordPress.org blogs ?


  66. elenaramirez

    Thanks, thats awesome!!


  67. SoulGamer

    thankyou should make it easier to gain awareness and spread word about my gaming review blog. Thankyou.


  68. eikaiwasensei

    Super Dooper! When will this be available on Self-hosted WP sites? I need it yesterday. ; )


  69. tutankhamon661

    This is great.


  70. helfmancars

    I’m a control freak so It may be a bit before I use the service. Glad to know its there for that day when I decide to lighten up. Keep up the good work.
    Helfman Cars


  71. praheladprajapati

    really it is very nice


  72. Redge

    You never cease to amaze me! This will definitely make things easier going forward. Thank you very much!


  73. sdl0110

    Scott Berkun


  74. Daeng

    In my new wordpress i”m not find this feature, is this plugins? where I can get it? please help me. thanks.


  75. Jones

    Maybe I’m missing something, but haven’t I been able to do this for quite a while now? I set all my posts to automatically connect to facebook and twitter several months ago. How is this different than what I’ve already been doing?


  76. kinkykelleykicksthekurse

    This is awesome – thank you sooo much!!
    You guys are doing great!!


  77. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy — Blog — WordPress.com · Ixwebhostingspy Coupon Review Status
  78. stylishearthimagegroups



  79. changdeb

    ever since i have Windows Live Writer, i always use it to compose/publish new posts.. it’s much more convenient than go to WP.. few months ago i activate Facebook and Twitter connect on WP, and since then, every time i publish a post via WLW, it’s automatically posted to my Facebook and Twitter account. Not that I have many readers or wish to have more.. I just love it! ha ha ha..


  80. blogdudesir

    I love it


  81. seekingnicci6



  82. Steve

    What is different from how it use to work? I’ve been using “publicize” for both Facebook and Twitter for quite some time now, and this looks exactly the same as it did before. What exactly is new?


  83. Neeraj Bhushan

    cool. wordpress is growing younger.


  84. La Bella Latina

    thank you thank you thank you thank you!
    I’ve been waiting for a feature like this.


  85. Pingback: Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy — Blog — WordPress.com · Justbluehost
  86. Patrick M

    Thanks WordPress!


  87. SherryGreens

    Great addition, going to try to use it RIGHT NOW~!


  88. realruth

    I’ve been using this feature for some months. Previously I had a different way of uploading to Facebook from WordPress. Since I activated Publicize all my posts appear twice on my Facebook page which is annoying. Has anyone else had this experience? Has anyone managed to overcome it?


  89. nickshell1983

    Thanks for making my life a little bit easier!


  90. nadinescloset

    is this cheating?


  91. lrbarneslaw

    This will save me time…which, I never seem to have enough of. I can’t wait to try this out.


  92. afirmin71

    Great idea, especially the customize message message part. Thanks WordPress!


  93. digitalcatharsis

    wow ive been waiting for this one! thanks!


  94. dirtybikerwife

    Love it :0 Thanks


  95. Erik

    I echo Judith’s request a few comments above mine…

    Please, please, please give us the option of choosing between our personal FB profile and our own FB pages. This would be RAD! 🙂


  96. spreemagazine

    Thanks a lot! This is very helpful, funny I was just here brainstorming how to link my blog to my other pages and attract more viewers.


  97. sumptuousdesinzes

    I’d like to know how it works. New to the scene, but it’s very important. I’ll get there….


  98. Aditya Mehta

    Great! This will make things so much easier.


  99. meLodiazz

    i use this too on my blog..
    but, is seem didn’t work for facebook..


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