More Choices With More Premium Themes

There’s only one thing more exciting than an amazing new WordPress theme available for your site and that’s even more amazing new WordPress themes. With that in mind, I’m excited to announce that today we have three new Premium Themes ready for you! Each one features custom support direct from the theme providers themselves and, of course, stunning designs and cool features. Let’s get right to them and check them out.

First of all, we’re happy to introduce a beautiful and fresh new theme from popular theme provider, StudioPress. It’s called, Pretty Young Thing, and I think you’ll find that it lives up to its name. Underneath the pretty surface is StudioPress’ customizable Genesis framework. It’s available now for the one-time price of $75.

The Pretty Young Thing Theme

The Pretty Young Thing Theme

From WooThemes, designers of the Headlines theme, comes the appropriately named, Crisp. A handsome and sharp-looking theme designed specifically for Tumblelogging. To do that it takes advantage of eight of our new special Post Formats, giving you special styles for Image, Link, Quote, Video, Audio, Aside, Gallery, and Status posts. It’s available now for the one-time price of $45.

The Crisp Theme

And last, but certainly not least, from The Theme Foundry, who brought you Shelf, comes the Traction theme. Traction is a richly-designed magazine theme with a featured post slider, multiple color schemes, and even more features! It’s available now for the one-time price of $68.

The Traction Theme

While you’re previewing any one of these themes on the theme showcase check out the sidebar. If you love a premium theme you can purchase and activate it right from the showcase page! (In fact, you can activate any theme from the showcase — premium or free — if you’re logged in. Check it out!)

More fantastic and amazing new themes — premium and free — are, as always, on the way. We hope you’re as excited about them as we are. Let us know what you think!

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  1. raditherapy

    Wow!! Beautiful themes. Thanks, WordPress. 🙂


  2. Pingback: Pretty Young Thing Now Available on
  3. Kelly Whitman

    Love them, especially the Pretty Young Thing theme! Keep ’em coming! 🙂


  4. Pothi

    I always loved StudioPress themes. I was just wondering lately, why it was not available on, when others have already made it!

    But, I would be the last one to use Pretty Young Thing, because it is most likely to be liked only by female bloggers. 😉


  5. Mspaca1

    Beautiful themes. But I’d rather buy Black Ops than a theme like this. It’s totally not worth it.


  6. doctorwhofan98

    Amazing themes! I am glad to see both free and premium themes coming out regulary. It will be a great challenge to get me to move away from Twenty Ten, though! 😀


  7. Eric

    The Traction theme looks so nice! Price is a bit steep though.


  8. Pingback: Traction @ | | Planet WordPressPlanet WordPress
  9. Alexandre Gérard

    Wonderful!!! Especially Traction. Thanks a lot.


  10. 8tnek8

    What a cute theme! Thanks for sharing ^^! Noting it and using later.


  11. Sara

    So can we also edit the theme if we have a CSS upgrade? I’m trying to learn all about that stuff and love the PYT theme but some of the hearts are way too much … just curious.


  12. Bobbie @thevegancrew

    I REALLY like the Pretty Young Thing blog. Love the layout and love the color options. It is very “me.” Except for all the hearts. Is there an option to remove the hearts (at least the ones next to each post title)?


  13. bmg1227

    @ Sara and Bobbie – like Ian said, the hearts can easily be removed through custom CSS. In fact, you can replace with your own icons as well. Along with the purchase of Pretty Young Thing (or any other premium theme on is access to support – where we can help you with the custom CSS changes that would be needed to remove/replace the hearts.


  14. hoope

    Nice themes … yet I guess we need more variety of themes. Keep them coming 🙂


  15. Tom Baker

    I really like the Traction theme. Looks great.


  16. Sara

    Thanks so much for the quick response Ian and bmg! And Bobbie, great minds think alike 🙂


  17. lusysunsetgirl

    I’m using a theme from StudioPress and Genesis is a nice framework. All the themes here look great. Well done!


  18. Elizabeth Kilpatrick

    I love the Pretty Young Thing theme! Would be great for a girls blog.


  19. peixesloucos

    They look great! Hope you offer a dedicated theme for photography and portfolio’s.


  20. iraqstudy

    The Traction theme is very beautiful.


  21. apollodorosh

    This is nice indeed, but I’m happy with what I have, though I would change it if there was a decent Hellenic theme of some kind. Preferrably NOT premium… 😛


  22. Kamil Gruba

    Great, beautiful themes!


  23. Charlousie

    They are looking good and interesting, but I love my theme too much! I would not change it into another! 😉
    Because it has all, what you want or need or even imagine 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Mikalee Byerman

    Incredible new choices. Pretty Young Thing is far too pretty — and young — and happy for me, but Traction (minus the blue) may be an option — bold and solid.

    Thanks as always! 🙂


  25. Elena

    Super duper. 😀


  26. happycontessa

    When you think things couldn’t get better…there you deliver again. Thank you!


  27. zaquillint

    I like Pretty Young Thing, and Traction, I guess, but I think Crisp is kinda boring.


  28. Mary

    I really like the Pretty Young Thing theme! 😀


  29. Intelligent Challenge

    I’m liking Traction. To pay or not to pay, that is the question!


  30. obsidianfactory

    I hope more normal themes comes as I can’t buy any of these.


  31. Lee

    I love the ‘The Pretty Young Thing’ theme, it’s perfect for my Baby blog. Finally …


  32. PoetryAngel

    OMG! I LOVE Pretty young theme! 🙂


  33. Jeroen

    I really like the crisp theme but I do think it is too expensive for a regular blog. Perhaps the price should be a bit more flexible so small unimportant bloggers like me can have these nice themes as well.


  34. Brigitte

    I love Pretty Young Thing but it’s just out of my budget at the moment. If you offered discounts for WP old-timers like me ;3 or bundled it with a CSS upgrade I think I’d be more likely to shell out the 75 bones … but without that, I can’t tweak it, removed ads, or get a custom domain without shelling out ever-increasing piles of cash. Really love it though, it’s very tempting, especially with the grid layout (exactly what I want) and swappable color schemes! Swoon!


  35. Wez

    I’m very excited about these and the prospect of more premium themes! The only difficulty is going to be deciding to jump in and buy one when an even better theme may be around the corner.
    Love your work guys!


  36. gramatrudy

    Wow! You have really been busy. Nice, nice super nice set-ups. Great job.


  37. Roku

    The Crisp is great, I bought it and I love it 😀


  38. jessicalinblog69

    I like those themes but I’d rather have a “Free” one. Hehe …


  39. magnifique100

    They all look great! 🙂


  40. Aidyl

    Love Traction! 🙂


  41. Pingback: Top Posts —
  42. beautybyshortylegs

    I LOVE that Pretty Young Thing theme … but I live in Finland so I cant pay the prize for it :/
    It’s lovely though, just what I’ve been looking for. 🙂


  43. Mysteriousmystic

    Lovely themes. Definitely a plus point in my consideration to go premium! 🙂


  44. Pingback: Premium Themes: Are they worth the cost? « Adventure Writer's Blog
  45. msyoungmd

    Absolutely LOVING the new themes! Great Job Guys. Keep up the great work 🙂


  46. Admin

    I like the Traction theme. It’s awesome!


  47. dhenztm

    Beautiful themes! Hmmm I wan’t one but I don’t have credits 😀


  48. Jennifer

    Really looking good! So far the only thing that is keeping me from seriously considering the premium themes is price. I realize this is a one-time purchase, and one that comes with an extra special support option, but even so it’s pretty much outside my budget. But, keep them coming!

    Liked by 1 person


    Great work !
    I like all of them 🙂


  50. Pingback: Just Got Crispier | WooThemes
  51. vnsearch

    I like the Traction one.


  52. J Roycroft

    I would like to see more journalist type theme choices.


  53. .:. Annie .:.

    As a teenage girl, I really loveeeeee the ‘Pretty young thing’, and as a teenage girl, I can’t afford 75 bucks for this!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  54. feodoraslane

    Absolutely stunning themes, I stumbled on WordPress and I am so delighted I did. This is an incredible site with wonderful blogs and what looks lik a great community of writers. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Polaris

    The wonderful about thing about the premium themes is that the fonts are well-chosen and large enough to be readable. For most of the free themes, especially the ones with good graphics, the fonts are annoyingly tiny or just annoyingly gray.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Dr. CaSo

    None of these premium templates would fit my blog but I’d pay $100 to have someone design a template just for me 😀 (that other WordPress users could use, too, of course).

    Liked by 1 person

  57. blackcabbit

    Nah, me going to stay with my current free theme (Oulipo) for a looooong time. Had gotten comfortable and so fond of it. Nonetheless, kudos to you all WordPress staffs for spoiling us for good by coming up with so many creative themes.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. eof737

    Neat… very nice themes. 🙂


  59. yvonnesim

    Cool! I want more, more, more!


  60. monyrinataro

    I love The Crisp Theme, but I can’t afford it, even I use it sometimes.


  61. Alexander Kormilitsyn

    You are great, guys! Thanks for all you’ve done and will do!


  62. sora astral

    The Traction theme is cool, great design!


  63. nelson RN

    I love Traction, very nice!


  64. madadgar2009

    Thanks to the for introducing powerful themes (Premium or Free). The spirit of to help bloggers get more traffic is highly appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  65. Elspongebob The Widget Master

    Awesome! Nice design. It would be cool if we could make our own designs!


  66. amandajeannesnow

    Very sharp! Will certainly consider a Premium theme once I’m further down the road with 36broadway. 🙂


  67. Pingback: Multi-Author Blogs « one cool site
  68. thf2

    Nice themes, one for everyone…keep ’em coming! 🙂


  69. nlm49

    Love the Pretty Young Thing theme. I like the Traction theme also, but I don’t like the search box and menu bar at the bottom.

    Liked by 1 person

  70. Pingback: Three More Commercial Themes Added To
  71. ncmcdonald

    I like the Crisp theme. Great designs!


  72. rtm

    Ohhh, what a set of gorgeous themes! I love the Crisp and Traction theme, in fact this might be just the template I need to spruce up my movie blog! THANKS!!


  73. Castaka Crew

    Traction is awsome! Clean & fresh-

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Nora Weston

    I’ve been looking for a new theme…and I love Crisp and Traction!


  75. RoryinChina

    Nice! Traction gets my vote, very cool.

    Liked by 1 person

  76. distgen

    The new themes look great and I might consider using one…. Would it be possible to trial a theme before buying? If your site is complicated the instant theme preview doesn’t always work great because you need to get into the theme and make some changes to get the best out of it.

    Id like to be able to create a virtual site and play around with the settings then decide to buy or not.

    Obviously self hosted is more flexible…. But I prefer
    Thanks guys

    Liked by 1 person

  77. preciousbaby1106

    I really do like the Pretty Young Thing theme, but I’m going to stick to the free services.

    Liked by 1 person

  78. Emma

    I love Pretty Young Thing! It’s very fresh and colorful. A lot of the themes you make seem very similar to one another, but this one’s different. I, for one, would love to see more unique, customizable themes.


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