Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k

As Scott mentioned in his How is Made? post, at Automattic we work from all over the world, and we use internal blogs for socializing and exchanging non-work ideas in addition to making and our other products more awesome. One of the things we’re really concerned about is staying healthy – we even have an entire blog dedicated to fitness.

We had a great idea: Get all 80 Automatticians from 62 cities to run/walk a 5k on the same day! This way we can get some exercise together as a company even though we’re apart (though we won’t rule out a softball or Texas scramble at our next meetup).

We want to invite you to join us, users (and self-hosted WP users, too!), in the Worldwide WP 5k – the 5k blogged around the world! The date is approaching, so read on to find out how to participate.

WHAT IT IS: A 5k run/walk (approximately 3.1 miles). You can run, walk, or skip. It’s up to you. There’s no time limit and there’s just one requirement: that you participate! [Updated: You can do it inside or outside, on a treadmill or on a track, or even do a swim or a bike ride instead of running/walking – just get moving!]

It’s roughly equal to:

  • 3.1 miles
  • 12 laps around a track
  • approximately 6000-7500 steps
  • approximately 50-60 minutes of brisk walking

WHEN: We’re all busy, but we want you to participate, so we’re giving you some flexibility, too. The WWWP5k is set for Sunday, April 10th, but you can do your walk anytime from April 4th -10th (you’ve got a week to fit it in). Just post about it and use the tag “wwwp5k” so we can find you (and for a chance to be Freshly Pressed). 🙂

WHO: Anyone who’s ever used or loved WordPress (and your families and friends, too).

HOW: You’re welcome to blog your entire route and your preparation (videoblog, perhaps?) but above all we’d love to see where you are and how you’re completing your 5k. Give us a picture of you and what you see when you cross the finish line and tell us your location as you complete your 5k with the rest of the world.

Some tools & suggestions:

  • Get a pedometer
  • Use to chart your course
  • Set your car’s odometer to 0, leave your house and drive along a safe course with sidewalks for walking/running, until you reach 1.55 miles (you can loop back the same way), or chart out a 3.1 mile course

If you’re not up to running this year, never fear, you can get started with the Couch to 5k method which several Automatticians like – 9 weeks from couch potato to running a 5k, and be ready to run for next year. But make sure to walk this year – no excuses!

Will you be joining us for the Automattic Worldwide WP 5k?

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  1. liferemodeled

    I and many others can’t walk that far, but we do other things like roll, swim, or peddle. I swim. I will swim at least 5 miles by April 10th.


  2. dimmicks

    Count me in with a view of a leafier part of Cardiff, Wales on it’s way! Keep up the great work. SD

    PS… Surely we need to be clocking our times how about Northern v Southern Hemisheres?


  3. lazyoli

    This is great!!!! I need to get out and stretch my legs. I will participate with you on the 10th of April.


  4. InsideJourneys

    Absolutely! And since it’s getting (or trying to) warm here in the NE, it’ll be a great way to get out, smell the coming spring air. I’m in.
    Thanks for doing this and for the links.


  5. Pingback: Get in shape with us: Automattic WorldWide 5k | The Daily Post at
  6. fatler

    Nice idea.
    Atm I’m running only 1 km after my exercises, but it will be interesting to get myself fit up to a 5 km in a week.


  7. Chris Harrison

    Going to try and do something here in Augusta, GA for this. Great idea! 😀


  8. laruse

    I am already signed up to run a 5k on 4/9, so count me in!


  9. cyborgragdoll

    I think this is a wonderful idea as well and will be joining with gusto!


  10. geekergosum

    What a great idea…especially as the weather its starting to get nice (in the UK at least)…perhaps out a good way to meet up with fellow wordpressers and chatt about blogging?
    If any ones interested in doing this round Birmingham, England let me know.


  11. kimmiesm

    I have been doing at least 9 miles of walking a day, so this would be no problem except for the fact that I am having hip replacement surgery on the 1st. I really wish I could participate but it just won’t work, will be on a cane for at least a week or 2.


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  13. John James Jacoby

    I’m in, and so is my puppy by association. 🙂


  14. No More Sidelines

    I’m already registered for my first 5K on April 9th. Perfect timing!!


  15. the rufus

    Not running that much I may try to do 4 BBQs till then 😀


  16. perrylup

    I am in!!! I am training for the New York Marathon in November, a couple of triathlons in the summer – so this should be a good training run!! Love to have company from the word press community!! (btw…I run slow…but am just happy to finish!!)


  17. f00dangel

    Can’t wait to participate in this! I’m usually an avid runner, but I’ll be walking this one due to healing knee injuries.


  18. Eric

    Very cool, like a global flashmob 🙂


  19. spareribs823

    I’m running the Boston Marathon on April 18th, so I’m sure I will be able to fit in one or more 5K runs before then! Thanks. Great idea!


  20. The Frosty

    I just might attempt that. Since I just started up playing softball an hitting the gym again.

    That or a really long bike ride.


  21. wonderwomanthoughts

    I will commit. I will do the walk, it’s nice to be me again. Blowing the dust off my motivation, drive and social connections. I think this is wonderful idea. Count me in.


  22. KChristoph

    I will do it in Hannover, Germany.


  23. Karen Anderson

    I think this is exactly once around Green Lake in Seattle. Perfect!


  24. Jackie

    Ok well maybe I can do this. It would be one more excuse to buy a video camera . I could walk 3.2 miles from Edworthy park to crowchild trail along the bike path aside the elbow river . Is there something we should be thinking about when we do this ? You know something to record . I am new to it all and I just want to make sure I understand it correctly .


  25. Intelligent Challenge

    Great idea – anything that gets people moving is good for me!


  26. Tony McGurk

    Great idea. I twisted my ankle while walking on the weekend but by April 10 I should be right to go. I’ll do it!!!


  27. kencombsrunningstore

    Awesome idea…. How about posting other data too….average heart rate, pace, elevation change ? Need a form


    • Sara Rosso

      @Ken – feel free to share more data if you like. We want to make it easy so people focus on the exericise first, then the blog post 🙂


  28. kiwidutch

    I’m on crutches for the foreseeable future so I’m volunteering my husband’s
    jogging jegs in my place, as he’s building up his running efforts.

    I haven’t told him yet, but he’ll be running in The Hague, The Netherlands ,
    probably on his favourite route though the dunes with you on Sunday 10th April.

    (he’s really keen to run at the moment, so he won’t take much convincing LOL)


  29. Jennifer Avventura

    Yeah, what a fun idea. I’ll be joining and running this 5k in Sardegna. omgosh…what a super fun idea. I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s day. WordPress you’re so much fun.


  30. k.emily

    That sounds amazing! I’ve been eating too many cakes, to boot.

    Count me in…Diga(Mama) running away from home in Sevilla, España.


  31. foundspacedesign

    this is a win win win win win idea! Can’t wait to participate with my 16 year old son (hear the wails of protest?)

    Laurie at FoundSpace Design, and Fold in the Ordinary


  32. Charlousie

    I like this idea very much. Too bad that I am under stress by now and have no time to reach a target like that. Although…
    Do you accept riding a bike?
    Then I could handle it, maybe 😉


  33. Steve Paynter

    Being in the fitness industry, I guess it’s time to “put up”. Muskoka, Ontario, Canada is on board. Anyone up for a hike in Algonquin Park? I just hope the snow has melted enough… and the bears are still asleep.
    This is such a great idea!


  34. neverending1

    I want to do this, but I want to run with a buddy. Is there a list that states where people are located? Las Vegas, Nv, anyone?


  35. millie jackson

    My blog is about my journey to fitness and better health. I’ll be doing a 5 k during that time. Great idea!


  36. Malin

    Absolutely! I think it’s a great idea!
    Good luck to everyone from Sweden!


  37. Mohammed-jawad Tahir

    What about running 5k in the fitness Center that week does it count?

    I hope the weather would be great in Denmark, it rains all the year long


  38. Pamir Times

    I so much want to join from Islamabad 🙂


  39. Dan Del Ferraro

    Attending the Blue Point Cask Ale Festival the day before, but I think we can recover by then! 😉


  40. Ray Anderson

    What a neat idea!


  41. Alaina

    Absolutely in! I’ll plan my loop around the gorgeous waterfront in Portland.

    Love a reason for people to join together and get outside! 🙂


  42. Jane Wells

    I can’t run due to a bum knee, but I will walk it along the beach and marshes here in Tybee Island, GA. Fingers crossed for good weather!


  43. Pinata

    Oh no! i am an (injured) regular runner, only one week to recover. I wiil give it a go from Norfolk UK


  44. clutchstart

    Right on! This will make this weekend’s jog a special one. What a great way to get people outside and to connect on something fun!


  45. runtobefit

    Great idea…love love love it. I hope everyone will see the importance of staying healthy. Running can do wonders!


  46. Jen

    I’m in…I love to run! I think I might make it a 5K trail run.


  47. magicoficecream

    I’ll try to participate. Although I have no idea how to measure the 5k since I don’t have any devices.


  48. Nick Momrik

    Looking forward to it. Anything that gets people excited about exercise is a win!


  49. Nancy Hovde

    I can’t make it but what a Uber Empowering idea – sounds like a great event!


  50. Unearthing the Spud

    I’m in! Sounds like fun. I’ll do a run/walk on the Sunshine Coast, Australia 🙂


  51. Cooking in Mexico

    I want to do this! What a great way for us all to be together that day. Pencil me in for the Bay of Banderas, on the west coast of Mexico.



  52. danyork

    Awesome! I’m in! (Although in fairness I’m already running 5K every other day here in Keene, New Hampshire… but I’ll aim to make sure I line up one of those runs to be on Sunday)

    Love the idea!


  53. Marisa Gary



  54. aawwa

    Sounds like a great idea!


  55. Mark Ostryn

    If you’bre got an iPhone or android smartphone, download Runkeeper. It’s free and gives you full (GPS based) details of your run.


  56. jeanofalltrades

    I’m in! There’s a great 3.1 mile (5k) path around Green Lake in Seattle. I’ll walk/jog it with my dog!


  57. Hemant Khurana(Happy)



  58. robbieadkins

    Sounds like fun! I will walk the 5K in Temecula CA on the 10th! If there are any other WordPress fans in Temecula, let me know and join me!


  59. Gwendolyn Alley aka Art Predator

    Love this idea! My family and I will walk at least once–and probably bike and even ski/board a 5k or more too during the week! What a great prompt for ways to write about our road trip in our VW camper van next week!


  60. Committee Member

    I’m in – Great weather in Melbourne, Australia at that time for a walk. Just wondering if there’s any way that it could be turned into a fundraiser for a worthy cause?? Or at least publicity for a worthy cause.


  61. naturalredhead

    Yes from Alaska!


  62. purplelilbutterfly

    What a fantastic incentive to get motivated. I will not be able to participate on the 10th, but will plan on doing so a fews day prior. I look forward to every participant’s comments and photos. Cool!


  63. joceeloo

    I’m in! 😀


  64. valuediversity

    Just setting up with a walk from the university bus station to our Fox Gully Buscare site. I see that I can load the map straight into my blog. I am off to a meeting now to plan a guided walk on the mountain so this is an excellent tool to show off.
    I may not do the walking myself, I put my effort into pulling out/cutting down weeds and restoring the native plants. However, I will get others walking to our bushcare.


  65. eveningstar2

    This is a fantastic idea. Count me in!


  66. Alan

    Yes, I’ll do the 5K barefoot and in my running kilt here just outside of Toronto, Canada. (Photo of photos will be included in my post!)


  67. babyjill7...Marilyn Griffin

    Will try to do the park that day near my house…maybe I can get others to join…Great Idea!…mkg


  68. Ken W. Simpson

    All I can do at my age (78) and with a chronic back, is up to 50ks (on a given day) on my exercise bike – going nowhere unfortunately – but including a swim if the weather is fine.


  69. Ryan

    I just blogged about this!

    Great idea! I’m going to do this if I have the time. (Whenever I say if, it’s like a 40% chance or lower I might do something…oh well. *sighs*)


  70. Rosedale Gardens

    As one who has one knee replacement & another needed and a broken bone in foot and several slipped discs, ya’ll carry on without me.


  71. ~MJ~

    Count me in as my daughter and I (possibly my 13 yr old, too??) will walk along the Patoka River in Southern Indiana. We will be out there as long as the weather cooperates, otherwise, I will hop on the stationary training bike. 😉


  72. gypsychant

    Yes, I will hopity, stompity, walkity join you. Love this idea. My heart loves this idea. My lead but loves this idea.


  73. Jorge G

    What a great idea,I see this really taking off. Hope you keep track in the e newsletter


  74. stellagarcia

    Sure, I’m in!
    I’ll take advantage of the nice weather this weekend.


  75. jamiddix

    I love the date April 10th…I’m signed up to do my first half-marathon that day…will totally blog and run the first 5K thinking of my post!! Get movin’ everyone!!!


  76. aslanscub

    I’m already signed up to do one for SparkPeople, so this will work just fine! 🙂


  77. thf2

    I’m in! I have 6 pairs of trail running shoes I need to break in for my 5 month journey on the Pacific Crest Trail starting next month…this will be perfect! Follow my journey if you’d like!



  78. tba2011

    hi there – as a brand new health/food/body blogger, now on – the balanced – I think this is a great initiative. Anything to get us all moving is a good thing..I am, Aust.


  79. walkaboutwithwendydotcom

    Great idea! I will get out with my trusty companions, my dog and a good friend and we’ll powerwalk the 5k. Will try and get a photofinish and post it. 🙂


  80. winamol

    It’s a very good thing that u care about health of your users. I like this idea….


  81. Sri

    I do a 5K walk everyday!

    I do it on different routes and club the activity with doing errands and shopping. I also make it a point to tell at least one stranger everyday to walk instead of using a personal vehicle, because not only will it improve their health but save some natural resources for all of us.

    Some ideas to do a 5k everyday (and I guess many people may be doing it already):
    1. Walk to run an errand or do shopping, if destination is in 1 to 2K range.
    2. If you commute to workplace daily: give up the personal vehicle; start early; walk to transport station at least 1.5k from your home and get down at least 1k before your workplace.
    3. Make a rule for yourself not to use transport for distances up to 2K and beyond that, use only a public transport.

    Finally, it’s great that WordPress pushes this idea – you can influence millions of people towards better health and saving nature.


  82. Harold

    I’m in! I could use the exercise. Gonna try for the whole family of 7 that is home.


  83. Claire

    This is pretty awesome. Anyone up for a run in Charleston, SC?


  84. valuliana

    I’m in and so is my 3 month-old daughter. She says she’ll rock the stroller while I give her a push!


  85. tengu911

    We in Odessa, Ukraine run this days 100km – it’s ultrarunning dedicated to Day of Odessas Liberation from german occupants. So I will run 5 km (and more if I can) this day 🙂 Happy running.


  86. foobarph

    i will definitely join on this one! 🙂


  87. edebock

    Count me in. I might be slogging through mud here in rural Alberta but hopefully there will be a few signs of spring by then! Should we post the blog on April 10 even if we do the run/walk earlier in the week?


  88. cisco2035

    Damn, I missed the April 10 deadline by 24 years! But I promise I will do it on April 8, 2035 and post back my results back to the year 2011. Good luck and be safe everyone!


  89. zflores

    Sounds great and I love the flexibility, count me in.


  90. dhenztm

    This is a great idea! I’m a runner who blogs so I can’t begin to describe how wonderful this activity sounds for me 😀


  91. Pingback: Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k (via News) « itsSri
  92. RandomizeME

    Does it count if I do it on the treadmill?


  93. shabnamphoto

    Thanks for the push. I’ve been meaning to make walking a part of my daily regimen. This might just get me started. Look forward to helping myself!


  94. Tall Pajama Man

    loving the idea!


  95. 2e0mca

    School Easter Hols will have just started, so just the excuse I need to get my son out for a 5 mile walk 🙂


  96. sydneyonsunday

    Great idea. And it’s on a Sunday so that’s perfect 😀 We’ll do the jog/run then review a café after!


  97. irenapetzold

    Will join the 5k in Barcelona at Carretera de les Aiugues – with an amazing view!


  98. nadolski

    Looks like the perfect reason to buy some new shoes. Must have those new Nike’s. Nancy


  99. frizztext

    good idea!


  100. manveetSingh

    I need to find out fellow Automatticians from New Delhi together for this. Doing it all alone wont be fun!
    any suggestions I could get them together? Moreover it would be great if Ashish could be a part of the New Delhi run!


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