See How You Can Personalize Your Blog with Custom Fonts and CSS

You already know that you can choose from over 130 awesome themes here at, but did you know that you can create a theme that’s entirely unique to you with the Custom Design upgrade?

To see just how powerful Custom Design is, take a look at this diverse collection of sites that are all using the exact same theme:

These all have a completely different look and feel because each site makes use of the many customization options that the Twenty Eleven theme offers. Adding the Custom Design upgrade, which is compatible with all themes, takes personalization to the next level by allowing you to choose from over 50 gorgeous Typekit fonts to use for your site’s title, headings, and body text.

Additionally, if you’re familiar with CSS, Custom Design enables you to customize your colors, borders, backgrounds, and even the layout of your blog.

Best of all, you can try before you buy. Head to Appearance → Custom Design in your dashboard to test out Custom Design right now.

Find details and CSS resources in the Custom Design support document.

So, how will you customize your blog’s design?

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  1. Gaurav Tiwari

    I’m a huge fan of My Photomaton and The Practicle Art World. They have developed their blogs very intellegentally.


  2. obsidianfactory

    Those are beautiful! I wish I could do them too! (has little knowledge on CSS)


  3. nkeda14

    I wish free users could change font at least :/ but the custom blog stuff is pretty cool even if you have to buy them.


  4. himynameisroman

    Cool, I may buy it.


  5. The Awkward List

    Those websites are really neat-looking, I’m actually interested in trying this out. I’m glad you gave us more information about CSS. Thanks!



  6. thisblindman



  7. tenbrokenbullets

    I really love that you guys offer this, but it’s almost useless to me because of the cost.
    Thanks. I’ll try it when Christmas comes around! Haha.


  8. Linh

    Thank for your sharing. It’s really helpful for me! I’ve just used WordPress for a short time. But I see it’s really wonderful!


  9. hanhpt

    Oh, thank you. I will create a theme for myself.


  10. oscepediatrics

    This is amazing. Could not make out, tehy are the same Theme.


  11. indigogodach

    Sincerely appreciate the good work of this They are innovative and have well experienced personel who are always out to invent something new so as to satisfy the desires of their customers.


  12. luckercn



  13. rqjavines

    It’s exciting and fabulous, but I’m referring to how much is the price? Or do we have such exciting trivia that costs us free to enjoy customized blog? Fantastic!


    • Erica Johnson

      Custom Design costs just $30 a year, and both features include a free preview so you can try them out first.


  14. veehcirra

    Now tha’t very neat….loving the diversity of the theme!


  15. darkmimi

    thanks u


  16. dd16591569

    Thank you it is good that you are sharing such info


  17. Alionestop Maexy

    Very nice 🙂


  18. cherry0828493021

    very good


  19. Jon

    clever stuff 🙂 how much is it? I’ve used Custom CSS for $14.97, is this still avaliable?


  20. djakarta182

    if custom fonts are paid? Can I use a custom font designs for free?


  21. katharinetrauger

    So enticing, but…
    PayPal is the weak link in this chain!


  22. Christy

    Very cool Thank you!!


  23. gianghayenchi

    Oh. So beautiful. Thank you.


  24. Heather

    I am not sure if I’m a CSS kind of girl.


  25. Brandon

    Great stuff!


  26. jlee5879

    I love it and am dying to change the font on my blog, however, I have no CSS experience. Is this pretty user friendly?


  27. kunle1

    Can explaing hw to use this application cos I don’t no…


  28. Kojiki

    It is very easy to change your blog or give it a little more touch …. change font in a very easy way. I can say it is worth $30 a year…..and your blog looks more personal!..


  29. Rony

    Hey,Thanks here,great stuff and also very cool & entertaining……….thx Erica,nice post!!


  30. Pingback: Wordcamp Portland is Coming | John F Howes CPA is attending
  31. helpwithanxietydisorders

    The new designs look great, but will have to go with what I have at the moment, and hope I make some sales. Then I will definately purchase the upgrade.

    Great innovation!

    D Wood


  32. Debra Wood (@wood_debbie)

    The new designs look great but will have to do with what I have at the moment until I make some sale. Will definately upgrade at some point.

    D Wood


  33. parsnipfeet

    Heart skipping beats as my eyes devour those beautiful, beautiful blogs!


  34. naveedashaikh

    This is awesome!


  35. tamikadoubell

    So exciting!


  36. Arthur Dent

    “You already know that you can choose from over 130 awesome themes”

    First of all, the majority of those 130 “awesome” themes kind of suck.
    And compare those 130 themes to the 1000+ (mostly awesome) themes at tumblr.
    Not to bash, i’m a new user, tried a couple alternatives and so far, decided to stay here.
    I’m just saying. Those 130 themes are meager compared to what others offer (for free) and are anything but awesome.


    • Sheri

      Past themes are usually not modified once in use, but we welcome your feedback in the Themes forum if you’d like to share specifics. Also, we are adding new themes at a pretty fast clip! Many have post formats and theme options and each one is reviewed by our stellar theme team. I’m sure there is only more awesomeness to look forward to in the world of themes. 🙂 Beyond that, the ability to modify, add to, or even completely create your own design is exactly what the Custom Design upgrade was made for.


  37. 40again

    Thanks for this post, it came at just the right time for me
    I have absolutely no idea about CSS, but changing the fonts was so easy. I think my blog looks refreshed – have you something that works for people too…….. thanks again 🙂


  38. The Lioness

    Trial and Error are my closest friends when it comes to my WORDPRESS BLOG! Anyone in the Richmond, VA area want to start a MEET UP type group to help less wizard-like bloggers, like moi?


  39. southpaw84

    Another great feature when we choose to upgrade. Thanks for the latest news! It will encourage bloggers to try and customize their own page… 🙂


  40. Bryan Do

    wonderful! thank you!


  41. thewanderingsiren

    Lovely! Thanks for sharing!


  42. Adalbertus

    In from Google CSS WYSIWYG Editor is free…


  43. Mexican Food Trial

    Hi, thanks for the post, can I add the facebook like button there??



    • Sheri

      You can add a Facebook like button to each post using the sharing tool, and there is also a Facebook Like Box available on the widgets page in your dashboard if you’d like to add it to a sidebar. Check out Publicize too.


  44. Cristiana

    The fonts are amazing! Thanks a lot.


  45. dmpoetry

    Looking forward to pushing my blog that much further with some custom designing. Thanks.


  46. Pingback: See How You Can Personalize Your Blog with Custom Fonts and CSS
  47. Eric

    Fantastic! Great add, now maybe I don’t need Typepad anymore 😛


  48. Words of Little Relevance

    Clean and simple. A bit like me.
    I like it.


  49. anitanna

    I like
    Thank you!


  50. The Lioness

    Can I change the color of my new fonts that I just purchased? Also, I want to change the type in a sidebar. How?


    • Sheri

      Certainly! You can change the color of the fonts with CSS. First, you need to identify exactly which fonts you’d like to change the color for such as the links or the headings? Then you need to add a CSS rule that fits your theme to the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page. Changing the type in font the sidebar can be done with the advanced custom font option. We can help walk you through changes like that in the CSS Customization forum. Could you post some specific questions over there?


  51. grannyontour

    I’ve no idea about CSS – do you think I could try it also??? It looks very nice and I would be happy to have a tool I could better arrange my pictures…
    Thans for help!


    • Sheri

      You can definitely try it! Keep in mind, you can use CSS to style how the image galleries look but you cannot change the way galleries work in general here at To learn more about CSS, head over to your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page and check out the beginner tutorial link above the editor or post something on the CSS Customization forum if you have any specific questions about something you’d like to try out. It would be great to include a link to an example page of your pictures and a detailed explanation of exactly what you’d like to change.


  52. lovingmama30

    I love to customize my blog too but I need to pay for it which is not for me this time.


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