Black Friday Sale: Free Custom Design with Any Premium Theme

It’s that time of the year again, and we decided to take care of all our users whether they feel like lining up in the cold to take advantage of today’s bargains or not.

This year’s offer is about two upgrades that first saw the light of day during the past twelve months: Custom Design and Premium Themes.

For the next 24 hours if you pick up any of our Premium Themes we’ll throw in a totally free one year subscription to the Custom Design Upgrade, which would usually cost you $30. Depending on the theme you choose, that’s between 30% and 60% of the Premium Theme’s value.

Don’t miss this great occasion to stand out from the crowd, by adding a great Premium Theme to your site, and customizing its fonts and CSS to make it truly yours.

If you already have a Custom Design subscription, no problem, we’ll add an extra year to it for free.

If you’re not sure on what Premium Themes and the Custom Design upgrade actually do:

Premium Themes: feature detailed designs, exciting options for customization, and exclusive support directly from the theme authors themselves.

Custom Design: easily customize the fonts in your theme, and dive into CSS to make all the presentational changes you desire.

It’s only one day, it happens today, but the gift is yours for one year.

Don’t wait anymore to browse our Premium Themes collection.

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  1. Natasha McNeely

    That’s a great offer! I’m sure a lot of people will take advantage of this while they can.


  2. Matt George

    Woah! I think I might just go for new Premium theme. I have to watch myself though as I just bought one about 2 weeks ago. When it comes to WP, sometimes one premium theme isn’t enough. 🙂


  3. jagalleria

    I wanted to sign-up for the “anthems” theme – but eveywhere I go you just want to give me another blog account–HELP!!


    • Paolo

      If you log into your dashboard, you can directly activate themes from the Appearance>Themes section.


  4. nys

    “If you already have a Custom Design subscription, no problem, we’ll add an extra year to it for free.”

    OMGGGGG THANK YOU WORDPRESS! I bought Custom Design a few weeks ago and then when I saw the news about purchasing Premium Theme and get Custom Design for free, I was totally devastated. But not anymore now! WordPress surely is the best!!! THANK YOU 🙂


  5. Rae

    Will the year be automatically renewed or is there something special users will need to do?


  6. mzparentpro

    Is the premium theme the one where we can get ads??


    • Paolo

      Nope, Premium Themes are themes with feature detailed designs, exciting options for customization, and exclusive support directly from the theme authors themselves, but do not change the behavior of your blog in regard to ads.


  7. Mel B

    Arggh! We only just recently bought a premium theme – wish we had waited… Oh well – Happy Thankgiving to our American friends 🙂


  8. akismet-e881fadee34d850cd02a5b2a3d1f8f30

    I’m finding it very confusing to purchase. Neither or has a link to purchase. The Theme Foundry has a link to purchase, but do I receive today’s Custom Design upgrade through them also?


  9. susananneskelton

    i am in sydney australia and want to buy this offer – what time does it cut off?


  10. Graeme

    “We decided to take care of all our users whether they feel like lining up in the cold to take advantage of today’s bargains or not.”
    It’s actually pretty warm in some parts of the world!


  11. Jim Aitkins

    I like it. I like it a lot. But here’s a possible oops: I thought a premium theme was included in the $99.00 upgrade bundle. Looks like not. Also, can you point me in the right direction for mapping? I’ve purchased 3 domains from godaddy, all of which I’d like to point to one of my blogs. Cheers!


  12. Tina Jett

    Well, boo… I just bought a premium theme three weeks ago after trying to decide between that and Custom Design. Great deal, though!


  13. Tina Jett

    Actually, given that it has been less than 30 days since I purchased my theme, could I not just return it and then re-purchase it today to get the offer? Just thought I’d be up-front and ask! 🙂


  14. Fransullautobus

    Ooppsss.. I am in late……


  15. David Horton

    I find it impossible to decide, even with previews, which (if any) of premium themes would suit the style and content of my blog which is currently in “misty look”. Is there any way of getting advice on which premium theme(s) would suit me?


    • Paolo

      When you purchase a Premium theme, like with our other upgrades, you have 30 days to decide wether to keep it or not, so the best way is to try the one you like the better, then change it if it doesn’t fit your needs.


  16. leicaliker

    If I choose a premium theme, can I get help from someone to put it together for me?Meaning, Set up my pages and show me how to load contents? Is this what support means? Sorry but I am use to using blogger and just recently moved to wordpress with $99 upgrade. But as I was setting up pages, I seem to not be able to find them. I also would like to buy a premium theme for my photo blog/portfolio and just need major guidance. Is there anyone whom I can call? Sorry to sound like I’m clueless but I am a little lost.


  17. Stephanie M. Schroepfer

    But you still have to buy a Premium design. Bummer. I thought it was totally free.


  18. sagelove

    Hi Paolo– Are there any Premium theme that include a pay pal or google check out in the design? like a store? I’ve only been using wordpress for a little over a year for my own blog. though I am not a technical person at all. I somehow managed to figure out the basics to run my blog. what is a custom design package subscription yearly cost? Can I add that to my current blog…

    Also–I am trying to start another blog more of a design, music style blog… would the premium package benefit me? please let me know. asap.. thanks


    • Paolo

      The standalone Custom design upgrade costs $30 per year, and of course you can add it to any blog. Premium themes do not include specific commerce features.


  19. Kidwithgreatambition

    Thank you so much WordPress. I bought Crisp theme and I love it.


  20. Sunnite

    Is it too late now then? I really wanted to buy yesterday but didnt have access to my proper laptop and now Ive logged back on and Im unsure! Can’t it be extended for a few hours?


  21. muffinstomarathons

    Is this sale still going on?


  22. Jenny Bourne (@JennyBourne)

    NOOOOO!!!!!!! I am kicking myself that I didn’t check my email yesterday!!! I was thinking of switching over from blogger… I totally missed the boat.


  23. The Organ Grinders Monkey

    My previous post wasn’t allowed on the forum after moderation. I’m finding it to be part of the WordPress culture to be ignored. I bought the Elemin theme (twice) and a domain on Thursday and I was hoping that WordPress would honor the Black Friday discount to upgrade to Premium theme?


    • Sheri

      It’s certainly not part of the WordPress culture to ignore. We have a spectacular support team and a really great community. Sometimes it may take a little longer than others to receive replies, but we work hard to help everyone we can.

      I’m sorry but the Black Friday deal was only good for Friday and not Thursday.


  24. thedarkestskin

    Wow! I love that. Good job!


  25. twicecookedhalfbaked

    Did I miss the window for this offer??


  26. smillingjin

    I think so its a great offer.


  27. estiennetaylor

    Thanks for the heads up. I wlll look into it. 🙂


  28. akashchakrawarti

    Great offer! I like it.


  29. Josh

    WOW! I totally read this late. Too late for me!


  30. daveruslander

    Can I still take advantage of
    Posted: Friday, November 25th, 2011 at 10:00 am. Filed in Upgrade.

    Black Friday sale: free Custom Design with any Premium theme?


  31. severin

    Nice idea.


  32. treknepalhimalaya

    Ok Finalley I bought in Kathmandu Nepal few Days Latter and learning now how it works in Himalaya Nepal


  33. Important Things I've Learned While Watching Movies.

    Too bad im out of money this month ^^


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