New Themes: Duet and ThemeMin

I’m excited to announce we’ve added two great new premium themes to our ever-growing collection of themes today.

First up is Duet – a responsive, minimal, and sophisticated design from The Theme Foundry.

Duet is tailored for writers, journalists, and business bloggers. Meticulously crafted and refined options provide you with the power to effortlessly customize your theme. Choose and mix from ten accent fonts, and five body fonts to discover the perfect typographic style for your website. You can also upload a custom logo image to put your own personal stamp on your blog.

With a flexible featured slider, your readers have no chance to miss your important posts. Duet comes with more great features, so be sure to read about it on the showcase page.

Next up is ThemeMin, designed by Themify.

ThemeMin is a minimal, light-weight, and fast-loading theme that focuses on typography. Together, all of these elements help to provide a comfortable reading experience. ThemeMin comes with a featured posts carousel on the front page. Plus, you can mix and match between five color schemes, three site layout options, and two post layout options until you find a combination that hits the spot for your blog. Go find more about the theme on its showcase page.

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  1. victorworang

    Duet is too minimalist w/ no sidebar or footer? Beside, ThemeMin looks great with its slidepics.


    • Takashi Irie

      In Duet, the sidebar will only show if it contains widgets. If you remove all widgets, you are able to disable the sidebar completely.


  2. Petr Bokuvka

    Both are amazing!!! The only catch (on the part of the writer) is that all key posts now have to have a photo, otherwise they cannot be featured in the carousel….


    • Takashi Irie

      Yes, in order to be in the carousel, a sticky post needs to have a featured image. When we want post to be stuck at the top of main column on the front page, you can mark as sticky without featured image.


  3. Natasha McNeely

    Those are great, clean themes! I’m happy with the theme I have now, but I’m sure plenty of people will enjoy these two themes. Great work!


  4. Princess Laila

    Very nice but I’m sticking to my black piano for the time being 😉


  5. Gaurav Tiwari

    Duet is awesome. I am arranging money to buy it. It looks must for my blog.


  6. toemusic

    Indeed, they are really great. Neat and clear. It would be worth trying for a music-related page. I guess I’ll test this for one of my projects! Fantastic!


  7. John Todaro

    Clean & minimal – both of them. Nice work.
    I like the sidebar disable feature in Duet.


  8. Stranger

    Great themes…both of them!

    I love Duet’s two column layout and ThemeMin’s layouts but it’s too plain.

    I hope Duet has been free! 🙂

    We are waiting for twenty twelve theme! 😉


  9. fandypw

    It’s nice and fantastic…


  10. timdesmondblog

    Will have to take a closer look, as I am fairly new, and had not heard of “Duet” before either. One main reason I liked WordPress, immediately, as a blog home, is the visial of the landing page and format. It is is so CLEAN … and not loaded up with margins, and other clutter of … distractions.


  11. Maulyadi Smanda

    The themes look great, but I still love the last theme.. err but I should try one ot them.


  12. PiedType

    They both look like great themes. But I’m very picky about details and often don’t discover for a while that there’s something about a particular theme that just isn’t working for me. That makes buying a premium theme a very risky investment. Especially on top of the CSS upgrade and the no-ads thing.


  13. Bosstiger

    Nice themes! Keep up the good work 😀
    I am waiting for the twenty twelve theme. Do you know when it will be published?


    • Takashi Irie

      All I know about Twenty Twelve theme is that it’s going to be a really awesome theme 🙂 I’m afraid, I don’t know when it will be released yet.


      • Bosstiger

        Hello Takashi, Thanks for the fast reply, I am a very happy and full power mode enthusiast as about, I think that every theme that is published is unique with its special options, the Twenty Twelve would be a ground breaking WordPress theme. I have read that it will be available when will be on 3.4 version, till then happy blogging to all 😀


  14. ismailimail

    What are the chances of WordPress adding these carousels into relatively newer themes already present here? I use Enterprise and I really don’t see a need to change my theme, but having a carousel would be a welcome addition as they’re more popular and convenient way of highlighting posts.


    • Takashi Irie

      At this point, there is no plan to add featured post carousels to existing themes but we will keep the idea in mind. Thank you for your suggestion.


  15. Denise

    Please clarify: If I make a post sticky with a featured image, so that it shows up in the carousel, it will NOT also show up at the top of the post column. Am I right?


    • Takashi Irie

      Yes. You are correct. Sticky posts with featured images won’t be duplicated on the front page.


  16. johndetlefs2

    These are nice clean themes. I always wonder how much traction such minimalist themes get though?

    Either way, to my eye they look great! 🙂 Thanks for the heads up.


  17. Dr.Feelgood

    Very nice… Simple and elegant.


  18. Mike Elliott

    These are very nice indeedily doodly


  19. bkatende

    I like the new simpler look of both. It gives you time to organize your blog.


  20. shil

    Whenever new themes come out, I feel like a child with candy !! They look nice. Alas ! they are premium themes.


  21. Magalie

    Stunning themes! Wish they were free 🙂


  22. chardyboyrn

    A simple theme but stunning good for the eyes.


  23. Moni

    I absolutely love Duet! So much so that I purchased it and I’ve never purchased a premium theme before.


  24. My Camera, My Friend

    If I didn’t have a photo blog, I’d be very tempted to switch to Duet. It’s a good looking theme.


  25. edmontonstop

    This is awesome guys. I love it and will implement it on my blog.


  26. newprairiestore

    Really like ThemeMin since I love to take photos, use photography in my blogs. ThemeMin would showcase my past posts really well…have been happy with what I have, but may switch.


  27. InnerDialect

    Hi and thanks WordPress ! Great new themes, but maybe I’ve been so into Vertigo now, be tough to change :))) Hey happy new year good looking


  28. eyeLaugh

    I really like Duet. It’s very clean and streamlined. Thank you!


  29. svenoblivion

    I like Duet! It reminds me of a book.


  30. Olivier

    Very few themes are designed to look great with long texts. I’ve chosen Duet because it’s perfect when you write a lot, and also when you want to display big sized pictures. It’s great for both use. A 10/10 for me !


  31. Kemi

    I love Duet! I kinda feel stuck with my current premium theme but we’ll see :-). K


  32. tessiesweet2008

    Dr. Christa Herzog

    They looked nice. I like duet


  33. Agam TrueBlue

    Love it! 😀


  34. ID0ntNeedANick

    Really nice themes. I’m looking for a theme that doesn’t look like every WordPress blog. =)


  35. Werner Lueftner

    It’s nice and fantastic…


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