Import from Tumblr in 3 Easy Steps

We’ve recently noticed that a fair number of you have been bringing your tumblelogs over from Tumblr to using one of the variety of Tumblr to WXR conversion tools which exist on the web. We thought you would appreciate an easier way to import your content, so we bring you 3 easy steps to import your content.

Authenticate with Tumblr

To bring your tumblelog’s content to, head to Tools → Import in your dashboard and look for the Tumblr importer. If you don’t already have an account here on then head over and sign up first.

Click the link to get started and then enter the email address you used to sign up to Tumblr, your Tumblr password and click Connect to Tumblr.

Start the Import

The importer will then fetch a list of your blogs and let you pick which one to import. Click Import this blog to get going.

Once you have started, the import progress will be shown on the import page and you will be sent an email when the import is finished. We try super hard to make sure that all your Tumblr content, including your Videos, are imported into your blog. Videos you had uploaded to Tumblr are imported into VideoPress and other embeds are converted to use shortcodes. Sometimes the importer finds an embed it can’t convert and a list of these is included in the import completion email for you to check.

If your Tumblr site has a custom domain (like instead of, then you’ll need to disable the custom domain temporarily while the import is processed. You can do this by going to your Tumblr Dashboard, clicking on the Settings button and then un-ticking the “Use a Custom Domain” checkbox:

Then you’ll want to set up Domain Mapping on your blog so that your readers can use the same domain to reach your site as before.

Style Your New Site supports Post Formats which allow you to distinguish between the different types of content you post on your site. While you wait for your content to be imported why not customize the design of your site by picking one of our post-format-enabled, Tumblelog-ready themes.


If you have any trouble importing your blog  you’re welcome to contact support where one of our Happiness Engineers will be glad to help out. To learn all about’s features, we encourage you to check out our handy tutorial. We also provide comprehensive feature documentation at our support site.

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  1. lanvinsworld

    Reblogged this on .


  2. Cathy

    Top 2 websites I’m using are Tumblr and WordPress. Now that I can combine both I could not ask for more. I love this :>


  3. Cathy

    By the way, will the likes on my Tumblr posts be carried out here? Thanks 🙂


  4. Jeremy

    Reblogged this on Jeremy Herve and commented:

    Tumblers, here is an easy way to come over to the other side! 🙂


  5. f1ower

    Reblogged this on GiRL's HATENA??.


  6. SassyCat45

    Reblogged this on Hot Child in the City and commented:
    This is so cool, however I am not sure I want to do this just yet. Nice to know I have the option tho…wordpress gets my support more & more for being the best blogging platform.


  7. Egill Erlendsson

    Reblogged this on Egill and commented:

    Tumblers, start your engines 🙂


  8. Sanchari

    This has made my day! Thank you!!

    One question : If I’m already blogging here on WordPress, and I import my Tumblelog, it’ll all fit into the same blog, right?


  9. PostCollegiate

    Thanks for the step-by-step! This is very helpful!


  10. uhusiano

    Reblogged this on KwikFix, truly a Kenyan info-Kit.


  11. helasrebellion

    Reblogged this on helasrebellion.


  12. iqbalbekasi

    Reblogged this on medinaskabbekasi.


  13. Nickie Wang

    How about the other way around? Is there a way to export WordPress blog to Tumbler or at least cross-publish blog posts?


  14. Blessed Silence

    What IS a “tumblelog” blog style? what distinguishes it? thanks.


  15. timethief

    Thank you so much. I have a media rich Tumblr blog full of videos and I wanted to import and now I have a way to do this.


  16. Balsillie & Associates

    As a business owner, this could be very useful to me…or rather, to my clients.


  17. Cebu Vintage Bicycle Club™

    awesome, thanks for sharing (=^;^=)


  18. bangladeshisite

    Reblogged this on bangladeshisite and commented:
    it is a verry good site


  19. Jacob

    This is great, so much music media that I can import!


  20. mikekato

    Reblogged this on KnowCanDo and commented:
    I use Tumblr. I LIKE Tumblr. I will continue to use Tumblr.
    But this gives me good reason to bring the two closer together.
    And for that, I am grateful!


  21. Patricia Awapara

    Reblogged this on Patricia Awapara.


  22. El Chan

    Eit there… What do this exactly do?… it will create a post on wordpress… one for each post on tumblr?…. i’m asking this cause I have 500 posts in tumblr and I really don’t want to make my wordpress followers crazy…with 500 post at once…. please help. sorry formy lame english


    • Peter Westwood

      The importer will create one post on your blog for every post you current have on Tumblr.
      When you import your content using any of our importers on we do not send new post notifications to your followers so they won’t get crazy notifications 🙂


  23. BulletProofx

    Reblogged this on bulletproofx.


  24. Angelica Rubio

    I imported my Tumblr today because I was really excited about the integration. I’ve been really interested in finding an easy way to make this happen for months now. However, I’m now regretting it because I feel like the writing that I was doing in WordPress is now being lost by all of the random stuff I’m reblogging on Tumblr and I don’t think I like it. Unless I’ve completely missed the instructions, is there any way I can I undo this?


  25. David Bennett

    Does the content still stay on the Tumblr blog or is it deleted with the import to WordPress?


  26. Bryan Lee

    Reblogged this on Lee Tuck Sing's Weblog and commented:
    The competition is getting intense. This is a faceoff. WordPress is now more than ever stepping into the space of tumblelogs. With this new feature, will you move your tumblr blog over? I am too asking myself, will I bring my tumblr blog over? hmmm


  27. molly98

    Thank you!!! This is so what I need. I have really wanted to combine tumblr. Now I can. I really appreciate it!


  28. Nor

    Reblogged this on Norman A. Hueck.


  29. Ed

    Will it import tumblr posts in chronological order (i.e. post I made in May will go in May on WordPress) or will they all be new Blog posts?


  30. Arc Blazen

    Reblogged this on Arc Blazen.


  31. nioniaj

    Reblogged this on More Than This...


  32. raincoaster

    Actually, for Nicky Wang above who asked how to do it the other way around, if you have an old Tumblr, you were able to set it up to import RSS feeds automatically, from up to five blogs. I did this with mine. Tumblr disabled this a few months ago, though.


  33. maribelamatxu

    Reblogged this on Maribel.


  34. Sabir Peele

    If I import my tumblr, will those posts have their own page (or menu) or will they show up on my homepage as new posts? Could I make them a page like “Tumblr” (ie, home, contact).


    • Peter Westwood

      The posts from Tumblr will be included in the normal chronological view of your blog as if you had posted them on when you posted them on Tumblr.


  35. aslfsl

    Reblogged this on mineresearch and commented:
    hi there


  36. thistownisfolly

    Most excellent as I have just signed up to tumblr!


  37. j3ssi33ss3x

    Reblogged this on The Three G's.


  38. imon

    Reblogged this on My Night Dreams and commented:
    RE blog This on My Night Dreams


  39. imamlocal

    Reblogged this on imamlocal.


  40. zeeshanakhter2009

    Reblogged this on Zeeshan Akhter.


  41. shil

    Reblogged this on Thousand Thought Trails and commented:
    Tumblr is now available on wordpress. Cool !!!


  42. reinaldobanh

    Reblogged this on reinaldobanh and commented:
    Share more.


  43. coneyislandqueen

    Do you lose all your Tumblr followers from importing Tumblr to WordPress?


    • Peter Westwood

      When you import your content into we can’t import your Tumblr followers but you can always post on the old site to let people know you have moved and then they can follow you on as well.


  44. orples

    Thank you for posting this. I’ve been making a fool of myself trying to get the bells and whistles to interact in harmony. Maybe i’ll get somewhere now. We’ll see.


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