New Themes: Splendio and Suburbia

Happy Tuesday! We’ve got two unique free themes for you today, and they are quite a study in contrasts.

Our first theme, Splendio, dazzles with an unconventional yet stylish design from Design Disease that pops out of the box — literally.


How you use this theme is limited only by your imagination! It comes loaded with features: six widget areas (one in the right sidebar and up to five in the footer), featured header images, and a custom background. In addition, there’s a showcase page template (pictured in the screenshot above) that includes a featured slider for sticky posts, and a nifty compact listing of your latest posts. For details on how to set up the Splendio theme on your blog, consult the Theme Showcase.

Our next theme, Suburbia, is as orderly and minimalistic as Splendio is eccentric and playful. Designed by WPShower, Suburbia’s attractive arrangement of posts inside a grid make it an excellent choice for magazine-oriented sites.


Suburbia makes use of featured images to display your posts in a clean, refined style. If you’d like a post to have a larger featured image, mark it as a sticky post. In this manner, you can highlight your most important content. In addition to featured images, Suburbia supports five optional widget areas (four in the footer and one in the sidebar on single posts and pages), a custom background, and custom header image. As always, you can click on over to the Theme Showcase to read more about Suburbia.

We look forward to seeing how you use these two great themes.

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  1. Sandra Pawula

    I like the simplicity and elegance of Suburbia. I appreciate that it has a sidebar and bottom widgets. I will definitely be giving it a test drive. I prefer a slightly larger writing column (590-600-620) so medium size photos display well. But I’ll check it out and see how it works.

    You’re right! It’s a contrast to Splendio, which is a little too razzle, dazzle for me but I’m sure others will love it!

    So impressed with the WordPress Theme team!


  2. timethief

    Normally I prefer minimalist themes but today I find I love the colorful razzle dazzle of Splendio and the features as well. I will definitely be trying both themes out but Splendio appeals to me. The Theme Team rocks!


  3. Warasto

    Fresh & free, Splendio is just awesome!!


  4. SabaneroX

    It is just amazing these are free. I’m gonna jump into one of them, probably Suburbia.


  5. LC Aggie Sith

    Love the style of Suburbia. Splendio is nice, but a bit busy for my eyes!


  6. Jennifer

    Really love Splendio, but I never imagined it would be a free theme. Thanks so much for making both themes available on!


  7. Oscar Gutiérrez

    Splendio is so awesome! Definitely I’ll be trying it today. Congrats!


  8. reward1960

    Thanks for the posting. It’s brilliant! I will give it a try… very awesome..


  9. Edgar Danmer

    There is something very stable and neat about this design. I am so impressed that I decided to give it a try. Its great to receive these updates. Thanks WordPress Community.


  10. G-Lone

    Very good! Thank you!


  11. blastedgoat

    Great job, thanks for giving free users beautiful themes that we can really make our own. When I get the money I would love to upgrade but in the meantime it is really great to know we are an important part of the community. WordPress just gets better and better; I’ve been here since 2008!


  12. harunakisaragikontong

    Which one do you think would be suitable for a writer? Of course I might upload some pictures or videos, but writing is my thing.


  13. helliumworks

    Yeaah..Suburbia! Love it.


  14. Charlousie

    That’s cute and awesome!


  15. Chorwin

    Suburbia is a very well designed and neat theme.


  16. Mayris

    I’m gonna try this. Thanks so much.


  17. faithrises

    Love Splendio!! Vibrant and fresh. Thanks.


  18. lifeingreyyy

    Wow! :X


  19. Mayris

    Kudos. I found what I’ve been looking for.


  20. severin

    Oh, more FREE stuff! 🙂 I especially like the first one. Thanks!


  21. naqsh50

    Reblogged this on naqsh50.


  22. b_y

    I ike Suburbia (the theme), but it seems to limit the amount of material I can stack in the footer widgets


  23. charlxtg89f

    Thanks for the free themes. I will definitely try this one out. Looks like a semi-magazine theme. 🙂


  24. amber12lewis

    I like Splendio this is definitely better than others.


  25. Raise Expectations

    Splendio’s really cool! So’s Suburbia, but Splendio’s out-of-the-boxness makes it super cool!


  26. Tiwie Indt

    Splendio is so cool…


  27. zymbolyk

    Splendid themes for the taking… wow…


  28. andrei

    Splendio is great, but it would be even greater if it had the option to change the color of the widget titles (the gray is not very pleasant an isn’t matching with many background colors). Even so it is still a great theme!


  29. mariobanda

    It looks cool and well organized..!!


  30. stunningpetals

    Thanks for posting! I love this theme! <3333


  31. I. Reznykov

    I prefer minimalistic look of the blog, so I like how Suburbia looks. It’s great!


  32. Ilham

    Wow it’s like those came out of some kinda dream!


  33. Graham

    Just revived an old blog and it looks like Suburbia has come along at the right time for me. Thanks WP!


  34. Tara

    Reblogged this on Btak's Blog.


  35. Margie

    I like the way Splendio treats blockquotes and photos.
    I’ve purchased the Custom Design upgrade, and I don’t think I would have to alter very much to make Splendio look the way I want. I might have to try this theme some day.


  36. shil

    They both look really great. One different from the other.


  37. Bosstiger

    Very nice themes, I do like Splendio. Keep up the good work, these two themes are just great, so imagine how great Twenty Twelve would be. 😀


  38. holger

    Wow, nice.


  39. trackofalljades

    Splendio looks like it could be a lot of fun with Custom CSS to play with the colors and fonts a little…but there’s one crippling problem with the way it’s implemented here. The social icons are limited to just three options (RSS, Twitter, Facebook) which means the design can never really look right (it’s obviously designed to have four or five icons up there). The result is something that’s forced to always look a little broken or incomplete. Why not allow Vimeo, YouTube, and other stuff in there? It would be trivial to add them in to the Theme Options.


  40. shane peltzer

    Splendio is definitely a breath of fresh air and I love it and more importantly I love that it is free! 😀


  41. rawolive

    I am so glad I saw this! I lOVE Splendio’s modern look. I just added to my new weblog and it looks awesome.


  42. wirantiwulansari

    I like It… Beautiful.. Smart


  43. Christian Fluttershy Cheerilee Alvarez

    Hmm… not bad.


  44. Alex©

    Suburbia is good. I gotta try it.


  45. djmillerja

    Love them both! I immediately changed my two blogs to use one of each. Great work guys.


  46. travelindia

    Splendio is so awesome! Thanks for the post


  47. adamn3l

    I like both themes but I think I would use Suburbia more than Splendio.


  48. deathgleaner

    Wow, I cannot wait to try it out!


  49. SylviaHubbard1

    Did you read my mind? what do ya got? mindpress now? OMG this is what I was looking for. I love it!


  50. Queen of Mambo

    I already knew about the Splendio theme, since I’m a huge fan of Design Disease. When I first saw it at their website, it was love at first sight. And now I can freely use it in my blog…!!

    I only would like to know how to change the “In other news” title in the showcase page template. Or maybe it is not possible?? I also agree with “trackofalljades” regarding the social icons.


  51. Wonderwall

    I’m using Splendio now! Great stuff!! It might look like a premium theme but yeah it looks like one.. only that it’s freaking free! Thanks WordPress!


  52. Robbo

    Not for me but my very talented quilter partner will love this…cheers


  53. agjdf

    Wow! That’s pretty cool-I will be sure to try them! ;D


  54. Jiggs KC

    I just switched from BOLD to SPLENDIO, and I am really happy with this new theme. I’ve replaced the background with my own, and am utilizing the front page as a static look. I’m loving the colors, and the geometric shape that this theme displays. The quick and easy use of the search bar in the very easily visible right hand corner is also a perk.

    Recommendation: Check out these themes with a custom background. It changes the feel of the theme, and you may like a theme, which prior to adding your own background you may not have liked all that much.


  55. Bosstiger

    i have just tested this magnificent Splendio theme and it is really great, this theme helped me to create a photolog for Command and Conquer. I don’t think that it needs any tweaking at all, keep up the good work 😀


  56. Paul

    Super satisfied with Suburbia! Thanks!


  57. Gregory

    Looks like two great themes. Keep them coming. 🙂


  58. bookbimbo

    New and fresh, very tempting 🙂


  59. Avis.

    Splendio looks fabulous!


  60. mannsanni

    I have not tried this theme yet. Will do it soonest possible. It can be fun as usual, hopefully.


  61. rhedo

    One of my favorite themes. 😀


  62. pipilebamzophia

    I’ve tried it… and just… good!


  63. Imogen Shepard

    I love Splendio, it looks so cool and new and very different indeed! I may try it out on my blog as a preview just to be nosy and see how it looks! lol!! Great Job!!


  64. Isabella

    Very nice!


  65. Mauricio J. Aspiazo

    I have implemented Splendio just amazing!!!


  66. Tim Aries

    The greatest themes on for sure. Thank you very much for creating them.


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