Where in the World?

If you’ve ever wondered where on Earth all the visitors to your site are coming from, this feature is for you!

Mosey on over to your My Stats tab on the WordPress.com homepage:

…and check out the brand new “Views by Country” panel.
Now, you can see at a glance exactly which countries comprise your audience:

When you click on or hover over a country name, the map zooms in so you can really get a feel for all the parts of the planet your content has reached:

The Summaries page shows you country stats for the previous week, month, quarter and all time, but keep in mind this feature is new and views by country are not available prior to March 2012:

We are tremendously excited to be working on new features like this for your WordPress.com My Stats tab.  Stay tuned for the next evolution!

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  1. Grishnnakh

    I just noticed this feature. Very cool and useful indeed. Thanks for the constant improvements!


  2. Ganesh Dhamodkar

    Oh yeah! This this this is exactly what I was looking for 🙂 I won’t need any third party widgets anymore! Genuinely thanks a lot!


  3. Barry Peddycord

    That’s pretty cool – I just signed up for flag counter so I could see the same thing. It’d be nice if WP would track “new visitors” in addition to “all hits”.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Martin Remy

    Reblogged this on martin remy and commented:

    My favorite feature in WordPress.com stats.


  5. gyllencrazy

    Coolest feature so far!


  6. Angeline M

    I love this feature. Thank you WordPress!


  7. Sonja Thorsvik

    Excellent! Thank You!


  8. Inge

    Great! I was surprised when I saw this last night 😀

    Well done and thank you! 🙂


  9. Nina

    Pretty cool feature. Was about time for something like this!


  10. Nuno

    It’s way cool. Thanks a lot!


  11. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Wow! Did you sneak into my brain to learn that this is exactly what I’ve been dreaming about for some time?

    WOW!!! AWESOME!!! Thanks!!!



    I do love this mapping of readers, many thanks, Sophia.


  13. jotsfromasmallapt

    Brilliant….what took you so long?????????? (Smile here.)


  14. phi.

    That’s really awesome.


  15. Hinano

    Omg thank you for taking my suggestion into consideration! This is great!


  16. Mikalee Byerman

    This is INCREDIBLE. My boyfriend always jokes, “You’re BIG in England,” because so many of my subscribers seem to be from the UK…now I’ll have stats to back (or battle) his assertion!



  17. phoxis

    Amazing feature. I used whos amongus till now. Could we also have a whos amoungus like guest counter widget from wp.com ?


  18. ih

    Thanks! Love how WP keeps improving on an already great product.


  19. Steven

    Great feature, will look forward to keeping an eye on this!


  20. Refa

    can I put that as widget on sidebar?


    • Jeff Bowen

      We haven’t built the accompanying sidebar widget yet, but we thought it’d be a cool feature while we were working on this. Stay tuned!


  21. Roselinde

    Thanks a lot. I was hoping for a feature like this!


  22. Indian Homemaker

    I noticed and explored the feature on my blog sometime back this evening. Love it!!


  23. afroblush

    Amazing, I love it! Always get excited with WordPress news! 😀


  24. Bobolouli

    great tool, I don’t have many visitors (yet) but even the tiny little specs of color on the map got me super excited! Ha!Happy Friday everyone, and thank you WordPress 😀


  25. ultraistgut

    Thank you so much – amazing – I love it !!


  26. The Pantomime

    I noticed the feature this morning and I looooooove it! Now I just need to see how many new visitors my blog posts are getting. Great Work, WordPress!


  27. jwitness

    Nice job. Love this new feature. Keep it going ! ! !


  28. Vaneeesa Blaylock

    This is a wonderful feature and I’m grateful for it. Yet I still wish WordPress.com would allow us to use Google analytics. Seems to work fine for Tumblr.


  29. thebutterflyheart

    Fantastic new feature – makes all the difference. Great improvement. Thank you!


  30. Shubhan Chemburkar

    A feature I was missing out… Thanks WP. Would we be able to filter the other stats based on country?


  31. beautiful41

    Congratulations!!! It seems a fantastic and very good idea. Bravissimo!!!


  32. Vaneeesa Blaylock

    In my own case, I see that the USA numbers are a lot larger than any other country, however if you add up the EU countries, then an area not larger than the USA is responsible for a much more significant chunk of the traffic than the individual countries. Could there be an option or an additional line entry for EU? And while thinking about chunking, what about unchunking… could we see the USA numbers broken down by state? Thank You!

    Liked by 4 people

  33. kindkerry

    This new feature is AWESOME! I’ve always wondered where my visitors were coming from. I know for a fact that I have American readers because of my friends & family but I took a wild guess that I also have Pakistani visitors because of what they search for on my blog.

    Did you know that you can see what your visitors are searching for? I don’t think most realize that you can see in your administrator panel. When I look at the search terms it’s usually something related to Pakistan.

    There are some FREE widgets out there that offer public stats but I like to keep things more private that is why I didn’t ever utilize any of them in the past. Thanks again for offering this new stats courtesy feature it totally made my day!


  34. Sandra

    This is brilliant for writers – you can tailor your stories/vocabulary accordingly. Very useful.


  35. jeanofalltrades

    I saw the map last night! Love it. Its great to see where visitors are coming from. Thanks 🙂


  36. Quan

    This is an awesome stat feature! Now I get to see where in the world my visitors have come from. Great insight!


  37. yrfavoriteriver

    This is great! It would be awesome if it showed which states people in the US are viewing from too!

    Liked by 3 people

  38. expressingathena

    Love this new feature!! Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  39. foodandtools

    I noticed this feature this morning and I have to say that I think it is FANTASTIC! I love knowing where all my visitors are coming from and it just makes my blog feel more connected. THANKS A BUNCH WORDPRESS! 🙂 🙂 🙂


  40. Mike Gantt

    Thanks. Would love for you to show unique visitors in the stats. I have no idea if it’s one person looking at a hundred pages or a hundred people looking at one page.


  41. nray

    This is really cool. Thank you!


  42. advgrrls

    great feature but would like to see eventually more stats like cities of visitors. Great feature!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. kindkerry

    OMG, I was right most vistors from the United States followed by Pakistan.

    I was surprised to see that I also have vistors from Switzerland, Chile, United Arab Emirates, Thailand and Australia futher down the list!

    This give me more motivation to blog! (=^_^=)


  44. Somebody's Mom

    Thank you for this. You made my life much easier with this added feature. The people I am reaching are definitely worldwide and now I see those results immediately.


  45. Val

    Finally! Thank you. 🙂


  46. xoxomheg

    Wow! This is nice! Thank you for this 😉


  47. Margie

    I love this feature. The ‘My Stats’ Page just keeps getting better and better. One other section I would like to see on that page is a List of People who Like a post. To me, they are just about as important as Commenters, and it would be nice to see a summary of how often they click the Like button on my site.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. beyondanomie

    Very cool.

    And actually pretty useful on my second blog, which is more geographically targetted.


  49. Karen @ My Pantry Shelf

    I love this feature!!! Thank you for adding it.


  50. SciAwakening

    Thanks for the update, I’d like to see the US broken down by state as well. Canada broken out by province would be nice too.

    Liked by 2 people

  51. PC Tuesday

    What a fantastic feature! Thanks! I can hardly wait tot see the “My States” breakdown.

    Liked by 2 people

  52. culinaryfool

    Nice addition! No map on my page though. ;-(


    • Jeff Bowen

      There should be a map if you’re looking at your “My Stats” tab on the WordPress.com homepage with a Desktop browser (The map will not display in mobile browsers for the time being). Please follow up with your browser information if you can’t see it on your computer.


  53. ilportico

    bravi e grazie 1000


  54. Ugly Bug

    What a wonderful surprise to wake up to! Thank you so much. I had no idea I was so popular in Poland.


  55. veehcirra

    Such a pleasant surprise. I LOVE IT! LOVE IT! 🙂


  56. Mildred Largaespada

    Muy buena herramineta. Muchas gracias. Great tool, thanks.


  57. jessielansdel

    Brilliant! I’ve only just noticed this and wondered if I’d been missing it somehow for the last six months. I love it.


  58. PiedType

    Love it! Break the U.S. down by state and all my other stat widgets go bye-bye.


  59. Gabriel Reguly

    That is a nice feature. Can we expect it to be available to Jetpack users?


  60. gopoco

    Now you’re really kicking ‘#$*!’ Although I am always aware of the account stats traffic, so far, few readers are motivated to leave comments. Since my Blog is based on my Canadian ‘Superior Court’ legal struggles with an online web-developer, knowing what country readers come from gives the over all feeling of the ‘Who?’ and ‘Where?’ a lot more identity and pertinence. Good on ye WordPress!


  61. S Joe

    One of the best!


  62. Germano "Iceman" Neres

    Great job, Jeff!

    For a long time since I migrated from Blogger to here waiting for this feature.
    I liked all the innovations of WordPress so far, but this is my favorite! 😀

    Congratulations once again at work! Every day I feel more proud of having a blog on WordPress, and daily monitoring the incessant work of your team to make it even better! 🙂


  63. knitstamatic

    Seriously, this is a GREAT new feature! Thanks!


  64. danielatabois

    I love itttttt! Great way to see where your fans are located!!


  65. Dan Linehan (@Dan_Linehan)

    Hi Jeff, Great work and very impressive. I enjoy the work view but my focus is in the state, county and city views also.


  66. Ken Chawkin

    I just noticed this when I checked my Stats, and then opened your email. VERY COOL! You guys rock!


  67. johnklompmaker

    Jeff, I am loving the “country” stat section. Thank you for developing it. An enjoyable feature. Perhaps I can parley it into more effective communication down the road.


  68. sterlingsop

    Love it love it love it!!!!!!


  69. Beverly Conquest

    Pretty cool to find out just how world wide the blog has become…..wow! Thanks to WordPress!


  70. Martin Li

    This is a great invention. I know Chelsea Football Club is a club know globally throughout, but still surprised to see the diversity of my audience! http://thechelseachronicle.wordpress.com


  71. Niki Vetten

    Congratulations! A fantastic addition to the stats page. I’ve noticed that the stats for all time views are identical to those of this year and quarter, however- did you limit it from Jan 1 this year?
    A widget for the sidebar would be excellent.
    I manage number of WordPress.com and WordPress.org sites, with the .org sites linked to my stats via Jetpack but the .org sites don’t show the maps. Are you contemplating this? It would be a great inclusion for analytics reports for clients, at the moment I can only make some inferences based on the search-engine breakdowns (another excellent new feature)


    • Jeff Bowen

      Hi, Niki.
      The “Views by Country” feature for Jetpack blogs is now active on the WordPress.com My Stats Tab.
      Also, please note that the data behind this feature is only available starting couple of weeks ago. Once more time elapses the quarter & year pages will differentiate from the other views.


  72. The Style Dancer

    Great enhancement to the existing tools. Thanks so much. All is good when we all get smarter!


  73. almutei

    Saw this earlier. Very nice! (It does make me curious: who are those people from far away?)


  74. arjungabriel

    What a pleasant surprise! I just love the idea. Please carry on. Thanks for this gift.


  75. wordstogoodeffect

    I just LOVE this new feature – yet another reason to love WordPress. I’m so chuffed to see I’ve got readers as far afield as Cameroon and Brazil.

    When I saw it this morning, I thought I’d somehow activated a feature that I stupidly hadn’t noticed before. But no – it’s another great innovation from the WP team. Thank you!


  76. Finn Holding

    That’s a very nice feature, I like it alot. Is there any way it can be turned into a widget so I can show it on my Homepage?


  77. K

    Reblogged this on Random Rumblings and commented:
    It’s only been a couple of weeks since I moved the self-hosted WordPress blog to WordPress.com, but I’m already liking all the nifty tools that make it easier to blog.  It’s not just the nifty tools, but the tools seem to interact better on WordPress.com. Well, now WordPress has added another tool to the mix. Apparently someone’s been snooping around my site from the Netherlands!


  78. heavycf

    I too was super stoked to see this feature this morning. Leapbeer went global and I didn’t even know it.


  79. susielindau

    This is the coolest feature! I love it because knowing where most of my readers are from narrows down the time zones and when I should blog my posts!
    You guys rock at WordPress!


  80. Margaret

    It is just plain ol’ pleasant to know that readers and followers are from all over this globe. The graphics add a lot. Thank you all for your hard work. Hope you all have a pleasant day!


  81. AlphaBible

    Austria!!, even over USA!!, and one I never even knew existed (thank you Seychelle)!! The like button is not big enough for even one of these little countries!!


  82. mybeautfulthings

    This is brilliant – thank you! It’s very pleasing to see where my blog is read.


  83. wordwatcherdawn

    Wow, what a great new feature – thank you so much! It is so great!


  84. Tiffany N. York

    Love this feature. Wish it was available for my website on wordpress.org.


  85. Jean

    Thanks for this feature. I know it is different from Google Analytics (which offers more granular data) but it’s fantastic. Now I have to decide if I still want to have my flag feed widget on my home page.

    Should make a ton more WordPress.com bloggers happier.


  86. pbus1

    I tried several times, to use those gadgets that tell you where your traffic is coming from, without success. This is great. Thanks!


  87. marysfarmreport

    Dear Jeff,
    I am thrilled with this new feature. I knew I was getting a lot of comments from non-English speaking readers and wondered where they were from. Now if you could work on putting a tag of what article they are referring to in their comments, I would be soooo happy.
    I enjoy WordPress so much and refer you to all that ask for my recommendation. WordPress makes me look good. Thanks.


  88. Colline

    I love this new feature! It is so exciting to see where in the world our posts have been read. Isn’t the internet amazing?


  89. Josh

    I noticed this feature yesterday and I love it. It’s very useful, especially for a tech blog like mine that relies on sharing news country specific sometimes.


  90. Neil Condron

    “look at me ma! – I’m on top of the world” (Jimmy Cagney – White Heat)


  91. NixNivis

    What a great feature! This makes me a very happy Ocampa. 😀 Thank you, WordPress!


  92. crummblle

    At last! 😉 Thank you!


  93. Georganne Spruce

    This is a great feature! I love it and discovered I have followers from countries I wasn’t aware of. Now, if we only knew how many people were represented by the views, that would be helpful, but really all the information under stats is so helpful.


  94. Lisa

    Hooray! I’ve been waiting for this.


  95. N. Congo

    Looks like most of my comments are coming from my mother’s bedroom. Say it to my face mom!


  96. Stef

    Oh wow, this is fantastic! I love seeing all of the different flags within the stats – talk about motivating! 🙂


  97. llaird

    THIS. IS. SO. COOL. Seriously love it.


  98. margaret21

    Love this! So interesting, and amazing to see where all these readers come from. Thank you so much!


  99. Donna

    You guys never cease to amaze me! Thanks, it’s great


  100. hollywoodstories

    The improvements never stop coming. Thank you!


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