More Likes in More Places

Back in 2010 we introduced the exciting new ability to Like the individual posts you’ve read all around It’s been one of our most popular features since then, as evidenced by the chart below that goes up-and-to-the-right as an indication of great success and achievement.

Likes per week since the beginning

Today I’m happy to announce a few enhancements to the way Likes work that we think you’ll really like. 🙂

Show Likes on Pages

In the past, we’ve always restricted Likes to individual blog posts. Given the success of Likes, we want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to Like what they are reading, wherever they are reading it. Likes now share the same display settings as your sharing buttons (which you can change from Settings -> Sharing in your dashboard). In addition to showing Likes on single posts, you can now show Likes on all of your site’s content:

Here’s an example of Likes displayed on a blog’s front page:

Do you like naps and puppies? I think I do!

Show Likes on Gallery Images

In addition to making Liking posts easier, we wanted everyone to be able to Like all of the things you publish on your blog, including media. So, we’ve also added the ability to Like photos directly from inside image galleries, like this:

Who can resist liking Paul the Puppy?

What You’ve Liked

Now that it’s super easy to Like everything you see, you need a place to see what you’ve Liked. To make this as convenient as possible, we’ve added a link in the Reader that lists all of the posts you’ve liked across all of You also have instant access to your favorite posts through the official mobile WordPress apps for all your favorite mobile gadgets.

Screenshot of Posts I Like on and in the mobile apps

We think these tweaks really improve the Liking experience, and we hope that you enjoy them!

Did you think I was going to say “like” again? 🙂

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  1. Sushubh (@Sushubh)

    Bring this feature to Jetpack please.


  2. Lyssapants

    I like to like things.


  3. Cathy

    I don’t just like this, I love it! 🙂


  4. susielindau

    I love the “like” button since I can give a heads up to the blogger that I read it, especially if I am rendered speechless which isn’t often!


  5. Raquel

    I think my visitors are not used to the like button yet. But I’m pretty sure that seeing it more often they will notice it – and like it lol


  6. megacolby

    Reblogged this on Colby is Mega.


  7. Mikalee Byerman

    I love the “like” button — appropriately enough. I only wish we could also “Like” comments from readers. Of course, I’d probably spend all my time liking their comments instead of writing new content, so I can see how that might be a catch-22!



  8. Sajib

    I like the fact that you’re enhancing the likes but I disliked the thing that all my previously liked blog posts were gone when the last time you made changes to the like button.


  9. jbw0123

    Finally! Likes for all.


  10. I'm taking a nap

    I like liking things that I like to like,


  11. Joy

    I would “like” to have a “love” button with a heart for the o. Just a thought. A girl can dream.


  12. Carien

    nice picture!


  13. BobR

    I dig liking things, too. 🙂


  14. MindMindful



  15. Regina (Gina) Arnold

    Nice! Thank you!


  16. Butterfly Jewel

    Hmmm…I “like” this with every pun intended ;-D


  17. Nic

    Lovely update! Any plans on making it possible to “Like” a comment?


  18. pickleslp

    Had to wake up from my nap to let you know how much I like this


  19. alreadynotpublished

    Ooh, I’m a fan (hey lookee that, I managed to avoid saying like – yay me!) of being able to see everything I liked, thanks for the new feature


  20. Dawne Webber

    Love the like button. It would be nice if readers who weren’t bloggers could “like” posts too.


  21. Chorwin

    For some people, how many likes accumulated for particular post is kind of scoring. Anyway, some people view it as spam to link to other website. I personally like the way “likes” work, it handy and quick way to tell author, I like it…
    It better then comment, because we not always got something to feedback, and just simply like. 🙂


  22. vocaldistraction

    Awesomeness! Thanks!


  23. terry1954

    i have only been with WordPress about six weeks, and I love this blog site. The people here are great. Everyone is so kind to each other. I am amazed at how many followers I have received with my short stories. You do an awesome job with this site. Thank you for doing above and beyond to keep it great!


  24. Inge

    I thought this one has been going on for long time ago?


  25. Tim Mushey

    The like button is very cool thanks for this post!


  26. 東進寿

    Excellent! Thank you~


  27. pattisj

    Like, yes I did expect you to say “like” again. Thanks!


  28. waqar77780



  29. wordcoaster

    Likes on the archive page are an awesome addition, though I still hope that people will comment as comments always mean more than likes 🙂


    • John James Jacoby

      Totally agree. I relate Likes and Comments to a real life party. Saying hi is hard, but everyone likes a smile. We all want people to talk to us, but having someone smile at you is equally as rewarding.

      See -> 🙂


  30. Scott Fillmer

    Finally we can like pages, thanks so much… love the continued development you guys put into wp thx!


  31. GK Wilson Gardens (@GKWilsonGardens)

    Needless to say I “like” it all all tips and info are appreciated.


  32. Carnell69

    This is nice


  33. maudeabraham

    Thanks!! was struggling to figure that one out – Made my life much simpler!


  34. newnewsp



  35. justbuggies

    yes nice love the pup


  36. 7theaven

    Has been tremendous for discovering other’s blogs and vice versa


  37. Lori-Ann

    I like the ‘like’ button as a way to let someone know that someone out there has read their blog. It makes me feel that I have left some positive vibes in my wake.


  38. yasoypintor

    Great. thanks


  39. yousef59



  40. PoshPinkGeek

    Like is a great option. The iPhone app needs to be spruced up a little so we can like & share on the go 🙂


  41. cobbies69

    Been waiting for this brill’..;)


  42. Doug Danziger

    When are you bringing it to JetPack?


  43. taecAom

    Beautiful 🙂


  44. hovercraftdoggy

    Its a good development, though I’d wish it would still be possible to show or hide the “likes” and “shares” on the frontpage…i.e we would prefer to have only the shares on the front page and then both shares and likes on the individual posts as many likes start distracting from our images for our blog… maybe something for the future 😉


    • John James Jacoby

      Thanks for the feedback. We considered a setup like this, but wanted to limit the number of options, since it can get pretty confusing already.

      If this doesn’t work, we’ll iterate and improve over time.


  45. hovercraftdoggy

    yes you are right. Alternatively maybe one could hide the gravatar images on the front page, so that it just displays “like this…xx people like this” which would then still allow immediate likes but be visually less dominant, but you are right – sometimes the less options one can tick, the better 😉 wishes


  46. Jan Deelstra

    I ‘LIKE’ this.
    Thx for this great upgrade!!
    ~From one Happy Camper. xox


  47. Jan Deelstra

    Reblogged this on Jan Deelstra and commented:


  48. ana pauper

    I like to like 😀


  49. yahiamedia



  50. ellenleigh3

    I can’t seem to find this on my blog, where to turn it on or anything. There is no ‘sharing’ under ‘settings’ anywhere on my dashboard that I can see. help?


  51. thesquareflea- Ann Archie

    Yes YES YES finally. I have been trying to have that done for a while now. THANK YOU 😀


  52. Mark

    Like wow, man!


  53. Hanggar PS

    thx for the info


  54. The Arts Antenna

    Like, whatever…



  55. Yella Ojrak

    Oh… I been waiting to be able to Like individual photos long enough. So this is great.

    Now, when can we Like the bloggers?


  56. oakworld

    OAK likes the’like’ button very much.In ten days time OAK received applause from 107 followers and 427 likes for 16 posts.


  57. theimpracticalnomad

    Great stuff. Wish people made it easier to like their stuff and will be “liking” much more from now on!


  58. wavensongz

    Thank You, Awesome information.


  59. procrastin8or

    I must be one of only a handful who doesn’t like the “like” option. I think it is a lazy way of interacting with a blog. I’d rather people commented on my blog as I feel the “like” button simply says “I’m only pretending I read your article in a hope of hijacking some of your traffic”. I’m considering disabling it entirely.


    • John James Jacoby

      Sorry it makes you feel that way. Liking is for when don’t want to comment and still want to agree, or just appreciate the author’s time. It’s a passing smile instead of breaking the ice; easy and noncommittal.


  60. novusophia

    Loved the comic finishing post. And I also appreciate the like feature, even though I haven’t tested it with any other media’s than the written post yet.


  61. Egill

    Reblogged this on Egill.


  62. porchesypergolas

    I´m an absolute begginer with wordpress and have just arrived here. This is what I need, simplicity for everything. Thanks, I´m going to check my “like option”


  63. Deira

    I had to click the like on this article just for the irony (…is that actually ironic? Irony is hard to understand, I think Alanis Morissette confused the whole concept for me…). I love that I can use this to keep track of the posts I enjoy when I don’t want to subscribe to the entire blog.


  64. Aseged99

    I always like to say ” Like” so, always like for wordpress.


  65. minlit

    Do you think there could be an additional button at some stage – you know for things that really move you, or affect you, but where like doesn’t seem appropriate – for instance, if it’s a sad post?


  66. shil

    I like this “Like” post !!


  67. poetdaniel

    Suggestion to WordPress Staff: Contact the Guiness Book of World Records and start a new record for the word “like” appearing on the internet outside of facebook. I really LIKE that idea. I mean, it’s just soooo LIKABLE just LIKE WordPress itself.


  68. Faithrises

    Thank you! I really like this “likes” feature, and it makes so much more sense! Genius!! 🙂


  69. lastcallracing

    I agree, this is a “likable” post.


  70. Nickie Wang

    I like!


  71. VIPElnar

    Thanks for it. It is nice


  72. eof737

    Awesome and thank you! 🙂


  73. omwaombara



  74. carolperdue65

    Reblogged this on imcarolperdue and commented:
    This is good news.


  75. Cybermum Netherlands

    Me and some others do have a problem with this new “Like”-stuff. We cannot see who and how many people liked our posts anymore. Is it because we are doing something wrong or does this have another cause?


    • John James Jacoby

      Were you able to get this sorted out? There weren’t any changes made to those bits, so they should be the same as before.


      • Cybermum Netherlands

        Yes, it’s working again. Thanks. It seems a couple of my contacts had some bug or other and after we got that sorted it was no longer a problem. (We found out when trying with others it did work and there was no problem at all.) I’d better not cry “wolf” next time. 😉


  76. JC

    ‘like’-buttons are not working!


  77. getpaidinksh

    Reblogged this on getpaidinksh and commented:
    i like the ‘like’ button . i think my visitors will like them too.


  78. Armen Atoyan

    Thank you so much. This was very helpful! I had my setting on like per post and now i changed it and am seeing results! AWESOME! 🙂


  79. whitedragongolf

    does this work on site, I can not seem to find the links to update this


  80. Mira Marsellia

    I like the way everybody like this


  81. Love n Dub Clothing



  82. Olo O'matthew

    Like, Favs, and +Reps all around!


  83. ptaheru777

    Wondering if you ever thought about a ‘Dis-like’ button? Just wondering.


  84. ptaheru777

    One last question: Ever consider offering the option of a ‘Who’s viewed me’ button? Maybe I should direct this question elsewhere, but again, just wondering.


    • John James Jacoby

      This has come about before, and currently we’ve agreed that it’s best for us not to disclose our user’s private browsing history to others. You can already get a fair amount of information about visitors from your site’s statistics, so that will have to satisfy for now. 🙂


      • ptaheru777

        You CAN get a lot of info. from your site ‘stats’, but it sure would be nice to see ‘exactly’ who’s visited your site.

        Again though, thanks for the reply.


  85. Margie

    To me, ‘Likes’ are very similar in purpose to the old fashioned ‘Calling Cards’ that my grandmother used. I think ‘Likes’ are a wonderful way to say you’ve visited, but you have nothing to add to the conversation because it has pretty much all been said. I think there should be a section on the My Stats page that aggregates the people who ‘Like’ your blog, just like there is a section for those who leave comments.


  86. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Hmm hmm good! Terrifico! Y’all are amazing! Keep up the superfine work!


  87. Lord Vader

    Simply awesome. 🙂 I love WP readiness to progress and amaze
    Let the Force be with you, guys! 🙂


  88. carolynlcaudlecastle3

    Yes, I like the encouragement that the Like and comments can give for a novice writer to keep trying. (or an artist of anothre genre too, as matter of fact.)


  89. Mazhar

    How possible for me to make like icon all my under post in my different pages.?


  90. veggiezest

    So as far as everybody can “like” the post (or whatever) is concerned..does it mean that now one doesn’t need a wordpress account to “like” something on my blog? Because that’s the issue I have been facing recently. If yes, then how do I change that setting? I am fairly new to WordPress and don’t really know all the tips and tricks. Thanks for your help!


  91. centongkaleng

    nice blog, I LIKE this blog…!


  92. kiranphani5

    i like this its very good


  93. maureenjenner

    Liking to like, as you like it, seems a lighthearted way to sift through the page, and make passing contact with so many we may never meet, yet that fleet passing can lift our day. It has done mine – so thank you.


  94. Mados

    Likes are great because the give the option to say ‘I read/saw this, and it is good’ and in the same time save the post/content. A way to say thank you to the author.

    A ‘Like’ feature on comments would great too, because then the bloggers can say to their readers: ‘Thank you for your comment, I have read it and it is good.’ with one easy click, when there is nothing else to add. The positive feedback can also serve as encouragement and quality indicator for the comment authors.

    I currently use the thumbs up/thumbs down feature as a substitute for a ‘Like’ feature on comments. It works, but it isn’t perfect… People don’t really use it. It seems better suited as a voting-feature for big forum-type discussions. All I want to way to say is ‘Thank you!’… ‘Like’ is perfect for that.


  95. cleverbyhalf

    you should have it so that you can like a post right from someones dashboard, instead of having to go the specific page for that post


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