Photo Blogging 101, Part 2

Now that you’ve been snapping away, you’ll want to build your photographic following. has an excellent photo blogging community, which you can tap into by following these tips and tricks.

Tags, topics, and phloggers, oh my!

Tags work to connect your blog to the larger community, so you can see others who are writing, or photographing, the same subjects as you. By tagging your post as “Photography” or “Black and White,” your posts will be included in the respective Topic page so that other viewers can find your site. If you haven’t added tags to your posts before, you can learn how to do so here.

However, tags can be used for more than just bringing traffic to your site, but as a networking tool as well. As your photo blog grows, taking some time to look at other photo blogging sites can both help you to find inspiration, tips and tricks, and new ideas, as well as put you in contact with your fellow photo blogging compatriots.

You can start following new topics in your reader by going to the Reader and inserting “Photography” or any related tag into the “Add a Topic” text box.

The Photography topic page from the Reader

Building Connections

One of the best ways to boost readership and build a following is to do the same in return. This means that when you see a photo blogger that you like, comment on their post! Comments and pingbacks help to create connections between bloggers and their readers.

Blogging is about community and sharing, and this sets the tone. Just recently, I wrote a blog post inspired by a post on I linked back, and hopefully turned a bunch of new readers onto the site. Because there was a decent amount of traffic sent to his blog, or maybe because he received a pingback, Neil Pasricha then came and commented on my blog! This is the author of two #1 International Bestselling books! I was so thrilled. I emailed Neil to thank him, and that began a back and forth, where I was able to ask him his blogging tips.

From Bestselling Author Shares 3 Tips for Building Your Blog Audience

In browsing other photo blogs, you may see that many photographers add information about their camera and set up to each post. Generally, photo bloggers will include the camera they used to shoot the image, the aperture and f-stop information, and the lens. This is a great way to explain both the tools you’re using as a photographer and another method of contributing to the photo blogging community by sharing your experiences.

The Duotone theme automatically pulls your digital photo information and displays it in the left sidebar.

Protecting Your Work

Through consistent posting, commenting on other blogs, and tagging your posts, you can continue to build your photo blogging readership. As you get your work out there, it’s also important to make sure that it’s protected. For photo bloggers on, we recommend that you watermark your photos. This means adding a copy right, such as “© Erica’s Photography,” directly to your image with a photo editing program. Watermarking your photos helps to prevent others from taking your images and pretending they’re their own.

If you’re interested in licensing your work as well, the Creative Commons license is an excellent way to both protect your work, while still contributing to the photographic community as a whole. Creative Commons licenses establish you as the owner of your product, but still allow for others to use your work. For example, among the various Creative Commons licenses, you can state that anyone is allowed to use your work as long as it’s attributed to you and they’re not using it for commercial purposes. Better yet, they can follow all of the above rules, and may also build on your work, similar to sampling when it comes to music beats.

Now that your photo blog is well on it’s way, don’t forget to stay tuned for more tips and tricks with our final post on Photo Blogging 101. (Missed the first post? You can check it out here.)

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  1. James Brown Photography

    Thanks for these wonderful tips! I’ll be sure to apply them to my photo blog. 🙂


  2. MJ

    Love the tips, and love the idea of watermarking, but I can’t help it, I just don’t like the look of it. I’d almost rather risk others taking them. To me, a watermark is just offputting. Maybe I’m a little too trusting.


  3. Piglet in Portugal

    Thanks Erica, just added the text widget to my blogs.
    I created a photblog and also try and add the little © to my photos. Anyone have any opinions as to the best colour background for a photo blog, please?


  4. Matt

    Also not crazy about watermarking, it can also become unreadable when resized in thumbnails and such.


  5. yousef59

    good idea…


  6. gwyncurbygodwin

    I’m excited to start a photo blog! I’m a camera bug and love to snap photos of any and everything. Now I can share them with others. Thanks for your wonderful tips.


  7. Cutaway Creation

    Some great tips there, thanks for the info.


  8. cupcakejunky

    Great post. I have to say that the watermarks ruin a photo for me. It’s a shame there isn’t a tool to disable copying as there is in Flickr.


  9. Liana

    I just started watermarking my images – granted, I’m still just a budding photographer but I think it’s a wise measure, and shows other readers your serious about your work.


  10. Jacob

    I am now contemplating setting up a photography blog, but will stick to music for now.


  11. kementarri

    I have yet to go out and get some of my own photographs although am looking into doing this. I unfortunately do not have the best camera 😦 But I make sure that all the photos that I do find and want to share on my blog I make sure I attribute the owner right into my post so that people know that it is not mine. I also have put on my blog as a side note that I do not claim any copyright to any of the photos that are posted. Just in case I cannot find the photographer (owner) of the piece. Furthermore, I say it is mine in my post if it is. I am mainly here to post beautiful photos for everyone to see.


  12. janicehuggins



  13. CopperLeaf Treasures

    These are great tips…going back to look at past posts now. Thank you!


  14. tedstrutz

    Thanks for the inspiration, Erica… I did start one after reading the first ‘101’. Thanks for the continued tips.


  15. Olo O'matthew

    Good, relevant, information.


  16. Dave Levien Photography

    Great post … We are looking for ways to improve our blog and your posts have been quite helpful. We have stopped using a visual watermark on the pictures (still revamping web site) and have become a fan of digital watermarking ( Would like it if wordpress would disable the save as function on images etc …


  17. hallucinatingmartyr

    Great, Thanks 🙂


  18. rigmover

    Great tips thanks, I need all the help I can get.


  19. KritarthaPC

    Kind’a like the tips and Information shared


  20. Spoon Feast

    Great tips. As a novice photographer, things like this really help.


  21. markcongo

    great job guys!


  22. fgassette

    Thanks Erica, I am new at blogging and appreciate the tips. I will begin to apply your instructions that I never knew how to do before. I didn’t think I needed the copywrite protection because I take pictures as a hobby. So thank you for opening my eyes.



  23. mostlymonochrome

    I hope my photo blog follows some of these rules.


  24. Bosun Dawg

    Thank you for the post – would be nice if save as was disabled.


  25. Rhode

    great tips… Allready trying them out:-)


  26. Destino Miami (@DestinoMiamiUSA)

    Great post. I just started a blog and I can definitely use some of your tips.


  27. agirs

    Thanks for the tips – also, for any Photoblogger; be patient – don’t expect hundreds of viewers withing the first few months. But, if updated regulary – the viewcount will increase steadily (atleast that’s my experience).


  28. wattseconds

    Thank you for your email highlighting your tips and pointing me to the community. I’m still working on my knowledge base with and my blog. The challenge i am having right now is what I can and cannot do with my template(s) such as adding tabs, etc. and getting familiar with the dashboard.


  29. Quick Asian Recipes - Ashish Negi

    One thing is for sure, you get what you give. So one way of letting others appreciate your talent is by appreciating their talents. Read and let read 🙂


  30. 1poran



  31. Quick Asian Recipes - Ashish Negi

    By the way, good photos aren’t just limited to photo blogs. I blog on recipes and yet I find that pictures are a great way of visualizing any recipe. They make people want to try the recipe out :). One of my recent edits is at I haven’t watermarked the pictures but yes you are right, even food photography should be watermarked. Will do you for my future posts… Cheers 🙂


  32. ShopForPuppy

    Good sound advice! I haven’t started my photo blog yet, but it’s on the agenda for this week. I plan to incorporate some of the tips and ideas that I am receiving here.


  33. xmasters

    cool 🙂


  34. sigalsart

    Great article !! thanks a lot !


  35. zionorbit



  36. iraaqna

    Great article !! thanks a lot


  37. areaderslog

    Great article, Erica! I am a new blogger, and really appreciate articles such as this one. Little by little, I am learning!
    Thanks again.


  38. simonrphotography

    great blog I have updated all my tags after reading this! Keep up the good work


  39. aolsson

    Agree, great article.. but have a question regarding tags ..

    When I started with this I assumed that the ”tag” was just a local thing for my own blog. Now I realise that they are kind of shared, yea if you use the same ”tags” of course.

    Question; are there any page where you can find all ”tags”, or the most used ones? And are there any rules or recommendations for how to use them.
    Im having a photoblog and the tag “black and white” is pretty obvious, but whats the difference between “Photography” and “Photography (2)” and “Travel” and “Travel (2)” for example? Or is there no rules or recommendations for this and just up each others fantasy when creating or using new tags?
    Have just changed one of my tags from “black&white” to “black and white” just to be seen in tags that seems to more commonly used


    • Erica V.

      Great questions! You can find the top tags/topics via your Topics tab on the home page, or here. You can also search for any tag via this page as well.

      Tags are generated by bloggers themselves, though it’s most useful to tap into an existing tag. The one rule (so to speak) is that we recommend that you use between 10 to 15 tags and categories (in total) for your post to appear in the topics page 🙂


  40. aolsson

    Ok, cool, assumed that was the case.. with the “tags”..
    ..helping a friend right now to set up a photoblog and recommended him before he starts to send up any pictures on the blog to think in which categories he want to put up his pictures, which in the end will be his top “tags “ ..

    many thank for all help and inspiration..


  41. Steve Vernon

    Hi, this is a really interesting post 🙂


  42. Hanggar PS

    amazing picture


  43. Chris

    Great tips! I love seeing other photograper’s work.


  44. Yan Lerval Photography - VietnamPhoto

    Thanks for the tips 🙂


  45. quocphongnd

    Reblogged this on quocphongnd.


  46. Inge

    This is cool! 🙂


  47. iflicks

    Reblogged this on iflicks.


  48. alexajeanne

    Reblogged this on abrightertomorrow13 and commented:
    Great ideas


  49. Joel Emmanuel

    Also, how to put this kind of photo gallery? I have seen a flickr gallery like this too:

    Thank you!


  50. eof737

    Excellent tips Erica! I love photography and plan to feature more of my own as I learn more in my photography class and my amateur skills improve. I admire the awesome talent in the photography community on WP and hope to join them someday. TY! 🙂


  51. Ron

    Thanks again, Erica. Being a new blogger, I have a question.What is a ping back and how do I use it?


    • Erica V.

      A pingback is a type of comment that’s created when you link to another blog post, or if someone links to one of your posts. For example, if you were to write a block post that had a link to our Photo Blogging 101 post, we would receive a pingback to let us know that you referenced our post in an article. 🙂

      You can control your pingback settings via your Settings > Discussion page from your blog’s Dashboard.


  52. Umesh



  53. jaikris75

    Great tips for the beginners like me… Keep going.
    Looking forward for more tips, thanks lot.


  54. hamam burhanuddin

    nice share,,, 🙂


  55. simonrphotography

    I hate putting watermarks on my work too so to get around the copyright issues I export my photos through Lightroom and add a border with my logo. It doesn’t take away from the photo but it does require a bit of time to implement.


  56. foodandtools

    Great tips and I think I will start watermarking my photographs… hopefully I will figure that out. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  57. Debra

    Great tips. I especially liked the quote from Rachel Bertsche – and one of the many reasons I love wordpress is that the community aspect is done so well, with tags and likes and follows made so easy it would be stupid not to interact with other people.


  58. nguyencungtan - TỨ DUY

    So good !


  59. Laurie Bartolo

    This has been a great series. Most of the blogging advice I’ve seen is geared towards writers so it’s nice to see some tips for photographers – thanks! Looking forward to the next post!


  60. cffarmercarl

    I’m struggling a little to find blogs that relate to my topics. I’ll keep trying. It most likely is because I’m Bipolar and need to slow down a little.
    I mean I can find blogs when searching on google, I’m just having trouble learning how to tag to my website.

    I’ll keep trying. I am able to understand the photo blogs but not the blogs I’m interested in.



  61. Andrew Tsang

    Very helpful information!


  62. whitt88

    Thank you for the goldmine of information, Erica V. For that, and the above list of interested photo-bloggers, all of whom merit visits too, let me offer you the virtual apple (lower case), on behalf of all the curious students here in class 101.


  63. 1306Kholid

    nice tips
    i like your post


  64. myaimgroup

    Nice Blog! I would like to hear more in the future.


  65. The Fashion Slave

    Thanks for the wonderful tips… I also prefer giving a little story behind my photographs and photoshoots like a small intro of what I’m doing or how it was done…. do check out if possible


  66. Gracie

    Excellent post! I too use watermark on my blog, although now that I think about it, I think I will make it much smaller so that it doesn’t become too obstructive. Thank you for the tips.


  67. davidmorel

    Excellent post, full of helpful information. Thanks for this !


  68. starseed333

    Thank you for your reply ..nice post 🙂


  69. tamarknochel

    I am so gratefull for these posts! I’ve really just started phlogging and I’m LOVING it. But more than that I’m really appreciating all the great advice you’ve given us! Thank you for taking the time to help us newbies out!


  70. bhatnaieem

    now i,ll make a photo blog


  71. @leecrowe

    Excellent tips! Everyone should watermark their own photos. People will steal your work!


  72. NOBITA

    Thanks. Ilike it


  73. Boobieslifeandluster

    Thank you for such a great tip! Really find the WordPress blog so useful


  74. aolsson

    Hmm, here is a question that really shows how newbie I am, and when I get the answer my face will probably turn red for a few minutes ☺
    Anyway, when I upload a post, a few munites after I get “likes”, (which I like of course). But these people who have find my newly uploaded post, where and how do they find it? There must be some page where newly uploaded post´s are seen or? What have I missed?


    • Erica V.

      Great question 🙂 Generally, visits will come from your blog’s subscribers/followers, as well as the Topics pages that are connected to your post tags.


  75. andreashesse

    Excellent tips, Erica! Along with entering competitions, commenting fellow phloggers’ articles is an awesome help for both feedback and visitors. And it introduces you to great picture ideas – and sometimes jealousy as well, since you can’t be at every single place in the world taking pictures^^

    Regarding the watermarks: From my personal point of view, everyone should consider using it. If you have a standard picture editing software, you can paste a picture of your choice and reduce the Opacity to something about 60 or less percent. With this, viewers will not be distracted by your watermark and still, you have your name on your picture.


  76. Kerstenbeck Photographic Art


    Great article and lots of useful tips about Photoblogging. I do think watermarking has its purposes, but for the serious image thief, it really doesn’t present much of an obstacle – watermarks can easily be removed.

    Kind regards, Erik


  77. Kitty

    Oh goodness my photoblog has exploded with visitors! Thank you Erica for linking my photoblog in this tutorial.


  78. John Todaro

    thanks — very helpful


  79. karenlawrencephotography

    Great tips that i am to going follow hoping that it will out do my husbands blog!!! Thanks for the tips.


  80. John Todaro

    Earlier in this thread, Piglet in Portugal asked about background colours…In my experience, grey seems to work very well not only in Photoshop, but also within a blog–it’s neutral, doesn’t distract and reinforces the midrange colors (or grey tones) in your images.


  81. thefoodandwinehedonist

    I like beautiful photography as much as other people. However, I think that there’s too much emphasis on photography over content – especially when it comes to getting Freshly Pressed. Overwhelming majority of posts that are FP’d have pretty pictures. Some have good content, but I’ve seen too many that just have 2-3 sentences attached to them. There are soooo many that fall short of the tags that they’re assigned. i.e. they are tagged under family or travel but they don’t say much about either. Don’t get me started on a lot of the food ones that feature other peoples’ recipes…



    Remember, too, that watermarks dont have to be garish, huge and distracting to the point that they diminish your images!


  83. Some Girl

    Thank you for the tips!


  84. rossanaf

    Thanks Erika, great tips. I must improving my tagging.


  85. boemusklos

    Great tips … really enjoy photography and then creating completely new images with the photographs


  86. E. White

    Thanks for the help. I write and re-post a good number of blogs and don’t get many visitors. I’m going to try your tips and hopefully I will start building a community.


  87. Nguyen Do

    thank you for the sharings. cool


  88. Helen Cherry

    I’ve had a daily photoblog running for nearly 5 months now and it requires a lot of effort and dedication.. when you build a following who enjoy your photos it’s very well worth doing it though and you “meet” some great people 🙂


  89. Vianca

    Thanks for your two posts about photo blogging. This will definitely help me with my newly renewed blog!


  90. mystereprudence

    this was soo cool Ill do it for my blog now on
    do check it out


  91. Saad Faruque

    nice read. thanks


  92. Mark

    I’ve just started watermarking, and here are some tips:

    Use a bold font but make it small, that way you can still read it when it’s reduced.

    Add a drop shadow or stroke (outline) if you can so it shows up on any background.

    Make your watermark slightly transparent – remember, it’s there as proof of origin and doesn’t need to dominate the image. Discreet logos are best, or why not include your URL? If people like your work they will know where to find you.


  93. photoart4

    thank you for the great tips


  94. richardartedigital

    Thank you very much for your advices! Soon I’ll be posting a blog about my favorite past time: photography! As soon as I organized myself I’ll be working on it. Be well!


  95. fikidjo

    I’ll try it from to day


  96. Khürt

    Professional and well known photographer Trey Ratcliff has a different spin on the use of watermarks. He doesn’t.


  97. vouterb2

    Just getting started so I really appreciate the tips!


  98. leemajors78

    thank you for the tips ! I learned a lot. I get to read part 3 first before this though :-)) just the same, it was a great read …


  99. The Vision Fairy

    Thanks for the tips! I have a quick question, though…I have been trying to put a copyright notice on my blog and I followed your directions (go to Widgets and add text, then add copyright notice and hit ‘save’) and it won’t show up on my blog. I am using Duotone. Any advice??


  100. akinbowale

    Reblogged this on BookRepublic.


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