New Theme: Ideation & Intent

It’s almost June and warm weather is spreading across many parts of the world like wildfire! What better time to get out of the house and explore new places? Before you leave, though, it would be a great idea to take your camera along to document the experience.

When you return and get the urge to share you photos with the world, there’s no better place to do it than right here on We’ve put together a brand-new theme that will showcase your photographs in style!

Ideation & Intent, designed by Kevin Conboy, is our latest free theme and features beautiful typography, bright colors and clean lines. Your photos will get the royal treatment in the featured post area and custom image sidebar.

Screenshot of the Ideation & Intent theme for

Read more about its features in the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog by navigating to Appearance → Themes.

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  1. timethief

    It’s a very simple and clean theme with nice features. I like it! Thank you.


  2. Sufyan bin Uzayr

    Awesome! I love it. It’s great to see that has been catering to photographers of late, in terms of new themes and other features. I run a blog with my artwork on a self-hosted WP install, and I already had plans of migrating to If I do so, this theme is surely gonna be the one I use.


  3. Karen Datangel

    Gorgeous! The themes just keep getting better and better!


  4. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Ideation & Intent – I even like the name of it. Alas, I only days ago changed my theme. People will think I’m schizophrenic if I do it tooooo often 🙂 This one’s great for the photo bloggers out there – and there are MANY! I love, genuinely love, seeing the photo blogs having photos from other parts of the world. If I were one of them, I’d go for this. I swear, I don’t know how you guys think up so many DIFFERENT styles, but cheers.


  5. Chechu

    Is it avaIlable for


  6. victorworang

    I think that maybe summer photos will match the theme’s bright colors.


  7. Chorwin

    The team really puts an emphasis on photoblogging. kind of good news for photography hobbyists.


  8. tenbrokenbullets

    I was just going to say, beautiful typography is right! Thanks. Might try it on mine in the future. Maybe.


  9. JC

    I’m already using it on my blog, I love it!!! Only the max posts shown (stated as 7) is not working properly. The theme shows all the posts.


    • Michael Fields

      Hello! Glad to hear that you like the theme 🙂 What you are experiencing is a result of our Infinite Scroll feature which allows posts to be automatically loaded as you scroll down the page. It saves your visitors from have to click links to get to the next page on your blog.


  10. Rodla

    Very attractive theme for photo sharing blogs 🙂


  11. Cheryl

    I’m trying to build a family blog/scrapbook cataloging the progress on the log home we are building on a lake. I want to show everything from clearing the land, the construction and final finishes … docks, decks, etc. This theme would allow me to use one sidebar for collages as you’ve done here and the other for the feature photos. Also the third column on the right would track/archive the months it’s going to take to get the project done. Kudos!


  12. nitinmahesh

    Like it. How about it in black background color?


  13. James Kalìwæ

    This is beautiful, but I gotta say my favorite part about it is its name. Great job. 🙂


  14. 3whom

    Nice theme, makes me want to go and book another holiday…


  15. godlesssun

    Using it right now. It’s very neat and clean. I love it. Thank you!


  16. Anna

    That’s a great theme! I love how frequently you publish these top-notch designs. I don’t photo blog myself, but I know a load of people are going to love this 😀


  17. seekingmonsieur

    Yes!!! I switched to this new theme the day it was introduced. What a difference it makes regarding my story set-up and photos. In fact, I am more determined to shoot better photos after seeing how well they are displayed on this site. Thanks Michael Fields and WordPress for keeping our world fresh and moving forward.


  18. waterandwords

    I’m using it now and it looks great! Kudos! 🙂


  19. andylmoore

    hmm, summer is only there for half of the world. There is a southern part to the world.


  20. Carrie Z

    This is a great theme template. As an outdoor writer and a photographer this combines both elements perfectly!
    Thank you!


  21. socialfly21

    I totally love this one already using it cannot wait to get the premium once I get the hang of blogging, but it really cool and awesome!


  22. Kendall Lyons

    Certainly a very nice look!!! I like the layout.


  23. dramapop

    Hi! This is a great template. Does the theme support changing the font colors for the post titles?


  24. bwbears

    This is such a cool theme, especially for blogs rich with media. I will definitely try this theme some day!


  25. Joel Oleson

    I’m using it on my travel blog and it’s great! It took some work to start featuring photos. I was using LiveWriter for blogging and it wasn’t adding the images in a way that they were displayed well, so it took some work, but I’ve gotten lots of comments from friends they like the new theme and layout.



    • Michael Fields

      It’s awesome to hear that you were able to get everything working. And congrats for the comments from you friends 🙂 This kind of feedback really makes us smile!


  26. Fashion-esque

    I think I am in love with this Theme. I make a lot of photo’s and with this theme it is just perfect to share. I love the simple an clean look it has. Great for my 365 photo project. Thank YOU!!!!


  27. Kale

    Really nice. Especially the photo sidebar.


  28. jacksjottings

    Wonderful for photos, is it being used for blogs with a wider content like mine?


    • Michael Fields

      Most of the blogs I have seen it used with are pretty photo-heavy, but that should not be a deterrent for blogs that contain mainly words. I checked out your site and it looks like you like to post poems. This theme could work really well for you. The picture above only shows the home page template. Once you click through to a post you will be able to see all of it’s content. Please see this demo page.


  29. sohojay

    I’m loving this new theme!!


  30. SJ

    It is really almost perfect theme for my photoblog! Font is very nice and readable BUT with problems – limited support for czech characters (ěščřžýáíéůúťďň / ĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÉŮÚŤĎŇ … etc)?
    (test page:


  31. tonicackles

    Love this theme and I really love what you titled it. Any pointers on loading pictures with writing? I click, new blog, write a little, insert pic, and repeat on the same blog. It looks great however, when I hit publish it smushes pictures side by side, moves my writing and basically scrambles everything!! What I want is simple, picture with a little writing under it..Thank you in advance for any advice!


  32. Your Daily Cup Of Tee

    Great theme with tons of potential. As a YouTube Vlogger and World Traveler this might be a great theme.


  33. Shannon Scheidell

    @nitinmahesh: Did you try it in black? I think I will, probably end up tweaking it, though. 🙂 Ty Mista Fields!


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