New Themes: Mixfolio and Yoko

I’m pleased to announce the latest two additions to the ever-growing collection of free themes here at

First up is Mixfolio, a responsive, post format-packed, photographer-loving portfolio theme.

Mixfolio: Home Page

Mixfolio: Home Page

Designed by Graph Paper Press, Mixfolio looks great on all screens, large and small, and comes delivered with a Theme Options panel that will give your photo portfolio home page more personality. Two custom menus, five uniquely-designed post formats, and a design well-suited for featured images are only part of what you’ll get with Mixfolio.

Read more about its features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

Next up is Yoko, a simple, elegant, and modern three-column blog theme.

Yoko: Home Page

Yoko: Home Page

Designed by Elmastudio, Yoko provides an awesome balance between what we’ve all come to expect from traditional blogging and boundary-pushing theme design. Its responsive layout optimizes the theme for mobile devices and to make your blog posts more interesting Yoko offers several different post formats. Add in custom background and custom header functionality, custom menus, and widget areas, and you’ve got a clear winner in Yoko.

Read more about Yoko’s features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. Christine

    Nice! I am still in search of the ever-elusive “perfect” theme for the book of alice. I am headed over to my dashboard to check these out now. Cheers!


  2. An Asian and His Camera (Mathew)

    Interesting themes! Might give one of them a shot.


  3. Mikalee Byerman

    Beautiful new options—I only wish I had mad photography skillz so I could take advantage of Mixfolio! 😉


  4. Craig Canapari MD

    Hmm, I may try out Yoko.


  5. lia354

    Great template, I like it and thank you to mention Bali.


  6. timethief

    Hello there,
    I’m impressed by how hard the Theme Team works to deliver new themes for our use. I’m still looking for a responsive width theme that has full width page templates that I like. Mixfolio has full width page templates but I’m not a photographer. The features both themes have are useful and I’m going to try Yoko in my test blog to see if it’s the theme I’ve been looking for or not. Thanks so much for introducing these attractive themes.


  7. Daddy

    Mixfolio looks amazing for a photo blog I wan to start, the problem is that my intended audience is no longer restricted by 1024x768pixel monitors from 10 years ago.

    W I D E S C R E E N monitors are the de facto standard today, from high resolution wide laptop displays over 1200 pixels wide, to 24, 27, 30″ displays with enough room to put more than two WordPress blogs side by side and still have extra screen real estate.

    I’d like to see Mixfolio also have scaling capabilities in the BIG direction too. For those people who always hit the “full screen” button in their browser window and then they can see more columns, more photos, with their whole screen.

    Take a look at your home screen for Pinterest and you’ll see where WordPress needs to go.

    WIDE people, WIDE.
    I’m getting tired of every single WordPress theme looking like a WordPress theme because it’s constrained for XVGA screen resolutions from 10 years ago. Give me one that’s 2x as wide, or the sidebars are ADDED to the central theme area, instead of carve away space within it.


  8. Tim

    Some really nice themes coming out lately! Wonder if my readers will mind me switching things up.


  9. latestiphone5news

    Sweet one. 🙂


  10. simonrphotography

    I think Mixfolio may be the new theme for my photography blog! Cheers.


  11. Elliott Hakim

    Good stuff, as usual. You guys pretty much have me changing my theme every couple of months.


  12. Buhori

    This is nice and really beautiful for photography.


  13. Margie

    I’m always looking for a photo theme – I will be sure to test drive your new offerings. It is great that you are offering themes that offer interesting new variations.


  14. Gary Smith

    Yoko’s good, but it suffers from the trend of themes with white post backgrounds with very light gray text (and this case small to boot). That kind of stuff is hard to read for a lot of people.


  15. srikrishna1

    You are a very lucky man that can go to Bali, very beautiful your work, congratulations!


  16. ycherrs

    Awesome. They come very handy and helpful for starters like me. Thanks!


  17. Pocket Asian



  18. Cristovao Verstraeten

    Mixfolio looks perfect to showcase my artwork and music.
    Haven’t been excited for a theme since, I think,
    the day I started on WP back in 2009!
    I’ll be setting it up next week for sure -thx a lot!


  19. iviedawn

    Very lovely themes here. I may have to go check out the Yoko theme.


  20. bwbears

    I really love MIXFOLIO. I have waited so long for a free WP theme capable of album like features focusing on showcasing a portfolio of images, and nothing else. I have now started my dream photoblog to try out this new theme. Liking it so far!


  21. Talk Fusion Associate, Chile

    Excellent post and great new themes! Thanks for sharing


  22. JHMinecraft

    Yoko looks fresh and clean 🙂 something new.


  23. Raise Expectations

    Mixfolio’s definitely a cool photo/artwork display type theme. Yoko’s a pretty cool 3 column theme. If I was going to start another blog, these would definitely be contenders.


  24. rebelgirlinblack

    Interesting! I’m always excited to see what you’ll turn up with.


  25. tiktakpen

    great i still didnt find my perfect theme i hope you keep up the good work ^^


  26. Gwendolyn Alley aka Art Predator

    Nice! Loving all the new themes–so tempting!!


  27. Aa' Kamal

    Wow, amazing!


  28. Arun

    Love the theme Yoko. Nice one! Using it now. Thanks for your efforts!


  29. megatoontv

    Mixfolio looks so good!! Too bad, most of my posts are videos. And with videos, no thumbnails. 😦


  30. Kale

    I can’t believe Mixfolio is for free!


  31. Kev

    Cool themes! I like I like Yoko. It fits my photography blog. Thanks for the new the new themes!


  32. arpitabhawal

    will try this very soon…starting to get into photography and actually didn’t see a template so far that I sort of liked…this one looks very cool. thanks!


  33. skinhairsurgery123

    Simply superb. ❤


  34. NOBITA

    This is nice and really beautiful


  35. mebelmebel

    I think I’ll choose the first template for my photoblog. Clean and nice 😉


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