New Themes: The Great Adventure, The Columnist, and Vintage Camera

Today, we have three fantastic themes to introduce you to.

First, take your readers on a journey – be it soaring through the skies or blasting off into space – with The Great Adventure, a fun premium theme with playful illustrations from Seth Gerard.

The Great Adventure Screenshot

Now, here is a theme that lets you choose your own adventure — do you prefer to travel by plane or by rocket? Do you prefer your airplane-style theme in green, purple and pink, or yellow? Do you prefer your space-style theme in blue, grey, or red? Would you like a right sidebar? Footer sidebars? How about a sidebar that your readers can open and close? The choice is yours. Start your journey by heading over to the Theme Showcase for more details on The Great Adventure, or take the demo for a test flight. Happy travels, wherever your blogging adventures may take you.

Next, The Columnist is a grid-tacular, magazine-style theme to cleanly share your posts with the world.

The Columnist

Designed by Ben Martineau and utilizing bold typography and minimalist principles, The Columnist focuses on your content first and foremost. Featured images are creatively used as thumbnails in the home, archive, and search views, and if wide enough, as large banner images over the single view of a post. Subtle CSS3 animations provide an added level of interactivity to the theme without cluttering the design. Learn more about The Columnist by heading over to the Theme Showcase or testing out its demo.

And to round out our introductions today, I’m proud to present Vintage Camera, designed by our very own Caroline Moore!

Vintage Camera

It’s hard to imagine a better way to share your lomo or polaroid scans, than with a theme designed with just those classic cameras in mind. Offering six different retro-camera header illustration and color scheme combinations to choose from, you’ll be able to stylishly show-off your inner photographer with ease. For those of us that are a little more “faux-retro”, a responsive design will allow you to seamlessly view your filtered phone photos on any device! Head on over to the Theme Showcase to find out more info about Vintage Camera, or focus your viewfinder on its demo site to see it in action.

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  1. New Heights Dance Ministry

    Cool! Here’s the themes names I see: the cute, the serious, and the photographers blog. Hands up for WordPress having the best themes. I LOVE my oxygen theme, shouldn’t be free IMHO.


  2. Mikalee Byerman

    Ooooh…I may have to try out The Columnist. Grid-tacular, indeed! 🙂


  3. canbria

    Very interesting and nice themes! 🙂


  4. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Oh, the fun! Oh, the possibilities! Oh, the desire to have multiple blogs to use these!

    OMG!!! I think I need… ahem, want… several clones of myself to enjoy all these delectable treats!

    I want, I want, I want. No, I need these!


  5. cassandrajbradley

    Reblogged this on cassandrajbradley and commented:
    Good layouts!


  6. Eric

    The Great Adventure theme is slick.


  7. Jonathan

    The columnist reminds me of a theme I used to use years ago. Very good.


  8. simonrphotography

    nice updates may be tempted to refresh my blog! Thanks!!!!


  9. jessicajhill

    Vintage Camera makes me want to bust out the old film camera and start a whole new blog just for that! Hmmm…


  10. Josh

    Great work on the new themes!! More magazine themes would be awesome!


  11. sabahsongs

    I’m an Oxygen theme fan too, although The Columnist hits some sweet spots. LOVE WordPress themes. You give us so much pleasure! TQ WordPress


  12. cravesadventure

    Love the Great Adventure Theme and will have to give it a serious looksie, since I am the CravesAdventurer – ha!


  13. Scott Fillmer

    love the photog themes you guys keep adding, keep up the good work… would love to see a few more minimalist designs too 🙂


  14. Beatrix Bourbon

    I love Vintage Camera, it’s just what i was looking for! 🙂


  15. Chorwin

    Cool, 2 more free themes!


  16. My Camera, My Friend

    Vintage camera is so cool. I love all the different camera drawings.


  17. Joel Emmanuel

    These themes are cool! Especially the Vintage Camera. Will try them next time. Great job, WordPress!


  18. Rachelle Nessia

    My heart skipped several beats when I saw The Columnist. (WordPress theme-gasm moment!)


  19. Kale

    Keep them awesome themes coming!


  20. victorworang

    I think Vintage Camera is the best of them.


  21. bwbears

    I really like the Columnist theme, simple and effective showcase of the blog’s contents!


  22. Nin

    I always love when WordPress introduce new themes, and this time 3 themes at once… Wow….


  23. Martin

    I really like The Columnist theme! Actually it’s almost exactly what I’ve been looking for for the past few days. However, it seems that this theme has been designed over 2 years ago. Nothing wrong with that. But the front page shows up jumbled and messy in my older (~2y) Firefox version. Compared to the correct rendering in a more recent Chrome, there them to be a couple of incompatibilities.


  24. Blogger

    I like The Great Adventureand and the Vintage Camera! 😀


  25. christianpasti204747594

    These themes are really cool! I love them!!!


  26. Megan Cunningham

    This theme is really cool. 🙂 Quite simple but awesome!


  27. El Santo

    Wow. Vintage Camera just might be perfect for my faux retro Instagram imagery. 🙂


  28. ahmadalikarim

    Wow! This is great.


  29. Dave

    Columnist theme looks the business, must try it out on my “must try out new themes” blog.


  30. Jen

    Columnist is a really nice theme. The Vintage Camera one is terrific, too.


  31. Mahendra Singh(Owner of Jamuwai Tours)

    I think I will replace my theme to Adventure theme.


  32. puzzlecentered

    I really like it! It will help me in my future blogging.


  33. The euphoricsecret

    Great work on the new themes! The Vintage Camera is just what I was waiting for.


  34. alishahzad731

    Wow… what a great way to kick-start my WordPress journey. 🙂


  35. Gustavo H. Razera

    Those will please some people.


  36. taomingzhang

    Oh, very nice theme!


  37. Anna

    I can usually pick a favourite out of the new themes you post, but these are all just wonderful 🙂


  38. ichigomongo

    Whoa! Awesome! I loooove Vintage Camera. Thank you for the pretty theme. 🙂


  39. Rafiullah Mian

    Beautiful and interesting.


  40. bmydim

    It’s cute, I like this.


  41. christrocks

    I really like Vintage Camera and The Great Adventure. They don’t fit my blog, but still, they’re a great addition!


  42. RiaCestaLily

    Ohhh I really loved the Vintage Camera… cute design for all of them 😀


  43. Sadie

    I like the Vintage Camera so much! 🙂 But you can’t have different pages. 😦


  44. tomte

    The Great Adventure might just look very nice on my blog….. 🙂
    And the camera theme almost makes me want to start a photo blog!


  45. lylymput

    Oh, maybe i should try Vintage Camera!


  46. okasnd

    The columninst, definitely…


  47. Anugrah Nurohman

    Awesome theme 🙂


  48. Summer

    Loving the new themes!


  49. iledevix

    I’ve finally settled on a theme after haunting the Themes page at length. Settled on the Vintage Camera, ‘Sable’ theme option. For an absolutely indecisive person, I could say for certain that this is my most favourite theme out there; absolutely loving it!


  50. lidiafl

    I really love The Great Adventure, the cute theme!


  51. vivilinh

    I like the Columnist theme!


  52. hrsprmr

    Both of these are awesome… love ’em!


  53. kympugaphotography

    Reblogged this on Kym Puga Photography and commented:
    Some pretty cool themes.


  54. Tobi-Dawne

    If I wasn’t so in love with my current theme I would be all over those vintage cameras. My goodness! They are SO me.


  55. ellyermawatisuparto

    I like the themes, good job! Thanks.


  56. kkigchanth

    Wow, such a wonderful theme! I love Vintage Camera… thank you! 🙂


  57. hils

    The Great Adventure is adorable.


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