New Themes: Able and Sight

It’s Thursday, and you know what that means — new themes!

First, we are happy to introduce Able, a multipurpose traditional blog theme that is a refresh of our two older classics, Andreas 04 and Andreas 09.


Designed by our very own Philip Arthur Moore, Able retains the spirit of its predecessors — up to a three-column layout and a gray scale color scheme — while offering an updated look that is clean, responsive, and highly readable. We’re sure you’ll be Able to come up with many creative uses for this theme. Read all of the details on the Theme Showcase, or take the demo for a spin.

Our next new addition is Sight, another great theme from WPShower that blends simplicity with sophistication.


Elegant and versatile, Sight is a great choice for many different types of sites, including blogs and online magazines. It features a right sidebar for widgets, two custom menu locations, a slider for sticky posts, and a responsive layout that adapts to smaller screen sizes. Learn more about Sight on the Theme Showcase. You can also take a look at the demo, if you wish.


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  1. New Heights Dance Ministry

    Sweet. Still loving your theme Oxygen you released months ago, WP has the best themes!


  2. Gwendolyn Alley aka Art Predator

    “Sight” is a really beautiful new theme! I’ve been with Vigilance for several years; I might try out Sight. Incidentally, I really love “Splendio” for my wine predator blog. Thanks WordPress!


  3. jujubandung

    I’ve tried the Able theme on my mirror blog, the menu is good and clear..:)


  4. Sara

    I was very excited for Twenty Twelve, but because the words get cut off at the end of a line (even in the widget area) I couldn’t deal with that–looked so bad! I was happy to see “Sight” come out today and have already made the switch. I need to make a custom header because my blog title is too long and take up a long of room, but the overall look is very nice and clean. I wish I could change the color of the sticky post yellow shaded area (i.e. pick a nice color that compliments the picture in the sticky post). I think that would be nice!

    Thanks for all the work you guys do here at, great stuff!


  5. Ro

    Sight looks really clean and nice!


  6. Claudia

    Wow, “Sight” is stunning. Good job with the new themes!


  7. hcfbutton

    Sight looks beautiful.


  8. hcfbutton

    In looking at ‘Sight’ the only issue I have is that my blogs have longer titles, which means three lines of the main name. Customizing that would be amazing.


  9. christrocks

    Sight looks fantastic; a great job once again! 🙂


  10. Eric

    The Sight theme looks very clean.


  11. M.C.

    Oh, REALLY liking Sight. I will play around with that one…


  12. youmeandatanuki

    Love the look of sight! So clean! Hmm, tempted to change themes…


  13. reaction

    Very cool and amazing colors.


  14. A-bede

    Good 😆


  15. Matt George

    I love the big font for the header title on Sight!


  16. Rachelle Nessia

    It took me half a day tinkering and sprucing up my blog when I switched to Twenty Twelve the day it was released (which was like what, 2 days ago?) Now you come out with Sight? I can’t stand it. Stop making pretty themes already! 🙂


  17. burnbodyfatbuildmuscles

    Really nice and cheerful. I love it.


  18. Military Bride

    I love a lot of your new themes, but would you please make a few more with a RSS in it?


  19. John Hayden

    Sight is spectacular. Can’t believe a slider accommodating 30 sticky posts. Amazing. Superb typography for the blog header and post headlines. Body type is a little bit tiny for my taste, but that’s my only criticism. As a former newspaper copy editor and page designer, I’m especially happy to see the one-word kicker for the category above each headline. Perfect! Eye-catching! I want to use this one soon. Hope it supports WordAds.


    • Michelle Langston

      Hi there! Glad to hear that you like the Sight theme. Right now, it does not support WordAds, but it’s possible that we’ll consider adding support in the future. If you find the type sizes a little too small, you can always adjust it with CSS, if you have the Custom Design upgrade.


      • John Hayden

        I have the Custom Typefaces upgrade on one of my blogs, and it’s great. You can not only choose among typefaces, but also adjust the size somewhat. That’s what I’d do if I used Sight. I’m planning to upgrade my blog to carry much more Maryland news and photos, and Sight might be perfect. But I already have WordAds on the blog, and wouldn’t want to lose it. Thanks for your great design work!


  20. Ninxo Corp

    Simple and awesome…


  21. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    OH, there is nothing I love more than a good story,
    a good theme …

    🙂 Awesome again, WordPress!


  22. Sajan

    Able is so cool.


  23. that girl again

    Able doesn’t look anything like the Andreas themes. Not that this is a bad thing, I just don’t understand why you would bother to reference them. Also, why does its showcase page start going on about Mixfolio’s responsive design at the bottom? Confusing.


    • Philip Arthur Moore

      I just don’t understand why you would bother to reference them.

      We have a term for an in-house theme like Able. It’s called a refresh, where we take an older theme, use its basic characteristics (traditional blog theme, three-column layout, blueish links, flexible width, largely greyscale, etc.) and then make anew theme. For this project I used Andreas04/Andreas09, hence the mention.

      Also, why does its showcase page start going on about Mixfolio’s responsive design at the bottom?

      Copy/paste fail on my part. Thanks for catching it. 🙂


  24. Kit

    LOVE the Sight theme!


  25. timethief

    I like both themes. They are clean and have great features too. Thanks for making sure we have a lovely selection of themes to choose from. I appreciate that very much.


  26. srtorris

    Oooo. I like this one. Very crisp.


  27. fenisrojo

    good (:


  28. kameldziri

    Love the Sight theme!


  29. martinemueller

    It is beautiful!


  30. catezapp

    Beautiful the sight theme-can you put a banner?


  31. FLYNN B

    Theme: Able is awesome!


  32. ichigomongo

    Just the “Sight” of a new theme takes my breath away.


  33. Louisa

    I loved the older andreas themes, but this new one is nicer – loving all the new themes coming out at the moment, thanks WP


  34. The Vegetarian Bagpiper

    You guys are awesome! Thanks for always adding new things for us to try.


  35. tomte

    Sight is really simple, yet awesome. I think “Sight” might look AWESOMELY GREAT on my cohosted website. It’s been needing a new theme for while now and I think this one is perfect! Thanks you so much WordPress! 🙂 🙂


  36. Kale

    I really like Sight!


  37. panasonictcp50st50cybermondaydealsonsale

    awesome themes
    i love this


  38. Rahul's Peak Energy

    Thanks…I liked them!


  39. GraCess_Mommy

    I love the new theme ‘Sight’. It is simple and catchy!


  40. taeja7smith

    I love the new theme. It catches the eye fast.


  41. technicznasprawa

    Really sweet and cheerful. I love it.


  42. Okobe

    Great Post!



    Keep up the good work!


  44. Kev

    Sight is awesome!


  45. prestashoping

    sight is pretty cool ❤


  46. thowellburke

    @hcfbutton – to get around the font size in the header of the Sight theme, I loaded a header image overlaid with a watermark (I used Adobe Lightroom, but I am sure there are other ways). I’m pretty happy with the result. Otherwise, Sight is very clean and professional looking. Very happy.


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