Freshly Pressed: Editors’ Picks for September 2012

Another month, another assortment of posts—from simple yet poignant musings on existence and our connections to others to thoughtful and opinionated commentaries on the Internet, life choices, and the anniversary of September 11.

When You Travel Alone in Iceland…

One week will feel like months. You alone will bear witness to each meeting, vision, and song. No one will remember it for you. Because of this, each small moment will expand to hold multitudes.

Iceland. Wow. These ethereal images showcase the country’s natural beauty, but also document everyday life. We like this varied collection, which juxtaposes stunning landscapes with shots of people and animals. The words in this post also create a magical mood—readers sense the writer’s wanderlust and free spirit.

Lessons Learned From a 9/11 Survivor

The more I think about that tree, the more impressed I am. It fought to live so that we – regardless of our gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, ability, and political views – could enjoy its shade, appreciate its blooms, and find comfort in its hug and wisdom in its story. It’s unconditional – just being, like that mother and son embracing each other in a school hallway eleven years ago.

In this post, Kevin recounts a memory from Sept. 11, 2011—an intimate scene at a middle school between a mother and son—and then goes on to describe the grounds of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. We appreciate the delicate way he weaves his personal story with thoughts on the Survivor Tree that stands at this site. It’s a tough topic to tackle, and he does it respectfully.

Defriended Over a Wedding, a Straight Man Gains Perspective

My younger brother is gay. Gay as laughter. Gay as the day is long. One of the finest moments in my life, and one of the greatest compliments anyone has ever paid me, was the day he felt safe to come out to me.

A brother shares his thoughts about being defriended on Facebook over photographs he posts of his gay brother’s wedding. The language is simple and direct, which is arguably the post’s greatest strength. Heartfelt and honest, the piece has generated nearly 1,200 comments.

Facebook Recognizes Your Face, But What About Your Privacy?

In my opinion, facial recognition can be downright creepy. The other day while uploading an album from a recent museum visit, I was asked to identify the “people” in a photo, which were actually deteriorated statues from the 12th century. Another time, Facebook suggested a tag of my brother on a picture of me. Ew.

Erika, a lawyer, introduces and frames her discussion on privacy with news of Facebook turning off its facial recognition feature in Europe. She presents a thorough, informative take and links to reliable sources. Furthermore, her friendly and accessible language and anecdotes of conversations with her husband make this piece engaging.

On Child-Free Weddings

Rather, what bothers me about “perfect” weddings is that so much emotional capital is staked on something so ephemeral, that friendships and familial ties are put in jeopardy for the sake of putting on a show.

Opinionated. Sharp. Entertaining. We are drawn to this original take on banning children from weddings and creating the “perfect” event, which has generated a healthy discussion. The author’s voice is particularly strong, and she also touches on larger topics of lifestyle choice, consumerism, financial responsibility, and the “American obsession with home ownership for its own sake.”

Directions for Distractions

If you cut his arm open and did the same to me, we’d both bleed the same red.

Noor’s musings on life, people, and the world are poetic and beautiful, and we love the miniature narrative she creates between two people who are seemingly different. Readers have responded to the warmth and uplifting mood of her post.

Equations of Everyday Life #2: Inane Celebrity Memes

For any chance at virality, the final Index number MUST be negative. This works perfectly fine for most of the personalities discussed above. If we are talking about Stephen Hawking, however, there is a better chance of finding virality in the singularity at the center of a black hole.

We read a number of pieces on memes this month, and Mark’s post was especially entertaining. This second installment in his Equations of Everyday Life feature mixes math, humor, and celebrity culture. Using Lindsay Lohan as an example, he presents a hilarious formula for measuring “inane celebrity meme virality.” Just read it—it’s fun.

One Is Never Enough

Unlike most addictions, the love of good books does not make one less, but rather more, of who you already are – provided, of course, that you try your best to be polite.

Bibliophiles are passionate, and William is no exception. Solid and articulate, this post celebrates books of all kinds, secondhand bookshops, and the relationships between book browsers and collectors, shop owners and workers, and the delightful books on shelves, waiting to be found.

There’s Something About Mr. Weebles

If I were in his shoes, I would have been spitting fire. Having cancer? Again? At the age of 40? Because of the treatment for the first cancer? I would have been mad at the entire world. I would have been a raging, self-pitying, sobbing basketcase and I would have been mean as hell.

“Madame Weebles” pens a lovely and intimate tribute to her husband, Mr. Weebles, who—having cancer twice—finished radiation and chemotherapy one year ago. It’s one of those inspirational, moving posts that can only make you smile.

The Blue Album: A Nostalgic Trip

She’s almost encapsulated by the music, beautiful memories of her trapped in the thick, forever-and-ever amber of crystal-clear guitars and sunny-day harmonies.

Every Friday on Freshly Pressed, we promote notable posts written in response to our Weekly Writing Challenges over on The Daily Post. Jackson’s response to “A Few of My Favorite Things” is quite the fuzzy, nostalgic journey: he muses on coming of age, music, and a past relationship. His words float like his daydreams—as you read his post, you feel like you’re swirling inside his head.

What do you think about September’s selections? Were there other Freshly Pressed posts this month that resonated with you?

Want more? Read the latest Freshly Pressed picks; check out our writing challengesphoto challenges, and other blogging tips and inspiration at The Daily Post; visit our Recommended Blogs; and browse the most popular topics in the reader.

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  1. Cathy

    These are great reads! Thanks! 🙂


  2. Mikalee Byerman

    Great picks for the recap! The 9/11 post was so poignant, it brought me to tears. And I also loved the “Evol” blog (love spelled backwards) and even connected with them on Facebook — good stuff!

    Thanks for pointing us in some meaningful directions here. 🙂


  3. Paul Handover

    Mikalee’s comment prompted me to go across and read the 9/11 post – so grateful that I did.


  4. California Kid

    Enjoyed the posts; thanks for sharing!


  5. salvationhouse

    Enjoyed these, thanks.


  6. ibnuriyadhie

    Reblogged this on Ibnu Riyadhie Prayanda.


  7. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Wow. Extraordinary. And very memorable.

    I was taken with all the posts, but mention of the Weebles tickled my soul. Playful times rushed my senses to the brink of misty eyes. I still have my kids’ long-ago toys in the garage, and the original Weebles are… um… my little treasures. I’ll most definitely make time to read Mrs. Weebles’s blog.


  8. Neeraj Bhushan

    it’s good to get a recap in this form, further to what we already see while logging into WordPress. It would though be a great idea to feature posts according to locations – viz. Best Picks From Asia, Best Picks From America… etc etc.


  9. Zhamour

    I loved September posts; tear jerking reminders of how fragile our precious lives are. How appreciating life makes its summer bloom all the more wanted and worth preserving! Love it,#cantwaittogetPressingReading
    Remember the magic within!


  10. marksackler

    Thanks for the recognition, Cheri! 🙂


  11. ezapulsa

    Reblogged this on ezapulsa's Blog.


  12. ambigram0

    Interesting collection. I’m about to be Freshly Pressed for the first time (in the next “day or two”) so hopefully I’ll be featured in a post like this in a month’s time. Excited!


  13. johnstonmr

    This feature is one of the reasons I’ve come to love WordPress.


  14. teeceecounsel

    Exciting! The previews already look enticing. I’ll sure check them out at my pace. Good job Cheri, I’m always impressed by your thorough organization. Keep up the good work.


  15. Anna

    Wonderful choices! Many thanks for bringing them to our attention again 🙂


  16. Jackson Williams

    Thank you to all who dug my posts. It means a lot. 😀

    — Jackson Williams


  17. Guita Naeima

    All of them were inspirational. Great thanks!

    Is there any way to find editors’ picks by category?


  18. Jackson Williams

    *post. This is what I get for typing while feeling honored. 🙂


  19. danajoward

    Great picks! I have been reading a lot of new blogs. Even blogs, that I thought I would not enjoy. I ended up enjoying them Thank you for bringing them to our attention! Great Work! 😉


  20. lorifrantzkoenig

    Wonderful and full of inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing


  21. Renée A. Schuls-Jacobson

    I love that you do these recaps. Fantastic!


  22. Enchanted Seashells

    I am always intrigued by the Freshly Pressed choices and the intriguing titles! I’m new to blogging (since June) and WordPress is easy to navigate, even for someone like me who is not super tech savvy. Thanks!


  23. Enchanted Seashells

    Enchanted Seashells again…sorry for the overuse of the word “intriguing”. I should have proofed that comment before I committed to it. A pretty egregious error for a proofreader!


  24. victor713

    Reblogged this on victor713.


  25. lmwilc09

    It was interesting to see all the top posts. They were really inspirational. Mikalee- The /9/11 post also brought tears to my eyes. I really liked the Iceland post because I have been there before It brought back great memories of being there!


  26. Robyn Lee

    Great to share in these wonderful posts ~ congrats to all the bloggers featured ! ~R


  27. Dr. Katerina Rozakis Trani

    I am new to wordpress and enjoying the September picks. The selections resonate humanity. The stricking resemblances evidencing thirst for acceptance, empathy and love. The creative and colorful posts are an awakening of being. Bravo to the bloggers and the editors! I’m glad to be on board.


  28. vijayprakoso

    Reblogged this on vijayprakoso.


  29. cynancy90

    Reblogged this on Cy Nenty Rismar Poeji.


  30. lollygopop

    Reblogged this on hihifantage and commented:


  31. Joel Emmanuel

    Good post. Makes me want to write more 🙂


  32. mustaphabarki

    Reblogged this on mustaphabarki and commented:


  33. lkafle

    Reblogged this on lava kafle kathmandu nepal.


  34. Rahul Ranjan

    Nice collection for this freshly pressed section. I wish one day my blog will also come in freshly pressed section.
    Till then cheers !


  35. Madhu

    Great list! bookmarking these sites to return at leisure 🙂


  36. The Tea Library

    i loved most of them especially the one on bibliophiles- being one myself it highly resonated, thank you!!


  37. christrocks

    These are some awesome posts, thanks!


  38. The Waiting

    So glad to see Madame Weebles FP’d. She’s an integral part of our own little enclave of the blogging community so it was wonderful for her to be exposed to many others.


  39. cozycreaze

    Reblogged this on crazycreazeling and commented:
    No one could completely describe that feeling unless you’ve been able to go through Iceland.


  40. Jackson Williams

    Reblogged this on Bored American Tribune..


  41. nailteacher

    I am new to blogging, but I like what I see here. Weebles is interesting and One Is Never Enough…Yeah I really like that one!


  42. kasperlucie

    Reblogged this on kasperlucie and commented:
    Lovely view Looks nice and peaceful


  43. faztilmi

    Reblogged this on PEMBUKA ILMU.


  44. jiwamuda89

    Reblogged this on Jiwamuda Concept Photography.


  45. abidwarraich

    Reblogged this on abidwarraich and commented:
    thats very good task. well done


  46. kammabdullah

    Reblogged this on kammabdullah and commented:
    when will I be like them?writing things for good


  47. olagunjuisraelseun

    Reblogged this on adebisi0052004.


  48. villagerambler

    An excellent selection. Have already started following a couple of these blogs. Thanks for cherry-picking the best of the best. (No pun intended, Cheri. OK, maybe a little…)


  49. amngilbert

    Very interesting. Thanks.


  50. antsjuices

    Not a great month, but October so far has been rich.


  51. lwpatricks

    Great posts. Cant’ wait to see what’s in store for next month. I’m glad I converted over from blogger to wordpress….though I wish I could do something about adding google analytics on this thing….


  52. RunStylish

    Very cool blogs this month!


  53. Roberta Briffa

    Switched recently to WordPress and always look forward to the picks of the month. Great blogs this month.


  54. wearashirt

    Great selections! Hope to get myself here someday as well!


  55. columbusohioplumbers

    I’m liking the themes by WP!


  56. onewiththeone

    Lovely post — the photos are breathtaking…I look forward to coming back for a better read…


  57. smitamishrablog

    Enjoyed the multiple flavors…interesting read…


  58. passioncode

    Fascinating content here! Good job and thank you!


  59. emdoyle

    I would like to nominate a site for editors’ picks for september 2012. How do I do that?

    Eileen Doyle



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