Custom Colors Previews All Around

After adding colors to our Custom Design repertoire a few months ago, we decided they’re cool enough that everyone should have a chance to preview new colors before purchasing an upgrade.

Adding color to your blog makes it stand out and gives your message impact—so wrap up your work in that perfect color choice! To try before you buy, go to your blog’s Appearance → Themes page and click “Customize” or open a live preview for a free theme and then click on the “Try Now” button.

Custom Colors is designed to make it as simple as possible to update your blog’s color scheme with just a few clicks. Built with simplicity in mind, some of the features include popular color schemes that can be applied with one click, suggested colors based on the other colors in your palette, a color picker for when you have a precise color in mind, and contrast rules for accessibility and to help keep text readable.

If you’ve been using this feature already, you’ll notice that we’ve brought background patterns forward so they’re easier to apply and we’ve also added Custom Colors support for almost all of the themes in our Theme Showcase.

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  1. Jennifer

    How timely! I was spending a good part of today testing out Custom Colors on different themes (can we say “upgrade”) and I see there’s a new feature filter to go along with it. But what’s the difference between “Custom Colors” and “Custom Design Colors”? Thanks so much.


    • Sheri

      The upgrade is named Custom Design, Custom Colors is one part of the upgrade. The others components are Custom Fonts and the CSS Editor.


      • Jennifer

        Thanks Sheri, that part is clear. Take a peek at the feature filters in the Theme Showcase. There are now two. One says “Custom Colors”, which I believe was the first, and the new one says “Custom Design Colors”. 🙂


        • Sheri

          Ohhh, *that*. 🙂 The “custom colors” feature filter is for color-related theme options, and “custom design colors” is for colors in Custom Design. The 2nd filter is a temporary one, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.


  2. jacksonhali

    Reblogged this on Clockwork Orange.


  3. wordcoaster

    So tempted…yet so broke…yet so tempted!


  4. ye-mek

    We are using custom background and custom colors. Our theme is Sunspot, but it looks very different from it 🙂


  5. columbusohioplumbers

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. premdev

    Will the custom colors/design apply only to the current theme? Will it be carried on if I change theme in the future?


    • Sheri

      Custom Colors are saved per theme. If you change themes, you need to pick new colors. If you change back to a theme you previously modified, the past colors you saved will still be there.


  7. christrocks

    I would love to customize my theme, if I could afford it, haha 🙂


  8. Ryan

    Very cool. Trying it now!


  9. Jean

    Methinks the fees make more sense for a non-profit organization’s blog. One would have to be pretty obsessed about blogging (which some people are) to pour in that amount of money …over several years, that adds up. There are some lovely designs/colour combinations for those who lack artistic flair or don’t know how to combine pleasing colour palettes.


    • Sheri

      A lot of people use the service for websites in addition to blogs. Also consider the cost of hosting—which you would pay monthly at another provider.


  10. ultraistgut

    Thank you so much – I love it – I am waiting for changing colours for my current theme !! Good work !!!


  11. John Hayden

    Very cool. Background patterns are an intriguing customization option. Haven’t taken advantage of it yet, but it’s on my to-do list.


  12. Nahed Omer

    Thank u for sharing that information with us.
    I like the idea of changing color according to theme.


  13. anshughild

    Reblogged this on anshughild.


  14. vanegirl4ever

    Muy bueno


  15. Sunshine

    I LOVE the new colors…thanks!!


  16. nquinones29

    I think this is cool how the colors look, I actually didn’t know about this. 🙂


  17. dinosaurcrisiscentre

    Excellent, dinosaurs all around the world appreciate this!


  18. ulharr9113

    The new color tool is awesome.


  19. kimrd25

    Yes, I am loving this.


  20. scenegirlheart

    Reblogged this on Heart of Diamonds and commented:
    awesome info


  21. driverbenji

    Prices?? how much will all of this cost??


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