New Themes: Opti and Hatch

You’ve been asking for more magazine-inspired themes, and we’ve been listening – today we have two new themes to add to the ever-growing collection!

Our first theme today, Opti, is a premium magazine-style theme from Pro Theme Design. Clean and structured, this theme aims to cover the area between magazine and blog – giving you the opti-mal tools to feature the content you want your users to see most.

Check out some more of Opti’s great features in the Theme Showcase, or activate it immediately by going to Appearance -> Themes.


Next up is Hatch, a responsive portfolio theme for visual artists, illustrators, and photographers. Bold featured images make your art stand out. A prominent welcome message alongside the custom header allows you to introduce yourself and your work, and you can even add your logo to the header.

You’ll “hatch” some of your best ideas with this sleek portfolio theme. Read more about how to set up Hatch on the Theme Showcase, or activate it on your blog by going to Appearance -> Themes.

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  1. Waqas Ali

    Bravo theme team! Hatch is a kinda of theme I would love to try, and I’m glad it is kept free. Opti is way too formal for my taste. Thank you for the addition guys.


  2. christrocks

    I can’t really use the magazine theme, but Hatch looks great! 🙂


  3. rsparthiban

    Cool, thanks. 😀


  4. SylviaHubbard1

    Thank you for listening. I might try that mag theme. Gonna check out the details.


  5. Inge

    Nice themes!


  6. jujubandung

    Magazine themes are my favorite, I’m gonna love Opti theme. 🙂 Thank you, Theme Team.


  7. GraCess_Mommy

    I love the Opti! But, I’m sticking to my current theme. Just recently changed 🙂 I also adore the Hatch – it fits nice for photograph blogs. Both are lovely!


  8. clearheadspace

    That first theme is brilliant really lovely design


  9. John Hayden

    Hot dog! Opti looks perfect for a blog that has accumulated a ton of content on a variety of subjects. I have a blog that fits that description. Big question: Does Opti support WordAds yet??

    Liked by 1 person

  10. John Hayden

    Hatch is a very sophisticated free theme!


  11. Aldo Silva

    Very nice, I like it.


  12. Rachmat Wahidi

    Nice ones!


  13. ahmetoralz

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  15. lupe1216

    Reblogged this on jglucero12.


  16. Rite$h

    Nice ones, but may be some more free magazine themes could do the trick for the end of the year and the coming year 🙂





  18. lmwilc09

    It is cool to see every week there are new features that are coming out for WordPress. By always having new themes and new things you are able to do will keep the audience interested and engaged on their blogs. These are nice, new pro custom designs but it would also be nice to have some basic, standard themes for college students who do not have a lot of disposable income to spend extra money on a blog. This would be something new to think about. It is cool to see how clear and nicely laid out the new layouts are. Rite$h- I agree that more free themes could be beneficial.


  19. theprofitableentrepreneur

    Love the theme. I might have to consider changing my current one now.


  20. Pronájem komerčních prostor - Areál Tolstého 451, Teplice - Řetenice

    Opti is absolutely wonderful.


  21. Bosstiger

    Really good themes. 😀


  22. Heidi Hastings

    Very nice. 🙂


  23. Emmanuella

    Hatch is beautiful for one of my blogs — I just don’t want to change themes every month!


  24. Abhinaba Basu

    Really nice themes. 🙂


  25. ekanaliz

    Reblogged this on ekanaliz.


  26. BiggerThanRufus

    Cool themes. I like the more minimal looks myself, but I can see their appeal.


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