365 Days, 52 Weeks: A Look at Blogging in 2012

At the end of November, we gave shout-outs to bloggers and artists who participated in month-long projects like NaBloPoMo and NaNoDrawMo. As 2012 comes to a close, we also want to highlight writers and photographers who challenged themselves all year — who posted each day or each week, or have established an ongoing project on their sites.

These bloggers caught our attention:

Jump For Joy!

Jump For Joy!

JUMP FOR JOY! Photo Project

An inspiring international project focused on play, fun, and the positive in our lives, JUMP FOR JOY! presents Eyoälha Baker’s vision of a world united by our expression of joy. Eyoälha has taken nearly all the images on her blog — with the exception of the photos of her. Her jumping subjects are captured in locations around the world: at the beach in Kauaiat a park in Vancouver, or even between city skyscrapers . . . while holding a ninja sword! We love how she showcases the beauty of the human spirit — in mid-air.

A Year of Reading the World

In 2012, writer and editor Ann Morgan planned to read her way around as many of the globe’s 196 independent countries as she could, sampling one book from every nation. The result? Her thoughtful, sophisticated blog, A Year of Reading the WorldIn each post, she focuses on a particular book and digs into the country’s history and culture. Recent places included EthiopiaGuinea-Bissau, and the Maldives.

Hope Street

Hope Street

Hope Street

Kurt Blumenau’s grandfather kept month-to-month calendars — 15 years’ worth! — on which he recorded significant events that affected him, such as the flight of Apollo 17.

These calendars remain in Kurt’s family, and each Monday on his blog, Hope Street, Kurt picks an interesting calendar entry and writes something about it. “It might be a reflection on my grandfather’s life,” writes Kurt, “or my family’s history and tradition . . . or American life of the 1960s and 1970s . . . or my own life today.”

The blog celebrates his grandfather and family and is a unique, thoughtful project of personal and American history.

Sketches From Memory

We admire the sketch-a-day regimen of comic artist Chuck Cottrell. Chuck posts simple sketches to mini comic strips, mostly in black and white (with some random yet effective bursts of color). We recommend you dive in, as he lets readers in to his personal world — including sharing stories of married life — in a fun, candid way.

Ian Spagnolo Photography

Outdoor landscapes. Dramatic long exposure shots of the sea. Light painting sessions. Follow photographer Ian Spagnolo‘s “365 Project” to sample his work, especially if you enjoy seeing a photographer play around with exposure, light, and other elements. Ian is from Coffs Harbour, a coastal city in New South Wales, Australia, which means he certainly won’t run out of stunning subject matter to shoot.

52 Brand New

52 Brand New

52 Brand New

For 2012, the personable blogger behind 52 Brand New promised to try 52 new experiences with her children, from tasting new cuisines to attending a family yoga class to collecting rocks. In each “new experience,” she includes playful Polaroid-style images and links to other experiences her family has undertaken, as well as external resources offering ideas for family activities. 52 Brand New is a fresh, creative take on a parenting blog.

Instamatic Gratification

A daily photoblog, Instamatic Gratification succeeds because of its simple and focused approach: one image per day. (We also love the daily quotes that accompany each photograph.) In January 2010, Caryn launched the blog and successfully posted 365 images in that first year. In 2011, she wasn’t quite as diligent, so this year, she decided to challenge herself once again. She writes: “I’ve come to realize that, for me anyway, quantity (or rather the consistency of daily practice) is the surest and most direct route to quality.” We totally agree!

Dar’s 52 Mondays Blog

Dar’s “52 Mondays” project compiles photographs as well as her thoughts on nature, art, education, creativity, and more — a space in which she can share her ideas in one place. We appreciate her weekly dedication to “make Mondays more marvelous,” and think her approach is inspiring.

Since the New Year is just around the corner, we encourage you to start your own 365-day or 52-week project in January. If you have big, exciting plans for your site in 2013, let us know in the comments.

Happy New Year!

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  1. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Wow! Kurt’s idea of recycling his grandfather’s calendars is tres cool! And here I’ve come closerthanthis to tossing mine because they date back to 1974! Hmm.

    Thanks for sharing these delightful blogs! They’re pretty amazing.


  2. paulawsin

    Great idea to instill blogging discipline on my part. I will come up with 52 interviews of inspiring women I personally know for the womenchampiononline.wordpress.com. What a better way to start than in January 2013.


  3. Mark Petruska

    We are going to be celebrating American food holidays for an entire year by sampling the food associated with each particular day, and blogging about our experience on a daily basis, at http://eatmywords365.com/. From doughnuts and welsh rarebit to yorkshire pudding and chocolate covered insects, we’ll be noshing, nibbling, and feasting every day of the year. The fun kicks off Jan. 1st with National Bloody Mary Day, and ends on Dec. 31st with National Champagne Day!


  4. dragonfurflying

    Photoshop Elements forum has a 365 in 2013 plus a 52 in 2013 challenge starting January 1st! I am signed up for the 365. I have tried each of the last few years, but have not managed to complete one. Being a glutton for punishment, I am trying the 365 challenge yet again. Each photograph will be a different theme (list of themes for both 365 and 52 is on the blog). Since I have 3 WP blogs (!), it will be the “Dragonfur’s Blog”. All three are linked together, so you can navigate from one to the next.

    Wish me luck! (I’m going to need it to finish the whole year!)


  5. theresa384

    This is good stuff! Great motivators and I am so excited now about getting a fresh blogging start in 2013…thanks so much!


  6. Ed Knepley

    I’d like to add an amazing photo blog to your list of bloggers who have posted at least once a day for all of 2012 –

    Oops – that would be me. 😉


  7. sallycorfu

    Made me think differently about my own home made calendars and scrapbooks on the passing years, fabulous. Thanks guys, encouraging and sharing imagination, we can inspire each other.


  8. Barbara

    I’m on year two of posting daily… a true challenge, but a rewarding one for sure! Look forward to 2013!


  9. horrorfeminista

    I think I’ll try to review a horror movie a week in 2013. The 13 should be extra lucky…


  10. Angelia Sims

    These are fantastic. Love all the talent you find on WordPress. I am going to participate in the 52 project this year. I’m excited!


  11. lastcre8iveiconoclast

    In 2012 my KPKworld blog posted one poem a day, written every day of 1980. For 2013, I plan to repeat this ambitious project, and write a poem a day for publication in 2014. I will be retiring the interactive question-of-the-week (THE WEEKLY QUERY) and PITHY PIFFLE 2013 will replace “1980”, featuring a daily inspirational quote. I came up with an ambitious new schedule for 2013 that forces me to post more photos (SHUTTERBUG’S DELIGHT), to air more guest bloggers (GUESTBOOK), to write more opinion pieces (WHAT, ME BLOVIATE?) and to pen fresh stories from my life (TALES FROM A WINDBAG) and new cinema reviews (QUIET IN THE BACK!). 2012 was a year of major growth in KPKworld, nearly doubling my subscriber base. Hope to see this trend accelerate in 2013! WordPress has been a great thing in my life, and I so appreciate everyone who came along for the ride!


  12. Photobooth Journal

    Inspirational blogs! I have been taking photos in photobooths for many years and initially started my blog to document each set of photos in chronological order. I also intended to add the occasional vintage booth photo to the mix but have since become much more focussed on those. I had forgotten the other series but now feel inspired to get back to it on a regular basis. In 2013, once a week (or more if possible) I will add new photos to the series and see how close to the present day I can get in one year. I am currently up to 1997.


  13. Bill Blake

    I’ m so inspired with Dar’s 52 Mondays that Ive deceided that a Blog about Fabulously 52 Fridays is a worthy goal. A great way to round out the week. TGIF.


  14. Ryan

    Really dig all of these. What a great year!


  15. Roberta

    I remember when I had calendars with pockets; found an unpaid bill overdue by a year. The person I owed had forgotten it, too – whew! Am completely jazzed by the challenge of 52. Already had my concept/word for the year “Engage.” For me, in the 52 context, this means engaging with people once a week. I’m an introvert and can easily spend most or all of my time with my dogs, reading, or online; it will be a real challenge. Now, do I change my current blog title or do I start a new one? Hmmm….these were all fabulous.


  16. SnowfoxBandit

    Those are all really inspiring! I particularly like the idea behind “52 New.” I think as a student (who happens to write weekly posts for the campus, too!), a weekly post might not be a goal I’m ready for — I happen to have about 20 that I’m already aiming for in 2013 — but I will certainly commit to monthly check-ins on how my goals are going, amid the other random life posts. Thanks for the inspiration!


  17. Lyssapants

    I have been taking a picture of myself everyday in 2012, and I’ll be compiling a video to post to my blog as soon as 2012 is over! Should be pretty awesome!


  18. Julie Golden

    Such an inspiring sample of blogs! I’ve been mentally-searching for what direction Vagilantes.com might take in 2013. The structure of 52 things creates a challenging, yet feasible goal. I accept! And so, 52 Ways to Stop Pedophiles will be shared with the world. I’m excited about the discoveries and progress we can make together.


  19. Lila

    Those blogs in the list are so inspirational. Quantity is surely the surest way to quality, at least in my experience.

    As for my goals for this year:

    Firstly, I’m planning to document the writing process for a best-seller to share what I learn and what I experience in the process of getting my book written, edited, sold, and selling strong on the “best-seller” list. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I will, and I’m doing it this way to pressure myself to do it for real.

    Secondly, it’s to post daily on my blog, even if it’s just one line, leaning towards the inspirational and passionate most days. Inspired by the “6-word story,” I started the one liner posts recently and they became something bigger than I imagined: not only was I able to share something expressive from myself in one line, but I found that others connected to them as well. I started doing more under the category of “One Liners,” and I plan to keep them going well beyond next year.

    Posting daily has already begun for me since (approximately) last week. Maybe I missed one day but I like to think I made up for it through posting twice on a previous day (that’s how I excuse myself).

    Thanks for the thoughtful list and inspiration =)

    Happy new year to everyone at WordPress,

    Lila’s Twist


  20. Ludwig

    My efforts in 2012 were a lot of fun even though I did not manage to fulfill my “POW” project perfectly. But I did post most every week to my “Photo OF Week” at Gallery Ludwig (galleryludwig.wordpress.com) and “Picture Of Week” at Silver Canvas (silvercanvas.wordpress.com). For 2013 I am calling my project “Gallery EXP” and will show my efforts on those blogs and Cafe Ludwig (cafeludwig.wordpress.com). Hope to see many others join in, the WordPress community is getting to feel like a real group of friends all enjoying photography.


  21. Jack Flacco

    Great compilation of blogs. I especially loved Ian Spagnolo Photography. I love photography and enjoyed his site based on your recommendation. It’s great seeing other bloggers support one another, even with differing blog genres. There’s a brotherhood when aiding others in their quest for blog recognition, and enjoy recognizing those who put in a lot of work into their blog.

    Once again, thank you for your recommendation as I know I wouldn’t have found Ian’s blog any other way!


  22. Allison Wright

    I have loved “366 Unusual Things” this year from SOUNDS LIKE WISH: http://soundslikewish.wordpress.com/


  23. Miss Amy

    I’ve always been drawn to those that challenge themselves to do something every day or week. In thinking about New Year’s resolutions I’ve decided to take on 52 small changes for my body, mind, and spirit. I’m hoping that by the end of next year all of my small changes will make a big impact.


  24. doriannsworld

    I like the idea of having a goal. This was the first year for my blog. When I started out I wasn’t sure exactly what I would find to write about but putting my leadership thoughts down in writing has helped me focus on becoming a better leader. As I ponder on what has happened over this past year of posts, I am determined to set a goal. While usually post 2-3 times per month, I am going to make one of these monthly posts be focused on one of my “life experiences” that not everyone might be aware of and what I learned from that experience. Having lived a long and somewhat interesting life with a few twists and turns I see many months of posts in my future. Thanks for sharing these interesting blogs.


  25. renataveritasopinion

    This is wonderful. I kept notes/calendars of important events since 1974.


  26. Dance Tog

    Hi there, reading the blogs you’ve been sharing is helping me improve my own a lot. For 2013 I am planning 2 parallel blogs. In my main blog, I plan to post a minimum of 5 good quality dance images a week – that’s photographs that I have taken – along with some of my thoughts about dance, photography and life, and in my brand new blog I plan to post a definition of something related to dance every single day, for the whole year.

    I’ve no idea if I’m going to be able to achieve these ambitious targets, but if you throw a ball as far as you can it’s going to go further than if you threw it to someone.. at least that’s what I think


  27. stagecoachdriver

    “365 Days, 52 Weeks: A Look at Blogging in 2012”

    Actually, 2012 had 366 days.


  28. paleovoyage

    These are some great blogs, thank you for sharing! I am committing to a 52-week project – I will blog once a week for 52 weeks. Like Caryn from Instamatic Gratification, above, the consistency is what I need to commit to. Thanks for providing this challenge for me!


  29. writingfrommerida

    Although writing a post EVERY day is not a novel concept… it’s new idea for ME to contemplate… I am Canadian-born but have lived in Mexico for 37 years… Believe me, it’s been quite a ride! I’ll turn 60 in May and have been trying to think of a way to mark the milestone. Your reminder about writing a daily post has resolved my dilemma. So starting on January 1, 2013 I will write 365 consecutive posts that celebrate different aspects of living in this country. I’ll tell personal anecdotes, talk about customs, report on my multicultural friends’ interests, give recipes, publish pictures and, and, and…


  30. womanwifemotherchild

    I feel motivated already! I’m turning 52 in 2013, so maybe writing about the numbers 1 through 52 (as they relate to my blog) would be a fun weekly challenge for me!


  31. Robin Green, L.Ac.

    I love the idea for 52 Brand New! What a great concept to connect with your kids and experience new things! This year I’m going to blog A – Z on kids health, acupressure, parenting and more. I should get throughout the alphabet twice, but I’m going to have to get creative with letters like Q & Z!


  32. judsgamereviews

    Firstly, I like these Freshly Pressed emails you send me.

    But I am surprised that you didn’t single out I’m Not Dr Who! angryjedi.wordpress.com who so far has written 1075 #oneaday blogs, through jury-duty and house moving, sickness, and work commitments! He has done and is still doing a phenomenal job. His blogs vary greatly from the personal to creative writing projects during NaNoWriMo to gaming reviews to controversial topics.

    I hope this comment prompts you to look at what he has achieved – some unexpected recognition would give him a tremedous boost and feeling of validation and value. 😀


  33. desndear

    Kurt your grandfathers calendars is great. What a wonderful treasure to have. Makes me think I should do this for my grandkids to see and read one day.


  34. Tony

    For Christmas I was given the book “1001 Beers to Taste Before I Die” so over the next year I’ll be blogging about tracking down these beers and ticking them off my list, Cheers!


  35. this is lemonade

    Now I’m hooked on Chuck Cottrell’s mini comic strips. Great find, thanks for the tip! A bit of humour and a lot of talent go a long way to cheering up any day – you should check out Mister G Kids, also on WP, if you’d like a similarly talented and humorous comic. It’s something special – happy new year! 🙂


  36. nowwhatsmyname

    Such inspiring and amazing picks!
    It’s my first year in blogging and WordPress is my home. As the year ends, I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome and the greatest everyday reading experience! I am so at home and happy here. Nothing beats when you feel that way.


  37. roe2me

    I’m new and I like your blog. I love Ann Morgan’s decision to read around the world. That’s a great undertaking.


  38. jandreart

    For years I have been writing a diary of my travels, paintings and life as a one of the privileged working in the world of International Development. Doing this within the blogosphere is a new challenge.


  39. mybeautfulthings

    I love the 52 Mondays where all sorts of inspiring things are presented every Monday. It echoes my intent to see the beautiful in the everyday and to show three beautiful things each day. I’ve been posting every day for just over a year now and can see the development in my photography and in my blogging. It’s been a brilliant experience. I’ve met so many thoughtful and appreciative bloggers and intend to blog every day in 2013, still finding three beautiful things every day, be they ever so simple.
    Happy New Year to you all and Happy Blogging 🙂


  40. anjalipaul

    These blogs have really inspired me to do something fun and creative this year instead of just monotonous entries!! Thanks for sharing!!


  41. Kathryn Ingall

    Ok, WordPress. I give up. These are just too inspiring not to give it a try. Beginning New Year’s Day, look forward to daily photo posts from kathrynlearnskungfu.wordpress.com!


  42. Denver Art Matters

    After reading this (thank you btw) I realize I need to post more consistently. Quick question: do you recommend posting every Friday or Monday, or both?


  43. Emi Valdarquis

    Thanks for sharing, gonna follow them, too. I especially love that idea of the old calendars 😉 Cheers!


  44. alison41

    I tried to post once a week on my blog – didn’t quite make it, but 2013’s coming up – watch this space!


  45. mmadonna1

    As a fairly new blogger, I’m inspired to begin a 365 or every ___ day posting for 2013. Gathering my ideas as we speak!


  46. sjkennedy72

    I have been avidly bogging throughout 2012 and my intention is to distill the best spirits from blog for a book publication. Thanks WordPress.com for providing this resource to reflect and share my journey with others!



  47. sarahpotterwrites

    From January 1st-March 20th, I’m running Novel Writing Winter (NWW) 2013. Apart from it being a positive start to the New Year, this is my idea of a gentler alternative to NaNoWriMo for those who would like to write a novel but cannot stand the pace and pressure of producing 50,000 words in one month. http://sarahpotterwrites.wordpress.com/novel-writing-winter-nww-2013/


  48. balanceflow

    What a wonderful variety of projects! I am planning a weekly blog in 2013, each week summarizing my daily efforts to focus and find clarity on a topic of interest in my life. I know that doesn’t sound very interesting–still ruminating on the parameters of it all…


  49. Photobooth Journal

    Inspirational blogs! I have been taking photos in photobooths for many years and initially started my blog to document each set of photos in chronological order. I also intended to add the occasional vintage booth photo to the mix but have since become much more focussed on those. I had forgotten the other series but now feel inspired to get back to it on a regular basis. In 2013, once a week (or more if possible) I will add new photos to the series and see how close to the present day I can get in one year. I am currently up to 1997.


  50. teresarobeson

    I am so inspired by these folks and their clever and unique 52/365 blog themes that I might be tempted to try again this year. 🙂


  51. remodelingpurgatory

    I am in awe of daily bloggers. I’ve been posting weekly for six months and plan to keep it up in 2013. I find the process cathartic. What a treasure to have his grandfather’s journals in Hope Street.


  52. lunaticpsyche

    Even I am doing a #365Project on my blog. On the verge of completion now! You guys gotta check it out.


  53. xenasmummy

    I decided to start a blog this year because its going to be a big year for me, I am emigrating again! So wanted to blog my journey.


  54. ooozzie

    wow , Kurt’s blog is really something else.
    thank you for sharing this amazing blogs :))


  55. Nathaniel Ahrens

    I was planning on drawing 365 cartoons next year but I might have to add posting all 365 to my blog to my resolution (Guess I’ll have to keep my daydreams G or draw two a day :)).


  56. Celt Petrus

    I’m a Polish blogger, active here on WordPress for about six months now. I sometimes read these recomendations here.

    As I am a book-worm who would spent his last dime on a book, “A Year Of Reading The World” particularly appeals to me 🙂 Kurt’s callendars also sound very intereesting….



  57. Tarik Alsharafi

    I was interested to see if ayearofreadingtheworld.com would have my country, Yemen. And yes she had it on her list. What was interesting is that in the 1980s Yemen’s primary income was from tourism. Later, it became difficult for tourists to feel safe especially if they want to travel to rural areas and the desert because of some kidnappings. The funny thing is that the writer picked up a book that was written in 1984 which was named “The Hostage”. What a coincidence! Thanks Cheri for your collection of information.


  58. yadinigeria

    Very inspiring blog! Keep it up!


  59. e.v. de cleyre

    I love these 365 ideas! They’ve definitely inspired me to start something–a project called 35mm / 365, where I’ll snap one 35mm photograph each day and post another on my blog. Also, I’ll be making one handmade journal a week, using aviation maps as covers and hand-stitching the pages together. 2013 will be a busy year! – e.v. http://evdecleyre.com


  60. Golden Eyes

    Awesome photo in the Jump for Joy 🙂 Just goes to show how to put a different perspective on anything, including a simple photo, can jerk us out of the usual quick look 🙂


  61. JASapphire

    Thank you for this info. I have just completed a memoire to be published at the begining of the year and I am attempting to be a serious writer. I intend to practice with a weekly blog. This information has directed me on how to focus. Thank You!


  62. lazyhippiemama

    I’m going to blog about my journey of 52 weeks of trying to be a better Christian. I’m so excited about this journey!


  63. greenlightlady

    My plan for my blog is to keep my excitement about blogging big! I am really enjoying meeting people from all over the globe and making new friends. I would have started blogging sooner if I’d known how much fun it is.

    Blessings to everyone for 2013 ~ Wendy


  64. jellybeankitty

    I should have joined earlier! ;o)


  65. Genealogy Lady

    I will be posting a letter a day from my grandparents collection of World War II letters. My grandfather was a country doctor from Indiana and he joined the Navy in May 1942. He served in the Solomon Islands, returning to the states in 1944. Among other things, he missed the birth of my father. My grandmother meticulously wrote about the new baby and life at home. I am learning so much myself about the day to day events that affected my grandparents. My grandfather never really talked about his experiences but his letters reveal so much. In addition to the letters, I share my genealogical research on the extended members of the family who occasionally make cameo appearances in the letters. http://www.genealogylady.net


  66. workingtechmom

    All great blogs. My thumbtravels.wordpress.com blog is my personal challenge..and I love the comment from Instamatic Gratification. I agree going for quantity will lead to quality so I am taking the challenge in 2013!!


  67. amybanda01

    A year of reading the World + Hope Street are ingenious themes that inspire WordPress readers and bloggers with essential blog kits to kick off 2013 in aspirations, creativity, innovation and achievements. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year 2013 to you all. Let us keep it short, simple and Marvellous in 2013.


  68. amybanda01

    Reblogged this on amybanda01 and commented:
    Will you jump for JOY in 2013? Don’t waste much time.


  69. iamwealthytoday

    I was interested to see if ayearofreadingtheworld.com would have my country, Yemen. And yes she had it on her list. What was interesting is that in the 1980s Yemen’s primary income was from tourism. Later, it became difficult for tourists to feel safe especially if they want to travel to rural areas and the desert because of some kidnappings. The funny thing is that the writer picked up a book that was written in 1984 which was named “The Hostage”. What a coincidence! Thanks Cheri for your collection of information.


  70. AMDS

    I really want to thank you for compiling this list. I would never have come across some of these blogs without your highlights. The crew here at AMDS also enjoyed several of the blogs you listed. I hope you continue to do this review every year (or month….I’d be interested in the blogs you find monthly too)!

    -April w/AMDS


  71. theotherwomanblog

    I write theotherwomanblog. I wanted to explore the mystery of femininity, unearthing the more intuitive, instinctual aspects of a woman’s nature as opposed to the more accepted and known material woman. I am half way through my 52 week journey. This week I’m taking on the soul crushing impact of addictions- Week 26 of 52 Changing the New Year’s Resolution.
    The past 6 months have been extremely awakening and life altering…


  72. beautiful41

    I hope this is the right place to thank you for sending me the 2012 review of my blog. It is fantastic and I want to tell you that at WordPress you are beautiful genius people!! Happy New Year to all of you!!


  73. Jo Tito

    I did a 365 a day project in 2011 where I painted a stone a day, photographed it, wrote a story for the day and posted it to my blog (http://handpaintedrocks.com) and to Facebook. 2012 was my year off as it was such an intense project and a HUGE commitment! I started a photo a day in 2012 and ended up taking 119 photos and then just photographed now and then. For 2013 I have SO many ideas of what I want to do, a photo a day, a stone a day, an art work a day (or an art work in progress), a few words a day, art work AND words… I have a few more hours to decide! I even thought about 52 weeks, or an art work a month… All I know is I want to do something that has an important message, that will make a difference. By the end of today (here in NZ!) I will know 🙂


  74. 52BrandNew

    Thanks so much for mentioning 52 Brand New! This year’s project was so much fun that we are going to do it again in 2013. Hope you’ll join us in trying something new for yourself!


  75. lovingmyfaith

    I’m committing to a 52week weekly blog now at the same time as I commit to serious recovery from anorexia. I’ll be journalling my recovery and lessons learned along the way. 52 weeks and 52 kgs is a good goal. I haven’t weighed as much as 52kgs since 2007. Starting today.


  76. The Daily Golden

    Will there be a Post A Day 2013 challenge/widget coming soon?


  77. greatestterror

    I’m a new blogger and active writer that intends on “getting serious” with my writing this year. I’m hoping my blog will help inspire me to write more essays/short stories and hopefully…a manuscript. This was a wonderful review that showed that I don’t need to only be bogged down by words with my blog. I can incorporate so many other things to it — even as a writer! I am fully inspired and look forward to where the journey takes me. It’ll showcase my writing and what I also go through as a person, as I am legally disabled with many health problems, an avid animal lover that owns a service dog and I also suffer from bipolar disorder. Life is a roller coaster! Why not share that roller coaster with others…and in the wake of the mental health talk going on in the U.S. we need to be actively talking about these issues and showing that those of us that suffer are not “crazy.” We live our lives and we all with the right inspiration can get better and strive for all the successes we want/need in life. I’m still on my journey and have even only started my blog with one single quote, but join me. The journey is bound to be a wild/fun/inspiring and hopefully for some touching/helpful for some. Happy New Year!


  78. onlysi91

    Makes me want to do something cool and creative after seeing all of these blogs!


  79. Chery

    I am totally inspired! I am making the commitment to blog every morning for 365 days. For me it is an exercise in discipline, pure and simple.


  80. Alia Teixido Gray

    This is such an inspiring concept! I’ve definitely been tinkering around with some ideas of how to get myself on a more regular blog schedule, and want to start trying to blog weekly, at least! I think one step for me is a more focused approach to my topics.


  81. Dimphy De Vaan

    After just setting up my ‘blog’ on ‘a finished piece of art every day’ , i found this page, and thought what a wonderful world we live in. Did set it up to keep myself accountable to be arty at least once a day!


  82. J.A.M.

    Thank you for showcasing these blogs! They’re very inspiring. I’m challenging myself to write for 365 days with my new blog ‘How to be a Wild Thing’. (http://howtobeawildthing.wordpress.com/). It is inspired by the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. I hope to further the idea of the Wild Thing by writing steps every month and daily examples people taking these steps. Hopefully, I will be up for the challenge.


  83. sarahverhoeven93

    I will start a 51-weeks project instead of a 52-weeks project. My dad died a year and almost 4 months ago. This year he would become 51. That’s the reason for my 51-weeks project. Every week is a year of his life. At the end of the 51 weeks, it’s his ‘birthday’. Every week I will post something on my blog that reminds me of him. A memory, a picture, a song, a quote, a poem,… Anything. By doing this, I hope this helps my grieving process.


  84. kms1217

    I am in love with the idea of reading a book from nations across the globe! I want to focus my energies on becoming more acquainted with my global environment, and what better way to indulge than through fiction (since my finances leaves little left over for travel)! I have so many plans for 2013, thoughtful blogging is definitely on my resolution list.


  85. exsmokerexperiment

    Hi, nice post… it inspired me to write a comment.

    Personally I do not have such big plans for 2013, but maybe you may find interesting that I had a big plan for 2012, which I described and reported of it on my small blog http://exsmokerexperiment.wordpress.com
    The most important think on it: I had a plan and I DID IT. I succeeded. Thus I am really happy.

    I know it might be useless for many people, but I also think it can be inspiration reading for those, who already tried to quit smoking but did not succeed for any reason.

    A few days after the 2013 has came, wishing to all readers they will succeed in their small and bigger plans.


  86. bethanymclellan

    hurray! how lovely to see all of the wonderful people completing their yearlong projects. it inspires me to believe that i will be able to complete my own daily poetry challenge (http://bethanymclellan.com/2012/12/27/a-year-in-fragments/) for 2013. the “read the world” blog is particularly inspiring, especially here in the states where bookshelves are glutted with too much American-centric literature. bravo to these wonderful bloggers!


  87. womanwifemotherchild

    I commented a few days ago, but it still seems to be pending. I wrote “I feel motivated already! I’m turning 52 in 2013, so maybe writing about the numbers 1 through 52 (as they relate to my blog) would be a fun weekly challenge for me!” I’ve already started and I’m looking forward to improving my writing skills and discipline this year! Thanks for the inspiration!


  88. mzemerson

    The highlighted blogs are wonderful projects. I decided to try the 52 week project challenge. I am learning to play the banjo, and will chronicle my progress over the year. Most of my time goes to practicing the banjo now, so a one day a week post seemed a better goal. Thanks for the great ideas.


  89. e.v. de cleyre

    Here are my resolutions, complete with a 365 project AND a 52 week project. I’m getting super ambitious, I know. http://evdecleyre.com/2013/01/01/from-now-on-resolutions/
    – e.v.


  90. ClevelandCouponDivas

    I throw away my calendar every year, but not before looking through it to see all that my family has accomplished and endured over the year. I considered saving these calendars. After reading this post, I am going to save my yearly calendars from now on. Thanks for posting and inspiring!


  91. The House of Bethan

    Great showcase of blogs! Thought they were all brilliant – especially Jump For Joy and 52 Brand New. Launching Jan 28th, at TheHouseOfBethan.com will be my 33 Before 33 project; 33 comfort zone smashing challenges into Mama Nature (possibles so far are spear fishing, catching a wave – I don’t do cold water – climbing Snowden and hanging with some lions (er, really?).

    Inspired by 52 Brand New, I’ve also had my kids create their own 8 Before 8 (I’m going to make a creamy chicken and mushroom pie from scratch, Mum) and 13 Before 13 list (well, I’m going to throw a Japanese dinner party, ha!).

    It’s going to be a colourful and sensation 2013. Muchos gracias for the inspiration and a Happy New Year to an awesome bunch of people (your Support team are brilliant).


  92. cravensavor

    It’s nice to see WordPress showcase such inspirational blogs. I’m going to attempt to accomplish this goal of 365 days in 2013 and hope that I too can inspire others. What a great way to start off the new year.


  93. kai

    O wow this is INSPIRING!
    2013 will be an inspiring year for me. Though I am known by my friends to be the Adele of blogging (as in I can’t write “happy”). I will strive each day to love, live, and write happy 🙂


  94. samwarren55

    I made my “Sam I Am Blog” unique by not “trying the 52 idea.” I just did it. I love to write and publish photos. I covered a wide range of topics: Childhood in the Ozarks, Life in the Philippines, political editorials, move reviews, Memorial Day, Halloween, pro-Christmas articles, not so pro-Christmas articles,toys I had as a kid, a toy I lost as a kid, a toy I never got as a kid and the fact that I was a pretty big kid when I got my “first electric train set.” Of course, I like photos as well, so I published many of my photographs and some recent snapshots. My challenge to my fellow Word Press bloggers is to try and find a more diversified blog than mine and in the process I bet you come up with plenty of ideas to keep you blogging all year long. Happy Blogging in 2013 !


  95. bonniebronleewe

    I’ve been taking at least a picture (often, dozens) every day for several years – I’ve missed a few days, but not many. I have played around with blogs over the past few years, but haven’t been consistent with blogging. I started a WP blog January 1 & hope to have a new post every day. Jan. 4 I actually had 2 posts – after I’d written one about watching a movie with my grandsons, a young woman that I’ve known since she was in about 5th grade posted (on FB) a wonderful note thanking me, along with over a dozen other women in her life, for mentoring her over the years. I just had to write about how her comments affected me…


  96. optimisticgladness

    Yes…This makes me want to do something more. I am doing a January series called, “Beauty for Ashes. Stories of God’s Redeeming Love.” But I would like to turn that into a year-long thing….maybe 52 stories. Thanks for the great idea.


  97. RFC Blogger from Bridgend

    I’m probably not the first to try this – but I am embarking on my own “52” challenge and thats pounds to lose in 2013. I have returned to my blog after an absence of more than a year, to de-stress my life, and will be charting my successes (positive thinking) on this challenge and the others I have set myself over the coming months.
    The blogs you show case are inspiring and my blog is pale by comparison, so to help me with my challenges I will aim to visit 52 other blogs this year.


  98. klovesmusic

    Thanks for sharing these blogs. It’s confirmation that I need to commit to posting a new entry each week. One down, 51 more to go!


  99. krudyard

    I started a 365 blog of photos in April, having decided to try and not wanting to wait until January. http://threesixtyfivefoto.wordpress.com/


  100. Dr. CaSo

    I am on my first ever sabbatical leave and have decided to write every day during my sabbatical to record my thoughts and experiences and successes and challenges during this special time of my life. I hope it’ll help me keep track of time and stay focused on the projects I HAVE to do during this sabbatical, as well and the fun stuff I WANT to do 🙂


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