Host a WordCamp in Your Living Room with

Do you find yourself looking for more resources on making the most of your blog? Maybe you’ve always thought about going to a WordCamp, but don’t have one in your area (have you checked?) or are worried that the topics will be over your head. Maybe you’re more of a visual or auditory learner, and our online tutorials and support documents aren’t the kind of help you need. Or maybe you blog in Spanish and are looking for WordPress resources in your native language.

Enter, a collection of presentations filmed at WordCamps and meetups all over the world. At WordCamps, WordPress community experts share their knowledge on everything from basic publishing to advanced customization and CSS. On you can search the recorded presentations, watch the videos, and even download the presentation slides.

Since WordCamps happen everywhere there are a range of languages available, and since many of them have beginner, intermediate, and advanced tracks, there are topics to suit every user. We encourage you to head over to and browse the available videos or search for the topic that’s been giving your trouble. Here are a few of the questions can help answer:

Convinced yet? In addition to WordCamp workshops, there are dozens of tutorial videos on specific topics like choosing a theme or recovering your lost password — over 600 videos in total. There are also lots of helpful sessions on creating great content and building your readership, which we’re highlighting today on The Daily Post.

(Fair warning: you will see a lot of content geared toward developers and folks using the self-hosted version of WordPress, but be not deterred! There are tons of videos for users, too.)

If you have a video you think should be up there, whether a WordCamp session or a recording of a presentation at your local WordPress meetup, you can submit it to Take a look at the submission guidelines, submit your video, and give the moderators some time to review and upload it.

Go forth, watch, and learn!

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  1. Waywardspirit

    WordPress you are better than college.
    Who needs a paper in 4+ years when we can have a portfolio, community, voice and mentors and following in that time.
    All without going hundreds of thoudands into dept.
    You are good for us artists!


  2. FamilyBuis

    Pffff lots and lots to do 4 me… Starting out on wordpress and very Much impressed. Thnx 4 sharing this!!!


  3. sgros4

    Thank you for creating such a great post with all the info in one place. I am re-blogging this to share with blogging friends who might not be following you.


  4. Jennifer is a fabulous resource for users, but I still dream of making it to WordCampSF someday. 🙂


  5. Angel

    I will look into it for I think it might help me get more visitors to my blog and therefore improve my blog even further. Thank you WordPress!



    Wow…I am going to have to check this stuff out.


  7. Lukas

    Cool, gonna definitely try it out!


  8. Sara - Actichem

    Wow thanks guys, I am definitely going to investigate I have so much to learn and the couple of videos I’ve seen so far have been really helpful


  9. shanesbookblog

    Thanks for this post Being new to wordpress i certainly could learn more ways to make the most of my wordpress experience!


  10. kellyscott57

    does this cost anything????


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