Blogging on the go just got easier and more fun: Introducing WordPress for iOS 7

Apple just released the new version of their mobile operating system, iOS 7, with a new user interface that streamlines both form and function — it’s colorful and intuitive, but stripped-down and clean. Apple fans have been abuzz since they announced the update a few months ago, and we started working right away to refresh the WordPress mobile app.

Now, the app aligns with the best of WordPress and Apple and is simpler (and more fun!) to use. We’re proud to present the WordPress app for iOS 7!


The update brings the mobile app design in line with the current WordPress dashboard, and introduces a colorful navigation bar and new icons that feel oh-so-Apple… but in a distinctly WordPress way:


The app now uses the Open Sans typeface, the open-source font that works so well on We also updated all the colors, bringing a brighter, fresher feel to the app experience. (And while we were at it, we fixed a few pesky bugs.) We think you’ll find the new app experience cheerful, consistent, and intuitive.

We’re also at work on a few awesome additions for the next version, including a theme selector and a revamped visual editor to simplify posting on the go. iPad users can also look forward to an update soon — we’ll be further streamlining the interface for the bigger screen.

We’re constantly iterating on the app, and would love to hear what you think in the comments. How can we make mobile blogging even better? Let us know; we love feedback.

Now download the app from the app store, get out there and blog!

You can check out the WordPress apps for all the platforms in the Mobile apps page on You can read more about the update over on the WordPress for iOS Blog. If you are a mobile developer, all our apps are open source; check out the development blog to learn how you can get involved.

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  1. thenamelesslab

    FYI – there’s a dead end work flow when selecting a Category for en iOS 6 devices.


  2. lfoppiano

    I personally like the application, but I think needs to be improved.

    I don’t use it for read content but to write, and normally I do it while I’m traveling. I’ve in fact noticed the difficulty to use it without internet connection. For example when I’m offline, instead of trying of uploading a photo and failing, would be better to have the post and the pictures stored locally and uploaded once you are connected.

    My two cents, I hope can be of any help.


    • Hugo Baeta

      Hey there, thank you for your feedback! The offline usage of the app is definitely something we’re looking into and needs a lot of improvement. We’re constantly iterating and improving the app.


  3. Smash

    Sweeet! Bring on the apps WordPress, I love it 🙂


  4. Gaurav Tiwari

    That was very quick! Kindly develop a full-featured desktop app for Windows for offline/online publishing. Other desktop editing tools now feel dumb if compared to Dashboard and are not updated any-more. Thank you!


  5. corinneewan

    In the Reader portion of the app, all posts are showing as duplicate in iOS 7. I tried force quitting and it is still doing it. Otherwise, the app is great!


  6. bdreamsdesign

    I am not able to complete a customized image size. The keypad does not go down and you cannot scroll the screen to press “okay” or “go” whatever it says…. Please revise. Otherwise awesome 😀


  7. elprojectmanager

    It crashes in iPad2. It cannot even start. // It also crashes the same way in iPhone5. // I would appreciate you fix it.


  8. mommyemu

    I like the new look but I am finding the flow not great cos I can’t seem to write posts off line when I am on the go using the app. But that might just be me and something I am doing wrong.


  9. Colin

    Nice! Just updated my OS today, looking forward to updating my wordpress app and taking it for a spin!


  10. Inday Chuchay

    This is great! However, it would be nice also if we can edit our photos on the app itself. By default, it’s “Aligned Left” & I need to wait till I get on a PC to edit it to “Center”. Hope there’s a work around on this! 🙂


  11. J. B. Thomas

    Can’t log-in to any of my blogs with this new update. It keeps telling me that username/password is incorrect. Funny, it is the same username and password I just used to login and post this from my PC. Feel free to email me when this is fixed. Going to delete the app for now as it is completely useless on my iPad 3.


  12. nuryasminnurdin

    really wish i have an iphone right now


  13. franknits

    Hi Hugo,
    I just started my first blog yesterday and downloaded the app today. I found it easy to write posts and add photos from my phone. I am not an advanced user and there are some things that I don’t get yet but for the basics I was able to get up and running without a hassle or a big learning curve. And it’s free!


  14. Dawn L Anderson

    I’d love to let you know how I’m finding it, but I can’t get logged on! Using the same log on details as before and on my laptop but it doesn’t recognise me in iOS7 now 😦


  15. Gamenology

    Awesome! 😀


  16. lizaposar2013



  17. Anna Nordqvist

    Can’t log in at all. If you have your own domain wp doesn’t find it.


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