New Themes: Photolia, Flounder, Vision, Bexley, and Bromley

This week we have a roundup of no less than five new themes now available on Happy holidays!


Photolia by UpThemesPhotolia by UpThemes is a responsive, single-column theme perfect for organizing photos, galleries, videos, and much more. The header area supports a widescreen custom header image and offers three default images, set to display randomly as visitors peruse your website. Use your own custom background image to really make Photolia fit your style.


FlounderDesigned by Mel Choyce and Kelly Dwan, Flounder is a flat-design, minimally styled theme for bloggers which features colorful support for post formats and a clean, responsive layout. Flounder is also is designed to work seamlessly with many popular features such as Infinite Scroll and enhanced gallery support.


Vision by Pro Theme DesignVision, the newest by Pro Theme Design, is a theme designed for artists, photographers and other people with a love of strong visuals. The homepage and archive pages are designed to be quickly scannable so that you can easily see what the site is about. Vision has been designed to look good on all devices – from desktop computers and laptops, through smartphones and tablets (Android and iOS).


Bexley by Pro Theme DesignA photo oriented theme, Bexley (also by Pro Theme Design) is the perfect combination of imagery and text; it gives photographers and artists a space to use as their online portfolio or gallery. Bexley makes prominent use of WordPress featured images to personalize every post. On the homepage and archive pages the images are used as the background for the post listing – with the post title prominently displayed.


Bromley by Pro Theme DesignBromley is a flexible magazine theme that is ideal for local community, fan magazines, and talking about updates in your industry. Our third today by Pro Theme Design and fully responsive, it’s designed to scale nicely with different screen sizes – from a 27-inch desktop monitor all the way down to a teeny weeny mobile phone screen.

Flounder is a free theme, while Photolia, Vision, Bexley, and Bromley are premium upgrades. Check out each theme’s showcase by clicking on their screenshot above, or preview them on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. Greg Urbano

    Great selection of new themes!



    Wow…some seriously cool themes here. I’ll keep these in mind when it’s time for a re-design.


  3. randomlyabstract

    Awesome themes! ❤


  4. Caroline Moore

    Howdy all! Sorry for the broken links! Stay tuned for more information about Photolia, and enjoy these other great themes in the meantime. Thanks! 🙂


  5. kerbey

    I believe Bexley and Bromley are the trending boys names for 2014.


  6. denear

    Thanks so much for the great selection of new themes you presented today. I was wondering if you could do a presentation for some free themes as well. Thanks you once again, and Happy Holidays.


  7. Claude Mariottini

    These are nice themes, however, I believe WordPress should develop some themes that are appropriate for academic blogs.


  8. sakichiforces

    i like your themes you should be reporter


  9. Michael Meiser

    If my site was a tumblelog, Flounder would be my theme!


  10. Tom

    Some good themes here! Can’t wait until the next selection of new themes.


  11. dolcedeskye

    Nice cool themes here. I’m still looking for one that’s kinda like the one I have now but I want my to have my photos to be bigger 😦 hahah!


  12. casagan

    I think the Vision theme is what I was looking for my photoblog… 🙂


  13. JManuelCamposN

    I agree with Claude Mariottini , We need more themes for academic blogs ….Hopefully free …Academica is the best so far.


  14. Chas Rad

    Might just have to switch to Flounder after the holidays are over


  15. teenhabitat

    cool themes!! advance merry christmas to everybody 🙂


  16. Abby

    Nice. Totally loving Adele at the moment though – going to stick with that for a little while longer.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Niejan

    How about some new themes for film/entertainment blogs? That’d be nice. I like Vision though.


  18. Mel Choyce

    Stoked that my first public theme, Flounder, was launched on this week!


  19. aqilaqamar

    Flounder is an awesome free theme and I am using it! —> it has the tactile grids and interfaces of many premium themes but is still lightweight and a good swatch of colours. Good job wordpress. I like themes that are minus a lot of backdrop and can work like free themes like Vigilance (which I think is no longer WP supported) and MistyLook (I like Misty lake but can we keep the original as well because it has the this small journalistic feel that many blogs aim to be) Happy with WP after a while (Yeah I do get annoyed with you guys too it’s a human thing) Keep up the good work!


  20. healthcoach312

    Do you have someone in support I can speak to & consult with? Not quite sure the best way to use your product for what I want to achieve.


  21. fakhrulmub

    Vision is awesome! I’d like to try that one


  22. starshining4ever

    I was getting excited until I read that 4 out of 5 of these are premium. 😉



    Some very cool themes!


  24. Roman Rage (@RomanRage1)

    Thank you sharing this beautiful theme, I love Bromely and Flounder theme. I spent near about 2 hour looking over these theme.


  25. Megan Rykaczewski

    Love Flounder! Great theme!


  26. PeachyTaemints

    Lovely themes!


  27. OP Gupta

    Great themes! Thumbs up!!


  28. atxer*

    Mmmmmhhh… Vision: love at first sight! 🙂 I think is the perfect theme for my RoundTheWorld photodiary. But the thing is… in the Live Demo and the picture you show, dates are displayed on all posts but when trying the preview I only get “2 weeks ago”, “3 weeks ago”.. Is it possible to show the dates of all posts on the home? Thaaanks and Merry Christmas to you all! 🙂


    • Kathryn

      Hi there, glad you like Vision! This theme uses a special date format which displays the date as “X days/weeks/months ago” if a post is more recent. The full date is displayed for older posts, like those on the demo site.


  29. LivingwithFibroids

    Flounder has worked out perfectly for me. Thanks!


  30. tremain123

    Thanks by the way


  31. baotram1993

    I love these themes. bromley is the one I like best


  32. mboaland

    Photolia is not bad. Im thinking about having this on my new created blog


  33. melindalusmore


    I am sure this will be a silly question but I would like to change my blog’s theme to Bromley but can’t seem to do it. My blog – – is currently using Theme Twenty Ten and uses Go Daddy for hosting. Do I need to change the hosting to WordPress before I can use a Premium theme? I would also like to upgrade to Custom Design but can’t do that also. Any help you can give will be most appreciated!

    Thanks, Melinda


    • Kathryn

      Hi there, the themes here are for sites, as opposed to self-hosted sites like you have. Bromley was created by Pro Theme Designs – you could ask them if Bromley will be made available to purchase for self-hosted sites:


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