The New iOS and Android Apps Have Arrived!

More and more of us are blogging from our mobile devices. Today, we’re thrilled to announce new versions of the WordPress mobile apps for Android and iOS. Here are some of the new versions’ highlights.


WordPress for iOS 3.9

The latest WordPress for iOS update is one of our largest app releases to date. This update is remarkable both for the significant changes we’ve introduced, and for the level of dedication it received from our hard-working team members.

Version 3.9 includes a major visual redesign of the app. We decided to drop the sidebar navigation and embrace a tab bar-based layout. The app’s new design allowed us to add numerous visual improvements throughout, including revamped and enhanced Reader, Comments, and Notifications sections. We also created a seamless inline commenting experience to make it easier for you to engage with the content you love. Finally, we made visual improvements to the editing experience of posts and pages.

Our team has embraced the latest and greatest technologies that Apple has provided us with iOS 7 to deliver you the best app possible. Version 3.9 and future updates will require iOS 7.

The app also includes several other changes. On top of various bug fixes and performance improvements, it now supports deep-linking from Twitter, and features an improved login screen. Be sure to try it out:

Download from the App Store

WordPress for Android 2.6

The latest update to WordPress for Android includes a new reading and setup experience, as well as significant updates to the user interface.

The Reader has been completely redesigned, and now provides a much-improved, native reading experience. You’ll definitely notice its speed — posts appear in a snap, and images fade in as they load. You can also view users that have commented or liked posts, as well as edit the list of tags that you follow. We’ve revamped the like, reblog, and comment interfaces to make it easier than ever to respond to posts that strike your fancy.

When signing in to the app or creating an account on, you’ll notice a brand new user interface that makes it super-simple to start blogging. If you keep multiple blogs on your account, they will all be automatically added for you. You can also hide whichever blogs you don’t wish to work on in the app.

We’ve given the app a facelift, including a new color scheme, a refined navigation drawer layout, and sharp-looking lists in notifications, posts, pages and comments.

You’ll also notice some changes to the post editor, with larger images and a new Post Settings area where you’ll manage post data such as status, post formats, and categories, among others. The post content area will now go full screen while you are editing, to give you maximum space to focus on your content. Give the app a try here:

Download from Google Play

What’s next?

The mobile team isn’t stopping here! We have big plans for the months to come and for the rest of 2014. You can keep up with the development progress over at You can also follow the apps on twitter @WPAndroid and @WordPressiOS.

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  1. captnmike

    I get along just fine with the sidebar wave out navigation on Android – how about leaving it?


  2. Mensagens Iluminadas

    And version for Firefox OS?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Andre

    Great update! I’m a fan of the tab-based user interface.


  4. draguscn

    Are version of desktop depeloved by wordpress also? 🙂


  5. Steve

    Just noticed this and so far I am impressed! Thank you.


  6. iNotes4You

    Where is the editing option UL on the iPhone?


  7. Bill Bennett

    All good. One thing that bugs me on iOS is that I keep getting asked to log back into Jetpack. Can you stop that from happening?


  8. mud4fun

    Any news on when the next version of the Windows Phone app will be out?


  9. hf556

    I love this app, the updates are well cool! I always use this app on my Android 🙂


  10. John

    Just downloaded it to the iPhone 5, better interface.


  11. hf556

    I can’t figure out how to trash a comment though.


  12. Galuh Sekar Wijayanti

    Hope there is app for windows phone soon…


  13. mud4fun

    Thanks Dan, I use the current windows phone app alot and like it. It has a few bugs and glitches but overall is pleasant enough, certainly for quickly checking stats or replying to comments it works great. I’d use it even more if the techincal issues were fixed so I’m really looking forward to the next release 🙂


  14. spunkiest

    I just updated to the new android version. Its so awesome.


  15. Priceless Joy

    I downloaded it and love it! Compared to the other app it is 100% better. But I noticed, when I write a comment and hit publish, it sends it through as my blog post. What do I hit for the comment to go to the blog I am commenting on and not to my blog?


  16. Maono Ya Chini

    I love the new update. It’s more welcoming. Feels more accessible.


  17. Kristina @ Three Little Birds travel

    Just installed the new version! Love it, much easier to use and blog on the run!!


  18. Jon Jefferson

    This new update is great, so much smoother than the last version.


  19. Jeff Branch

    I really like the new app for iOS. Keep the improvements coming.


  20. stgangte

    Updates makes it much better than before.


  21. Clanmother

    Just tried it out on my iPad! Fantastic update. Huge thanks to all….


  22. Painting for Joy

    Perhaps in the future we would have the ability to Schedule a post on our mobile devices?


  23. 2crazylittleboys

    I tried to download the app today and was disappointed. I have a first generation iPad and it’s operating system only goes up to 5.


    • Keaton

      I have the same problem. I have an iPod 4g and it only goes up to iOS 6. I wonder if they’re going to have an update that’s compatible with all devices, but has at least a few of the special features of this update.


  24. Ninna

    This is really a nice improvement! Looking good! Easy to navigate! Thank you!
    When writing a new post, will it be possible to choose among the most common tags as well? Like one can do with categories?


  25. oneactivelife

    Really happy about the deep-linking from Twitter. Thanks!


  26. spunkiest

    Earlier, I said that the updated android version was awesome but its not true. The truth is that it is SUPER AWESOME.


  27. litadoolan

    Impressive. Haven’t tried blogging from mobile yet but I can imagine how convenient and timely this would make posts. Great technology and I can’t wait to try! Thanks WordPress.


  28. jamminfrog

    So much better. Thanks. However we seem to have lost the ability to go from one post to the next without going back to the list.


  29. Seshu

    This update is far better than older version. But Wordpres should include 2 features in the blog:
    1) To edit our comment posted on other blog
    2) There should be an option to categorize feeds in our reader, like in feedly or at least there should be an option for tagging a post in our reader like in pocket.


  30. Nandinee

    Do you have a version for windows tablet??


  31. xmubinax

    Really love the feel of the new app! Thank you. But why can’t we play YouTube videos from within the app still? Please can you resolve this?


  32. Wish aka Max

    I am quite happy with the update, I wonder if it’s possible to reintroduce a couple of smart features. First, display the previous comments to the one currently displayed in the notification panel. Second, the active link in the author names. Keep up with the good job.


  33. Glenn

    I’ve been using the latest version of the iOS app, and it works a treat on my iPad. Haven’t used it on android yet.


  34. dashmeigner

    Please add the possibility to follow and search for other blogs within the app. Otherwise the interface is really good, but it’s really annoying to have to go to the web page to add a blog I like to my follow list.


  35. techpersonified

    I love the new iPad app!


  36. reneemoodie

    I have a Samsung Galaxy three and a self hosted WordPress blog ( I’ve been doing daily updates with joy my heart, but the new update has taken that joy away. Two days in row I’ve done the post as I always did only to have it disappear and be told there is an error. So then I have to find a computer and do it. I am very cross. Please let me have the old version back!!!!!!!!!!!


  37. KK Ghost Writer

    Thanks for the update. I like the tab based idea as it looks more streamlined.
    However, I have an iPad mini retina, now I can no longer click through to a specific blog from the reader anymore unless the poster has put in the “more” or “read more” feature. If I come across a post from a blog that I don’t follow I have always clicked through to the actual blog by just clicking in the blog name at the top of the post on the reader page. Now this blog name is unclickable.
    I also can no longer click through to a new follower’s blog from within the app. Please can you reactivate the feature to click through to a blog by clicking on the blog name.
    My only other gripe is that I loved the full bleed page on the reader. Now the reader part is very small and has diminished my reader experience. Would it be possible to make the reader full bleed page screen width again?
    Thanks again for all your hard work on the updates.


  38. Paso971

    Nice update, but what about the BlackBerry 10 app? We are waiting for the native app for more than 6 months now.


  39. Minoring In Baseball

    The apps should make it a lot easier for blogging at the ballparks this summer! I can’t wait until this snow is gone, and I’m enjoying the sunshine and crack of the bat.


  40. jazjuz

    I love the new update, thanks a lot Dan


  41. lostfunzone (dothob)

    i have the same issue as KK Ghots Writer on my Ipad Air. I can’t click through to the original post unless there is “more”. furthermore it is especially unfortunate that pictures shot in portrait mode seem to be cropped to landscape mode even if you go from the reader overview (where this seems to be standard) to the singlepost (still in the reader). the latter is most probably a bug, the first issue probably a user interface glitch.

    the update of the android app on the other hand/device is fantastic!


  42. ame741

    Just downloaded the app on my ipad and phone =) cant wait to start blogging on the go!


  43. cattiedemand

    The new iOS app is awesome! 😀


  44. winodeyexplode

    Gonna try it out now, Thumb up wordpress


  45. Tim!

    Hopefully we’ll see a Windows Phone 8 app soon… the app linked above says it’s for WP7. I’m sure it will run fine, but that means it hasn’t been updated in ages.


  46. iancosgrove

    I preferred the sidebar (iPhone) but I guess there always has to be one nay-sayer it does seem oversimplified now for the sake of cramming things into 4 tabs, why is settings under the Me tab? because there’s no where else now that makes sense to put it? From the comments here it doesn’t look like I’m the only one that finds navigation in the app update to be off-putting.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. catezapp

    Only one thing missing,the edit button to edit comments and posts android version


    • Dan

      We added a button to edit comments in the next update. For now, you can long-press on a comment in the comments list to edit it.


  48. mikestek

    So much better UI. Kudos to WordPress! I was avoiding using the app until now!


  49. ideflex

    Well, it looks stripped down and may be less “complicated” for many but I, like KK Ghostwriter, am not happy about not being able to “view Original” post and shiver to think how many visits are not appearing in my stats because viewers have not been driven to my blog for lack of easy access – I have noticed a marked decrease of “actual” visitors since the updates irregardless of “likes” made in the mobile readers and people “following” daily without even visiting the site proper; like lostfunzone I am horrified that carefully curated photographs and artwork are disrespectfully chopped into landscapes for no good reason and like iancosgrove also find the navigation “off-putting” where one slip of the finger close to a blogger’s name and gravatar results in them being “unfollowed” – gives a whole new meaning to the word “oops”… plus cannot use the web browser on the mobiles anymore as a workaround for these issues as it seems to default back to the app… such is life.
    Waiting patiently for a new update…

    Liked by 1 person

  50. jamorilee2012

    This blog made me think about how I shouldn’t left android for Apple, lol. Just kidding but great blog great information to keep people posted.

    Liked by 1 person

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