New themes: Tonal, Gridiculous Pro and Mina Olen

Whether it’s a business-friendly design or a minimalist look you’re after, this week’s crop of new themes delivers the goods.

This week we have three new themes to introduce you to on!


small-tonalmainimage Tonal is a free minimalist theme that changes its appearance based on your background color. With strong typography and simple design elements, it ensures your content stands out. This theme responds to whatever device your readers use, so they can enjoy your posts on-the-go. Tonal makes an impact with large featured images, full-width videos, and post formats.

Gridiculous Pro

gridiculous-pro-largeGridiculous Pro is a beautifully designed theme built for businesses as well as bloggers. Created by Themes by, Gridiculous Pro features a widgetized area on the homepage, an Image, Icon & Text widget, and post formats support. It also offers an easy-to-use social menu, as well as advanced layout options (you can select one or two sidebars, on the left, right or separated).

Mina Olen

Mina Olen by Foxnet Mina Olen is a solid, clean theme with generous whitespace and features for the blogger and the business-minded alike. Designed by Finnish design shop Foxnet, Mina Olen includes an impressive front page template, as well as support for testimonials, portfolio items, and post formats. Add submenus with a unique full-width layout, and your users will find just what they’re looking for.

Tonal is a free theme, while Gridiculous Pro and Mina Olen are premium upgrades. Check out each theme’s showcase by clicking on its screenshot above, or preview it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. juliamariedavid

    I like “tonal” but I’m concerned that it would get too monotone.


  2. Gaurav Tiwari

    Please avoid black and white themes for now. We already have many in the Dashboard.


    • Tammie Lister

      Thanks for your suggestion, we do try and create a range so we’ll take it on board and look into getting some more colored themes released.

      A lot of our themes allow backgrounds and background color changes, so you can change from the black and white default. Tonal actually changes the entire site depending on what you set for the background color – it can be any color you want.


  3. alifemoment

    Gridiculous Pro seems really really beautiful and easy to use, Well done!!!!


  4. colemangrady79

    Reblogged this on carolyncolemangrady.


  5. timethief

    I tried Tonal a couple of days ago and liked the color palette choices.It’s a very nice clean and minimalist theme but I dislike the Title font and the fact that Titles are all capitalized lettering. Otherwise I quite liked it and would be using it now.


    • Tammie Lister

      I’m glad you liked the palettes and the style of Tonal. If you did happen to have the custom CSS upgrade you could modify the titles. That said, we’re keen to offer a wide range of themes and I’m sure we’ll have some without capitalised headers coming soon.


  6. timethief

    Hi again Tammie,
    Thanks so much for your response but I don’t want to purchase another upgrade at this time. I set a $50 limit on blogging expenses for each blog per year and both of my blogs each have No-Ads upgrades and domain mapping upgrades. I’ll be keeping watch for more themes though.


  7. abkey

    Dear Tammie:

    Thanks for your post.

    I have a site developed in WordPress some years ago that I discovered has stopped working – the slider doesn’t work and the graphics don’t show.

    Please see

    The problem is only with the homepage as all the other pages seem to work properly.

    I understand that it is because WP has discontinued supporting the theme that we had used.

    Can you suggest a theme (paid or free) that works closely with ours so that we can migrate to it asap?

    It is urgent,



    Bob Teo




  8. Iris Orpi

    I’ve been married to Chateau ever since it came out, but I still get super excited when I see the words “New Themes” on the blog! This set, in my opinion, is one of the best I’ve seen so far. WordPress themes are always classy and chock-full of good features. 🙂


  9. sedwrites

    The Gridiculous Pro looks great.


  10. Frank J. Casella Photographer

    I like Tonal a lot, it is close to my present theme – Duotone – which also changes background color to the image. However, it’s the last theme left with built-in right-click disable, otherwise I’d have to switch to a hosted site with plug-in for that. I know right-click disable doesn’t prevent image-stealing, but it does make it a bit harder, especially when we should reblog instead.


  11. maglim30

    Tonal looks cool. Might have to check it out


  12. Shivani Dasmahapatra

    Changed over to TONAL, like the overall clean appearance. The most apparent drawback so far is the title and tagline font and size– too large and doesn’t really work well. Apart from that so far so good 🙂


    • Tammie Lister

      Tonal is designed to have a high impact headline title – hence the size. I see you’ve used a custom header, that’s a great way to without having the Custom Design upgrade remove the large headlines if you wish. Alternatively, if you did want to get it the Custom Design or Custom Fonts upgrade would be a way to adjust the size.


  13. Laurence O'Bryan

    Congrats on having so many amazing themes! You are all doing a wonderful job! I am amazed by it is so cool!


  14. the78rpmrecordspins

    Any chance of creating a theme with Record Collecting in mind, or one for Music?


  15. elishbulgodley

    is there a way i could “SAVE” themes i like in a particular way for referral in the future- maybe i should use Pinterest for this one

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tammie Lister

      A great idea! We don’t have that yet, but thanks for the suggestion. We are always looking for ways to improve the experience of finding a theme, so grateful of any feedback like this.


  16. pusatmutiaradilombok

    Please avoid black and white themes for now. We already have many in the Dashboard!!!


  17. John Smith

    I actually think we could do with some more black and white themes, like Tonal, Singl and Ryu. They’re not exclusively black and white, I know, but I’m looking for a black and white theme, and none of the present ones are a good ‘fit’…


  18. Regenerating Nations

    I like the sound if Gridiculous but, upgrades are not on the table currently. It does remind me that I need to ck my theme & see if it supports mobile electronics


  19. Michael Meiser

    I guess that Tonal and Gridiculous Pro will be used for photo- and videoblogs mainly. “Gridiculous” is, by the way, a cool word invention, but don’t you fear it might be misconceived by potential buyers who miss the “G”?


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