More New Books by Authors

With so many creative (and prolific) voices, it’s hard to keep track of all the titles published by our bloggers. Here’s another selection of recently published books by WordPressers.

We were delighted last month when our showcase of recent works by writers inspired many others to share their publishing success stories. Here are a few more books that are fresh off the presses.

It’s Not Raining, Daddy, It’s Happy

brooks-dutton Author Benjamin Brooks-Dutton has been chronicling his journey through grief on his blog, Life as a Widower, which has attracted a loyal — and sizable — readership since its creation last year. His posts about living with his young son after the death of his wife are at once heartbreaking and inspiring, and have sparked a discussion on male grief.

Readers can now dig even deeper into Ben’s insight on grieving and healing in It’s Not Raining, Daddy, It’s Happy, which was just published by Hodder & Stoughton.

Sober Mercies

kopp_sober-merciesBattling her addiction to alcohol for years, Heather Kopp‘s writing career was put on hiatus until she quit drinking in 2007. Since then, she’s been documenting the struggles of a recovering alcoholic on her blog, Sober Roots, as well as in her articles at the Huffington Post.

Heather’s book, Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up with a Christian Drunk, was published last week by Hachette/Jericho. It contains more of her thoughtful reflections on addiction, as well as on the role faith and community have played in helping her to extract herself from alcoholism.



Fran Macilvey, who was born in Belgian Congo but has spent most of her life in Scotland, has written extensively on growing up with a disability. She has now charted her path to self-acceptance in a recently published book, Trapped: My Life with Cerebral Palsy, by Skyhorse Publishing.

Visitors to Fran’s blog will discover more of her writing on discrimination, coping with challenges, and aging, among other topics — like in this well-crafted post, Learning to Float.

Looking for more books to read?

For the voracious readers out there, here are a few more recent additions we learned about thanks to your comments last month:

Note to authors: Feel free to add your own recent or upcoming book(s) in the comments section — we’d be thrilled to learn about your publishing success. Thank you for leaving out links to your blog, Amazon, etc. — your user name is already linked to your blog, where interested readers will be able to learn more about your various writing projects. 

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

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  1. Josephine Corcoran

    Thanks for sharing these. Good to know about upcoming books and interesting to explore the different ways these authors have designed their WordPress sites.


  2. Fran Macilvey

    Thank you so much for featuring my book and my blog, Ben! I am so thrilled! 😀


  3. You'll Soon Be Flying

    I recently published my first book as well! Its a memoir on growing up with a mentally ill mother. The first of a series. Would love to have it highlighted here as well! ‘My Haunted House, The Crazy Within’ by Julie Buchanan.
    Thank you so much WordPress!


  4. coyotespublishing

    Hope you guys don’t mind me giving myself a little “self promotion” but if you like books check out my site, I got plenty of poetry books.
    We’re also listed on iTunes & Kobo just look for us.


  5. Liz at Libro

    Am I allowed to mention that I’ve created my own range of non-fiction careers-orientated books off the back of my WordPress blog? I also link back to my blog posts and recommend my readers to use WordPress. They’re available in print as well as e-book format.


  6. tatang16

    Thanks for sharing these..


  7. kellyfurgaltoye

    Amazing! I am an aspiring writer as well! This is so inspiring 🙂


  8. Dangerous Lee

    I published a book of erotic short stories almost five years ago. Check it out. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. timknoxblog

    Ben this isn’t a comment, but a question. I didn’t know how else to contact you. In relation to WordPress promoting authors I have a WordPress blog/podcast to help authors promote their work via audio interviews. It’s . I think authors would love to know this outlet is available to them for resources, inspiration and advice. Thanks and keep up the great work.


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for sharing your podcast and blog with us, Tim.

      WordPress authors: take note! Tim: brace yourself!


  10. Ray H

    Excellent! A lot to go on my to-read list, thanks for sharing.

    (I hope to be on one of these lists someday myself… 🙂 )


  11. ranjani135

    Mr. Ben,

    I am a WordPress blogger. I blog in Tamil language and my book on Vivekananda has been published this year. Why don’t you collect information about us also and publish here?


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for letting us know! Since I don’t read Tamil it would be hard for me to stay up to date on bloggers publishing books in that language. As the comments to these posts show, it’s already impossible to keep track of bloggers publishing in English — WordPressers are just that prolific!


  12. LenTaylorWrites

    Ben please check out my ebook @lentaylorwrites. It’s available from Amazon. Thanks!


  13. Seth Adam Smith

    That’s awesome! I published my book—an article turned into a beautiful gift book—last week! WordPress is AMAZING!


  14. Ebonstorm

    There are so many of us out here writing books using WordPress, this should be a regular feature. I have a speculative fiction blog with over 200 short stories on it called Hub City Blues (

    I just finished my second book of speculative fiction in October 2013 in ebook format. My first book, Hayward’s Reach, was published in 2011 in print format. I am about to publish a third and still loving this software and service.

    WordPress for the win!


  15. Preston Rentz

    Ben, my WordPress blog has prepared me well for publishing my first book this Spring; Christianity–What Love Has to do Wit It. My WordPress blog will be linked to my author web page promoting the book. Thanks!! WordPress is great!!


  16. Nicklas Arthur

    published my first book this year based upon articles at my blog – Footsteps of Mystery Babylon.
    I love wordpress. 🙂


  17. Rick Ouellette

    Ben. it really is heartening to see this great work being done by fellow WordPress authors. My own book, a non-fiction film anthology called “Documentary 101” is not brand new (released last August) but new as an e-book last month. I look forward to visiting the sites of the authors above. Good luck to all…


  18. Anna

    I love seeing posts like this, it’s really heartwarming. Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to be published- and from the WordPress community too! Awh, you guys :3


  19. cttbbelliott

    Thanks for your updates on some interesting books to read Ben. If I may, I would like to ask you to support me in my efforts to draw in additional readers for my Sept released novel, “Courage Times Three.” It is a historical Christian fiction novel and very inspirational to all ages, genres. Friday I went “FREE” with my kindle version and have had 1200 downloads so far. Tomorrow is my last day of the FREE status. I hope you will post my novel and thanks for your other suggestions. I am interested in checking out one of them.

    Sincerely, Brenda Brown Elliott, Author


  20. rmdonnelly2013

    Ben – Please add my book: Personal Brand Planning for life, to your list. Do you need me to send you the book cover?


    • Ben Huberman

      No need! Your book title, and a link to your blog, is now available for all those who are reading the comments here.


  21. shalimarali

    My 4th book was published last month, The Vampire Dancer Saga Part 3. Exotic tales of vampires, belly dancers and Egyptian Royalty. Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


  22. Corri

    I have just published my biography Half the World, about living in Isfahan, Iran before and during the Iranian revolution in the late seventies. Available at Amazon, Nook and on Kobo. It would be great to see it on your site! Currently writing a novel and about to finish some shorts.


  23. P. C. Zick

    Hello – I’ve been a WordPress blogger for two years now. I’m an Indie Author with six published books, both fiction and nonfiction. Even though I’m now self-publishing, I started out my career with a traditional published but made the switch in 2012 to the new world of publishing. I love my WordPress blogs (I have four on various topics), but my main one is I hope you’ll visit my site and consider featuring one of my books on your blog. Thanks for this post. It’s great to see all the other writers out there.


  24. jreidauthor

    Hi, Ben! Is there a vetting process that published authors go through to have their books listed? I’m a WordPress rookie (since Dec 2013) and may have missed this information. I published my debut murder mystery (police procedural) “Partners in Crime” in Dec 2013 and would have loved to introduce it to new readers using this forum. Thanks!


    • Ben Huberman

      There really isn’t, no — we heard about the books featured in this post through a variety of channels.

      For now, the comments section is serving as an open forum for all authors to let us (and everyone who reads this) know about their recent or upcoming book projects.


  25. Cece

    Ben, it’s so encouraging to see the great work done by other bloggers! I self-published my first book about a month and a half ago! It’s is called ‘In the Place of Many Zebras: Stories from Kenya on culture, courage, and change.’ Thanks for sharing these.


  26. debievans

    Thankyou! May I add my book? The Secret Adventures of Rolo aimed at 7-11 year olds written by a rescued dog who time travels, blogs and shares nature observations as well as popping up during historic events. Adults too are enjoying the humour. Free author visits to KS2


  27. Clare Flourish

    I love Fran’s book and blog. Well worth the plug.


  28. Wendy Richards

    Hello, I am an author trying to get my books known. I blog on WordPress but I have never advertised my books. How do I get started?


    • Ben Huberman

      I can’t say much about advertising, however, connecting with other writers and finding the community (or communities) of bloggers most likely to be interested in your books could be great steps towards getting your name — and your books’ — out there. Good luck with your projects!


  29. Julie Fison

    Congratulations to Heather, Fran, Benjamin and the other authors here. I have had nine children’s and YA titles published since 2010 and have two more books coming out in July – ‘Counterfeit Love’, a YA story set in Hong Kong, and ‘The Call of the Wild’, which is part of a great new tween series – ‘Choose Your Own Ever After’. The books are published by Hardie Grant Egmont. I blog on writing, travel and life as a mother of boys.


  30. pretensesoup

    My first novella was published late last year (late December) by a small press. It’s called The Joy of Fishes, and it’s about physics, ghosts, Chinese philosophy, love, and death.


  31. glotzerg

    I recently published “What Happened to Mommy’s Boobs?”. It’s short and silly, but it’s trying to raise money for Breast Cancer research.


  32. smokersodysseycom

    Coo! This is encouraging, as I hope to soon publish We live among you. Its a funny alien
    conspiracy tale, and right now you can read it for free.


  33. Janet (ocdtalk)

    My book, “Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery,” which recounts what helped and what hurt in my son’s battle against severe OCD is being published by Rowman & Littlefield. I’ll keep everyone posted!


  34. Pollyanna Darling

    Hi Ben – my latest book Heartwood is an adventure about the restorative power of the human heart. It’s a first reader for 6 to 9 year olds and was beautifully hand-illustrated by Australian artist Kirsty Chalmers.


  35. Ian Miller

    I currently have some WordPress blogs (Ianmillerblog) on the problems of getting the historical and scientific aspects right in my two ebooks set in the first century: Athene’s Prophecy and Legatus Legionis.


  36. Martha Kennedy

    I’ve just published my second novel, Rudolf of Apple Tree Village, a work of historical fiction set in the second quarter of the 12th century. The protagonist, Rudolf, the older son of a minor noble (your run of the mill knight) believes he’s possessed by Satan and heads out on Crusade to save his soul. His younger brother, Conrad, goes along hoping for adventure. There’s more too it than this — and Rudolf of Apple Tree Village has a blog on WordPress with chapters and pictures and everything!


  37. Peter K Worsley, Fine Artist Painter & Author

    “Marketing For Professional Artists” is a new book I have recently published on Amazon Books as soft back and Kindle versions, available world wide. This book is for the upcoming professional visual artist. Read this and I take you through the processes of your marketing opportunities in nine chapters, an introduction, and a brief epilog.


  38. The AMK Team

    I have released four books: Vagabond (an inspirational travel adventure), The Black Lion (an international spy thriller), The End of Athens (a futuristic thriller set in dystopian Greece), and Soccer Obsession: An Inside Look Into The Global Game. All have hit the bestsellers lists, and actually, believe it or not, I was discovered by an agent on WordPress which led to a book deal in New York! I’m forever grateful to WordPress for that 🙂


  39. J.H. Wimsatt

    I would like to add a tender tome recently published by me entitled Fatherness: A Short Primer. Available in Kindle format and paperback. It is chock full of parenting stories, advice and poop jokes. Okay, maybe it is mostly poop jokes.

    It makes a lovely Father’s Day gift…if your idea of lovely includes poop jokes.


  40. susiereece

    I am in the process of publishing. It will be about my journey through life after the suicide of my father as well as my own coping with depression and grief from his loss and abuse I faced as a child. I hope my book will become a took to help others who suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide as well as a way to open up these stigmatized issues.


  41. seantsmithauthor

    My first novel, Objects of Wrath, was released in March by Permuted Press.


  42. The Word

    Hi, Ben! Thank you very much and to the WordPress company for giving us this opportunity. You will all be continually blessed. My book in amazon is: The Word, messages revealed in 2001 and onwards


  43. Grace Tan

    My book is titled ‘Blogging For A Living’. 🙂


  44. excel2007master

    My blog concerns Excel spreadsheeting and partly in keeping with that and partly in keeping with other things that I do, Hodder has just published my latest book The Bookkeeping and Accounting Coach. Of course, the book can be found on There are lots of online resources to accompany the book too!


  45. Adam Henig

    Hi Ben,
    WordPress is great for authors. I’m always excited to tell other writers about it.

    Besides blogging about writing and reviewing books, I recently published an eBook about the author of “Roots,” Alex Haley.

    I’m now working on a full length book about baseball and the integration of spring training. Believe it not, it took more than a decade following Jackie Robinson’s Brooklyn Dodger debut before the black ballplayers could stay in the same hotels as the rest of the team while training in Florida.


  46. Jeb Kinnison

    Published my nonfiction dating-relationship book, promoting at (where you can read a lot of it and take the test!)


  47. Joshua Heights

    Thank you wordpress for this forum , I too have released a book in the past few months, Knight in the Forest of the Pons (Journey to the Syndrome).


  48. H. G. Robert

    My upcoming book, “So, you’re a writer?” is the must-have book for every wannabe writer and unemployed poet. Ready to laugh and realize why you’re still unpublished or a self-published flop? Visit my site and follow.


  49. scottjosephkaniewski

    Thanks for the opportunity, Ben. I recently published my first novel, “The Soul Detective.” It’s a hard-boiled detective story set in the Afterlife. It’s available at all the main web outlets.


  50. Thomas Peace (author)

    I’m a new author… and my book is briefly summarized in my short bio that is included in all of my wordpress blog posts. It is also explained more fully at

    The book deals with awareness, mindfulness, compassion, non-systematized meditation, and deeply understanding the intrinsic nature of time. Most books do not even come close to taking you as deep as mine does… all subjectivity aside! Guaranteed to buckle one’s knees!
    🙂 Namaste!


  51. Jamie

    My first book (drawn from my WordPress blog): Less Stress Business: A Guide for Hiring, Coaching, and Leading Great Employees will be available on Amazon within the next week. With real-life anecdotes and clear strategies, the book helps business owners, managers, and executives learn how to lead and grow their teams – while reducing their stress and having more of a life. Thanks so much for this opportunity to get the word out!


  52. gardeningkiwi

    Hi There. I also have a book that started as a gardening blog. The Good Life – four glorious seasons in my country garden was picked up and published by HarperCollins in March 13. They put my blog address on the back cover and so now I have the best excuse to keep blogging! I’m currently working on the second book. It is amazing how a passion for writing about the things you are passionate about can take you places!
    Cheers Sarah : o )


  53. Keith Gascoigne

    Hi Ben,
    Brilliant and inspiring article. The lake of creative people using WordPress is brimming over and you have opened the floodgates. I’m about ready to upload my first ebook to Smashwords to test the waters. It is nonfiction and about my time at the World-famous Findhorn Spiritual Community in Scotland, called On the Beach at Findhorn. I would like people to read it because society is going through difficult times and this might help. My books are mainly nonfiction but I am working on fiction for later.
    Many thanks for inspiring me to keep at it. The time is ripe for WP authors, writers and bloggers to tell the world.
    Keith Gascoigne.


  54. Karen Hopkins

    Look for my action and adventure novels on Amazon. Two latest novels, Monster Slayer’s Son and White Shell Woman’s Promise. Both are set on the Navajo Reservation. FBI agent Mo Black is sent to investigate a violent crime and track down 2 serial killers.


  55. Mark P. Holtzman

    Hi everyone. I’ve got to credit WordPress for this work because the publisher found me through my WordPress blog: “Managerial Accounting for Dummies,” published by J. Wiley. There is a UK edition called “Management and Cost Accounting for Dummies,” coauthored by Sandy Hood. Furthermore, “Accounting All-In-One for Dummies” includes several chapters that I wrote.


  56. Eliz@MirthandMotivation

    My good friend, Peter Wells, recently published a terrific book worthy of inclusion; Living Life Backwards. Peter is a great storyteller and wordsmith, and we connected three years ago through his WordPress blog – Counting Ducks. Ben, I’d recommend both his book and blog to our community.
    Thank you!


  57. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

    I have been blogging for three years now and in about August of last year a publisher approached me because they liked my posts on WordPress, and had apparently been following me for some time. The book is now out: it is called ‘Living Life Backwards’. I’m not sure if I should be posting the link in this comment so I won’t although I would be very happy to do so if requested. A good story for me and a good story for WordPress | I think


  58. harrispeaks

    This is a great forum to be exposed to all those in the WordPress community who have published work to share. I am a WordPress blogger and a newly published author. My book is entitled, “A Couple’s Cross-Country Road Trip Journal.” It is about an adventurous couple who embarked on a cross-country trip in the steamy hot summer of 2013.


  59. Nicola Young

    Hi, I publish a fiction post every Friday, which features extracts from published authors’ work. I would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to appear on it. It is a link up as well, to encourage unpublished authors to share their work and hopefully be inspired.


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for sharing this forum with our readers and other WordPress authors, Nicola!


  60. patwyman

    Hello and thank you! Our worldwide good will book, Amazing Grades:101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Faster, has both learning strategies and life skills in all subject areas for high school and college students. We are very grateful to Microsoft, Nordic Naturals and other corporations for sponsoring this book. Well over 10,000 copies have been given away!


  61. clarbojahn

    I’m not sure I qualify since I am a children’s author but I blog on wordpress but I have two picture books published by eTreasurespublishing. One has been out for two years called “Annie’s Special Day” helping kids learn how to tell time and is out in all formats and one just out in ebook till June when It will be out in all formats, is “Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story” about an abused donkey and how he learns to trust his caregiver and help out on the farm,

    Thanks, Ben!


  62. franceskaywriter

    Hi Ben, thanks for this blog, and for your invitation. DOLLYWAGGLERS was published on 28th April 2014. It’s literary fiction, a dystopia born out of darkness and chaos, with a dash of black humour and a political twist. It’s my second novel, and now I’m working on the sequel. Published by Tenebris Books.What are DOLLYWAGGLERS? Read the book to find out!


  63. kabinapublishing

    Thank you for this opportunity and open invite to promote the work we do. While I am still a new blogger and learning the ropes, I did publish my first book in 2009 and happy to share. It is primarily for women who want to find the confidence to be who they want to be. I am completing my second book around the changing paradigm of the corporate workplace, and the Mindshifts we need to make as workers to thrive. I hope to have that complete by year end. I love to read all of the posts from others who have found success on WordPress.. I think this site is so wonderful. I am very grateful to be able to have this platform.


  64. Diane

    Hi there, my last novel The Man Who Lost His Manbag and Found Himself is available in paperback and e-format. some of my other stuff is out there too and my blog is very often a serial story posted chapter by chapter – (nearly) every day.


  65. John Robinson

    Ben, I self-published my humorous book of fictional letters, More Later: Lyle’s Letter’s from the University, in 2010, the same year I started my “pun-ny” Mon.-Fri. WordPress photoblog. I published the 2nd edition a year ago (available at Amazon). In the 3-1/2 years since “launch” I have never missed a weekday post on my blog.


  66. smokersodysseycom

    Very insightful – thanks! For you Sci-fi fans out there, read my self-published We live among You, a funny alien conspiracy tale. Check it out!


  67. amarieostley

    It is so inspiring to see new authors being recognized! I have recently published my first book as well. It is called ‘Sharks Don’t Sleep: A Collection of Poems’ by me, Angela Ostley.
    All you writers, keep on writing and inspiring!


  68. wordplay2

    wordplay2 proudly announces a new free ebook…
    Good Grammar: Them’s the Rules
    by our editor I.M. Knott


  69. gpicone

    How are all of these bloggers getting their books published? I would like to publish mine but I need some advice on how to do it. Thanks!


    • Ben Huberman

      The best way would be to find some like-minded authors who are already published and ask for their input. The comments section of this post alone contains dozens of published writers, at least some of whom might work in an area similar or adjacent to yours. It would be great to visit their sites and start a conversation, either by leaving a comment or using the contact form many authors include on their sites.

      Relatedly, a few months ago we also published a roundtable discussion of novelists who blog, where they each shared their insight on the publishing process.


  70. navigator1965

    I’ve just had my first book come out, and it’s received rave reviews from its test readers. I never would have found most of these wonderful people, had it not been for WordPress. I even wrote a post about how important they were to the development and refinement of the true story. Now, these wonderful people are helping me with the marketing, too, via their WordPress blogs. The book seeks to expose a form of child abuse known as parental alienation, so the story really resonates with readers.

    This is a great idea for a post, Ben. Good on you and WordPress for supporting writers in the broader WordPress community. (Let me know if you’re ever in Ottawa, and we can have a beverage.)


  71. explorethegap

    I am the author of a philosophy titled “Exploring the Gap between Science and Religion.”

    I use blogging to cover topics related to concepts used in the book, which views both science and religion trough the same lens: us humans as “definers.”

    Once I have written a blog, I of course post ticklers on Facebook and Twitter to entice the reader to the blog.


  72. ...

    Hi, I am from New Zealand and have published a book of rhyming poems called “Apostrophe to Zenith”. I have some samples from the book on my website and as you will see they cover lots of topics and styles. Good luck to all the other writers out there.


  73. louisemullins2013

    Hi, my first historical novel ‘The house of secrets’ is available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon and Lulu. Depicting the lives of two women over two time periods (1845 and 1941) and the loss and adversity they overcome. The story is based in Victorian Bristol and contains crime, mystery, suspense and a lunatic asylum. The book is selling really well and I am currently working on a novel based on the psychological aspects of grief and addiction, which will be published by the end of the year.

    I wish to say how fab some of the above books mentioned sound and I hope that whilst on maternity leave I shall have plenty of time to read and hope to be buying some of them. Reach for your destiny everyone! (I believe Good luck has negative connotations).

    Regards, Louise Mullins


  74. harrispeaks

    My book is newly published entitled, “A Couple’s Cross-Country Road Trip Journal.” It chronicles a couple’s eighteen-day road trip journey originating from the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, to the Amargosa Desert and destinations beyond. Readers will be intrigued by the challenges they faced driving through Death Valley National Park, or pulling into a “Bates-like motel” on a dark, rainy night, or eating and enjoying some of the finest cuisines.


  75. viviennecraft

    I love this! I’m fairly new to WordPress but I love the exposure I’m getting so far. My name is Vivienne Craft who blogs here weekly. I’m a romance writer. My newest book Secrets: The Researcher is out on Amazon. Thanks, Ben!


  76. bardessdmdenton

    Hi. I’ve published a historical fiction, “A House Near Luccoli” through All Things That Matter Press: open new doors and step into a past where facts welcome imaginative possibilities, poetry resides in prose, intimacy finds room in friendship, and music plays with words. Enter to meet and be seduced by the fascinating Italian Baroque composer, Alessandro Stradella.

    I’ve also published two Kindle Short Stories: “Library Next Door” and “The Snow White Gift”; and an illustrated poetry journal: “A Friendship with Flowers.”

    I post artwork, poetry and prose quite regularly on my blog. Best wishes to all and keep writing and believing!


  77. rhrauschenberger

    Malevolent Tide is a Christian adult thriller. It mixes Crichton’s scientific approach with Peretti’s Christian spiritual vision. See my blog for more!


  78. RainMosq

    Found this quite by accident and am glad! I’ve been blogging about my writing journey here for a few months now, received kind words from supportive people, and just yesterday I Indie published my first Romance Novel (Love’s Valor) at Smashwords. Thank you kindly for the exposure opportunity of this post!


  79. jtjots

    I’ve just published a novel called ‘Cousins’ under my pen name of Judith Almond. It’s about four girls growing up in Yorkshire in the 1950’s and 1960’s and is available from Amazon and FeedARead. Now I’m trying to publicise it!


  80. jeromemcneary

    My book entitled “A study session with Christ. ” is a self-help inspirational that will help you improve your relationship with GOD and also your everyday life.


    • jennjenn388

      I have been a Word press blogger for almost a year, I think, and I have been an aspiring writer for quite sometime. I am truly impressed with the amount of us WordPress bloggers that have gone on to being published. I am also very PLEASED to announce that I will be joining those ranks!!! without the experience and feedback I got from the wordpress community I am not sure I would have had the incentive to do this! thank you kindly to all my followers and all those that gave me feedback/comments! it helped to keep me going. My book novelette is called The Orchid Keeper…its the first in a series of four and it will be available as an ebook and a P.O.D. (print on demand) book this summer! I will keep you posted via my blog.
      Again I thank this community for allowing me to grow into the spot that I have…and I will forever be a WordPress blogger…no doubt!


  81. Isham Cook

    My collection of short stories, The Exact Unknown and Other Tales of Modern China, has just been published. Description:

    A foreign teacher struggles with proper whipping technique on his female student, while another gives his student a mysterious substance known as LSD. One foreign teacher is suspected of secretly filming his students in the nude, while another seems to have brainwashed his class into a sex cult. In other stories, a sex robot rapes its owner, a female professor trolls cafés minus her underwear, a store clerk softens up a stingy customer with his fist, and a foreigner comprehends all too slowly the home he is visiting is not a family but a scam.

    Whether it’s locals colliding with foreigners or with each other on the big chessboard with no rules called China, this pioneering collection of delightfully disturbing tales by one unruly foreigner dredges up comedy blacker than a black hole.


  82. eyesofthewild

    Hello. thanks for this – I discovered this great listing today. My book Eyes of the Wild Journeys of Transformation with the Animal Powers (Earth Books in December 2014) was just awarded the Nautilus Gold Book Award 2014 for writings on nature and animals. I love working with WordPress, it’s helped me so much. And I will be happy to send an opening extract from the book to interested wordpress bloggers. Best wishes, Eleanor


  83. michelledeanskinnerlover

    Hello! It’s so wonderful to hear of all the author successes here. I just published a memoir “Life in a Skinner Box” about my childhood being raised by a very rationale Radical Behaviorist…and my journey using psychology, graduate school, relationships, travel, and psychedelics to find the emotional connection I’d always been missing. I have a link to an expert on my WordPress site. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you do read it. Take care, Michelle


  84. danielmdoyle

    Hello Ben,
    my new book is called “London Irish Dublin English”. It is subtitled “A wannabe Irishman seeks his destiny.”

    If humour be the food of life – read on!


  85. jack9winter

    My debut novel is due out this month; is titled GANI & SEAN, is a novel set in Chicago and L.A. primarily and follows two assassins as they come together to battle their drug kingpin boss. Should be fun. Thanks so much.


  86. Dermott Hayes

    I joined WordPress to access the blogging forum it provides but also to help promote my writing as a novellist. My first book, TITO’S DEAD has just been published as an ebook. It would be useful to get it mentioned by you, Ben.
    TITO’S DEAD is the first novel by Irish writer, Dermott Hayes. It tells how a simple human act in this 21st Century world, can be misinterpreted as weakness and it’s meaning, distorted, into a maelstrom of deception, hate and treachery


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