New Themes: Sidespied and Chronicle

Today, we have two great themes for you. Chronicle is a premium magazine theme and Sidespied is a portfolio-focused free theme.

We have two great themes for you today: one free and one premium.



Chronicle is a premium magazine theme by Pro Theme Design with three optional widget areas, featured posts, and a large homepage slider. Chronicle offers lots of options for creating interesting, immersive websites  —  perfect for sites with lots of categories and content.



Sidespied, designed in-house by yours truly, is portfolio-focused and based on the popular Espied theme. This theme focuses on your image content making it stand out no matter what device your audience is using. Not only does it take full advantage of the new portfolio custom post type, it also looks great being used on a blog.

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  1. The FaithBook

    Sidespied would make a great portfolio theme! I might have to try it.


  2. marysmirror

    Sidespied is very nice, I think I may try it later on, thanks for presenting these themes to us 😀


  3. kirakrusky

    Cool theme I may need to check this out!


  4. singlegirlie

    I like Chronicle! Can it be customized to include only 2 or 3 columns rather than 4? I don’t see this addressed on the theme page. Thanks!


  5. ashokshenolikar

    I am curious about Sidespied. My blog does not have many pictures and videos. I was more concerned about how it displays on mobile devices. This seems to fit the bill. I have to try it out. Thanks


  6. Júlio César Coelho (Ebrael)

    Affff, again, free themes go on bad. You want to obligate bloggers to accept potfolios’ themes. Portfolios are fully of bugs, mislaid, horrible. Again, I thought I’d open this link and find a good and free theme, after so much time.


    • Tammie Lister

      We do our best to offer a range of different free themes and we’re constantly adding to them. Sidespied also works well for just a blog, having the portfolio is optional.


  7. allanblog2

    Hello, Nice Blog! Can you tell me about the Themes? I need one but I Want it to be free, just to adapt my projects… Some access link to? Thanks


  8. ipanase

    hope that 😀


  9. dyule2014

    Reblogged this on Donna's Blog and commented:
    New Themes for Blog


  10. dyule2014

    Yes these Themes are quite nice being able to choice different Themes would be good. Thank you.


  11. Brendan Joyce

    Reblogged this on brendan joyce.


  12. donatoroque

    Reblogged this on finding donato and commented:
    Been looking out for wordpress themes. Take a look at these examples.


  13. niemolens

    I had asked before: whe don’t you state in your new post announcements wheter they are premium or free.


  14. The Machinist

    Ηello! Great themes both of them. But we need more free themes with slider. 🙂


  15. niemolens

    As to my earliet reply, I am sorry for my oversight, it is all there, you do mention Premium and protfolio base Free themes.


  16. Darjeeling Tea with SKM

    I have a short story blog that does not use pics and I find all WordPress themes very biased towards images. At present I use Manifest, which is good for text but not the best. I find both these themes very smart but I would really like something more ‘text-y’ in nature.


  17. Beth Veltrop, RN, BSN

    The only issue I have found with sidespied is all the dead space on the right with the free version. I really liked it for my photography page but with the menu button on the upper left and all the space on the right it just didn’t work for me.


  18. karensfotoblog

    I really really love the SideSpied theme, I’m using it at: – looks good & works the way I want. BUT! There’s a problem with the portfolio shortcode – it doesn’t appear to be working correctly for a front page with only featured images – I keep getting on the front page a non-necessary error message: “Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them on your dashboard.” How can I get rid of this? … thanks for any info you can give me on this …


  19. karensfotoblog

    I found the answer by searching the forums – must leave out the portfolio shortcode altogether, then the front page display works right. My new blog looks great! – and I really like SideSpied, it gives me the functionality I was hoping for.


  20. Reza Mirafshar

    I like two themes, very nice
    And how can I be a member of this team? That means I can do theme design, How can I work with you? How is this achieved? Please guide me.


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