New Themes: Kelly and Arcade

We’re launching two new themes this week — one free and one premium — check them out!

This week we’re pleased to introduce you to two new themes: Kelly and Arcade!


Kelly by Automattic

Kelly, a delightful new free theme, was created by Automattic designer Kelly Hoffman. About creating Kelly, she says, “I really wanted to keep it simple but fun, which is why I went with bold splashes of color and large type.”

Kelly‘s discerning typography and single-column layout makes reading an absolute pleasure, while multiple widget areas in the footer give plenty of space for related information. Let Kelly be your next beautiful blog canvas.


Arcade by c.bavota

Arcade, a new premium theme by Montréal designer/developer c.bavota, features both a fun flair and refined aesthetic. Boasting a full-screen background and five widget areas, it also gives users unique access to a full library of icons for their own creative use. Suitable for blogs and modern-minded businesses alike, Arcade can convey your message to the world.

Kelly is a free theme, while Arcade is a premium upgrade. Check out each theme’s showcase by clicking on its screenshot above, or preview it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. healthaddict00

    fun fun! I always like checking out new themes.


  2. christrocks

    Arcade might be the best theme you’ve released in a while. 🙂 I’ll have to take a closer look!


  3. Pepz347

    I do like the look of Arcade!


  4. usskate1701

    arcade looks amazing :O but free themes have always appealed to the poor student in me. kelly is pretty amazing too. Now i have a new theme ^_^


  5. timethief

    I like them both. Who knows? I may fall in love with one or the other be using one soon on one of my blogs, or maybe I maybe using both as I have two blogs.


  6. garethlewry

    These look great. Will have to give them a go.


  7. Anna S. Kedi

    Arcade seems really amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Stef

    A free theme that looks good – thank you for your work Kelly!


  9. kerbey

    Kelly has the same problem that so many others do; the font is grey. It’s too light to read. I’m not 100 years old, or even close to half that, and I should be able to read other people’s blogs. Why can’t the default setting be black?


  10. Laurie Bartolo

    I love the Arcade theme – it’s fun without being too cutesy and handles images nicely. Very tempting!


  11. Victoria K Gallagher

    I love the ‘splash of colour’ in Kelly’s theme. It reminded me straight off of a couple of other themes, but looking closer, there is a difference and I’m quite liking it! For me though, I am a sucker for having a ‘sidebar’. Bar that, as design goes, the colour and typography makes it preferable over the other similar themes. Good job Kelly!


  12. whenyouthinkhappiness

    Wish Arcade had the option to show full posts on the homepage!


  13. Gaurav Tiwari

    I have used the free version of Arcade from WordPress repo. It is possibly the best WordPress theme made with bootstrap. Kelly appears great too.


  14. heretheresomewhere

    The new Kelly theme is amazing, i am loving it on blog. Thanks !


  15. Anjelina Jullie

    This is an fabulous theme, i will definitely try this on my new wordpress blog.


  16. bisbabe

    I am a newbie blogger having a lot of fun trying out the different themes. I am sure to try out Kelly and probably arcade later.


  17. DianaX

    I am loving Kelly! still need to explore options.


  18. Michael Meiser

    I like Kelly for its large fonts and images, but I prefer themes with sidebars.


  19. creativeinvolved

    So nice and beautiful ! good job !


  20. Laurie Bartolo

    I decided to try Arcade and I LOVE it. Thank you! 🙂


  21. Lý Hồng Phong

    Kelly is a good WordPress blog theme and Arcade, I really love it. Thanks, Kirk!


  22. Metro Square

    Social menu in Arcade theme is pretty good, easy links to the my faverit social sites and I like
    “Post Block” in this theme too.


  23. Karen

    Love the Kelly theme, using it on my site at the moment. Love the style, colours, there is nothing I would change about it.


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