Early Theme Adopters: Gridiculous Pro

In our Early Theme Adopters series, we share great-looking sites using the most recent additions to our Theme Showcase. Today, we’ll tour three sites already using Gridiculous Pro, a flexible theme ideal for blogs and businesses alike.

No matter whether you use WordPress.com to host your blog or your business website, premium theme Gridiculous Pro is a cool, sophisticated, and versatile theme that showcases your creativity.



Rick Kurelo, CD, is a firefighter and Canadian Forces veteran of campaigns in Bosnia and Afghanistan. His site, Firefight — in addition to promoting his book of the same name — collects stories and photos of his time battling fires in Canada and chaos and conflict in theatres of war. The large compelling photo of Rick in full military battle gear, the commanding type, and muted color scheme emphasize the gravity of Rick’s work in the military and in the fire hall.

Delft Big Band


Jazz lovers will swoon at the smooth clean lines and eye-catching masthead of Delft Big Band, a site for a South African jazz program offering music instruction to disadvantaged high school youth. This stripped-down iteration of Gridiculous Pro highlights the band’s upcoming performances and a photo gallery. You can even watch a recording of a live performance.

Aunty Muriel’s Blog


Aunty Muriel is the alter ego and online persona of English literature professor and oboist Gaenor Burchett-Vass. Her site, Aunty Muriel’s Blog, collects her writings on the works of Scottish novelist Muriel Spark as well as her comic book, movie, and book reviews. Gaenor takes great advantage of Gridiculous Pro‘s homepage widget feature to help readers navigate to her Spark writings and reviews.

Interested in other looks for Gridiculous Pro? Check out:

  • clutter — a furniture store in Savannah, Georgia.
  • 2RETHINK — a Danish furniture company.

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  1. andreabadgley

    Gridiculous Pro: Best Theme Name Ever.


  2. Aunty Muriel

    I am *so* chuffed about being featured here, thank you – and on my birthday too! xxx


  3. Nancy Goldstein Photo

    The reason I chose Gridiculous Pro was the slightly chiseled look to the body text font. It’s very subtle, but it looks a little like Letterpress.


  4. Galois

    I love this theme. And its name, of course. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Le Jardin Secrêt De Marguerite

    Comment trouver une solution sur le forum lorsque l’on ne lit pas l’anglais?


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