Images by <a href=A Feast for the Eyes">

Images by A Feast for the Eyes

Early Theme Adopters: Pictorico

In our Early Theme Adopters series, we focus on bloggers creating great sites with the most recent additions to the Theme Showcase. Today, let’s visit some sites already using Pictorico, a free grid-based theme that’s perfect for photoblogging and portfolios.

Launched last month, Pictorico is a free theme that combines a dynamic portfolio-style home page with a simple, single-column layout for posts and pages. It’s great for pro photographers, casual photobloggers, and anyone who wants a sleek space for personal blogging.

Let’s take a look at a few sites using Pictorico:

A Feast for the Eyes

British blogger Issy shares recipes at A Feast for the Eyes, a name that perfectly captures the focus of the site: food and photography. Pictorico‘s front-page grid displays her mix of dishes beautifully — her images are crisp and bold, while her plate setups are stylish and carefully considered.

Issy sets featured images on individual posts, adding color and sophistication to the header area. She also takes advantage of the theme’s clean, single-column layout, letting her images shine on the page:


The traveler and outdoor enthusiast at Ubuntu sets a wide custom header image, which changes the homepage look of Pictorico. The panorama of snowy, jagged peaks is the first thing you see, and captures the blogger’s wandering, adventurous spirit. Pictorico‘s custom header area accommodates images of at least 1180 pixels wide, so the visual effect is dramatic.

Shine Studios

New Zealand-based photographer Blair Quax of Shine Studios uses Pictorico to publish his wedding photography, much of which captures the beauty of Waiheke Island. The front-page portfolio design of Pictorico allows Blair to showcase distinct wedding day collections at a glance. Single post layouts are elegant and uncluttered, so the focus is entirely on the couples celebrating their special days.

Blair activates the theme’s post slider as well, which adds another layer to the front page:

More Pictorico examples

Visit the Pictorico page for details, other examples, and to preview or activate the theme.

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  1. Jordan135 Gaming

    This theme is really nice. Might use it for my next theme 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. summerfield84

    I have used this theme in my Japanese blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. QwenL

    I like how the site looks on my mobile phone with this theme. I hope I can use this theme on my blogjob account.


  4. Pepz347

    I was going to ask which theme is best for mobile phones! Maybe one of these will be!


  5. Ron

    It would be nice if WP had actual video tutorials on how to set up these various themes. They seem difficult to set up and manage. I tried pictorico and couldn’t get it to do anything I wanted. Maybe it’s just me.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. thesciencegeek

    Really like this theme. If I start another blog which is more pictorial I think I could use it.


  7. Colubridae

    Switched my blog to this theme. It is much nicer than the previous one, especially on mobile devices. I also like the infinite scrolling and the room for widgets on a clean modernist look.


  8. amnaholic

    Its just perfect for food bloggers like me.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jan & Tiff

    We switched to this theme, too! Love how clean it looks and it’s pretty uniform on all media – computers, tablets and mobiles!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Metro Square

    Great WordPress theme for food blog, photos blog or portfolio blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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