New Theme: Eighties

True to the spirit of the decade that gave it its name, Eighties is a big, bold theme that makes a statement.

Today we’re taking a trip back in time with our latest free theme, Eighties!


Eighties WordPress Theme

Think big hair, mixtapes, and beloved family sitcoms, and you have what is arguably one of the craziest, most colorful periods in recent memory. Eighties channels that essence into a theme with just as much flair and personality as the decade for which it is named.

Designed by Justin Kopepasah, Eighties features bold colors and typography, large custom header and featured images, styled post formats, and much more. It’s certain to make your personal blog stand out from the rest.

Learn more about the free Eighties theme at the Theme Showcase, or preview it by going to Appearance → Themes.

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  1. myworstadviceblog

    Using it already and LOVE it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. worriedbycory


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Michael Meiser

    I would switch to Eighties if the main navigation menu was permanently visible. However, good job! Will there be themes inspired by the sixties and seventies?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ipanase

    Like the font. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  5. insikternaskammare

    Love the Eighties!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. ulfkloss

    Looks great!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. lkeene33

    I loved the 80’s! Wild hair, wild outfits, bold colors and bold personalities! In fact, I still have a couple strands at the top o’ this ole head that stands up WITHOUT AquaNet!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. gogi6666

    Great music, outrageous colours! Wish could turn back the clock and stop it there forever and a day!!! Back in the days when the world was young! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  9. shalilah2002

    This should be an interesting theme.


  10. Biswadarshan Mohanty

    The disco 80s is brilliant. favourite decade has to be the 60s. Awaiting for some psychedelic hippie theme!!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. John Hayden

    Just AWESOME! However, I’m not sure I agree that the theme is specific to the Eighties. 🙂 IMO, it’s equally appropriate for the Outrageous Seventies and the Revolutionary Sixties. At the same time, it looks as modern as next year. One of the most sophisticated and stylish free themes yet!

    I’ve got to try it. I’m afraid it might inspire me to start a new blog. Just what I need, another blog!


  12. thesciencegeek

    Will we get a new theme for the nineties, noughties, and tens?


  13. bephriam2

    Love the eighties!!!! Good memories for me.


  14. deepbellylaugh

    Absolutely gorgeous, I’m trying it out!


  15. John

    This new trend toward the huge font and funky menu systems is undesirable. Sorry, just an opinion, not meant to be negative. Free themes are just that.


  16. tplach

    Reblogged this on tplach and commented:
    Nice theme!


  17. Roberto Rodriguez

    It’s very nice, looks good on my blog.


  18. Tempest Rose

    Ugh I wish I didn’t JUST get my blog’s CSS perfect to my liking. I don’t think I could go through it all again.


  19. daniellecmesa

    Cool! So dig the 80’s


  20. Annie of the Twinkling Stars

    The music was great in the 80s! This is a great theme! I am now using it for one of my blogs! Thanks!


  21. sarahmartin1121

    Bold colors are good for the soul…no one likes black and white all the time! 🙂


  22. krishhna

    Perfect..something which I always wanted…


  23. Anurag Rathod

    Already using it on a blog and LOVING it…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Il diario di carta

    I love this theme, but it has not a comment link below the post! 😦


  25. runman4tt

    Like the font. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Sylvia

    I love this theme…it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for for a long time. The retractable sidebar is simply brilliant. I get the full page look I want and continuous scroll without sacrificing widgets…all with a minimal look. Fantastic.


  27. AnaQ

    So true, all trends are recyclable..


  28. rubiescorner

    I lived through the eighties. My son was born in the eighties.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. hugsxheart

    I just adore this theme and using it 😀


  30. toastman741

    I have to admit that I love the 80’s. Favorite time in my life besides the loss of some family members.


  31. yreneyuhmi

    Wow cool, love it 😉


  32. I have Something To Say

    Born in the 80’s! Always thought it would be cool to experience living in the 80’s…for more than 7 years. 🙂


  33. Keith

    Are there already any sites using Eighties that I could look at? Or is it too new?


  34. Sheliel

    I’m testing it right now and it’s great, but it doesn’t display the name of my commentators. Please fix. 🙂


  35. wangdi

    It’s really good, I’m using it for my blog


  36. Swav

    I’ll be waiting for the 90’s 🙂


  37. The Barefoot Bookworm

    The 80’s look stunningly like the 2014’s. 😛


  38. Prince Joesmart

    Wonderful. I love its design


  39. mehreenfarhan

    Hi there, I have a question… I own a (free) site and I want to make my first attempt on using a premium theme. Will I be able to change my blog name and URL after I buy this theme without having to buy the same theme again? Or should I finalize my blog name/URL before buying the theme? Thanks.


    • Caroline Moore

      Howdy! You can move a purchased premium theme from one site to another via your Dashboard on the Store → My Upgrades page. If you have further questions about premium themes or just themes in general, please check out the Themes support forum. Cheers!


  40. Mr Sumit

    Great design.


  41. Stéphanie Angers

    Love the clean look and feel of your theme !


  42. maivdiblo

    I like that theme of yours.

    Liked by 4 people

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