This April in Blogging U.: The Return of Writing 101!

Registration is now closed. Blogging U. will be offering more courses throughout 2015, though!

This April, we’ll be offering Writing 101: Building a Blogging Habit. Writing 101 is a write-every-day challenge designed to help you create a writing habit and push you as a writer, while publishing posts that mesh with your blog’s focus.

What is Writing 101?

Writing 101 is a four-week course that runs from Monday, April 6, to Friday, May 1, 2015. Each weekday, you’ll get an assignment that includes a writing prompt and an optional “twist”; prompts are your topic inspiration for the day, while twists push you to experiment with writing techniques and tools.

Who else is really building their writing habit?… I wake up multiple times each night to check the time and see if it’s time to get up and write because I’m so excited. I’ve never felt this way before! I think I’m in lurve.
Molly, Knocked Up Knocked Over

You can mix assignments however you like: Respond to the prompt, and ignore the twist. Try the twist, but write on your own topic. Use both the prompt and the twist. Publish what you write on your blog, or use it as private writing practice. It’s up to you! The only mandate is that you write every weekday.

The nitty-gritty:

  • You’ll receive a new writing prompt via email each day at midnight UTC. (Not sure what time that is for you? Use this converter to figure out your local time.)
  • There are no weekend assignments — you’re free to expand on a weekday post, write something unrelated, or (gasp!) spend some time away from your blog.
  • As in all Blogging U. courses, participants will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand in the comments to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.
  • If you’ve taken Writing 101 before: yes, these will be the same prompts. Blogging U. courses always repeat unless we specifically indicate that a course is new.

Ready to register?

We’re excited you’re joining us! Fill out this short form to get started:

Registration for this course is now closed.

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  1. nicolemolders

    This was a great class

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Paul Handover

    I’m already posting every day and have been this last five years or so but it will be fun to respond to different themes each day. Great idea!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sorrygnat

    I am concerned about my blogging skills; had an ill husband who died, and I was not blogging during this time. It seems the WordPress site refashioned, and I’m a bit lost. Is there a course to do this again with an already set up wordpress system. I’m

    would appreciate a response, thanks, esther​

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michelle W.

      I’m so sorry for your loss. This course is designed for any blogger, WordPress or not; you don’t need to have a new blog to participate.


  4. luciledegodoy

    Hi Michelle, will you be the editor for this course? That would be great. Just registered. Have been looking forward to doing this one. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. mythoughtlane

    Looking forward. I have started to get comfortable with blogging only now and this class would do wonders , setting you to think up and challenge everyday.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ish

    I would like to register for the course

    Liked by 2 people

  7. rawsugarshay

    This sounds exciting! I would definitely benefit from the course.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. perilrose

    I think I’ll go for it 😀 this might help me improve my self-control/discipline haha

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Julie Phelps

    I think I am going to try this. I am usually not an every day blogger, but this might get me out of my addiction to research and get me writing more!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. lilypup

    Have had questions about Blogging 101. When will it be back? How about Blogging 201? This one sounds like something I could use. My brain runs dry at inopportune times.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. miojocamara

    This is great, Michelle. Thanks very much, I’ll be waiting.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. jabrush1213

    Can’t wait to start this course!!! Sounds fun!


  13. syndi100

    Looking forward to this! (oooh yeaaah)


  14. Cui 6 arts 崔氏六藝

    It sounds good.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. luisa4florez

    This is my first time. I am a little nervous, I don’t think I am the best writer.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. jameshessjr

    Michell, I hope it is OK to take the course again. I learned so much, but I feel I can learn more. I am really enjoying my blog! Have a Wonderful Day!!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. NavinChaudhary

    Finally! I have been waiting for a writing class since long time. Once, I had a flavor of writing201 class which left me wanting for more. Here I am now waiting with patience and excitement that I could contain. Cheers! 🙂


  18. More Than A Dash Of Salt

    Will any other courses be run next month? I love the prompts to get creative.


  19. starbriteasparkles

    I just got registered and I am looking forward to it. This should get me in the habit of writing everyday. I love to blog, but it seems to get the backseat behind all of my other obligations.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Mario Rozario


    Is political blogging included here as well, or is this for any type of blogging. I started a political blog 3 years ago and was rather gung-ho about it then. However one thing led to another and even as we speak it now gathers moss



  21. Anna Carrillo

    Haven’t received any confirmation email. Why is that?


    • Michelle W.

      There’s a note after the registration form:
      “Note: you won’t receive an automated confirmation, but you’ll get a welcome email with full details just prior to the start of the course.”


  22. Madvanthi

    Is this the same as last year’s Writing 101 (held at the same time last year)?


    • Michelle W.

      Yup, as the post notes: “If you’ve taken Writing 101 before: yes, these will be the same prompts. Blogging U. courses always repeat unless we specifically indicate that a course is new.”


  23. mannseppanen

    I haven’t got a blog but it’s been on my To Do list for AGES! Perhaps this course is the kick I need in order to get started.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. amomenttoexpress


    Who can participate for this?


    Liked by 2 people

  25. Mrs. B

    Is there a fee for taking Blogging 101?


  26. Sonya

    Ooh, looking forward to this. I’m always in need of a writing prompt 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. shaikkadir

    Hi Michelle. The course sounds interesting. Only thing is that I’m taking care of my 8-month-old grand-daughter for 12 daylight hours (6am – 6pm) while my son and his wife, both teachers, go to work, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to complete an article a day. Any advice? Should i wait for a similar course at end of the year? Would there be one conducted after October? (I’m from Singapore (Singaporean), and I blog, taking my own sweet time to write on Islamic and social issues as and when I have the time and mood. Yes, would appreaciate your advice. (I’ve not registeres yet.)


    • Michelle W.

      You don’t need to complete or publish an article every day — the course pushes you to write something each day, but what you write, how much, and whether you put it on your blog is up to you. That being said, the course will also repeat a few more times throughout 2015, so you can definitely wait for one that fits in with your schedule a bit more easily.


  28. Vlindersag

    I suppose this is only for English blogging?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michelle W.

      The assignments are presented in English, but you can write in any language you want. We always have non-English participants, and there will often be someone else (or several people) in the course who speaks your language.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Joiya Reid

    This will be my second Blogging U course and I am SUPER excited

    Liked by 1 person

  30. ryandan

    Hi Michelle, I started the course before but never completed it because of workload. This time around there are no excuses.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Celeste's Quiet Ramblings

    I can’t wait. So thankful that this is a free service to help us improve. Thanks bunches I’m excited😉

    Liked by 1 person

  32. start186

    thanks full and i am interest for this course.. so.. what i must doing now??

    Liked by 1 person

  33. d1v1nelyinspired

    Sounds like fun! Can’t wait to get started!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. slskrobinson

    I am looking forward to taking this course. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. cchellis

    Thanks; I’m looking forward to the class. Will you offer the Photography class in May?! Please?


  36. GrowingBeans

    Just registered. I am an absolute blogging beginner and hope this will help-

    Liked by 2 people

  37. Poulomi.M

    This is such a nice program. Am thinking of writing blog about food and travel. I think this will help me so much!


  38. Debbie Choplin

    New to blogging. Hoping to improve writing skills. It’s been ions since I’ve done much writing. Looking forward to the class.


  39. michaelneil

    This looks like a great course! I could definitely use some help with my writing.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. nickiscribbles

    I’ve just registered to join as well. Excited and a little nervous as well but this may be just what I need to help prioritise my blog and help improve my writing. Looking forward to reading others as well.


  41. 53knights

    I’ve signed in. This may push some of my drafts on the back burner but this sounds like fun!


  42. Bill Housley

    I like to respond to prompt workshops like this with flash fiction. Not only is it my favorite type of writing to produce, but it fits into to my busy weekday schedule. This’ll be fun. I won’t blog the results unless I like them, but I’ll be trying to post the results as they come.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. awritershelper

    There is no “form” to register that I can find. Could someone email me one or something?


  44. awritershelper

    It does not show up on my computer. I’m fairly computer savvy, just not seeing it. Is there another link somewhere?

    “Ready to register?

    We’re excited you’re joining us! Fill out this short form to get started:

    Note: you won’t receive an automated confirmation, but you’ll get a welcome email with full details just prior to the start of the course.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michelle W.

      I’m not sure why you’re not seeing it, but you can also access it here:

      Liked by 4 people

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