July in Blogging U.: Blogging 101 and 201

Need help getting your blog off the ground or getting readers engaged?

Note: Blogging 101 and Blogging 201 cover the same content each time they are offered.

Have you just started blogging (welcome!), or are you looking to breathe new life into a blogging habit that’s fallen by the wayside? Blogging U. is a great way to get on track, with bite-size assignments, a supportive community, and staff to support you. We’re offering two courses in July — learn more:

Blogging 101: Zero to Hero — July 6 – 24

Blogging 101 is three weeks of bite-size blogging assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” Every weekday, you’ll get a new assignment to help you publish a post, customize your blog, or engage with the community.

You’ll walk away with a stronger focus for your blog, several published posts and a handful of drafts, a theme that reflects your personality, a small (but growing!) audience, a grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new friends.

Blogging 201: Branding and Growth — July 20 – 31

Blogging 201 is a two-week challenge that gives you the tools to define your brand, build your audience, use your stats to grow your traffic, and bring your older posts fresh attention. You don’t need to have completed Blogging 101 to register, although it makes a great foundation.

Please note that we ask you not to register for Blogging 101 and 201 at the same time; Blogging 201 assumes that you have some readers and have already accomplished a lot of what we cover in the 101-level course. Both courses will be offered several more times throughout the year.

How do Blogging U. courses work?

Blogging U. courses exist for one reason: to help you meet your own blogging and writing goals.

  • Courses are free, flexible, and open to all.
  • You’ll get a new task to complete each day, along with our best advice and favorite resources. Do them on your own time, and interpret them however makes sense for your specific blog and personal goals — we’re not grading you, we’re not checking to make sure you complete every task, and there’s no “wrong” way to use the resources we give you.
  • We’ll post new assignments here on The Daily Post each weekday at 12AM GMT. Each assignment will contain all the inspiration and instructions you need to complete it. Weekends are free.
  • Each course will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

Ready to register?

Registration for Blogging 101 is now closed, but you can still register for Blogging 201 with the form below.

Just fill out this short form! There’s no automated confirmation; you’ll receive a welcome email just prior to the start of your course. If you’re on a mobile device or reading this via email and don’t see the form, you can register with this link.

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  1. Grace @ Cultural Life

    I completed most of Zero to Hero at the beginning of 2014. If I remember correctly, I missed some of the daily prompts, due to my busy college schedule. But it was a great experience nevertheless.

    I’m looking forward to Blogging 201. Recently I have been thinking that I want to build my blog and do some work on it, so this post arrived in my Reader at just the right time. 🙂

    Liked by 10 people

  2. sclay419

    Looking forward to Blogging 201. 101 got me started!.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. A Muslim Traveller

    Great. Anxiously looking forward.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. cbecker53

    I registered for Blogging 101 once before and then didn’t really participate. I registered again earlier this year and really tried. I did learn some things. I made some changes. I made some new blogging “friends.” And I got some new followers. There’s still LOTS of room for improvement in my blog. But I’m getting there. And I think I will try Blogging 201 “someday.”

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Scorpy

    Sounds interesting!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. John Feist Photography


    I’d like to take one or both of the courses you describe. I’ve had a blog on WordPress for some time now. https://johnfeistphotography.wordpress.com Can you take a quick look at my current blog and let me know if I should start with 101, or just go right to 201.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Michelle W.

      It all depends on your goals and how happy you are with your blog right now; we’ve had lots of folks who have been blogging for a while get a lot of of 101. You can also give it a try and stop if it feels too elementary for you.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. duckshots

    I almost gave up blogging last week. My wife encouraged me to continue. This could not have come at a better time in my life.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. GrowingBeans

    Hi Michelle,
    Will Blogging 101 be repeated in a later month? I’d love to take this course, as I really need it, but bet July 6-24, I am traveling and will not be able to take it-
    thank you

    Liked by 3 people

  9. jabrush1213

    Ah! Can’t wait for the courses to start! Really did miss Blogging U, the past couple of months.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. espere14

    I’m ready to get back into blogging too. I’ve been off and on with my blog, when I know I had the time to write but decided to chill. I need a kick in the butt with my blogging skills and hope blogging 101 and 102, can give me that booster. Can’t wait.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. honeypea digital

    Sounds interesting. Will try it out.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. visitourislands

    Hi there! When will Writing 201 be offered this year?


  13. rainbowkinect2012

    Hi Michelle,

    I wish I could register for Blogging 201 but I will be on vacation for most of the two week period. Hopefully there will be another 201 session in the not so distant future.

    Have a great rest of the summer.

    Laura (Rainbowkinect)


  14. Nancy Lee Ma

    I just jumped in to do a blog so now I can check to see how I can improve it. Totally new to this space but have a big message and vision that is ready to be shared.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. captain of the flying dutchman

    i really hope this helps my blogging, just starting out.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. michaelbrus25

    Let’s do this! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  17. backpackingmama

    All signed up for 101! Though I have been very ambitious and started 3 parallel blogs, all very different from each other. One of them, i have been focusing on, but the others are yet to really start. Would it make sense to split the assignments across the 3?

    Liked by 1 person

  18. gcobisapippanosilela

    Looking forward to some new learning.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Leisel

    Blogging 201 here I come. Digital fertilizer is the best fertilizer. That, and no squirrels to steal my tasty bounty.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. ohhodgepodge

    Just started my blog three months ago when I moved to Paris for an internship, this is perfect timing and for once, I’m excited for a course to start! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  21. sosophie24

    I registered but I now realize that I will be out of town and unable to do the course. Is there a way to take it during a different time?


  22. Anat Nili

    I’m looking forward to Blogging 101! I am always wanting to be writing daily, but never know how to go from “ooo, shiny!” to putting down the (sometimes difficult) thoughts for sharing, and engaging in conversations. I think this is perfect timing for me, and I really look forward to being part of a community to build up good blogging habits! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Mei

    Registered for 101 program! I’m really excited :D.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. editedstyle

    Thank you for making me aware of this! This is exactly what I need to find my own little way of blogging.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. DrEMiller

    I missed so much of Blogging 101 during the June session that I feel I need to start over. Thanks for the opportunities you offer. Maybe this time around I can actually finish all the exercises and do them with a little more thought. One thing I’ve learned on Blogger U: each time I learn something or feel I have the skills to try something new.


  26. writingblissfully

    Just signed up for Blogging 101! Can’t wait…I just started my blog in May and this class sounds like it will be helpful. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. maryamgnia

    Just signed up. I’m a new blogger and eager to learn 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  28. felicityako

    Hi guys, i registered for blogging 101 but yet to receive a confirmation mail and daily task. Somebody help……please.


  29. lindazssewingctr

    Will I need to know the mechanics to blogging before taking Blogging 101? What other pre-reqs are needed for Blogging 101? I’ve set up a WordPress account but haven’t done anything else.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi there — Blogging 101 is for brand-new users, and in your first week or so, you’ll do basic tasks like publishing your first posts, deciding on a blog title, and getting to know your way around WordPress.com. If you want, you can log into your account and poke around, click on links, etc., to get a feel for everything, but you’ll be guided each day during the course.

      Welcome to WordPress.com and Blogging U.!


  30. OSH Geek

    Just registered for blogging 101, really looking forward to it. I already have my first post up and another scheduled for the next couple Fridays. Hope to connect with some great people.


  31. twistingsuburbia

    The stressors of the past year melted my brain and almost killed the writer in me. I am looking forward to writing again.


  32. Marialena Gallagher

    Would I be able to complete assignments with my own content? Like, keep the posts within the theme of my blog?


  33. whitnxy

    so excited for this, can’t wait to take my blog of its feet


  34. littlemisslikes

    That’s perfect timing since I’ve just started mine a few days back – should be good to inspire and teach me how to do this!


  35. Luna

    Darn – I will be away ! I will have to catch, I hope, blogging 201 in August???


    • Ben Huberman

      Blogging 201 returns slightly less frequently than Blogging 101, so it’s possible you’ll have to wait a bit longer than August. It will definitely be back before long, though — be sure to watch out for course announcements here and at The Daily Post.

      Liked by 2 people

  36. magesticallyflawed

    Perfect timing!!!


  37. Casa de Loca

    Woke up today SO EXCITED to start Blogging 101 only to arrive and find out that registration’s closed.


  38. tubbytris

    Signed up today, gutted I have missed the start of this, when will it be repeated??


  39. JeffreyPaulBeauty

    hi michelle

    i have not received a notice for the blogging 101.. i signed up last week and i have had no notifications https://jeffreypaulbeauty.wordpress.com

    thank you

    hope to see you soon xo well in the blogging universe


    • Michelle W.

      Hi Jeffrey! Registration for Blogging 101 is closed; you’ve registered for Blogging 201 instead, which starts next week. If you’d like me to remove you from that, let me know! Registration for the next round of Blogging 101 will open later this month.

      Liked by 2 people

  40. countrymouse1234

    Are you offering any classes in October?

    Liked by 1 person

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