Drawing by Russell Jackson, <em><a href=Draw the Public">

Drawing by Russell Jackson, Draw the Public

What Are Your Blogging Goals for 2016?

A new year, a new set of resolutions. Writers and artists on WordPress.com tell us their most important goals for 2016.

You may not bother with resolutions for the new year, but setting goals for your blog helps you to (re)focus and shape your online home. We asked a diverse mix of bloggers:

What’s the most important goal you have for your site in 2016?

Lisa Jakub, lisajakub.net

My resolution is very simple and not so easy: I want to create work that tells the truth. Writing, for me, is all about connection, and nothing creates connection like open-hearted honesty. It’s about putting letters and spaces together in a way that reaches out and allows all of us to feel less alone. It’s about finding our commonalities and celebrating our individual authenticity. And if we can laugh about it in the process  — even better.

Emily J. Petersen, The Bookshelf of Emily J.

My goal for my blog in 2016 is to re-personalize it! I started out by writing about my memories and experiences as they connected with books, and I’ve gotten away from that. I’m working on a PhD and finishing my dissertation this year, so I’ve become preoccupied. My book reviews tend to be just that: book reviews. I think what made my blog special in the beginning were the stories I told about my life as they related to books.

So in 2016, I plan to make my posts more personal, more engaging, and more sincere. I read a lot of books, but I’d rather write about my personal reaction or connection to a book than repeat the plot line. I think this personalization will help me to reconnect with my loyal readers and to find new ones. I love the community aspects of blogging, so I hope to reinsert myself there by sharing who I am and opening up more.

Sam Nathapong, Sam in Bangkok

Sam Nathapong wants to share your tales of Bangkok.

Sam Nathapong wants to share your tales of Bangkok.

I’m interested in free speech in 2016. Bangkok, Thailand, has been under the military government for more than a year, since the May 2014 coup. The military junta has created a climate of fear among us, from small bloggers to journalists and academics all over the country.

My blog is small, so I’m not trying to be all Katniss Everdeen about it — and Bangkok is far more than what is described as The Hunger Games’ District 12. On Twitter, it feels especially tense for those of us writing in the English language from Thailand. But with this global language, I want to reach more people and let them know that there are still reasons to smile under such conditions — and to tell my own part of this story.

Bangkok is still rich in culture, and we have so many visitors each year. I believe that everyone has their own unique Bangkok story inside of them, and my goal is to reach out to these people. My door is open if they have a story to tell.

In 2016, I want Sam in Bangkok to be a blog where we can share and discover stories about Bangkok — freely.

Summer Pierre, Paper Pencil Life

summer pierre

New for 2016: an online comics course from Summer Pierre.

I have always been a conflicted blogger, feeling slightly apologetic for keeping what can seem an indulgently personal project in a public forum. Yet after this year of feeling more connected than ever to a growing audience, due to telling my imperfect and personal stories, it hit me: Who am I kidding? I love my blog. If it weren’t for my blog I would have never tried half of what I’ve done. It is both my lab and my studio, and although I might have made comics and written essays without it, I doubt I’d ever have felt as connected to people on such a consistent personal level through my work.

Without my blog, I would never have come up with my latest endeavor: teaching an online class on comics in the New Year. The class is a direct extension of everything I’ve made on my blog and feels like a natural progression as an artist on WordPress. I feel more excited than ever to continue to tell my own story through words and pictures, and to extend the reach by helping others tell their own. What could be better?

Russell Jackson, Draw the Public

Drawing by Russell Jackson,

Blog resolutions for 2016, by Russell Jackson at Draw the Public.

Samara Speaks, A Buick in the Land of Lexus

In 2016, I would like to parlay my blog into a successful freestyle rap career and share my rhythmic wisdom across the globe. Sadly, I have zero rapping skills. Can I change my answer?

For 2016, I would like to actually HAVE goals. For two years I’ve flown by the seat of my pants. (What does that even MEAN? Sounds painful.)

The grown-up bloggers set goals. They use editorial calendars and blog organizers. Blog organizers? I can’t even find a clean bra. Check my Google Analytics? I get lost at Walmart.

I’m reasonably intelligent, but blog tech jargon makes me hyperventilate. Someone says, “determine a niche to develop your overall SEO strategy.” I hear, “Blerghity blergh blergh.”

Did you know Pinterest can be used to drive traffic to your blog? Do you know what custom CSS is? Bounce rate? Meta tags?

Samara's goal is to remain goalless. It works for her, after all.

Samara‘s goal is to remain goalless.

Did you know that the Amish are a real culture of people and not just an old-timey group of actors who are just really into it? Do you realize that our presidential elections are basically a national scam and we’d be better off electing a God of Cake?

So, for 2016, my big goal is to SET GOALS.

Guess what? I checked with Lady Google, and only 8 percent of goals are ever met. If seven of us are answering this question, only .56 of us are going to meet our goals. Not even ONE WHOLE PERSON!

Maybe winging it IS the way to go. I’m not rich or famous. But I must be doing something right, because I have the coolest blog family on the planet. The people who read my blog make it what it is. I don’t have to change a thing.

So, I guess my goal is to remain goalless. I am, after all, a non-conformist. Just like everyone else.

J.S. Park, jsparkblog.com

Every blog can hit a stride, and then the pressure’s on. With enough diligence, dark roast, and in-brain mud-wrestling over the perfect click-worthy title, we can get what we always wanted: a steady stream of readers.

The problem is we try to duplicate lightning in a bottle, and we hold too many bottles, and we stretch ourselves thin with thunder. Either the blog will turn into Swiss cheese, or we will. Or in my case, both.

For devout atheist-turned-skeptical pastor J.S. Park, blogging in 2016 will mean slowing down.

For devout atheist-turned-skeptical pastor J.S. Park, blogging in 2016 means slowing down.

I rode a wave this year that culminated in the best blog performance since I started 15 years ago, with a tsunami surge of clicks over the summer. But it came at the cost of my restless desperation. I had to write on everything. I had to have an opinion. I had to ride the momentum to rapture.

I knew it was bad when I thought, I can’t stop now. I thought stopping meant quitting, and quitting in my Eastern Asian world is harakiri by pen. 

My posts became passive-aggressive, choppy, less coherent and thoughtful. I got emails that said, “Sounds like it’s been rough lately, sorry.”

Their concern broke through. I had to rest.

I treat rest like an annoying pause-button before I get back to work, but rest is the living actual life that makes the work make sense. I forget to enjoy and cherish the downtime: which isn’t really downtime, but real time. I forget to remove myself from stats and post schedules to live life itself, so that I can have something to say at all. And I had to quit superimposing those moments into social media, to just let them breathe without an obligation to post them.

Rest is the room to breathe.

My hope is to write less and live more. Rest more and write better. Be still in the balcony and regain perspective. It’s this space that cultivates creativity, for better thoughts, and more thunder.

We wish all of you a Happy New Year — and can’t wait to see what you create in 2016.

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  1. daviddiamondblog

    // my goal is to be as cool or more cooler than when i joined.// also to find out what Hegemony means// and to read soft erotica about intelligent artsy b””’s who blog and write poems. instead of being nice to people in real life. thank you x

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Ranting Crow

    Samara is way fun to read.

    As for 2016 I might be unplugging more than usual.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Catherine Townsend-Lyon, Author

    What a great question and post!

    My 2016 goal is to reach as many people as I can through my recovery blog to help, care, share, inform and educate the public about Gambling Addiction and that Recovery is Possible! Continue to share my recovery journey in recovery from this deadly addiction and being “dual diagnosed,” meaning I also have mental health challenges living in recovery almost 9 years…. If I can do it? So can others!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Life Diet Health

    Where did 2015 go! My blog will be one year old come January 2016 and my goal is to continue creating new and exciting free-from and vegan recipes from scratch! 🙂 I also aim to get my head around the updated wordpress… it suddenly has become complicated to put photos where I want them so I plan on addressing that in 2016!

    Liked by 6 people

    • nicolemazavello

      I want my blog to be well known in 2016. I want to really find my writing voice. My trouble is finding my direction. Hopefully, I will find it in the new year. I plan to keep growing.

      Liked by 6 people

  5. Triamond

    To be a well-known blogger whose writings people appreciate.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. firebrandnotes

    Thanks for the new-year-progress-primer! Awesome idea. Peace

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Peter

    I hope to reach 300 followers before the end of this year so if you are interested, follow me! In 2016, I hope to expand my blog activity to the web site of Bounty, which is a Dutch party vessel.

    Liked by 7 people

  8. Jake@ThePeasantBlog

    I agree that Samara is brilliantly entertaining to read!
    And as for my own goals, my blog is barely cracking a month old, so I guess my main goal is to stay interested and keep posting on the regular, and maybe find others with similar interests to myself!

    Liked by 4 people

  9. MrMannering

    I hope to keep expanding, posting at least twice a week as well as creating an interesting platform where people can come together to discuss their thoughts and ideas! Roll on 2016!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. adelinev

    I just started my blog, and my goal for 2016 is to really start getting the hang of blogging and really start to get my blog up and running…a bonus would be becoming just a little more well known!

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Jesska

    Getting the words onto screen-paper not just lined up in my head. I have lots of named-but-mostly-empty posts in my drafts folder, waiting for me to make time for them……

    Liked by 1 person

  12. thatnewcrunchymom

    I love your answer, Samara! 🙂 Congratulations!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. hastywords

    Samara you wing it better than anyone I know… Don’t change a thing.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. avvocatolo

    My goal for 2016 is to survive the upcoming baby that is going to born in few daaaysss SOS 😂

    Liked by 2 people

  15. abigailirozuru

    I love the idea of repersonalising the blog. But I also understand why one wishes to remain goalless! This post encourages me to create my own personal blog goals for 2016 too! Thanks.

    Liked by 6 people

  16. Chelle

    I think I have the same goal as Samara – remain goalless, just write… happy new year!

    Liked by 3 people

  17. John Oliver Mason

    For 2016, my blogging goal is to monetize my blog and writing, I believe I deserve to be paid for my writing work. I have put in over a quarter century into my writing career, and the website is a wonderful platform for my work, of which I am proud.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. smokersodysseycom

    I need to find a publisher for my novel.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. versspielerin

    an amazing question and post! thank you!
    my blogging goal for 2016 and furthermore is: to reach people with my poetry.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. Jishnu Bandyopadhyay

    My goals are:
    1. To post more frequently
    2. to give more time to blogging/writing
    3. Developing my blog website
    4. Getting a domain
    5. getting more creative….

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Lyagushka (Meirav)

    I’m with Samara – I just don’t do goals, I don’t plan, I do everything on a wing and a prayer.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. cherdayao

    My blogging goals is to write more blogs that is based on my personal experiences and how I get by. I basically write about how I feel but this time, my goal is to provide help as well as inspiration to other people.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. April McCarthy

    I am going to discover more blogs to follow regularly… I am always learning from others!

    Liked by 6 people

  24. Heartafire

    I don’t have any “goals” and never have, I go day at a time and post, write, what moves me. I hope it is enjoyed, but that is not essential.

    Liked by 4 people

  25. Juana

    My blogging goals are pretty simple: keep doing what I’m doing and develop more comfort with authenticity. Revisit the energy work I do that informs one of the blogs (yep, I have two), and work on improving my creative writing.

    Also – take lots of photos! My blog really needs those.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Ahmad Abn Al Waleed

    i have a great plan but there’s not enough time.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. bobgrytten

    A blog post three times a week!

    Bob Grytten

    Liked by 1 person

  28. PsychicSatan

    I recently started blogging (within the past week actually) and for 2016 I just hope to be receiving feedback on my poetry. Hopefully my audience grows, and I acquire more writers and/or fans of writing so that my own may benefit and grow and mature.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. presthebutler

    I’ve just begun my blogging experience and boy, I’m excited! I strive to grow in 2016. Not only reaching my goals, but surpassing them tremendously!! I just turned 18 last month as well so I plan to just get better at this craft and even make it into a career!

    Liked by 6 people

  30. Breanna

    My goal is to consistently post weekly at least 2-3 times something interesting, and that can reach someone on each level. I want my work to inspire and speak to people. To be consistent is my goal and updating to an even better look!

    Liked by 4 people

  31. ADMIN

    My goal for 2016 is making a good blog with useful idea, writing or posting for my people in darfor

    Liked by 2 people

  32. RecoverInParis

    My goal is to improve my writing, primarily in quality to make it more fluent to read.

    Liked by 4 people

  33. handikwani02

    It has been very encouraging to read other bloggers goals for 2016,for me though the over all goal has always been and continue to be improving my writing skills. I can say over the past year there has been a tiny bit of improvement which I would like to build on. My one goal for 2016 is to make sure I write posts which other fellow bloggers will find worth reading. I also want to make my blog site more inviting by improving the way I write posts. I want to continue to be authentic which is about sharing my life encounters as honesty as possible. Over and above responding to daily posts prompts I want to write my own posts from my experiences.

    Liked by 3 people

  34. bigsands

    My goal is to continue the same as our party blog now appears on the first page of Google results for its main topics. I have asked Santa for a new HD camera to improve the quality of the images.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Cai

    Write more regularly about my transition (the preferred term for “sex change” if you didn’t know) as it happens. I post too often on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, which don’t always link; and not enough on my blog, which is where I want to centrally link everything together.

    Liked by 5 people

    • vercellonopace

      My goals for writing in 2016 include writing more often and getting past the writer’s block I have because I think too much about the responses to my writing. I need focus in my writing (so I think) and have not used my blog to work that out. If you look in the dictionary under the upheaval, you just might see my picture. This year has defined upheaval for me. I had a goal to move, get situated and write. I even signed up for the Blogging and Writing courses and couldn’t get consistent because of life events. As I write this, I see that I can just write a daily post about the things that are going on in my life. If nothing else, it will bring the consistency and help me get focused. Another of my goals is to set my domain name and have a couple different blogs for the things I am passionate about at this point in my life. So there you have it. I do have to give kudos to WordPress though. It is my writing forum of choice right now and I would like to take advantage of all the features and options it has for us bloggers!

      Liked by 6 people

  36. Lila

    I really like the idea of setting goals for your blog. Reading these helped me think of what I really want to do with my blog. Maybe not set strict goals, but think of a direction for this blog. Thanks!

    Liked by 6 people

  37. smokersodysseycom

    To find a publisher. It’s a funny sci fi alien novel.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. mashuduon

    My goal is to help other people

    Liked by 3 people

  39. celinatalk

    My blogging goal is to not only improve my writing but to challenge my writing. I tend to keep things inside that are shouting to get out. I recently started blogging about more personal situations in my life and it feels great! I love blogging and the community and I know that WordPress has inspired me to start writing my very first book on abuse. I want to better my blog lay out throughout 2016, as I am still learning about it. I would like to influence writers around me and make a positive impact on their life. Blogging is a great hobby to have and I am more than blessed to be able to. If it wasn’t for that spontaneous day in July of 2015, I wouldn’t be blogging. Thank you WordPress for all you do for us! xoxo

    Liked by 6 people

  40. Samatha

    more views

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Jean

    I’ve been blogging since late 2010, but not in prolific quantity of posts.
    2016 hopes:

    1. Still blog at least 1-2 times per month.
    2. Find a new free theme to change present. But it needs to meet certain (picky) criteria. Still looking/procrastinating.
    3. Try an interview for a post. Would be another blogger that has similar core subject interests. (Already have someone in mind.)
    4. Keep balance between blogging and my other interests.

    Liked by 3 people

  42. pghjoseph

    I don’t really know what my blog’s goals for 2016 will be yet, but let’s just say that I’m gonna try to make it a better blog than ever before.

    I’m gonna try to use more pictures in my blog posts. That way, I can tell you exactly what my blog posts will be about.

    I introduced three new features to my blog last summer. I try to use them together in the same week, but I may space them out a little bit … and I may use one of my blog’s features every week, whenever I can.

    Back in October, I added a fourth feature to my blog to celebrate my 30th birthday, which is coming up in May. It’s called “Joseph’s Road To His 30th Birthday” … and I will be using this feature until late April.

    A few weeks ago, I wrote a two-part blog post entitled “Joseph’s Outtakes.” In it, I talked about two pictures that I took my mistake. I may turn it into a regular feature in 2016.

    Liked by 5 people

  43. camerapentravel

    My goal for 2016 is to make a living from blogging! If I could earn a good income from my blogging I could give up my current full time job, to stay at home and pound the keyboard to make a living.

    I have only been on Word Press for a short time, and I have started to make friends on this site. I enjoy the interaction and supportive comments from other bloggers. So I guess another goal would be to continue to communicate with my blogging friends and to not neglect them.

    I joined Blogging 101 and didn’t do a whole lot of the set activities as I was busy elsewhere in my life. I would like to prioritise my life and make writing a higher priority.

    Oh and I saw that somebody posted they wanted 300 followers. I would be happy with 50 people following my blogs. There you go, a few goals for my blogging web site.

    Liked by 9 people

  44. cravethecookbook

    To be more consistent. I have developed a few features that I want to keep up with and of course….keep the followers happy and gain new ones.

    Liked by 3 people

  45. Nichole

    Oh you know, just to get more followers. I also want to have more time to read blogs written by others. I feel like it is so important to support others who find it important to share their words with the World.

    Liked by 5 people

  46. Linda Jenkins

    No specific goals…yet. I just started blogging in October so still fairly new to the blogging world. One of the things I love about blogging is learning about other people interests, lives, up-and-downs learning about blogging and discovering all the amazing writers that are on here. Everyone is encouraging which keeps me inspired. I’m sure I’ll continue on the path of helping others who are Caregivers. I may take Blogging101 a second time too! It was incredibly helpful. Thank you WordPress.

    Liked by 4 people

  47. Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog

    To help others perceive beyond the superficial. (Even though I can’t easily share my self-made 3d holograms online… I can — even along with 2d, rather superficial, pictures — help them with words hopefully to a point where they perceive deeply on their own.)

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Kerri Leung-Sykes

    Raise awareness/engage/advocate for young disadvantaged women, issues around the black community, and young carers/guardians who have suffered bereavement

    Devote more time to blogging, grow my audience.

    Support other bloggers by reading their content

    Liked by 8 people

  49. lifecameos

    I have just started blogging on wordpress and am finding the positive comments supportive and helpful. I want to work on inmproving my writing in thsi supportive atmosphere in 2016.

    Liked by 7 people

  50. girl bout town

    My goals are to produce my quality posts over quantity and also to engage more with my readers and the blogging community.

    Liked by 4 people

  51. thebakhishlipost

    My goal for 2016 is to make an article each day about British Politics that interest me. I would have to get 1000 followers at the end of 2016.

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  52. pastelorchid

    My blogging goal for 2016 is to help my blog grow! I want to interact with people who share the same ideas about the world as I do, along with people who have different ideas that they are willing to share with me! I also want to support other bloggers so we can enjoy this journey together:)

    Liked by 3 people

  53. glambling04

    I just started my blog for the very first time, my goal is to share my awesome business with like minded people who truly want to change their lives for the better. I ‘ve found that people claim that they want to make a change, add more income, become financially free and to just enjoy life more. I want to inspire people to stop making corporate rich and put some of that energy into their own future. This is definitely one of my main goals for 2016.

    Liked by 6 people

  54. 10thousandfaces

    My blogging goal for 2016 would be to …

    1. spend more time writing and less time criticizing myself
    2. grow my audience without boring them.

    (If you’re interested in blog, please check it out. I’m working on sharing the unique human experience with others)

    Liked by 7 people

  55. AGirlNamedEgypt

    My goal is to hit at least 100 followers or even 200 if its a miracle and be more active with promoting and advertising my blog 😁

    Liked by 6 people

  56. Kfoodie

    To continure to post everyday or almost everyday haha. And to find more bloggers like myself and build my creative network.

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  57. JAKA

    My blog is relatively new, and if I had a goal — something I’m not that inclined to do — it would be to relax and enjoy writing posts. If you don’t enjoy the writing process (and any related research) it shows, and the readers won’t enjoy it either. Anyway, that’s my excuse for the slightly random focus of my blog.

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  58. How Do I Revise?

    I’ve just started blogging but want to blog more regularly and keep to a schedule.

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  59. postedbyDarlene

    To actually blog about my journey to happiness through yoga. Oh and to blog about visian icl when I get them!

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  60. Mimifry15

    My goal is to have 75-100 followers.

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  61. fncoffee

    You’re all an inspiration to this new blogger. My goal is to find more humor/comedy blogs on here to draw even more inspiration from. This is so much fun!

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  62. Dawn Marie

    I too hope to watch my follower count grow, and grow, and grow!!! Hugs!

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  63. jerlyntirando

    My goal for this 2016 is get started sharing new ideas and inspiring questions.

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  64. Benjamin Thomas

    A few of my goals:

    1. Post regular content
    2. connect with other readers
    3. update the different aspects of the blog to be more visually appealing.
    4. Get to the point to sell books on the site.

    Liked by 2 people

  65. emissaryarcher

    My goal for 2016 is to grow my blog in both readership and in terms of content. I want to make it into a community for all things geeky, nerdy, and fun. I’m going to be looking for contributions from readers about what they’re passionate about, and most importantly I want it to be a safe place of fun and chatter.

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  66. letsjustsayits

    My goal is to inspire people with my work, whether my writing be sad or happy. I want it to inspire others to appreciate the simple joys of writing.

    Liked by 4 people

  67. mariner2mother

    We’re supposed to set goals? Who knew? I guess my goal is to just keep writing and putting it out there. And to keep on appreciating my tiny tribe that reads what I write.

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  68. Paakhi Bhatnagar

    I have only just started writing a blog, about two months ago and I have been accepted as a HerCampus community blogger. It’s awesome, really.
    I really want 2016 to give me a whole new bunch of viewers who, like me, are a feminists and believe in what I say.
    I hope that through my blogs about mental health and struggling with OCD, I can help a lot of people who are perhaps going through the same thing.

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  69. heinlein

    I’ll have to think about that for the rest of December. Your email to me brought out the fact that a blog can have a theme or several themes, but it would behoove me to only have two or three storylines in my blog for 2016. I just have to think about what you’re going to be because right now I am no idea. Happy holidays Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah happy New Year to everyone at WordPress.

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  70. Dawn Quyle Landau

    Great selection of bloggers, and wonderful goals, to inspire… and amuse.

    Liked by 2 people

  71. Dawn Quyle Landau

    PS) I suppose my goals would be: to spread positivity, continue to connect with other writers and blogging peeps and continue to grow (emotionally, not physically… though the 2nd is more likely). Happy New Year all y’all!

    Liked by 4 people

  72. antoniojr avellanosa

    It will be a continuing chronicle along the course of trends and international politics. I think I’ll be writing more commentaries approximating what my peers are nibbling about. The usual codes links recodes

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  73. shortshark

    My goal is to simply keep up my blogging according to my schedule. I know there are days when I won’t want too but that is a great challenge in its self.

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  74. Frits Ahlefeldt, Hiking.Org

    Great goals everybody, look forward to read much more in 2016
    , will take one step ( and story / drawing ) at a time here, working to turn Hiking.org into a long, full time hike 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  75. Jesus Is Everything To Me

    My goal for 2016 is to share about my personal experiences and testimony for people who is suffering and need the love of Jesus

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  76. ashsheheryar

    my goal for 2016 will be to spread my knowledge as i am a nutritionist :), i want that each and every1 should healthy beautiful and happy 🙂

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  77. Cardinal Guzman

    I’ll run a monthly challenge called “The Changing Seasons”. I’ve been running it through 2015 too, but for 2016 it’ll be with a twist so that you can capture the seasonal changes in photos, or you can dig into your creative side and come up with your own interpretation of the seasons (creating photos, recipes, paintings or whatever you prefer).

    Liked by 3 people

  78. lightglasses

    My goal
    focus more
    and don’t write any more about the war here in syria
    i want to write poem away from war
    i stop write coz i think write the same
    i want somthing difrent
    that ma goal
    breath no air of ice war in ma poem and shut the door in face blody war in my life and our life here
    ma lovele city Homs i give you athaosand love

    Liked by 4 people

  79. Cerita Bahasa

    I hope that my blog will be useful and informative for everyone. People will be more enthusiastic in language learning. :))

    Liked by 1 person

  80. shecyclesblog

    My goal for 2016 is to have as many new adventures on my bike as is possible and as a result of this for my blog to grow and continue to be so much fun! Happy blogging people!

    Liked by 2 people

  81. unbroken92

    My New Year Resolution will be…interviewing people who have been betrayed, hurt emotional and physically etc. Anything that interest me and comes to mind.

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  82. theberlinbook

    My goal is really to just start writing again, and if readers enjoy posts about my new life in Berlin, then that would double my happiness!


  83. kathyclem

    Thank you for the reminder that this is very important. I will be thinking of my goals and what I can accomplish.
    For now I wish Happy Holidays to all my WordPress friends!


  84. Anders Bore

    As I have removed all other social media platforms I will continue improving my blog. The goal is to include some more topics to cover and use more photos. Probably not the most measurable goal, but it should be easy to if I am closing in on that goal or not


  85. ragtimecyclist

    Great stuff! My goal is to keep my blog fresh and interesting, It can be easy after a couple of years and a couple of hundred posts to lapse into laziness and, basically, reproduce the same post in a variety of different ways. I intend to keep a close eye on how original i’m being, and develop my blog creatively.


  86. faithfulwoman4you

    My goal is to write four or five posts at my blog a week. And it would make me happy if I get more viewers and repliers. And I like to get more creative with photos and galleries. I write about cheating and infidelity, remarriage, betrayal, nannygate etc. Happy holidays from http://faithfulwoman4youwordpresscom.wordpress.com And I hope you all reach your goals!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  87. Ngobesing Romanus

    My goal for 2016 is to double the number of people who’ve read and drawn inspiration from my blog since I started blogging. Thus, through my blog, thousands of people should get inspiration and realize their goals in 2016.


  88. fburry94

    I´m just starting with my Blog, so I think that my blog-related goals for 2016 are to keep interested in my blog and to provide great and meaningful content. That`s all! Btw, great question!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • termofserviceblog

      I’m a brand new blogger also. I’m with you on maintaining interest in blogging. I should have mentioned that as one of my goals. I was reading a really credible post claiming that to get noticed in the blogosphere you have to produce content ideally between 300 and 400 words on a regular basis. That’s a big task when you work full time and manage two advertising campaigns for a book. I hope I can stay motivated.


  89. StevieSaunders

    Gonna level with you lot here,
    I actually feel so lost after reading this.
    I’m not sure on my blogging goals… Should I be thinking of this?! I mean I obviously have hopes and visions for my blog but at the moment they are just fleeting thoughts in my head.
    I guess if I had to pick one thing right now it would be to have more imagination when it comes to writing posts and with my recipes??
    who knows :s


  90. KJoyWrites

    My goal is to keep writing and posting on my page and for my readers to enjoy what I’m posting. To inspire someone else to keep going with their life.

    Liked by 1 person

  91. eveyeverlasting

    My goal is to get my blog up and going, share what I have to say and see where that gets me.

    Liked by 1 person

  92. b3thanyyy

    my blogging goals is to have readers

    Liked by 3 people

  93. going.somewhere.unknown

    Im pretty new to this whole blogging world, and am feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information and inspiration I am finding all over the place. I would like to take it a whole lot more seriously, but am having difficulty on setting myself some goals to start off with. Does anyone have any tips ???
    Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  94. psycheoutx

    I’m a terrible writer and I hope blogging will develop my writing skills. I write mostly about my oddball life and things I found interesting, funny, crazy or embarrassing. I hope to write something that more people could appreciate. That woulde for the sake of getting a point across.

    Liked by 2 people

  95. purpleism

    My blog got 55 views this year, so I would love to top that! I get more views when I write about video games so I will hopefully write more on them.

    Liked by 1 person

  96. arnoldnuremberg

    What are your blogging goals? As far as I am concerned, I want to grow and to change. Like Neil Young used to sing: “I want to live, I want to give”. My blog is not about him, rather about volunteer work for and with and refugees. Some of it is in English languiage, some parts in German. Your feedback is welcome.

    Liked by 3 people

  97. thebeautitudessg

    I just created a new blog. I am in beauty industry so I hope to see women growing in these 2 aspects.
    1. External – becoming more beautiful by taking care of themselves and being well groomed.
    2. Internal – grow to discover and love who they really are.


  98. Widdershins

    Lady Google!!!! Love it. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  99. termofserviceblog

    As a beginner blogger, with less that three posts, my goals are pretty basic. I liked the way writing was described in the first few paragraphs of this post as “all about connections”. My hope is that I can connect with writers of the same interests and absorb knowledge from their experience. By the end of 2016 I want to create blogs with content noticed by the blogosphere and linked to my military memoire “Term of Service”.

    Liked by 3 people

  100. Rahul Ranjan

    While I was checking the list I was wondering if any Indian was there in the list. I don’t know why blogging is not that famous in India.

    Liked by 2 people

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