What Was Your Favorite Post You Wrote in 2015?

With the end of the year approaching, we asked a few writers and artists to tell us about their favorite blog post they put together in 2015.

The last few weeks of the year are the perfect time to look back and reflect on our most memorable work, so we asked a few bloggers to tell us about one blog post they put together in 2015 that they especially liked. Here are their responses.

Myfanwy, myf draws apparently

Favorite post: “How I experienced the life of a model, with Gudrun Sjoden”


I think I’d have to say that my favorite post was my account of traveling to Stockholm in Sweden to be an unlikely fashion model; it describes a rare and treasured couple of days, and then I got to relive the pleasure all over again by drawing and sharing it on WordPress.com! The comments were so warm and appreciative that I really got the feeling I’d added just a little bit of joy to the internet.

It was a welcome affirmation that people enjoy my view of the world, even if that view comes from a middle-aged aficionado of thrift shopping. That’s one of the real pleasures of blogging: showing who you are, and finding the people that appreciate that.

Sarah E. Bond

Favorite post: “Searching for the String: Labyrinths in Classical and Medieval Art”

My favorite post is actually about labyrinths. When I was younger, my favorite movie was Labyrinth (1986). The film spoke to my already steadfast love of muppets and no doubt fostered an early appreciation for David Bowie, but it was the movie’s maze — a character in the movie in its own right — that stuck with me year after year.

screen-shot-2015-11-19-at-12-22-22-pmAfter graduating high school, I decided to become a classicist, and began to learn more about the ancient origins of the labyrinth. Although mazes and even the word labyrinth predate the myth, it is the Greek tale of Theseus and the Minotaur that gave us the famed Labyrinth of Crete (as it turns out, Jim Henson was also a fan of the myth.) In Greco-Roman antiquity, the symbol of the labyrinth became popular on coins, in mosaics, and in various literary works. Although you might think the pagan myth would die out in the transition to the early Christian period, it was again adapted for new purposes well into the Middle Ages and again in the Renaissance. The labyrinth, in its various iterations, often served as a metaphor for life in general. Whether a Greek or a medieval pilgrim, any person can relate to the feeling of being lost and searching for the string that Ariadne provided Theseus to allow him to escape.

In my own professional quest, I moved four times in the past six years: Chapel Hill, Lexington, Milwaukee, Iowa City. Along the way, I have gained and lost relationships, lamented how long it would be until I saw my family again, and wondered if there was any real purpose to this academic labyrinth. It took a lot of heartache, but I finally feel like I found the string I am supposed to follow. The reason the labyrinth has remained a malleable symbol for so long is that it speaks to humanity’s persistent questions of purpose, salvation, and creation. At the end of Labyrinth the movie, young Sarah realizes her own power to solve the puzzle and to escape the grasp of Jareth (David Bowie). She discovers that she is the heroine of her own story, and I guess I had to learn something similar. Perhaps that is why this is one of my favorite blog posts this year.

Tommy Tomlinson

Favorite post: “Our Old Dog”

FredYou always hear that you should tell people how much they mean to you before it’s too late. I’m not sure how this applies to pets, but I wanted to write something about our dog, Fred, before he got to the end. He was such a big part of our lives. After I wrote this piece I heard from readers all over the world who shared memories of the pets they loved. It was one more moment of beauty that Fred was responsible for.

Catherine Ryan Howard

Favorite post: “I’ve Been Bursting To Tell You: I Got a Book Deal!”

I remember quite clearly setting up my very first WordPress.com blog in early 2010. A few months earlier, I’d made the drastic decision to quit my awful, soul-destroying office job and use what little savings I had to go “all in” on my dream of being a published novelist. Part of my plan was to self-publish some non-fiction and use the proceeds to keep myself in coffee grounds and ink cartridges (both crucial novel-writing tools, I’ll have you know), and the blog was where I was going to publicly chronicle my self-publishing (mis?)adventures.

I had to admit why I was doing it, which meant I had to publicly declare my goal of being a published novelist. I remember thinking, What if it never happens? What if I never get to write “the” blog post? What happens if the end of this journey is a quiet fade into public failure?

littlecatThe next five years were one hell of a ride. My posts about self-publishing were a hit and they helped make my self-published books hits too. I began to speak on the subject, got a job working with a major publishing house as a social media marketer, and connected, through my blog, with fellow writers all over the world — some of whom became good friends in real life.

Then, in May of this year, I got to write the blog post I’d been dreaming of writing ever since I started my blog back in 2010, the one in which I shared the news I’d been dreaming of having all my life (as evidenced by the photo I included in it, one of me aged 7 or 8 banging away on the typewriter Santa gave me while Barbie’s Pink Magic Van sits to the side). Now I’ll be using my blog to chronicle my next adventure: my debut thriller will be published by Corvus/Atlantic in Ireland and the U.K. on May 5, 2016.

Where will your blog take you?

Sarah Kelly, Extra Dry Martini

Favorite post: “The Beach”


Extra Dry Martini is my diary. I document my life, and in particular, the challenges inherent in navigating an uncertain future while trying to heal from tremendous loss and grief. My writing is raw and honest, but also, I believe, hopeful, and ultimately about redemption. This year has been a rollercoaster — with incredible highs and lows — so when WordPress.com asked me to pick my favorite post, it felt a bit like asking me to pick my favorite moment from the whirlwind that was 2015.

I settled on “the beach,” a piece I wrote this summer that’s essentially a love letter to the place where I grew up. It’s a place where all of my happiest childhood memories are contained, but also a place that harbors a great darkness underneath the sunshine and saltwater and sea air. I didn’t realize it at the time of publication, but the beach would also end up being the place I’d travel to a mere six weeks later to see my beloved grandfather through hospice.

In good times and bad, the beach is my constant. Writing this post made me realize just how important this place is, both in my life, and in my writing.

Anne Thériault, The Belle Jar

Favorite post: “Being a Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence”

10385463_10154373034305215_8972420320531447358_nI chose this post because it came from such a place of personal vulnerability and yet seemed to resonate with so many people. I think that all women have stories similar to mine — a fact that’s both infuriating and a sort of unifying force. It’s so powerful to understand that our experiences of misogyny aren’t unique. They didn’t happen because of anything we did or because we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They happened because we live in a culture that dehumanizes women. I also think my post was a sort of wake up call for a lot of men who maybe don’t realize how relentless and grinding misogyny is. I hope that’s the case, anyway. Because as much as women can push back against all the awful sexist stuff we endure day in and day out, the only people who can end the behaviors of men is men.

* * *

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  1. Polymath

    My favorite post that I made was this one, because i think it helped people get inspired to read more!! https://wordpress.com/post/techandscience1337.wordpress.com/41

    Liked by 11 people

  2. anotherwisemonkey

    So many lovely posts. Thanks for sharing. My favourite is my most recent, on leaving my job to explore other passions…


    Liked by 8 people

  3. L Horton

    My ‘favourite’ post, if ‘favourite’ is the right word, was on my Leytonstone Today blog the night of 5 December, when a man suspected of being an ISIS sympathiser attacked people at the tube (underground) station and brought Leytonstone in London to international prominence for all the wrong reasons. Of all the posts I’ve ever made this one seemed the most poignant and purposeful, putting the other side to hatred and violence. The post received the highest number of page views since the site was created and was published before the news had broken on the BBC (I got the news initially from Twitter). I hope it made a small contribution, along with all the other people posting on social media, to providing a more reasoned view to the world than one of bigotry and hatred. http://wp.me/p1Opss-16j. Thank you WordPress for your contribution in providing the platform.

    Liked by 11 people

  4. Melissa Ann Romero (@mromero0913)

    Hello folks,
    My favorite post is called “Baby” Pictures and when you see it, you’ll see why.

    Liked by 7 people

  5. cvanryswyk

    This year I lived in Switzerland, so I have many favorite posts because they remind me of my time there. One of my favorites is about a Zürich tradition – Sechseläuten. https://glampinginswitzerland.wordpress.com/2015/04/16/sechselauten-part-two-the-parade/

    Liked by 8 people

  6. Heartafire

    That would be very difficult for me to single out…thank you for the thoughful post, very beautiful.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Louise Sattler

    Your question piqued my interest among my readers. So I took to the computer to research and penned this blog earlier today: http://louisesattler.me/2015/12/22/which-blog-posts-were-the-most-popular-and-favorite-of-2015/

    Liked by 7 people

  8. emmapalova

    Day #3 of the writing challenge. I wrote about fear and the power of intimidation.

    Liked by 7 people

  9. 3danim8 (aka Ken Black)

    My favorite 2015 article is simply titled “Epilogue”, and it also happened to be the hardest article for me to write. It describes my personal perceived failure as a blogger, even though I was able to achieve a steady readership of about 7,000 article reads per month in 2015. Why did I think I failed? Well, I was not able to engage, entice, beg, or otherwise interest a single person, company, or entity (i.e., WordPress) to ask me key questions about the scientific blogging experiment that I conducted over the past 2.5 years. Here is the link: https://3danim8.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/epilogue/

    Liked by 10 people

  10. diverdonreed

    What a great idea! This has been a swamped year with the book coming out, and everything I write having to connect with that… I can’t really pick one out, but I appreciate being asked!!

    Liked by 7 people

  11. lightravellerkate

    My favourite post is the latest one . Its gocusing on the year we’ve had and being hopeful for the year to come. http://wp.me/p4gwTz-kZ

    Liked by 7 people

  12. michasi72

    Got so much great feedback on this one – https://tallwriter.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/creed/ I’m still amazed at hearing the generational factors from others about this film and the series. Getting drowned out a bit from Star Wars now (finally seeing tonight), but love how they created and continued the legacy.

    Liked by 7 people

  13. impossiblebebong

    It is difficult to pick one when I write everyday. So many to choose from. But If I have to pick something that would be the ones I wrote for Poetry 101-201. It made me discover another side of me.

    Liked by 7 people

  14. Sid Manhas

    My first post, on wordpress.
    An attempt, to project my thoughts into words!



  15. my random musings

    I have quite a few posts that are my favorite, but if I were to pick one, I guess this would be it.


    Liked by 6 people

  16. mkmums

    this story melted my heart yesterday…Real community spirit helping a family in need. Thank you http://miltonkeynesmums.co.uk/2015/12/21/christmas-kindness/

    Liked by 5 people

  17. suesconsideredtrifles
  18. Amal

    Hey, my favorite post was about my own personal experience with studying abroad and how it changed my life, I wrote it with the hope that someone else could relate and benefit from my experience.

    Liked by 6 people

  19. dearlorddiary

    I felt that this one was my best because it captured the true essence of the faith. https://dearlorddiary.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/matthew-543-48-aint-a-walk-in-the-park/


  20. artaware
  21. kittymcooper

    My favorite post is my travelogue of the day spent with my distant cousins in Hordaland, Norway. The culmination of years of genealogical research and more recently DNA testing. Seeing the farm my great-grandad, the emigrant, was born on. Getting to know my 3rd cousins …. http://blog.kittycooper.com/2015/06/visiting-the-hordaland-farms-of-our-ancestors/

    Liked by 6 people

  22. Ace Rich

    I have so many but I would say my all time favorite for 2015 was my success story, I really poured my heart and soul into it which catapulted my business to success. http://aceandrich.com/rich-guzman-story/anastacia-hauldridge-story/


  23. Juana

    Wow, what a challenging question!

    There were some great posts in here, and I’m glad I took the time to read them.

    It’s pretty tough to pick just ONE post as a “favorite,” especially when you write every day or every week.


  24. askyermom

    I can’t pick one. I had a lot of hits on stuff I’d rather I hadn’t posted and maybe the best thing I’ve written will never go up. I like the ones that make me laugh out loud writing (or drawing)–that’s the best feeling!!


  25. Melissa @ See Dav Run

    Love this! My favorite posts are the ones from my trip to France and marathon advice from someone who’s never run one (before I began training).


  26. Stacy di Anna

    What a thoughtful post, and a peaceful opportunity to reflect upon a year of blogging! I blog about my love of family and the joy found in studying Italian, so I’ll pick a favorite post from each topic: http://prayersandpiazzas.com/2015/09/09/and-as-you-go/ and http://prayersandpiazzas.com/2015/07/26/buon-onomastico-or-the-serendipity-of-italian/

    Blessings and happy blogging, everyone!


  27. Michael Todd

    My favorite was a brief sonnet about someone who may have been destined to be a close friend, but passed away before we had a chance to meet.



  28. chrisgfroerer

    My favourite blog this year was to write about Recovery from acute anxiety and depression.


    As a cognitive behavioural therapist of some 33 years, I know the road from anxiety and depression to recovery is never linear. Clients come to see me because they feel overwhelmed, tired of battling mental illness day in day out and are looking for real tools for changing their lives.

    I see clients privately and I run my renowned 16 week self help treatment program, teaching skills on how to recover from these debilitating conditions. Most participants use the skills and they live their way out of anxiety and depression, one day at a time. However, some people are looking for the quick fix, the magic cure! These do not exist. They are sadly, disappointed and often give up hope of finding recovery.

    My blog was intended for those who have struggled to commit to recovery, to encourage them to find the blocks to their practice and consider that there may be hidden reasons for not putting their needs first. There are so many programs, therapists and medications out there promising to cure anxiety and depression, but recovery ultimately happens inside the person’s head and heart – to make a clear commitment and follow practical skills designed to lead them, over time, to recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. kim marsh-weed

    So hard to pick just one. These would be my top two :: Starbucks http://kimmarshweed.com/2015/11/09/starbucks/ and 5 Things I’ve Learned From Josh Duggar http://kimmarshweed.com/2015/08/24/things-ive-learned-from-josh-duggar/ Hope you enjoy them! What a fun idea to look back!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. mtltechwriter

    This has been an awesome year with lots happening and picking just one favorite is difficult although “Awake Screaming No.9” stirred up a lot of response and still continues on and off. My latest “Tri-Couleur Gathering” seems popular.


  31. Ernesto San Giacomo

    Usually I post about writing. However, I also maintain a recipe section on my blog, and that’s the “sauce” of my fav for 2015. My fettuccine alfredo recipe got a response on FB from someone claiming to be chef Alfredo’s grandson. He congratulated me on getting the recipe and the story behind right. He also filled in a few details concerning the background story of this worldwide favorite.


  32. NaChiKyoTsuki97

    I got quite a few drafts that I know will be my favourites, once I finish them. but for now, considering the young age of the blog…I guess my little labour of love / thesis about how the anime OVA Tamayura inspired me artistically takes the cake. The lessons I learnt from that post and the fun I had writing it will forever be utilised in my future posts. https://atmafunomena.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/tamayura-ova-a-loving-thesis-finding-that-passions-spark/


  33. arnoldnuremberg

    Thank you for asking, Mike. From the above proposals, the labyrinths find my interest. I just started blogging this autumn, telling and reflecting some experiences of volunteering with refugees. Some of it is in English, others in German language. Many of the stories and our getting together have been touching to me. As this one about a family reunion of Syrian refugees at the transit camp in Nuremberg:
    People are torn apart. This reminds me of Hannah Arendts essay “We refugees”. For the new year coming, I hope and wish, many of them will get the chance to reunite together.
    Yours, Bernd

    Liked by 1 person

  34. 37cupcakes

    My favorite review to post about was on the book Mary, Bloody Mary. It was fun. https://christianentertainmentreviewsblog.wordpress.com/2015/11/28/book-review-of-mary-bloody-mary/


  35. toutparmoi

    My favourite post was all of them, because this year was my first as a blogger. I’ve met a lot of great people, and had a lot of fun.


  36. She Grows.

    I think if i must choose, i would pick https://growingandgoingblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/self-diagnosed-narcissist/ While writing this I learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. I am not the extreme case but I did have to look inside myself to pull out the lines of this poem. That’s my favorite thing about blogging. No matter what I blog about, I end up finding something different about myself I hadn’t previously noticed. Blogging has made me self-aware. This poem (as meaningless as it may seem to many) helped me understand myself and others a bit better.


  37. ShubhamG

    I actually post what i like that means every post is my favourite but the one i specially posted for everyone is the one i ll choose here


  38. CK

    It’s lovely that you asked Mike, my favourite post was a piece that I wrote whilst I was Singapore on how advertising can be a vehicle for learning about different cultures. The post meant so much to me because it was for the first time that I was truly able to pen down my love for Marketing as a function and why I find it so fascinating. You can share my experience here https://themarketingscientist.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/the-gateway-to-cultural-anthropology-via-advertising/
    Would recommend this as a good read for anyone in the field of marketing to learn a few quick tips and anyone outside the field to view the function from a different lens. Happy reading!


  39. twheel

    My favorite post of the year got to be the post about me finding out my synesthesia.. https://turquoisewheel.wordpress.com/2015/09/04/6-is-in-her-thirties/

    I’m happy to know about it and even happier reading stories about other synesthetes.. The world of synesthesia is indeed amazing 🙂


  40. Dipyaman Roy

    Favourite posts are the once that glow so I wanted t tell about my favourite post which is my most recent because after posting I felt at peace. Here it is https://dipyamanroy.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/i-see-them-bloom-for-me-and-for-you/


  41. Eric J. Cantu

    I love this platform WordPress has given for so many of us to create. I love digital photography and writing short 50 word stories around each photo. This is my favorite post of 2015: http://photobyejc.com/2015/12/21/revolution/


  42. RecoverInParis

    Well I’m a bit late to the party, but even though I’ve been blogging for a ridiculously short stretch of time, my favourite thing i wrote was https://edinparis.wordpress.com/2015/12/20/secrets/


  43. destinez

    Yea yea!
    i ‘ve got alot of posts on my blog but my favourite right now is – “Barcelona – The Best Team In 2015? wp.me/p6pGnx-5S


  44. teeheeheemee

    I lost half my body weight 4 years ago. I’m now blogging my journey of losing the stone I have regained. I hope to inspire others to lose weight through portion control. Herehttps://teeheeheemee.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/bbc-news-weight-loss-surgery-cuts-risk-of-diabetes-and-heart-attacks/ I briefly discuss what it’s like to lose weight, how people accused me of having surgery to lose the weight. Please share my blog with anyone who is trying to make a change in their life, especially weight loss as I’m explaining how to do it. Merry Christmas allx


  45. de joe

    I would like to say my best post this year is about my new song title baddest girl where I feature gwize http://makecoolmusic.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/new-musicbaddest-girl-stage-icons-ft-gwize-x-asher-jocos/ because i was really excited about the song.


  46. Andre K.

    I am quite new to blogging but I would say my favorite post was my first one:



  47. saskiaborst2015

    My favorite post wash “When the leaves are falling off the threes”. Hophely you can find it on my site volgutopia.com.


  48. Underwaterlotus

    My post about drinking water!! As a beginning blogger I was superhappy because this was my first post that got liked by other bloggers! Appreciating the small steps!! https://underwaterlotus.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/water-water-water/
    happy holidays everybody!!


  49. agni107

    My favorite one is my post that i wrote on behalf of a girl, Though I was not her Angel. https://agni107.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/my-angel/


  50. charliew82

    My favourite post that I have written this year has to be; When life gives you lemons make lemonade https://fndandmecom.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/when-life-gives-you-lemons-make-lemonade/ . I have absolutely loved writing my blog, I have found it very therapeutic. Thanks for all your great help and advice! Merry Christmas!


  51. Willemijn

    My favorite post was ’38 things we want to do in Australia’, for multiple reasons. We moved from Europe 2 Australia about a month before the post and it was the turning point of going from moving to the start of our new Australian life. It was also the post where the Blogging interaction started. We were suddenly getting responses from total strangers, which even included an invitation for a guided tour through Canberra. Blogging is just great! http://europe2australia.com/2015/07/01/38-things-we-want-to-do-in-australia/


  52. Kerri Leung-Sykes

    This blog http://thesoutheastlondonblogger.com/2015/11/06/a-leaking-tap-evokes-deep-thoughts/ received the most comments people seemed to enjoy the humour. It’s about attempting to repair something that breaks down in the house failing miserably.


  53. millscph

    It’s tough one. My blogs from San Francisco gave me tremendous pleasure and positive responses. As did my blog touching on dementia. However, my favorite blog of 2015 would be http://philsspaces.com/2015/07/05/hammers-have/ which basically wrote itself and capped such a lovely summers day in Copenhagen. To all fellow bloggers, http://philsspaces.com/2015/12/22/have-yourself-a-hyggelig-little-christmas/

    Happy Xmas and blogging 2016


  54. Abi

    I think mine is probably this one! Mostly because I’m pretty proud of the title… ‘The Day of the Midges’. Which was about hiking and travelling around the Isle of Skye this August 🙂 http://travelteatv.com/2015/10/03/attack-of-the-midges-isle-of-skye-scotland/

    I love the post about becoming an unlikely model in Stockholm though: I wish I could draw like that!


  55. mzwemmy

    My favorite post is linda’s diary (its a story, episode 1-11) . http://www.mzwemmyztot.wordpress.com


  56. driscotara

    my favorite blog was called Is Google God! ………nobody really saw it of course….I’d just started with WordPress and it was part of an assignment for the beginners thingy! I was travelling and mostly using library computers in the UK and getting the job done was not easy. I did’nt complete the assignments because either the computers were’nt up for the task or I was techno stupid…which I am anyway…

    However I did feel passionate about my blogs especially that one. I have little interest in trivia and I thought that was an important and worthy blog!!! I have not been blogging since then as I felt kinda bummed …but I think I will start again. I sort of felt why bother….Nobody gives a shit and if they did said nothing! so be it.

    Finding one’s audience takes some techno sav it seems, not just good writing……Great to see that it’s possible.


  57. Jean

    My favourite was how bicycling fires up your 5 senses and for me, how it inspires artistic creativity –in art and writing:

    My readers enjoyed it, even those who don’t bicycle much at all.


  58. Paul

    I’ d pick this post from March, Like the rest of my blog, it isn’t about anything, really, but I had fun writing it. I guess I was making light of an annoying situation:


    Liked by 1 person

  59. G-LO

    Although we’ve been billing ourselves as a “collaborative blog” for the past 5+ years, the collaborative bit didn’t really kick in until the past two years when two friends joined us on our boozy blogging adventure.

    My favorite post of 2015 was written by three of us and combines a whisky review with a bit of crime fiction. It’s part pulp novel and part cheesy film noir. We call it “A Hard Boiled Review of Single Cask Nation’s UNDISCLOSED 7 Year Old Islay”. Here’s the link:


    It was stupid fun to write!


  60. Laura Black

    Thanks WordPress for this great community. I write about mental health, my favourite post this year is on how to help your loved one through depression: http://blackspotsite.com/2015/11/29/depression-how-to-support-your-partner/


  61. accidentallyinked
  62. Passports and Pigtails

    I only began my blogging journey this fall, and so I’m attached to them all at this point! But this is perhaps a favorite, as it shares places close to my heart, those places that forever changed the way I look at travel. Merry Christmas all! Cheers! Amy…..

    Liked by 1 person

  63. sunnieko21

    Love this! Thank you everyone for sharing!

    My favorite post (I feel so guilty saying that, my posts are all like children to me…although we know every parent has a favorite, even if they say they don’t ;-))


    My first blogging photo shoot! Happy Holidays all!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. rileybrad

    My favorite post, usually IS the last post that I worked upon. I find my creativity and energy focused and condensed and once published, all that effort seems to reverberate for awhile. So my last post was a definite high water mark for me. Not only did I sum up and crystallize the intent and message of the full 4 essays under the heading GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE, but the 3rd one, which was the final one of 2015 shattered something, my wife of 16 years asked for a divorce. My life turned upside down and I was facing the very inner monsters I wrote about. So I passed through the deepest darkest time of the year, the Winter Solstice with the devastation I was writing about. https://rileybrad.wordpress.com/2015/07/31/grappling-with-the-monsters-of-the-american-psyche-part-3-by-bradford-riley


  65. suesconsideredtrifles

    This was the day out, which persuaded me to start a new blog. https://sueswordsandpictures.wordpress.com/2015/04/06/an-outing-to-acorn-bank/


  66. kimberlyannglover

    Nice collection of wonderful reads! Even though my blog is primarily about cooking and food, my favorite post was a memoir about my childhood journey with my brother, and how he reached out to me after death to share a beautiful song. http://glovergardens.com/2015/10/03/how-far-is-heaven-remembering-kim-n-steve/


  67. Harsh Sheth

    A 2 part story, inspired by a tragedy that struck a beautiful city. My favorite post, as also the one closest to my heart.



  68. ayietim1


    I shared some few thoughts in 2015 that some readers found useful. My favorite is the one that says that No Loss Is IRREPLACEABLE. You can read and let me know know what you think at:



  69. K. Renae P.

    My favorite post was ‘Have You Ever? Blog Edition’. It was a fun listicle about blogging.


  70. skinnyandsingle
  71. j8w7

    My favorite posts of this past year was that I did a special week of them in late June/early July in honor of the 75th birthday of the legendary Philadelphia DJ, Jerry Blavat; It was such a moment that I would not ever forget.


  72. anwarmarina

    Hi everybody! I’m a new blogger and I guess for now since I only have two posts my favorite post is my first one! But I can’t wait to ask myself this same question next year and see what happens!


  73. barbwit

    I can’t think of a favorite; I was just so pleased to get so many posts out there, and to make friends so quickly. A wonderful social community.


  74. nikkispeaks

    My favorite blog post was my coffee shop spat post: https://nikkipspeaks.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/coffee-shop-spat/
    It wasn’t one of my most read posts, but it was my favorite, because the event which may seem like nothing to many, was a big deal for me. Standing up for myself, to a stranger, in public no less, is a very deal for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  75. wpfinity

    I enjoyed writing every post at my blog but this post right here is my favourite post https://wpfinity.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/wordpress-coms-new-editor-a-new-gift-to-wordpress-users/
    Frankly speaking the reason why I like this post is this was the first post which i was able to complete within couple of hours :p


  76. Adygasy-systemD

    Hi. according to the nowadays struggle between eastern & western civilizations, i have choosen this post http://adygasysystemd.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/sikidy-un-art-divinatoire-dactualite-a-madagascar
    It talks about malagasy (from madagascar, the great island in eastern part of indian ocean) culture, and its links with arabian immigrants in 17th century; the post, based on divinatory malagasy process, shows how western science meets traditionnal knowledges, using mathematical & computer tools= a good example of inter-cultural dialogue, which dramatically lacks as we unfortunately can see at this beginning of 3rd millenary ?

    Liked by 1 person

  77. animar64

    This was my favorite post from the Post A Day prompts- it featured a cat, a vampire and my favorite writer ( not not me ha ha ha )



  78. Baijen

    Great question.

    I do have more than one favourite. They were from the heart and created in a short time. This one tears me up every time and motivates me to keep going. I remember as I wrote it, thinking of my happy experiences but also remembering the challenges I overcame before I got to the happiness stage! It also reminds me that all I need is within me now and not to be put off by other people’s doubts and insecurities.

    I always come back to this blog and I’m sure I will reference it again in the future.



  79. thebookfrenzy

    This is such an awesome way to share and see other people’s blog! 🙂 I guess my favorite post of the year was when I reviewed a Kate DiCamillo book. I write book reviews, which is hard to do considering I am also a full-time teacher. This is the post. https://thebookfrenzy.wordpress.com/2015/11/21/edward-tulane/

    I hope to read some of these wonderful post as well as post one more review before January!


  80. Jarrod Brown

    It was hard to choose a favorite post. I wrote a poem that I really love! However, this post is dear to my heart because I really had to take time and research facts.



  81. Miss Zeeee

    My favourite post was about the calender with sexy firefighters. 😉


  82. dbkerr

    Passover. Esmeralda’s Hair and The Ravages of a Man. All. Three are very different. Ravages came from my historical Ryan and my heart. Passover was a reflection of my spirituality and Esmeralda is the playful side. I invite fellow bloggers to read and comment. Thanks


  83. iamjanl

    My favorite blog was about a guy named Kitchen. I am an artist but I love to tell a story about each drawing. Hope you enjoy it too!



  84. abinashbunty

    My favorite post is my post regarding trees. https://nature473.wordpress.com/2015/12/11/trees/

    People can check it. 🙂


  85. cooper1989

    My favourite post would be a poem I wrote when completing an assignment for Writing 101. That course really helped me in ways I didn’t even know I needed. Glass Half Empty:


  86. huynhq007

    My favorite post dealing w/ true wealth.


  87. GirlVsWorld93

    Im new to blogging, and im just learning different styles of writing. But i can definitely say that my most favourite blog to write this year was:


  88. theexileskitchen

    Transom Windows, posted in October of 2015. My divorce was mediated and we came to an agreement and the day had me thinking about that girl I used to be.


  89. ivrunner

    My favorite was post by a friend, cunningeisele. https://eiselecunningham.wordpress.com/2015/09/04/the-one/ please, help me support him!


  90. bvillareal

    I think the one closest to my heart was Christmas Sacks – a Beloved Tradition because it reminds me how wonderful my parents are.


  91. eemanakram

    Good job to everyone! These are very nice pieces. So glad i finally decided to join this community of such great bloggers!


  92. Sarang Khanna

    I wrote many great posts this year… It was wonderful! 🙂 😀
    My most favorite one was about my painting “The Abstract Lord Krishna Painting”. ❤ ❤



  93. mindm8

    Just started to write/use a blog. But have already one favorite: https://mindm8.wordpress.com/2015/12/24/to-my-dreams/


  94. Phelipe Di Amaral

    My favorite post is Between the Stars” becuase it’s my first post: https://tryingwrite.wordpress.com/2015/12/25/between-the-stars/

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  95. Akinyemi AbdulMalik
  96. Akinyemi AbdulMalik
  97. Denise Mills

    Mine would have to be my post called ‘Dying to Connect’, which is about my journey from depressed accountant to where I am now. It was also my first article for Huffington Post – was pleased they liked it since it was pretty much my soul on a platter.

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  98. toksdavid
  99. nikontim2012

    My Fave post for 2015 was about a little camera that has become my daily “Grab it an Go – Do” camera, from quick grab shot of the grand kids to a photo for a post. My posts are quick spur of the moment, impromptu writings, about my various adventures with Digital, Analog and other photo related ideas, they are quickly written sometimes “tongue – in – cheek” and hopefully with lots of humor, at other times just observations, nothing to serious . . . this one titled “Old Tech – Low Tech – New Tech” . . . https://digipaintersblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/old-tech-low-tech-new-tech

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  100. dhenztm

    With so many posts this year it’s very difficult to pick just one favorite… so I’m picking from one of my recent posts that tells how I discovered my artistic side by making my own painting, with guidance from this interesting store in Manila:

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